
AI Tech Sector 'Is Not In A Bubble,' But Diversification Out Of Magnificent 7 Is Key, Goldman Sachs Says

AI Tech Sector 'Is Not In A Bubble,' But Diversification Out Of Magnificent 7 Is Key, Goldman Sachs Says

Benzinga ·  04:56

Despite the significant growth and investor interest in artificial intelligence stocks, Goldman Sachs analysts said Thursday the sector is not in a speculative bubble, unlike previous technology booms such as the late 1990s internet bubble.


Yet the analysts highlight the importance of diversification given the high concentration risk among leading tech companies, often referred to as the "Magnificent Seven."

然而,分析師們強調了在領先的科技公司中存在投資集中風險的重要性, 這些公司通常被稱爲"科技七巨頭".

The extraordinary performance of tech stocks in recent years has been justified by their earnings, said Goldman stategist Peter Oppenheimer.


Global tech earnings per share have risen by approximately 400% since the global financial crisis, while non-tech sectors achieved a comparatively modest 25% increase, he said.


"The technology sector is not in a bubble and is likely to continue to dominate returns," Oppenheimer said.


Tech Valuations Remain Reasonable: Goldman Sachs


Goldman Sachs highlights a key difference between the AI-driven rally and previous market bubbles.


The valuations of major tech players are significantly lower than those of tech stocks during past speculative phases.


For instance, while the Magnificent Seven — Microsoft Corp. (NYSE:MSFT), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), NVIDIA Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA), Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Amazon Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN), Meta Platforms Inc. (NASDAQ:META) and Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) — account for over 30% of the S&P 500's market weight (compared to 19% for tech giants in the 2000s), they trade at nearly half the forward price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio seen in the prior dot-com bubble.

例如,科技七巨頭——微軟公司(紐交所:MSFT),蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL),英偉達公司(納斯達克:NVDA),alphabet inc公司(納斯達克:GOOG)(納斯達克:GOOGL),亞馬遜公司(納斯達克:AMZN),meta platforms公司(納斯達克:META)和特斯拉公司(納斯達克:TSLA)——佔據了標普500指數市值的30%以上(而2000年代科技巨頭佔比19%),而它們的前瞻性市盈率(P/E)幾乎只有前期互聯網泡沫中的一半。

Company S&P 500 Weight (%) Market Cap ($bn) Forward P/E R&D (% of Revenue)
Apple 7.3 3,387 26.5 7.7
Microsoft 6.6 3,043 25.7 9.4
NVIDIA 5.7 2,649 24.1 13.2
Amazon 4.0 1,850 25.4 2.5
Alphabet 3.9 1,808 16.6 2.0
Meta Platforms 2.4 1,118 19.2 5.5
Tesla 1.4 672 55.4 4.9
Magnificent 7 31.3 14,527 23.9 5.0
公司 標普500指數權重(%) 市值(美元) 前置市盈率 研發費佔營業收入的比例(%)
蘋果 7.3 3,387 26.5 7.7美元
微軟 6.6 3,043 25.7 9.4
通過與技術領袖(包括NVIDIA)的合作,飛利浦繼續將AI迅速集成到其心血管超聲成像產品組合中,以幫助提高效率和生產力,並緩解員工短缺問題,同時爲越來越多的患者提供高質量的心臟病學護理。 5.7 2,649 24.1 13.2
亞馬遜 4.0 1,850 25.4 2.5
alphabet inc 3.9 1,808 16.6 2.0
Meta平台 2.4 1,118 19.2 5.5
特斯拉 1.4 672 55.4 4.9
科技七巨頭 31.3 14,527 23.9 5.0

In contrast, tech giants during the 2000s dot-com bubble were trading at much higher multiples. Cisco Systems, for example, had a forward P/E of 101.7, while Intel's was 42.1, significantly inflating their valuations relative to the broader market.


Company S&P 500 Weight (%) Market Cap ($B) Forward P/E R&D (% of Revenue)
Microsoft 4.5 581 53.2 19.2
Cisco Systems 4.2 543 101.7 17.5
Intel 3.6 465 42.1 N/A
Oracle 1.9 245 84.6 N/A
IBM 1.7 218 23.5 28
Lucent Technologies 1.6 206 37.9 N/A
Nortel Networks 1.5 199 86.4 N/A
2000 Bubble Leaders 19.0 2,457 52.0 N/A
公司 標準普爾500指數權重(%) 市值(十億美元) 前置市盈率 研發費用(佔營業收入的比例)
微軟 4.5 581 53.2 19.2
思科系統 4.2 543 101.7 17.5
英特爾 3.6 465 $42.1萬 無數據
Oracle 1.9 245 84.6 無數據
這項協議是在日本新能源和工業技術開發組織(NEDO)下進行的「2納米一代半導體的Chiplet和Package Design和製造技術開發」項目框架內的國際合作的一部分,並建立在與IBM關於2納米節點技術的聯合開發已有協議的基礎上,IBM和Rapidus的工程師將在IBM的北美設施內進行半導體封裝的研發和製造,以供給高性能計算機系統使用。 1.7 218 23.5 28
Lucent Technologies 1.6 206 $37.9萬 無數據
北電網絡 1.5 199 86.4 無數據
2000泡沫領導者 19.0 2,457 52.0 無數據

Diversification: Key To Reduce Major Volatility Events


The Goldman Sachs equity team is flagging the concentration risks that come with this tech dominance.


When a few stocks dominate market returns, the potential for "stock-specific mistakes" increases, exposing the broader market to severe corrections, Oppenheimer said. For instance, before the July market correction, the Magnificent Seven stocks were responsible for about 50% of the S&P 500's total returns for the year.

當少數股票主導市場回報時,"特定股票的錯誤" 的潛在可能性增加,使整個市場暴露於嚴重的調整中,奧本海默表示。例如,在七巨頭股票佔了標普500指數全年總回報的約50%之前,7月份市場調整前的情況。

"A market that becomes dominated by a few stocks becomes increasingly vulnerable to either disruption or anti-trust regulation," he said.

"市場變得由少數股票主導後,越來越容易遭受干擾或反壟斷法規的打擊," 他說。

A risk also exists that heightened competition and new entrants into the AI space could compress margins and slow growth for the market leaders.


Goldman Sachs recommends seeking opportunities beyond the tech behemoths, particularly in smaller tech companies and sectors tied to infrastructure spending, which may benefit from AI advancements.


The growth of infrastructure capex could boost old-economy industries that incorporate AI technologies into their operations, the firm said.


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