
Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise Announces First System-Wide In-Conduit Hydropower Clean Energy Projects With Rentricity

Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise Announces First System-Wide In-Conduit Hydropower Clean Energy Projects With Rentricity

PR Newswire ·  09/05 18:10

Multiple Rentricity Renewable Energy AgriPower (REAP) systems will generate approximately 115 kilowatts of Clean Energy Seasonally


NEW YORK, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise (UMUFRE), a tribally owned farm known for its innovative agricultural practices, is proud to announce the successful installation of the first enterprise-wide in-conduit hydropower system across its 7,700-acre irrigated farmland. This pioneering project, which integrates sustainable energy production with advanced center-pivot irrigation technology, marks a significant milestone in clean energy generation and agricultural efficiency.


Rentricity - UMFRE REAP Powerhouse
Rentricity - UMFRE REAP動力中心

The installation consists of 5 similar in-conduit hydropower sites strategically positioned within the piped center-pivot irrigation system. These systems have been integrated into the UMUFRE system over the past two years. The sites collectively generate over 115 kilowatts of clean, renewable energy seasonally, which is used to power onsite farming operations thereby reducing the community's energy needs and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

安裝包括5個類似的管道內水力發電站點, strategically positioned within the piped center-pivot irrigation system。這些系統在過去兩年中已集成到UMUFRE系統中。這些站點季節性地共同生成超過115千瓦的清潔可再生能源,用於供電農場內的操作,從而減少社區的能源需求,減少對化石燃料的依賴。

As part of these projects, Rentricity, the premier New York-based In-conduit Hydropower Company, is excited to introduce the Renewable Energy AgriPower (REAP) platform, a cutting-edge clean energy solution designed specifically for large farm enterprises utilizing gravity-fed center-pivot irrigation systems. REAP enables farms to seasonally recover clean energy, significantly reducing operational costs and supporting the local electrical grid.

作爲這些項目的一部分,總部位於紐約的領先河道內水力發電公司Rentricity很高興介紹 Renewable Energy AgriPower(REAP)平台,這是一種爲利用引力供水的中心旋轉灌溉系統的大型農場企業量身定製的尖端清潔能源解決方案。REAP可以幫助農場季節性回收清潔能源,大幅降低運營成本,支持當地的電網。

Key Highlights of the UMUFRE System include:


  • Scope of the Installation: The hydropower system spans approximately 1000 irrigated acres dedicated to the cultivation of alfalfa, corn, and wheat and grazing cattle.
  • Clean Energy Generation: The five (5) in-conduit hydropower sites harness excess pressure in the water flowing through the irrigation pipes, converting it into electrical power without disrupting the irrigation process.
  • Environmental Impact: This project underscores the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise's commitment to sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship, significantly reducing the farm's carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy use. The overall project included renovations to 18 associated center-pivots to optimize hydropower resources and water-use efficiency improvements appropriate to their desert environment.
  • Community Benefits: The generated power supports the local electrical grid, enhancing energy security and contributing to the tribe's economic development and energy independence.
  • 安裝範圍:該水力發電系統覆蓋約1000英畝的灌溉土地,用於種植苜蓿、玉米和小麥以及放牧牛。
  • 清潔能源發電:5個管道內水力發電站點利用灌溉管道中的多餘壓力,將其轉換爲電力,而不會干擾灌溉過程。
  • 環境影響: 該項目凸顯了尤特山脈尤特部落農場和牧場企業對可持續農業實踐和環境保護的承諾,顯著減少了農場的碳足跡,並促進了可再生能源的使用。整個項目包括對18個關聯中心樞進行翻新,以優化水力資源和提高水使用效率,以適應其沙漠環境。
  • 社區利益: 生成的電力支持當地電網,增強能源安全,有助於部落的經濟發展和能源獨立。

"We are thrilled to lead the way in integrating Rentricity's in-conduit hydropower technology into our irrigation systems," said Simon Martinez, General Manager of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise. "These projects not only showcase our commitment to sustainability but also provide a replicable model for other agricultural enterprises looking to adopt clean energy solutions. We are proud to contribute to our community's energy needs while maintaining our dedication to efficient and innovative farming practices."

"我們非常高興在我們的灌溉系統中整合Rentricity的管道水力發電技術," 尤特山脈尤特部落農場和牧場企業總經理西蒙·馬丁內斯說。"這些項目不僅展示了我們對可持續性的承諾,而且爲其他農業企業採用清潔能源解決方案提供了可複製的模型。我們很自豪地滿足了社區的能源需求,同時保持我們對高效和創新的農業實踐的承諾。"

This is Rentricity's first enterprise-wide REAP installation and hopes it serves as a best practice for sustainable agriculture in North America. "Three months of the 115-kW operation could charge electric vehicles to travel a combined total of approximately 750,000 miles," said Frank Zammataro CEO and Founder of Rentricity. This is a terrific project demonstrating the importance of harvesting clean energy from solid pipe water infrastructure. Rentricity and UMUFRE have completed the installation of 5 sites with 5 more in development.

這是Rentricity在北美的第一個企業級REAP安裝,並希望成爲北美可持續農業的最佳實踐。"115kW運行三個月可以爲電動車提供約75萬英里的行駛里程," Rentricity的CEO兼創始人弗蘭克·扎馬塔羅說。"這是一個了不起的項目,展示了從固體管道水基礎設施中獲取清潔能源的重要性。Rentricity和UMUFRE已經完成了5個站點的安裝,並有5個站點正在開發中。"

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) have been key stakeholders working with the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise on the hydro assessments and developments since 2016. CDA provided technical assistance and the project is jointly funded in full by NRCS and CDA under the NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).

科羅拉多農業部(CDA)和美國農業部的自然資源保護服務(NRCS)自2016年以來一直是尤特山脈尤特部落農場和牧場企業水力評估和開發的關鍵利益相關者。 CDA提供了技術支持,該項目由NRCS和CDA在NRCS區域保護夥伴計劃(RCPP)下共同全額資助。

"CDA has been proud to be an integral partner on this multi-year effort through its ACRE3 irrigation energy–recovery hydropower initiative," says Sam Anderson, Program Manager for CDA's ACRE3 energy grants program.


"This an important project and partnership for the NRCS," says, Clint Evans, State Conservationist for the NRCS in Colorado. "The NRCS supports this pioneering initiative that leverages in-conduit hydropower technology to enhance the sustainability and energy efficiency of agricultural operations. This UMUFRE's system-wide installation not only exemplifies our commitment to promoting innovative solutions for resource conservation but also sets a new standard for integrating clean energy into agricultural practices. By harnessing the power of gravity-fed irrigation systems, this project will generate substantial clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the economic and environmental resilience of this tribal farm enterprise. We look forward to seeing the transformative impact this initiative will have on the community and the broader agricultural sector."


About Ute Tribe Farm and Ranch Enterprise
The UMUFRE is a tribally owned agricultural business specializing in the production of alfalfa, corn, wheat, and cattle. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, the enterprise integrates advanced farming techniques to enhance productivity while preserving natural resources. The farm's commitment to environmental stewardship and community well-being drives its ongoing efforts to adopt and promote sustainable practices.


About Rentricity -
Rentricity is the premier provider of sustainable energy solutions, specializing in in-conduit hydropower technology and renewable energy systems. With a focus on innovation, reliability, and environmental stewardship, Rentricity is dedicated to powering a cleaner, greener future for water operations in North America.

關於Rentricity -

About the Colorado Department of Agriculture -
The mission of the Department of Agriculture is to strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture; promote a safe and high-quality food supply; protect consumers; and foster responsible stewardship of the environment and natural resources. CDA's ACRE3 program provides technical assistance and grants for on-farm renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

關於科羅拉多農業廳 -

About the Natural Resources Conservation Service -
The NRCS is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that provides technical assistance to farmers and other private landowners and managers. NRCS aims to conserve natural resources on private lands, with a focus on soil conservation, water quality improvement, and sustainable agricultural practices. RCPP is a partner-driven approach to conservation that funds solutions to natural resource challenges on agricultural land. It is NRCS' policy to provide equal opportunity in all programs, services, and activities for all individuals and communities.

關於自然資源保護署 —

Media Contacts:


Frank Zammataro, CEO, Rentricity | 732.319.4501 | [email protected]
Simon Martinez, General Manager, UMUFRE | 970.749.2765 | [email protected]
Sam Anderson, ACRE3 Program Manager, CDA | 303.869-9044 | [email protected]
Petra Popiel, Public Information Officer, NRCS | 720.544.2808 | [email protected]

弗蘭克·扎馬塔羅,首席執行官,Rentricity | 732.319.4501 | [email protected]
西蒙·馬丁內斯,總經理,UMUFRE | 970.749.2765 | [email protected]
薩姆·安德森,ACRE3項目經理,CDA | 303.869-9044 | [email protected]
佩特拉·波皮爾,公共信息官,NRCS | 720.544.2808 | [email protected]

Full PDF Release with Photos


Rentricity Ute Farm & Ranch Case Study

Rentricity Ute農場和牧場案例研究

SOURCE Rentricity Inc

來源:Rentricity Inc

