
YTL Power Clarifies Media Report on MACC Enquiry

YTL Power Clarifies Media Report on MACC Enquiry

YTL Power澄清關於MACC調查的媒體報道
YTLPOWR ·  09/04 12:00

Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday, 4 September 2024

吉隆坡,2024 年 9 月 4 日,星期三

We refer to the various online articles appearing on 4 September 2024 alluding to an investigation being carried out by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on YTL Communications Sdn Bhd (YTL Comms), a subsidiary of the Company, in relation to the 1Bestarinet Project.

我們指的是2024年9月4日發表的各種在線文章,這些文章暗示馬來西亞反腐敗委員會(MACC)正在對該公司子公司YTL Communications Sdn Bhd(YTL Comms)進行與1Bestarinet項目有關的調查。

In this regard, we wish to confirm that MACC has recently requested information from YTL Comms in respect of the 1Bestarinet Project.

在這方面,我們想確認,反貪會最近已要求YTL Comms提供有關1Bestarinet項目的信息。

The 1Bestarinet Project was awarded to YTL Comms in 2011 by the Ministry of Education pursuant to an open tender involving 19 companies that tendered bids for the project. YTL Comms was selected for being the most technically compliant and most cost-effective bid. The Project was
certified by the Ministry of Education as being successfully completed at the end of the contract period on 30 June 2019.

根據一項公開招標,教育部於2011年將1Bestarinet項目授予了YTL Comms,該項目涉及19家投標該項目的公司。YTL Comms被選爲最符合技術要求和最具成本效益的出價。該項目是

YTL Comms is providing full cooperation to MACC on this matter and trusts that the matter will be satisfactorily resolved.

YTL Comms將就此事與MACC充分合作,並相信此事將得到令人滿意的解決。

