
Battle Over Compounded Weight-Loss Medications - Sustainability and Regulation

Battle Over Compounded Weight-Loss Medications - Sustainability and Regulation

Benzinga ·  00:47

In the rapidly expanding weight-loss drug market, telehealth provider Hims & Hers Health, Inc. (NYSE:HIMS) has found a niche by offering affordable alternatives to popular anti-obesity medications like Eli Lilly And Co's (NYSE:LLY) Zepbound and Novo Nordisk A/S' (NYSE:NVO) Wegovy.

在快速擴大的減肥藥市場上,遠程健康服務提供商Hims & Hers Health,Inc.(紐交所:HIMS)通過提供價格實惠的替代品,找到了一個替代通用的抗肥胖藥物,如Eli Lilly And Co(紐交所:LLY)的Zepbound和Novo Nordisk A/S(紐交所:NVO)的Wegovy。

These alternatives cater to customers who are either unable to access the original drugs due to shortages or are deterred by their high costs.


However, concerns are growing over the sustainability of this business model, especially as big pharmaceutical companies ramp up production to meet demand.


Also Read: BioAge Labs Files For $100M IPO, Becomes The New Entrant In Obesity Drugs Race.

同樣閱讀:BioAge Labs申請10000萬美元IPO,成爲肥胖藥物競賽中的新參與者。

Hims & Hers has significantly benefited from selling a compounded version of the GLP-1 treatment at $199 monthly—far less than Wegovy's $1,349 price tag.

Hims & Hers通過以每月199美元的價格銷售複方GLP-1治療方案,受益匪淺,遠低於Wegovy的1349美元標價。

This strategy led to a 70% jump in their stock price shortly after the drug's introduction in May. The Financial Times reports that U.S. regulations may soon pose challenges despite the success.


These rules allow compounding only during drug shortages or for creating patient-specific doses, which could limit Hims' ability to sustain its newfound revenue stream once shortages resolve.


Amidst these regulatory hurdles, Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk are making strides to alleviate shortages. Lilly recently introduced a less expensive version of Zepbound to compete with lower-cost options and maintain its market share.

在這些法規障礙之際,Eli Lilly和Novo Nordisk正在採取措施緩解藥物短缺。Lilly最近推出了一個價格較低的Zepbound的替代版本,以競爭低成本選項並保持其市場份額。

The ongoing shortage of GLP-1 medications, a key component in these drugs, continues to disrupt the market, prompting a legal and regulatory clash over the compounding of patented medications.


Despite potential obstacles, Andrew Dudum, co-founder of Hims, remains optimistic, viewing their compounded drugs as an additive rather than a cannibalistic solution to the market.

儘管存在潛在的障礙,希姆斯(Hims)公司的聯合創始人安德魯·杜丹認爲,他們合成的藥物是市場的一種增值解決方案,而不是一種 cannibalistic 解決方案。

However, competitors like Michael Botta of Sesame are more cautious, suggesting they may discontinue such offerings once the shortages end and normal supply resumes.


This evolving landscape indicates a potential shift in how weight-loss drugs are distributed and regulated, with implications for consumers seeking affordable options and the pharmaceutical giants aiming to protect their innovations.


Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.


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Photo via Eli Lilly and Company


