
Talos Energy Joins Sebastian Prospect Drilling, Targeting Gulf of Mexico Oil by Late 2024

Talos Energy Joins Sebastian Prospect Drilling, Targeting Gulf of Mexico Oil by Late 2024

talos energy加入塞巴斯蒂安勘探項目,計劃於2024年底前在墨西哥灣開採石油。
Benzinga ·  09/05 18:59

Talos Energy Inc. ("Talos") (NYSE:TALO) today announced that its Ewing Bank 953 well ("EW 953 well") successfully discovered commercial quantities of oil and natural gas. Separately, Talos entered into an agreement to participate in the Sebastian prospect, currently drilling in the Mississippi Canyon Block 387 of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

泰勒斯能源公司("泰勒斯")(紐交所:TALO)今天宣佈,其尤因克銀行953井("EW 953 well")成功發現商業數量的石油和天然氣。另外,泰勒斯與正在美國墨西哥灣密西西比峽谷387號區塊鑽探的塞巴斯蒂安前景簽訂了協議。

The EW 953 well encountered approximately 127 feet of net pay in the target sand at approximately 19,000 feet true vertical depth ("TVD"). Preliminary data indicates an estimated gross recoverable resource potential of approximately 15 – 25 million barrels of oil equivalent ("MMBoe") from a single subsea well with an initial gross production rate of 8 – 10 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day ("MBoe/d"). First production is expected in mid-2026. Current plans are for the well to be tied back to the South Timbalier 311 Megalodon host platform, which Talos partially owns. Talos holds 33.3% working interest ("W.I.") in the EW 953 well, with Walter Oil & Gas Corp. (Operator) holding 56.7% W.I. and Gordy Oil Company holding 10% W.I.

EW 953井在目標砂岩中遇到了大約127英尺的淨支付,垂直深度約爲19,000英尺。初步數據顯示,單個海底井的預計總可回收資源潛力約爲15-25百萬桶油當量("MMBoe"),初始總產量爲8 - 10萬桶油當量/天("MBoe/d")。預計首次生產將於2026年中期開始。目前計劃將該井銜接至塔姆巴利爾311巨齒鯊主平台,泰勒斯部分持有該平台的權益。泰勒斯在EW 953井中持有33.3%的工作權益("W.I."),瓦爾特石油與天然氣公司(運營商)持有56.7%的工作權益("W.I."),戈迪石油公司持有10%的工作權益("W.I.")。

The Sebastian prospect began drilling in late August 2024, targeting the regionally prolific Upper Miocene K-1 reservoir at approximately 12,000 feet TVD. This amplitude-supported prospect contains an estimated gross resource potential of 9 – 16 MMBoe with a potential initial production rate of 6 – 10 MBoe/d. Results are expected late fourth quarter 2024. If successful, the Sebastian prospect will be tied back to the Delta House facility, where Talos has a partial interest. Murphy Oil Corporation will be the operator.


