
Boston Globe Media Announces "Globe Summit 2024: Boston's Breakthroughs"

Boston Globe Media Announces "Globe Summit 2024: Boston's Breakthroughs"

PR Newswire ·  09/06 05:37

Annual Gathering Convenes Visionary Leaders, Innovative Industry Trailblazers and Award-Winning Journalists to Explore Challenges, Discuss Solutions to Key Issues Facing the World and Our Region


4th Annual Summit to Take Place on Wednesday, September 25 & Thursday, September 26; Registration is open now for this free live event at


BOSTON, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boston Globe Media (BGM) announces "Globe Summit: Boston's Breakthroughs," the fourth edition of its award-winning annual ideas festival that takes The Boston Globe's journalism beyond the page through two days of thought-provoking and actionable discussions led by Boston Globe journalists and partners. The summit will take place on September 25 and 26. Click here or visit to sign up and register to attend virtually.

2024年9月5日,波士頓 /PRNewswire/ -- 波士頓環球報媒體(BGM)宣佈"環球峯會:波士頓的突破",這是其屢獲殊榮的年度觀念節的第四屆版本,通過爲期兩天的發人深省、可操作的討論,由波士頓環球報記者和合作夥伴帶領,將波士頓環球報的新聞報道超越頁面。峯會將於9月25日和26日舉行。單擊此處或訪問 進行註冊以在線參加。

Featuring a dynamic and distinguished speaker roster from Boston's most vital sectors, the central theme of this year's summit, "Boston's Breakthroughs," will focus on the trailblazers, visionaries and leading organizations that are pioneering innovative approaches and developing novel solutions in climate change/climate-tech, health equity, workforce/employment and food sustainability. Headlining "Globe Summit: Boston's Breakthroughs" are three leaders at the intersection of public governance and private innovation, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Former Director of the Centers for Disease Control Dr. Rochelle Walensky. The preliminary list of confirmed speakers features executives and visionary leaders from a host of innovative companies and organizations including Arup, Boston Public Schools, Boston Region BXP, Boston Unity Soccer Partners, Branchfood, Chew, Clean Energy Ventures, Eversource Energy, The Fenway Institute, Hack.Diversity, iRobot, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, MBTA, Massachusetts General Hospital, New England Revolution, The New York Times, Northeastern University, The PNC Financial Services Group, Propeller, Sanofi, SGA, Tender Food, Toast, WEX and Worcester Polytechnic Institute. A complete line-up of confirmed speakers and scheduled sessions can be found on the Globe Summit event page at

今年峯會的中心主題是"波士頓的突破",旨在關注在氣候變化/氣候技術、健康公平、勞動力/就業和食品可持續性領域開創創新方法並制定新穎解決方案的先鋒、遠見者和領先組織。"環球峯會:波士頓的突破"的主要演講嘉賓包括三位在公共管理和私人創新領域處於交匯位置的領導者,麻省州長莫拉·希利、波士頓市長米歇爾·吳和前疾病控制中心主任羅謝爾·禾倫斯基。已確認演講嘉賓預備名單中包括來自一系列創新公司和組織的高管和富有遠見的領導人,其中包括Arup、波士頓公立學校、波士頓地區BXP、波士頓統一足球合作伙伴、Branchfood、Chew、清潔能源風險投資、eversource energy、芬威學會、Hack.Diversity、irobot、馬薩諸塞州公共衛生部、馬薩諸塞灣交通局、馬薩諸塞總醫院、新英格蘭革命、紐約時報、東北大學、PNC金融服務集團、Propeller、賽諾菲安萬特、SGA、Tender Food、Toast、WEX 和伍斯特理工學院。完整的演講嘉賓陣容和安排的會議時間表可以在環球峯會活動頁面上找到

"Boston has long been a hub of innovation, a pioneer of groundbreaking advancements and an incubator of ideas that ignite transformative change across the sectors that drive the global economy," said Boston Globe Media Vice President of Events and Sponsorships Erika Hale Smith. "No one understands these issues better than Boston Globe journalists, who will lead conversations with the brightest minds and boldest leaders as they explore breakthroughs and solutions to the critical issues that affect Boston and beyond."

「波士頓長期以來一直是創新的中心,開拓性進步的先鋒,以及點燃全球經濟推動行業板塊變革的創意孵化器,」波士頓環球媒體活動與贊助副總裁Erika Hale Smith說。「沒有人比波士頓環球記者更了解這些問題,他們將與最聰明的頭腦和最大膽的領導人一起引領對話,探討影響波士頓乃至更廣闊地域板塊的關鍵問題的突破和解決方案。」

The Globe's award-winning journalists will align summit content with the newsroom's various beats, from technology to the economy, healthcare, education, real estate, entrepreneurship, climate, sports, lifestyle, culture and more. The confirmed list of Boston Globe Media journalists includes Nancy Barnes, Kara Baskin, Brian Bergstein, Catherine Carlock, Erin Douglas, Theresa Gaffney, Meredith Goldstein, Kelly Horan, Greg Huang, Esmy Jimenez, Katie Johnston, Anna Kuchment, Shirley Leung, Ken Mahan, Josh Miller, Janelle Nanos, Aaron Pressman, Emily Schario, Sabrina Shankman, Melissa Barragán Taboada and Milton Valencia.

環球屢獲殊榮的記者將根據新聞編輯部的各種報道內容,從科技到經濟、醫療保健、教育、房地產業、創業精神、氣候、體育、生活方式、文化等各個領域,與峯會內容保持一致。確認的波士頓環球媒體記者名單包括Nancy Barnes,Kara Baskin,Brian Bergstein,Catherine Carlock,Erin Douglas,Theresa Gaffney,Meredith Goldstein,Kelly Horan,Greg Huang,Esmy Jimenez,Katie Johnston,Anna Kuchment,Shirley Leung,Ken Mahan,Josh Miller,Janelle Nanos,Aaron Pressman,Emily Schario,Sabrina Shankman,Melissa Barragán Taboada和Milton Valencia。

In its fourth year, Globe Summit has become a meeting place for the region's innovators, presenting a forum for the nation's most prominent thinkers to contribute meaningful discourse on our most pressing issues. Globe Summit's inaugural year tackled the challenges of the post-pandemic future, uniting leaders across industries in a congress seeking solutions for a more resilient and equitable future. Each year, the Summit convenes the Greater Boston region's most cutting-edge innovators in a festival of ideas, illustrating how Boston's incubator for genius and talent can address the world's greatest concerns and challenges.


"Globe Summit: Boston's Breakthroughs" is presented by Eversource and sponsored by Mass General Brigham, Sanofi, PNC Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Cross Insurance and UMass Boston.

「環球峯會:波士頓的突破」由eversource energy主辦,並得到Mass General Brigham、賽諾菲安萬特、PNC銀行、摩根大通、Cross保險和UMass波士頓的贊助。

To learn more and register for Globe Summit programming, visit


Contact information:
Elevate Communications, 888-729-4091, [email protected]

Elevate Communications,888-729-4091,[email protected]

About Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC
Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC ("BGMP") is a locally owned, award-winning media company serving Boston and New England. The cornerstone of the brand is The Boston Globe, a 27-time Pulitzer Prize-winning news source and one of the most successful metro news organizations in the United States. The Globe is headquartered in Boston with regional bureaus in Washington, D.C., Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. The Globe has one of the highest daily print circulations among metro newspapers and more than 245,000 digital subscribers. As part of Boston Globe Media's growing portfolio of brands, the Globe hosts events that connect community members to its journalism and provides a range of digital and home-delivered advertising solutions that reach more consumers than any other New England media brand. Boston Globe Media's properties include The Boston Globe,,, STAT, The B-Side, Globe Publishing Services, Globe Events, Studio/B, and the weekday news program Boston Globe Today on NESN and online.

波士頓環球媒體合作伙伴有限責任公司("BGMP")是一家本土的屢獲殊榮的媒體公司,爲波士頓和新英格蘭地區服務。該品牌的核心是波士頓環球報,這是一家榮獲27次普利策獎的新聞來源,也是美國最成功的都市新聞組織之一。波士頓環球報總部位於波士頓,在華盛頓特區、羅德島和新罕布什爾州設有地區分部。波士頓環球報的日均印刷發行量在都市報紙中居高不下,擁有超過245,000名數位訂閱用戶。作爲波士頓環球媒體日益壯大的品牌組合的一部分,該公司舉辦與社區成員聯繫的活動,並提供一系列數字和送貨上門的廣告解決方案,覆蓋比其他新英格蘭媒體品牌更多的消費者。波士頓環球媒體的業務包括波士頓環球報、、、STAt、The b-Side、Globe Publishing Services、Globe Events、Studio/b以及工作日新聞節目《波士頓環球今日》在NESN和在線平台。

SOURCE Boston Globe Media Partners


