
Ispire Technology Inc. Announces Participation in Upcoming Conferences in September

Ispire Technology Inc. Announces Participation in Upcoming Conferences in September

Ispire Technology Inc.宣佈參加9月份即將舉行的會議
霧麻科技 ·  09/05 12:00

Ispire Technology Inc. Announces Participation in Upcoming Conferences in September

Ispire Technology Inc.宣佈參加9月份即將舉行的會議

Los Angeles, September 5, 2024Ispire Technology Inc. ("Ispire" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: ISPR), an innovator in vaping technology and precision dosing, announced that its management will participate in the following upcoming conferences in September:

洛杉磯,2024年9月5日 - 科技公司Ispire Technology Inc.("Ispire"或"公司")(納斯達克: ISPR),一家專注於霧化技術和精準配藥的創新者,宣佈其管理層將參加以下即將舉行的九月會議:

NECANN New Jersey Cannabis Convention


Ispire will attend NECANN'S New Jersey Cannabis Convention, which is the largest B2B cannabis industry event in NJ that partners with 420NJevents creating new opportunities for license holders, medical dispensaries, suppliers, cultivators, investors, entrepreneurs, and ancillary businesses. The event will take place at Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, NJ on September 6th and 7th. Adam Rothstein, Vice President of Revenue at Ispire, will be attending the convention.


CanniFest 2024

CanniFest 2024

Ispire will attend CanniFest 2024, which brings together a community of cannabis enthusiasts, industry professionals, and advocates to celebrate and explore the culture, business, and science of cannabis. The event will take place at Halverson Waterfront Park in Eureka, California on September 7th and 8th. Luna Stower, the Company's Head of Impact, will help run the Ganja Games alongside the Buddhist Team, where participants will be able to smell and see the differences between the finest cannabis around. She will also be moderating a panel on plant-based medicine.

Ispire將參加2024年CanniFest,彙集了一群大麻愛好者、行業專業人士和倡導者,共同慶祝和探索大麻的文化、商業和科學。該活動將於9月7日和8日在加利福尼亞州尤里卡的哈爾維生水岸公園舉行。公司的影響負責人月亮·斯托爾將協助組織Ganja Games與佛家團隊一起,參與者將有機會品嚐並比較優質大麻的氣味和外觀。她還將主持一個關於植物藥物的專家小組討論。



Ispire and its global nicotine team will also attend InterTabac, the world's largest trade fair for tobacco products and smoking accessories. The event will take place from September 19th – 21st in Messe Dortmund, Germany. Luis Ortiz, James Kennaugh and Karen Luo, members of Ispire's global nicotine team, will be attending and participating in meetings.

Ispire及其全球尼古丁團隊還將參加InterTabac,這是全球最大的菸草製品和吸菸配件貿易博覽會。該活動將於9月19日至21日在德國多特蒙德會展中心舉行。Ispire的全球尼古丁團隊成員Luis Ortiz,James Kennaugh和Karen Luo將出席並參加會議。

NECANN Michigan Cannabis Convention


Ispire will also attend NECANN'S Michigan Cannabis Convention, a unique mix of the local industry, advocates, and community, combined with leading national companies sharing knowledge relevant to the host market. Their locally focused conventions have helped local businesses, entrepreneurs, investors, educators, patients, advocates, and consumers since 2014. The event will take place at Devos Place in Grand Rapids, MI on September 20th and 21st. Adam Rothstein, Vice President of Revenue at Ispire will be attending the convention.

Ispire還將參加NECANN密歇根大麻展覽會,這是當地產業、倡導者和社區的獨特結合,結合了領先的國家公司分享與主辦市場相關的知識。自2014年以來,他們的地方性會議已經幫助了當地企業、創業者、投資者、教育工作者、患者、倡導者和消費者。這個活動將於9月20日和21日在密歇根大急流城的Devos Place舉行。Ispire公司的營收副總裁亞當·羅斯坦將參加這次大會。

Hall of Flowers


Ispire will also attend the Hall of Flowers trade show, the world's premier Cannabis trade show and expo. Since 2018, they've hosted 12 events in California and Canada that have collectively elevated the Cannabis industry. The event will take place on September 20th and 21st in Santa Rosa, California. John Monds, Head of Sales at Ispire, will be attending the trade show.


Meadowlands 2024

Meadowlands 2024

Ispire will also attend Meadowlands 2024, an annual cannabis industry retreat designed to build a more united, collaborative, and equitable community in California and beyond. The event will take place from September 30thOctober 3rd in Camp Navarro, Mendocino CA. Luna Stower, the Company's Head of Impact, will attend the retreat and speak on technology in the cannabis space with key cannabis business leaders, stakeholders, and regulators in the industry.

Ispire還將參加Meadowlands 2024,這是一年一度的大麻行業研討會,旨在建立一個更加團結、合作和公平的社區,不僅侷限於加利福尼亞,還包括其他地區。該活動將於9月30日至10月3日在加利福尼亞門多西諾的Camp Navarro舉行。該公司的影響力負責人盧納·斯托爾將參加這次研討會,並與大麻行業的重要商業領導人、利益相關者和監管機構討論大麻領域的科技話題。

To schedule on-site meetings with Ispire's leadership, please contact Nakisa Motamedi at

要安排與Ispire領導層的現場會議,請聯繫Nakisa Motamedi,郵箱。

About Ispire Technology Inc.


Ispire is engaged in the research and development, design, commercialization, sales, marketing, and distribution of branded e-cigarettes and cannabis vaping products. The Company's operating subsidiaries own or license more than 200 patents received or filed globally. Ispire's tobacco products are marketed under the Aspire brand name and are sold worldwide (except in the U.S., People's Republic of China and Russia) primarily through its global distribution network. The Company's cannabis products are marketed under the Ispire brand name primarily on an original design manufacturer (ODM) basis to other cannabis vapor companies. Ispire sells its cannabis vaping hardware only in the U.S., and it recently commenced its marketing activities in Canada and Europe. For more information, visit or follow Ispire on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

愛思派爾從事品牌電子煙和大麻蒸汽產品的研發、設計、商業化、銷售、營銷和分銷。該公司的運營子公司全球擁有或持有超過200項專利。愛思派爾的菸草製品主要通過其全球分銷網絡在世界範圍內銷售(美國、中國和俄羅斯除外)。該公司的大麻產品主要以愛思派爾品牌名義通過原始設計製造商(ODM)方式銷售給其他大麻蒸汽公司。愛思派爾僅在美國銷售其大麻產品,並最近開始在加拿大和歐洲開展營銷活動。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或關注愛思派爾。 Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, 推特YouTube.

For more information about Ispire, kindly contact:


IR Contacts:
Investor Relations
Sherry Zheng

Sherry Zheng

KCSA Strategic Communications
Phil Carlson

Phil Carlson

PR Contact:
Ellen Mellody

Ellen Mellody

