
Maxis Offers Peace Of Mind Cloud Services With AWS Region

Maxis Offers Peace Of Mind Cloud Services With AWS Region

Business Today ·  09/06 10:16

Maxis said it is gearing to push cloud services for businesses leveraging on the recently launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure Region in the country.


Through Maxis Business unit of the telco it will now offer customers cloud capabilities with greater confidence, as local data residency will facilitate seamless and secure migration of their data and workloads to the cloud.


By prioritising data residency, businesses will have a peace of mind that their data is retained and managed within Malaysia, offering regulatory compliance and also enhanced security and reduced latency. This local infrastructure enables quicker and more reliable cloud operations, giving Malaysian businesses the ability to leverage advanced applications like artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, and large-scale analytics.


Maxis is the only telco in Malaysia to be an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner, and an AWS Direct Connect Partner, the operator is uniquely equipped with proven customer experience to help businesses migrate to the cloud.

Maxis是馬來西亞唯一一家AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner,以及AWS Direct Connect合作伙伴,這家運營商具備了驗證客戶體驗的獨特實力,幫助企業遷移到雲端。

Goh Seow Eng, Chief Executive Officer of Maxis said, "As Malaysia's leading integrated telco, Maxis is committed to driving cloud adoption across the private and public sectors to advance our nation's economy. The establishment of an AWS Region in the country will catalyse digital adoption with customers benefitting from greater scalability as well as security from local data sovereignty. Together with AWS, we look forward to helping more Malaysian businesses of all sizes leverage the power of cloud computing as their preferred digital business partner."

Maxis首席執行官Goh Seow Eng表示:「作爲馬來西亞領先的綜合電訊公司,Maxis致力於推動私營和公共部門採用雲計算,推動國家經濟的發展。在該國建立AWS基礎設施區域將激勵數字採用,客戶將從本地數據主權獲得更大的可伸縮性和安全性。與AWS一起,我們期待着幫助更多馬來西亞各個規模的企業,將雲計算的強大力量作爲他們首選的數字業務合作伙伴。」

