
Greenridge Exploration Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire ALX Resources Corp.

Greenridge Exploration Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire ALX Resources Corp.

Greenridge Exploration宣佈意向書,將收購ALX資源公司。
newsfile ·  09/05 20:00



Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 5, 2024) - Greenridge Exploration Inc. (CSE: GXP) (FSE: HW3) ("Greenridge" or the "Company") and ALX Resources Corp. ("ALX") (TSXV: AL) (FSE: 6LLN) (OTC: ALXEF) are pleased to announce the signing of a non-binding letter of intent ("LOI") dated September 4, 2024 pursuant to which Greenridge will acquire all of the outstanding and issued common shares of ALX (the "Proposed Transaction"). The Proposed Transaction is an arm's length transaction that will create a leading Canadian uranium exploration company with interests in 15 uranium exploration projects that total approximately 276,000 hectares across renowned Canadian uranium districts including the Athabasca Basin, Thelon Basin and Elliot Lake. The combined entity will have interests in an additional 13 lithium, nickel, gold and copper properties across Canada.

溫哥華,卑詩省--(新聞稿 - 2024年9月5日)-Greenridge Exploration Inc.(CSE:GXP)(FSE:HW3)("Greenridge")和ALX Resources Corp.("ALX")(TSXV:AL)(FSE:6LLN)(OTC:ALXEF)很高興宣佈,根據於2024年9月4日簽署的一份非約束性意向書("LOI"),Greenridge將收購ALX的全部已發行普通股("擬議交易")。該擬議交易是一筆無利害關係交易,將創造出一家在加拿大烏拉坦礦區,塞隆礦區和埃利奧特萊克等著名加拿大鈾礦區擁有15個鈾勘探項目,總面積約爲27.6萬公頃的領先加拿大鈾勘探公司。合併後的實體還將擁有加拿大其他13個鋰,鎳,金和銅物業的權益。

Strategic Rationale for the Proposed Transaction


  • Creates leading and diversified Canadian explorer of strategic metals: The combined entity will own or have interests in 28 projects covering approximately 493,000 hectares with considerable exposure to potential uranium, lithium, nickel, copper and gold discoveries.
  • Adds one of the largest uranium property portfolios in the world class Athabasca Basin: In addition to Carpenter Lake, ALX has interests in 11 other projects and properties covering approximately 231,000 hectares in the Athabasca Basin. Highlighted projects include:
    • Black Lake (40% ALX, 50.43% UEC, 8.57% Orano) - 2004 discovery hole (BL-18) intersected 0.69% U3O8 over 4.4 m. Over 150 holes drilled to date.[1]
    • Gibbons Creek (currently 100% ALX) - high-grade boulders located in 2013 with grades of up to 4.28% U3O8. Four of the five holes drilled in 2024 intersected uranium mineralization at or near unconformity. Uranium mineralization found in two areas located 500 m apart.[2]
    • Hook-Carter (currently 80% Denison, 20% ALX) - 13 km from NexGen's Arrow deposit and 20 km from Fission's Triple R deposit. Hosts a 15 km long exploration corridor prospective for uranium. Under the terms of a 2024 amendment to the joint venture agreement, ALX can earn an additional 5.0% for a total of a 25% interest by spending $3.0 million by November 2026. Denison has spent ~C$7.05M to date, which includes 11,757 m drilled from 2018 to 2019.[3]
    • McKenzie Lake (100% ALX) - A.I. work identified targets following 2021 magnetic and radiometric survey. Boulders were found with grades of up to 0.101% U3O8.[4]
  • Consolidates ownership in the Carpenter Lake Project: Following the Proposed Transaction, Greenridge will own 60% of Carpenter Lake with the option to increase to 100%.
  • Enhanced capital markets profile and shareholder base: the pro forma company is expected to have a market capitalization of approximately C$35 million and a strong cash position.
  • Enhanced management and Board: adds Warren Stanyer, CEO of ALX, as President and Director as well as another nominee to the Board of Directors of Greenridge.
  • G&A cost savings: anticipate material cost savings from consolidating corporate G&A, corporate development and investor relations and marketing activities compared to operating as two separate entities.
  • 創建領先且多樣化的加拿大戰略金屬勘探公司:合併後的實體將擁有或擁有利益,覆蓋大約49.3萬公頃的28個項目,具有潛在的鈾,鋰,鎳,銅和金髮現的較大涉礦概念。
  • 增加了世界級烏拉坦礦區最大的鈾礦產資產組合之一:除了Carpenter Lake外,ALX還在烏拉坦礦區擁有11個其他項目和屬性,總面積約爲23.1萬公頃。重點項目包括:
    • Black Lake(40% ALX,50.43% UEC,8.57% Orano)-2004年發現井(BL-18)穿過440萬3703.299.200萬1樣的0.69%U3O8。迄今爲止鑽探了150多個孔。
    • Gibbons Creek(目前100%ALX)-2013年發現了高品位的礫石,品位高達4.28%U3O8。 2024年鑽探的五個孔中有四個與不整合層或近處遇到了鈾礦化。 鈾礦化在位置相隔50000萬處的兩個區域發現。
    • Hook-Carter(目前80%丹尼森,20% ALX)-距離NexGen的Arrow礦牀13公里,距離Fission的Triple R礦牀20公里。 該區域是一個有着15公里長的鈾勘探走廊的有利區域。 根據2024年修訂後的合資企業協議條款,ALX可以通過在2026年11月之前花費300萬美元來增加5.0%,總計持有25%的權益。 丹尼森迄今爲止已投資約705萬加幣,其中包括2018年至2019年間鑽探的117,5700萬。
    • 麥肯齊湖(100% ALX)-2021年磁力和輻射測量調查後,人工智能工作確定了目標。發現的巨石品位最高可達0.101% U3O8. [4]
  • 合併對Carpenter Lake項目的所有權:根據擬議的交易,Greenridge將擁有Carpenter Lake的60%股權,並有增至100%的選擇權。
  • 增強資本市場地位和股東基礎:預計擬議公司的市值約爲C$3500萬,現金狀況強勁。
  • 增強管理和董事會:將ALX的首席執行官Warren Stanyer任命爲總裁和董事,並增加另一名提名人加入Greenridge的董事會。
  • G&A成本節省:預計與作爲兩個獨立實體運營相比,通過合併公司G&A、企業發展和投資者關係及市場營銷活動,可以實現大幅節省成本。

1 Source: Black Lake Property, Fall 2017 Diamond Drilling Program Report - MARS Assessment Work Report #2715.
2 Source: ALX Resources Corp. news releases dated March 25, April 25 and June 13, 2024.
3 Source: ALX Resources Corp. news release dated May 23, 2024;
4 Source: ALX Resources Corp. news release dated November 7, 2023;

1來源:Black Lake Property,2017年秋季金剛石鑽探項目報告-MARS評估工作報告#2715。
2來源:ALX Resources Corp. 2024年3月25日、4月25日和6月13日新聞稿。
3來源:ALX Resources Corp. 2024年5月23日新聞稿。
來源:ALX Resources Corp.新聞稿,日期爲2023年11月7日;

Benefits to ALX Shareholders


  • Significant and immediate premium: the Exchange Ratio represents a 130% premium to the 20-day VWAP of the ALX Shares on the TSXV for the period ended September 4, 2024.
  • Exposure to the Nut Lake Project: Nut Lake Project is a 5,853-hectare property in the Thelon Basin located approximately 55 km north of Atha Energy's Angilak Project and the Lac 50 Trend deposit (inferred resource containing 43M lbs U3O8 and 10.4M lbs Mo). The project hosts high grade vein hosted grab samples of up to 4.36% U3O8, 53.16 oz/tonne Ag, 1.15% Pb and 7% Ni. The project has seen approximately 6,920 ft of diamond drilling, with the most noteworthy being at the "tundra showing" where Hole Winkie AX W-24 intersected 9 ft of 0.69% U3O8., including 4.9% U3O8 over 1 ft from 8 ft depth.[5]
  • 顯著且立即的溢價:交換比率相當於截至2024年9月4日TSXV上ALX股票20日VWAP的130%溢價。
  • 對Nut Lake項目的暴露:Nut Lake項目是位於Thelon盆地的5853公頃物業,位於Atha Energy的Angilak項目和Lac 50 Trend礦牀(具有含4300萬磅U3O8和1040萬磅Mo的推斷資源)以北約55公里處。該項目擁有高品位礦脈型角礫樣品,鈾品位高達4.36%,銀品位爲53.16盎司/噸,鉛品位爲1.15%,鎳含量爲7%。該項目已經進行了大約6920英尺的鑽探,其中最重要的鑽孔是在「凍土顯示」處的Winkie AX W-24孔,該孔從8英尺深度處相交了0.69% U3O8的9英尺長度【5】。

Russell Starr, Chief Executive Officer of Greenridge, commented, "We are incredibly excited to announce this first step to acquire ALX Resources. The acquisition highlights our commitment in becoming a key player in today's energy transition. After the Proposed Transaction, Greenridge will have a significant portfolio of projects across many strategically important minerals. We look forward to leveraging ALX's expertise in the Athabasca Basin to explore our significant project portfolio. In conjunction with partners like Denison Mines and Uranium Energy Corp., we are confident that the acquisition will only further bolster the discovery potential of our exploration portfolio. We believe that our portfolio, coupled with our combined technical prowess will allow the Company to quickly develop its most prospective projects."

Greenridge首席執行官Russell Starr評論道:「我們非常高興宣佈收購ALX Resources的第一步。該收購凸顯了我們在當今能源轉型中成爲重要參與者的承諾。在擬議交易之後,Greenridge將擁有一個衆多戰略性重要礦物的項目組合。我們期待將ALX在Athabasca盆地的專業知識與我們的重要項目組合相結合。與丹尼森礦業和鈾能源公司等合作伙伴一起,我們相信這次收購將進一步提高我們勘探項目的發現潛力。我們相信我們的項目組合以及我們聯合的技術實力將使公司能夠快速開發最有潛力的項目。」

Warren Stanyer, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of ALX, commented, "ALX is pleased to unite with Greenridge to create a dynamic uranium and critical metals exploration company focussed on locating new mineral deposits. The combination of ALX's technical team with Greenridge's financial capability provides each company's shareholders with multiple opportunities for discovery in some of Canada's best exploration districts."

ALX首席執行官和董事長Warren Stanyer評論道:「ALX很高興與Greenridge合併,共同創建一個專注於發現新礦牀的動態鈾和關鍵金屬勘探公司。ALX的技術團隊與Greenridge的財務能力結合,爲雙方股東在加拿大最佳勘探區域中提供了多個發現機會。」

5 Source: 1979 Assessment report (number 81075) by Pan Ocean Oil Ltd.

來源:Pan Ocean Oil Ltd. 1979年評估報告(編號81075)。

ALX's Uranium Project Portfolio


ALX holds a wealth of uranium properties; namely their Hook-Carter, Black Lake, Sabre, Gibbons Creek, Javelin, McKenzie Lake and Bradley Lake uranium properties, located in the heart of Canada's premier uranium exploration district. These properties will be pivotal for Greenridge as the Company evolves and further develops its exploration capabilities.

ALX擁有豐富的鈾礦產,包括他們的Hook-Carter、Black Lake、Sabre、Gibbons Creek、Javelin、McKenzie Lake和Bradley Lake鈾礦產,在加拿大首要鈾礦勘探區域——Athabasca Basin地區。這些礦產對於Greenridge公司的發展和進一步開發勘探能力至關重要。

Figure 1 - Athabasca Basin Uranium Projects

圖1- Athabasca盆地鈾礦項目。

Previous surface work on the properties has delivered promising geological results for the Company to build momentum in future exploration. Particularly, McKenzie Lake's previous 2023 exploration saw three samples which returned 844ppm U-total (0.101% U3O8), 273ppm U-total, and 259ppm U-total2. Furthermore, ALX's Bradley Lake uranium property saw three samples collected in 2022 from the Bradley West showing along a trending structure visible on surface for 60m that returned uranium values ranging from 0.08% to 0.43% U3O8 partial. In addition, two samples from the Bradley East showing, located 170m east of the Bradley West showing, returned values ranging from 0.27% to 1.77% U3O8 partial 1.

公司以前對這些礦產進行的地表工作已經爲公司在未來的勘探工作中積累了有希望的地質學結果。特別是,McKenzie Lake在之前的2023年勘探中,取得了三個樣品的結果,其中包括844ppm U總量(0.101% U3O8),273ppm U總量和259ppm U總量2。此外,ALX的Bradley Lake鈾礦產在2022年從Bradley West展示區採集了三個樣品,這個展示區沿着一個6000萬的趨勢結構,且該結構在地表上可見,其中的鈾含量範圍從0.08%到0.43% U3O8部分。此外,從位於Bradley West展示區以東17000萬的Bradley East展示區採集的兩個樣品的鈾含量範圍爲0.27%到1.77% U3O8部分1。

ALX owns a 40% interest in the Black Lake uranium property, while Uranium Energy Corp. ("UEC") owns a 51.43% interest and Orano Canada owns an 8.57% interest. The property is also within driving range of Orano Canada/Denison Mines McClean Lake uranium mill. Historical drilling conducted by a predecessor company of UEC identified unconformity-style mineralization extending over a 1.7 km strike length in the northern section of the property, adjacent to the Eastern Fault, which runs parallel to the Black Lake Fault.

ALX擁有Black Lake鈾礦產40%的權益,而Uranium Energy Corp.("UEC")擁有51.43%的權益,Orano Canada擁有8.57%的權益。該礦產區還位於Orano Canada/Denison Mines McClean Lake鈾加工廠的駕駛範圍之內。UEC的前身公司進行的歷史鑽探工作發現了與Eastern Fault相鄰的地區的1.7公里走向鈾型礦化。

ALX owns 20% of the Hook-Carter Uranium property while the remaining 80% is owned by Denison Mines. Denison Mines has spent $7.05 million in exploration to date. The property consists of 11 claims covering 25,115 hectares. The property is approximately 13km northeast of NextGen's Arrow deposit, 20km northeast of Fission Uranium's Triple R uranium deposit, and approximately 8km northeast of Cameco/Orano/Purepoint's Spitfire, Hornet and Dragon discoveries. Under the terms of a 2024 amendment to the joint venture agreement, ALX can earn an additional 5.0% for a total of a 25% interest by spending $3.0 million by November 2026.

ALX擁有Hook-Carter鈾礦產20%的權益,剩餘80%的權益由Denison Mines擁有。Denison Mines迄今爲止在該礦產的勘探工作中花費了705萬美元。該礦產共有11個權屬,佔地25,115公頃。該礦產約位於NextGen的Arrow礦牀以東13公里、Fission Uranium的Triple R礦牀以東20公里和Cameco/Orano/Purepoint的Spitfire、Hornet和Dragon礦牀以東8公里左右。根據2024年修訂的合資企業協議,ALX可以通過在2026年11月之前投資300萬美元獲得額外的5.0%權益,總計25%的權益。

The Company holds several other highly prospective uranium projects, which are in different stages of advancement. The technical team will evaluate each project on its merits and implement exploration strategies which build the most shareholder value.


Portfolio of Lithium, Nickel, Copper and Gold Properties


ALX also brings an enriched portfolio, extending beyond uranium properties: lithium, nickel, copper and gold properties will be critical for the Company to continue diversifying its own portfolio. Notably, ALX's Ontario-situated Vixen Gold Project saw 2019 prospecting, mapping and sampling that returned values of 23.9 g/t gold and 6.1 g/t silver across four samples5. A more comprehensive, helicopter supported sampling program in 2020 provided gold values of up to 22.73 g/t gold as well as 7.21 g/t gold5.

ALX還擁有一個豐富的資產組合,不僅限於鈾項目:鋰、鎳、銅和黃金的資產對於公司繼續實現投資組合多元化至關重要。值得注意的是,ALX位於安大略的Vixen Gold項目在2019年進行了勘探、測繪和採樣工作,返回了23.9克/噸金和6.1克/噸銀的數據。而在2020年進行的一項更全面的、直升機支持的採樣工作中,金含量達到了22.73克/噸,並且還有7.21克/噸金。

Additionally, ALX's Cannon Copper Project, also situated in Ontario, hosts the historical Cannon Copper Mine and Mill which has a historical mineral resource of 415,000 tonnes grading 1.8% Cu over a width of 6.5 ft.; (1.98m) (Source: Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6366, Report of Activities 2019).

此外,ALX位於安大略的Cannon Copper項目還擁有歷史悠久的Cannon銅礦和磨坊,其歷史礦產資源爲415,000噸,品位爲1.8% Cu,具體展示寬度爲6.5英尺(1.98米)(數據來源:安大略地質調查局,開放文件報告6366,2019年活動報告)。

(Note: This historical resource is not compliant with the standards of National Instrument 43-101).


The combination of both entities brings a robust set of projects in a variety of reputable Canadian mining jurisdictions.


Figure 2 - Greenridge Exploration & ALX Canadian Project Portfolio

圖2 - Greenridge Exploration & ALX加拿大項目組合

Table 1 - Greenridge and ALX Combined Project Portfolio

表1 - Greenridge和ALX合併項目組合

Name Mineral Location Size (ha) Exploration History Ownership
Carpenter Lake Uranium SK 13,387 Historical Drilling 60%, with an option to earn 100%
Nut Lake Uranium NU 5,853 Historical Drilling 100%
Ranger Lake Uranium ON 20,782 Early Stage 100%
Snook Lake Uranium ON 4,899 Early Stage 100%
Gibbons Creek Uranium SK 13,864 849.44m of Drilling in 2024 Up to 75% optioned to Trinex
Hook-Carter Uranium SK 25,115 4,797m of Drilling in 2019 + 6,960m of Drilling in 2018 ALX 20% - Denison Mines 80%, with an option for ALX to increase to 25%
Black Lake Uranium SK 31,701 2,830m of Drilling in 2017 ALX 40% - UEC 50.43% - Orano Canada 8.57%
Sabre Uranium SK 23,178 2022 Sampling & 2023 TDEM 100%
Bradley Lake Uranium SK 1,147 Rock Sampling in 2022 100%
Javelin Uranium SK 23,652 Airborne & Prospecting in 2021 100%
McKenzie Lake Uranium SK 6,916 Airborne in 2021 & Sampling in 2023 100%
Condor Uranium SK 24,258 Staked in 2024 100%
Cutlass Uranium SK 10,209 Staked in 2024 100%
Spear Uranium SK 6,706 Staked in 2024 100%
Cree Lake Uranium SK 1,957 Staked in 2024 100%
Alligator Lake Gold SK 2,973 815m of Drilling in 2022 Option to Acquire 80%
Vixen Gold ON 10,614 Sampling & Drilling Planned Optioned to First Mining Gold
Hummingbird Gold SK 13,786 Rock & Soil Sampling in 2020 100%
Blackbird Gold SK 18,118 Staked in 2024 100%
Electra Nickel ON 4,537 1,150m of Drilling in 2022 Option to Acquire 100%
Firebird Nickel SK 25,210 1,500m of Drilling in 2021 100%
Flying Vee Nickel SK 14,495 VTEM and Sampling in 2022 100%
Hydra Lithium QUE 29,262 Rock & Soil Sampling in 2023-24 ALX 50% - Forrestania Resources 50%
Anchor Lithium NS 33,513 Biogeochemical Survey in 2023 100%
Crystal Lithium SK 44,587 Staked in 2023 100%
Reindeer Lithium SK 13,239 Staked in 2023 100%
Cannon Copper ON 1,962 2021 VTEM - 2024 Sampling 100%
Weyman Project Copper BC 6,925 Soil Sampling / Airborne Survey in 2024 100%
姓名 礦物 地點 面積(公頃) 勘探歷史 所有權
卡彭特湖 SK 13,387 歷史鑽探 60%,有權選擇性獲得100%所有權
Nut Lake NU 5,853 歷史鑽孔 100%
Ranger Lake 安大略 20,782 造福社會,創業公司將利用AI的能力,在醫療保健、教育、可持續性和太空領域等各個領域促進有益的結果。 100%
Snook湖 安大略 4,899 造福社會,創業公司將利用AI的能力,在醫療保健、教育、可持續性和太空領域等各個領域促進有益的結果。 100%
吉本斯溪 SK 13,864 2024年將進行84944萬的鑽探工作 最多有75%的選項賣給了Trinex
Hook-Carter SK 25,115 2019年鑽探資金爲4797億,2018年鑽探資金爲6960億。 ALX佔20%,丹尼森礦業佔80%,ALX有選項可以增加到25%。
黑湖 SK 31,701 2017年鑽探資金爲2830億。 ALX佔40%,UEC佔50.43%,Orano Canada佔8.57%。
sabre SK 23,178 2022採樣和2023 TDEM 100%
布拉德利湖 SK 1,147 2022年岩石取樣 100%
Javelin SK 23,652 2021年空中勘測和勘探 100%
麥肯齊湖 SK 6,916 2021年空中採樣和2023年採樣 100%
condor SK 24,258 2024年礦權申請 100%
cutlass SK 10,209 2024年礦權申請 100%
SK 6,706 2024年礦權申請 100%
克里湖 SK 1,957 2024年礦權申請 100%
Alligator湖 黃金 SK 2,973 2022年鑽探資金達81500萬 收購80%的選擇權
Vixen 黃金 安大略 10,614 採樣和鑽探計劃安排 轉讓給First Mining Gold
Hummingbird 黃金 SK 13,786 2020年的岩石和土壤採樣 100%
烏鴉 黃金 SK 18,118 2024年礦權申請 100%
電子公司 安大略 4,537 2022年的鑽探金額達到115000萬 收購100%的選擇權
火鳥 SK 25,210 2021年鑽探投入了150000萬 100%
Flying Vee錳/金項目 SK 14,495 2022年VTEm和取樣 100%
水蛇 鋰礦 QUE 29,262 2023-24年岩石和土壤取樣 ALX 50% - Forrestania Resources 50%
鋰礦 NS 33,513 2023年生物地球化學調查 100%
水晶 鋰礦 SK 44,587 2023年奠定基礎 100%
馴鹿 鋰礦 SK 13,239 2023年奠定基礎 100%
大炮 安大略 1,962 2021年至2024年採樣 100%
Weyman項目 BC 6,925 2024年進行土壤採樣/航空勘測 100%

Board of Directors and Management Team


Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, the Board of Directors of Greenridge (the "Greenridge Board") will be comprised of five directors including (i) the three directors currently on the Greenridge Board, and (ii) two directors including Warren Stanyer, ALX's current Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, as well as another director to be mutually agreed upon by Greenridge and ALX.

在完成擬議交易後,Greenridge董事會將由五名董事組成,包括(i)目前在Greenridge董事會上任職的三名董事,以及(ii)兩名董事,包括ALX現任首席執行官兼主席Warren Stanyer,以及另一名由Greenridge和ALX共同商定的董事。

Russell Starr will continue to serve as Chief Executive Officer and Director of the combined entity. Warren Stanyer is expected to join Greenridge as President.

Russell Starr將繼續擔任合併實體的首席執行官和董事。預計Warren Stanyer將加入Greenridge擔任總裁。

Additional Details of the Proposed Transaction and the LOI


Under the terms of the LOI, each common shareholder of ALX (each, an "ALX Shareholder") will receive 0.045 common shares of Greenridge (each whole such common share, a "Greenridge Share") in exchange for each ALX common share held (each, an "ALX Share") (collectively, the "Exchange Ratio"). The Exchange Ratio implies an offer price of C$0.036 per ALX Share[6] and implies an offer premium of 140% to ALX's closing share price on September 4, 2024 and a 130% premium to ALX's volume weighted average price ("VWAP") of ALX Shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") over the previous 20 trading days. Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, existing Greenridge and ALX shareholders will own approximately 74.2% and 25.8%, respectively, of the common shares of the combined entity.

根據LOI的條款,ALX的每位普通股股東(以下簡稱"ALX股東")將按照交換比率以換取0.045股Greenridge的普通股(每整數股爲一支"Greenridge股")來換取每股ALX普通股(每股一個"ALX股")持有的股份(統稱爲"交換比率")。交換比率意味着對ALX股的要約價格爲C$0.036[6],對ALX在2024年9月4日收盤股價的要約溢價爲140%,對ALX股在TSX Venture Exchange("TSXV")上近20個交易日的成交量加權平均價格("VWAP")的要約溢價爲130%。完成擬議交易後,現有的Greenridge和ALX股東將分別擁有合併實體普通股約74.2%和25.8%左右。

The LOI for the Proposed Transaction includes customary provisions, including an exclusivity period ending on October 11, 2024. The final structure of the Proposed Transaction will be determined by the parties, based upon tax, securities and corporate law considerations, and will be governed by the terms of a definitive and binding agreement (the "Definitive Agreement") governing the Proposed Transaction. Both Greenridge and ALX expect to work towards entering into a definitive agreement by October 10, 2024.


Completion of the Proposed Transaction is subject to, among other conditions, the following:


  • satisfactory completion of due diligence to the satisfaction of Greenridge and ALX;
  • entering into the Definitive Agreement following its approval by the Board of Directors of both Greenridge and ALX;
  • ALX Shareholders approving the Proposed Transaction by the requisite majority;
  • regulatory and court approvals;
  • a fairness opinion from a financial advisor stating that the Proposed Transaction is fair, from a financial point of view, to ALX Shareholders;
  • no material adverse change or prescribed occurrence occurring in relation to either Greenridge or ALX; and
  • other conditions customary for a public transaction of this nature.
  • 令Greenridge和ALX滿意的盡職調查的滿意完成;
  • 在董事會批准的情況下籤訂最終協議,董事會由Greenridge和ALX的董事會批准;
  • ALX股東通過法定多數審批擬議交易;
  • 獲得監管和法院批准;
  • 獲得財務顧問的公允意見,聲明擬議交易從財務角度上對ALX股東來說是公平的;
  • 無法在Greenridge或ALX發生重大不利變化或預定事件;和
  • 其他符合此類公開交易的慣例條件。

The Definitive Agreement will include customary representations, warranties, covenants and conditions contained in agreements for transactions of this nature including non-solicitation and lock-up provisions, business restrictions and a no material adverse change clause. Red Cloud Securities Inc. is an advisor to ALX and will receive finder's fees in connection with the Proposed Transaction, the amount of which shall be determined at a later date.

《最終協議》將包括與此類交易協議中常見的陳述、保證、契約和條件,包括禁止徵求他方提議、限制經營和無重大不利變化條款。Red Cloud Securities Inc.是ALX的顧問,並將在擬議交易中收取中介費,具體金額將在以後確定。

Under the Proposed Transaction, all outstanding stock options and warrants of ALX, which remain unexercised on the date upon which the Proposed Transaction becomes effective, will, following the effective time of the Proposed Transaction, be exchanged and amended, respectively, to entitle the holder thereof to acquire Greenridge Shares in lieu of ALX Shares based on the Exchange Ratio.


It is anticipated that any securities to be issued under the Proposed Transaction will be offered and issued in reliance upon the exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof. This press release does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities.


6 Calculated using the Exchange Ratio and the VWAP of Greenridge Shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange over the twenty trading days ending September 4, 2024.


Qualified Person


The technical information in this news release regarding ALX Resources properties has been reviewed and approved by Robert Campbell, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101.

關於ALX Resources物業的技術信息已經由Robert Campbell, P.Geo.進行審核和批准,他是根據加拿大監管要求中的國家43-101法規的規定而獲得資質的人員。

The technical information in this news release regarding Greenridge Exploration properties has been reviewed and approved by Jody Dahrouge, B.Sc., P.Geo. of Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. who is a Qualified Person in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101.

關於Greenridge Exploration物業的技術信息已經由Jody Dahrouge億.Sc., P.Geo.(Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd.的董事)進行審核和批准,他是根據加拿大監管要求中的國家43-101法規的規定而獲得資質的人員。

Mineralization on any other properties referred to herein is not necessarily indicative of mineralization on either of the properties of ALX or Greenridge.




  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Black Lake Historical Mineralized Uranium Intersections -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Black Lake歷史礦化鈾相交部分 -
  1. Ramp Metals Announces New High-Grade Gold Discovery of 73.55 g/t Au over 7.5m at its Rottenstone SW Project -
  1. Ramp Metals宣佈在其Rottenstone SW項目上發現了新的高品位金礦,金品位爲73.55克每噸,長度達到750萬英尺 -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Intersects Uranium Mineralization at the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan - March 25, 2024 -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - 在薩斯喀徹溫盆地的Gibbons Creek鈾項目上遇到了鈾礦化 - 2024年3月25日 -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Hook Carter Uranium Project -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Hook Carter鈾能源項目 -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Vixen Lake Project -
  1. ALX Resources Corp. - Vixen Lake項目 -

About Greenridge Exploration Inc.

關於Greenridge Exploration Inc.(綠峯勘探股份有限公司)。

Greenridge Exploration Inc. (CSE: GXP | FRA: HW3) is a mineral exploration company dedicated to creating shareholder value through the acquisition, exploration, and development of critical mineral projects in North America. The Carpenter Lake Uranium Project is located in the Athabasca Basin consisting of 7 mineral claims covering 13,387 hectares across the Cable Bay Shear Zone and the Company is advancing the Project to test multiple high priority targets. The Company's Nut Lake Uranium Project located in the Thelon Basin includes historical drilling which intersected up to 9ft of 0.69% U3O8 including 4.90% U3O8 over 1ft from 8ft depth1.

Greenridge Exploration Inc. (CSE: GXP | FRA: HW3) 是一家礦產開發公司,專注於通過在北美收購、勘探和開發關鍵礦產項目來爲股東創造價值。Carpenter Lake鈾能源項目位於Athabasca盆地,包括7個礦權,總面積13387公頃,分佈在Cable Bay Shear帶和Company正推進該項目以測試多個優先級靶區。公司的Nut Lake鈾能源項目位於Thelon盆地,包括歷史鑽探,其中包含了高達0.69% U3O8的9英尺,並從8英尺深處出現4.90% U3O8的1英尺。

The Company's Weyman Copper Project in southeast British Columbia sits on the south portion of the famous Quesnel Terrance. The Company is led by an experienced management team and Board of Directors with significant expertise in capital raising and advancing mining projects. The Snook and Ranger Lake uranium projects, 4,899 hectares and 20,782 hectares respectively are located in western Ontario, with multiple previous uranium occurrences across both projects.

公司位於英屬哥倫比亞東南部的Weyman銅礦項目位於著名的Quesnel Terrance南部。公司由經驗豐富的管理團隊和董事會領導,並擁有在資本籌集和推進礦業項目方面具有重要專長的人員。Snook和Ranger Lake鈾礦項目分別位於安大略省西部,兩個項目都有多個之前的鈾礦出現。

About ALX Resources Corp.

關於ALX Resources Corp.

ALX is based in Vancouver, BC, Canada and its common shares are listed on the TSXV under the symbol "AL", on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol "6LLN" and in the United States OTC market under the symbol "ALXEF".


ALX's mandate is to provide shareholders with multiple opportunities for discovery by exploring a portfolio of prospective mineral properties in Canada, which include uranium, lithium, nickel, copper, and gold projects. The Company uses the latest exploration technologies and holds interests in over 300,000 hectares of prospective lands in Saskatchewan, a stable jurisdiction that hosts the highest-grade uranium mines in the world, a producing gold mine, diamond deposits, and historical production from base metals mines.


ALX's uranium holdings in northern Saskatchewan include 100% interests in the Gibbons Creek Uranium Project (currently the subject of an option earn-in agreement with Trinex Minerals Ltd., who can earn up to a 75% interest in two stages), the Sabre Uranium Project, the Bradley Uranium Project, and the Javelin and McKenzie Lake Uranium Projects, a 40% interest in the Black Lake Uranium Project (a joint venture with Uranium Energy Corporation and Orano Canada Inc.), and a 20% interest in the Hook-Carter Uranium Project, located within the uranium-rich Patterson Lake Corridor with Denison Mines Corp. (80% interest) as operator of exploration since 2016 (currently the subject of an amended property agreement that would increase ALX's interest to 25% after fulfilling certain conditions).

ALX在薩斯喀徹溫北部的鈾礦權包括Gibbons Creek鈾項目(目前是Trinex Minerals Ltd.的期權賺取協議對象,Trinex可以在兩個階段內賺取最多75%的權益),Sabre鈾項目,Bradley鈾項目,以及Javelin和McKenzie Lake鈾項目,對Black Lake鈾項目擁有40%的權益(與鈾能源公司和Orano Canada Inc.合資,Orano Canada Inc.爲80%的運營商),以及Hook-Carter鈾項目的20%權益,位於鈾豐富的帕特森湖走廊,與Denison礦業公司(80%權益)自2016年以來負責勘探(目前是一項修訂後的財產協議對象,履行特定條件後將會增加ALX的25%權益)。

ALX also owns 100% interests in the Firebird Nickel Project, the Flying Vee Nickel/Gold and Sceptre Gold projects, the Blackbird Gold Project, and can earn up to an 80% interest in the Alligator Lake Gold Project, all located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. ALX owns, or can earn, up to 100% interests in the Electra Nickel Project and the Cannon Copper Project located in historic mining districts of Ontario, Canada, and in the Vixen Gold Project (now under option to First Mining Gold Corp., who can earn up to a 100% interest in two stages).

ALX還擁有位於加拿大薩斯喀徹溫北部的Firebird鎳項目、Flying Vee鎳/金項目、Sceptre金項目、Blackbird金項目的100%權益,以及Alligator Lake金項目最多可賺取80%的權益。ALX在加拿大安大略州歷史悠久的礦業區域還擁有或可賺取Electra鎳項目和Cannon銅項目100%的權益,以及Vixen金項目的100%的權益(目前已選項給First Mining Gold Corp.,First Mining Gold Corp.可以在兩個階段內賺取100%的權益)。

ALX owns a 50% interest in eight lithium exploration properties staked in 2022-2023 collectively known as the Hydra Lithium Project, located in the James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada, a 100% interest in the Anchor Lithium Project in Nova Scotia, Canada, and 100% interests in the Crystal Lithium Project and the Reindeer Lithium Project, both located in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.

ALX在2022-2023年間持有8個鋰勘探項目的50%股權,這些項目合稱爲Hydra鋰項目,位於加拿大魁北克省的James Bay地區,同時在加拿大新斯科舍省擁有100%的Anchor鋰項目股權,以及在加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省北部擁有100%的Crystal鋰項目和Reindeer鋰項目股權。

For more information about the Company, please visit the ALX corporate website at or contact Roger Leschuk, Manager, Corporate Communications at: PH: 604.629.0293 or Toll-Free: 866.629.8368, or by email:

有關公司的更多信息,請訪問ALX的企業網站或聯繫Roger Leschuk,企業通訊經理:電話:604.629.0293或免費電話:866.629.8368,或電子郵件

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Greenridge


Russell Starr
Chief Executive Officer, Director
Telephone: +1 (778) 897-3388

Russell Starr
電話:+1 (778) 897-3388

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of ALX


Warren Stanyer
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
Telephone: +1 (604) 629-0293

Warren Stanyer
電話:+1 (604) 629-0293

Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information

關於前瞻性信息的免責聲明本新聞稿可能含有前瞻性聲明。這些聲明包括涉及公司的管理團隊和董事會,Sanoukou Gold Project,Tilemi磷酸鹽項目以及公司未來計劃和目標的影響。這些聲明基於目前的預期和假設,面臨着風險和不確定性。實際結果可能因爲在我們的中期和最近的年度財務報告的管理討論和分析部分或其他報告和文件及TSX Venture Exchange和適用的加拿大證券法規中所討論的因素而有所不同。我們不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務,除非法律規定。

Investors are cautioned that the Proposed Transaction remains subject to due diligence and a number of approval requirements; accordingly, there is no assurance the Proposed Transaction will be completed on the basis set out herein, or at all.


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations or beliefs of future performance, including statements regarding the project acquisition bringing a low-risk opportunity, the Company, building a strong battery metals portfolio with low-risk opportunities that positively impact the Company and its shareholders and the Company providing an initial work plan are "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to projects owned by Greenridge and ALX and their mineralization potential; the Company's objectives, goals, or future plans with respect to projects owned by Greenridge and ALX; statements with respect to the completion of Greenridge's acquisition of ALX and other matters related to or connected with the Proposed Transaction; further exploration work on projects owned by Greenridge and ALX in the future. These forward-looking statements reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company based on information currently available to it. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including those detailed from time to time in filings made by the Company with securities regulatory authorities, which may cause actual outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.


The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) and the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV) do not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

加拿大證券交易所(CSE)和 TSX 初創企業交易所(TSXV)對此公告的充分性或準確性不負責任。

