
Pure Energy Signs Letter of Intent to Option Railroad Valley Property From Ameriwest Lithium Inc

Pure Energy Signs Letter of Intent to Option Railroad Valley Property From Ameriwest Lithium Inc

Pure Energy與Ameriwest Lithium Inc簽署意向書,擬選擇鐵路谷地物業。
newsfile ·  09/05 05:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 4, 2024) - Pure Energy Minerals Ltd. (TSXV: PE) (OTCQB: PEMIF) ("Pure Energy" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that it has signed a Letter of Intent ("LOI") dated August 30, 2024 to acquire up to an 85% interest in the Railroad Valley Property (the "Property"), located in Nye County, Nevada, from Ameriwest Lithium Inc. ("Ameriwest" or "AWLI"). The Property comprises 563 placer mineral claims granted by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management ("BLM"), and is well situated for exploration for lithium-bearing brines.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年9月4日)- 純能源礦業股份有限公司(TSXV:PE)(OTCQB:PEMIF)(「純能源」或「該公司」)很高興宣佈,已於2024年8月30日簽署了一份意向書(「LOI」),以收購內華達州耐縣鐵路穀物業(「財產」)高達85%的股權,該財產來自美國雅保鋰礦公司(「美國雅保」或「AWLI」)。該財產由美國土地管理局(「BLM」)發放的563個礦輔權,適合開採鋰礦鹽。

Pure Energy's LOI with Ameriwest provides for the following terms over six years:


  • Initial earn-in option over three years to earn a 65% interest in the Property by expenditures in cash and shares of $450,000, plus project expenditures of USD$1.0 million;
  • Second Option over two years to earn-in to a 75% interest in the Property by expenditures of an additional $500,000 in shares and cash, plus project expenditures of USD$1.5 million;
  • Third Option over one year to earn-in to a 85% interest by US$1.0 million in cash and shares, and project expenditures of USD$1,000,000.
  • 三年內的初始賺取選擇權,通過支出現金和價值45萬美元的股份,以及100萬美元的項目開支,收購財產65%的權益;
  • 兩年內第二個選擇權,通過支出額外的50萬美元的股份和現金,以及150萬美元的項目開支,賺取財產75%的權益;
  • 第一年內第三個選擇權,通過100萬美元的現金和股份,以及100萬美元的項目開支,賺取85%的權益。

The 11,201 acre (4,533 hectare) Property is a green fields lithium brine exploration target located in Railroad Valley, Nevada. The North Railroad Valley drainage basin is larger in size and has geologic characteristics to host a lithium brine deposit similar to the one found in Clayton Valley, Nevada, located just 125 mi to the west-southwest. Clayton Valley currently hosts the most advanced and largest lithium-brine pilot plant in the United States, developed at Pure Energy Minerals' Clayton Valley property with our partner, which is currently in operation to produce lithium carbonate (Li2CO3). Clayton Valley also hosts the Silver Peak lithium brine mine operated by Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB). Similarities of the RRV Property to Clayton Valley do not guarantee exploration success at RRV.

該財產佔地11,201英畝(4,533公頃),是內華達州鐵路谷的綠地鋰礦鹽勘探目標。北鐵路谷排水盆地規模較大,並具有地質特徵,適合承載類似於內華達州克萊頓谷所發現的鋰礦鹽沉積物,克萊頓谷距離西南方向僅125英里。克萊頓谷目前擁有美國最先進、最大的鋰礦鹽樣品工廠,由純能源礦業公司與目前正在運營生產碳酸鋰(Li2CO3)的合作伙伴開發。克萊頓谷還擁有由Albemarle corp. (紐交所:ALB)開採的Silver Peak鋰礦鹽礦山。RRV財產與克萊頓谷的相似性並不保證在RRV的勘探工作能取得成功。

Ameriwest has defined a large lithium brine exploration target in the southwestern end of North Railroad Valley. The target is based on gravity, magnetotelluric, and seismic geophysics studies completed by Ameriwest, along with available historic oil well drilling logs and seismic data. Drilling is required next to confirm the presence of a lithium bearing brine, and no mineral resources or reserves have yet been defined on the property. The transaction is subject to the entering into of a definitive agreement and approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

美國雅保已在北鐵路谷的西南端確定了一個大型鋰礦鹽勘探目標。該目標是基於美國雅保完成的重力、磁電和地震地球物理學研究以及歷史油井鑽孔日誌和地震數據。下一步需要進行鑽探以確認鋰礦鹽的存在,並且該財產上尚未定義任何礦產資源或儲量。該交易須待與簽署明確協議及獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

"Pure Energy is pleased to add the Railroad Valley property to its exploration focus, as it shows a number of important markers for lithium brine potential," remarked Joseph Mullin, CEO of Pure Energy Minerals. "We look forward to collaboration with Ameriwest in the exploration of the RRV property, and to continue our efforts in the battery metals arena."

純能源很高興將Railroad Valley物業列爲其勘探重點,因爲它顯示了鋰滷水潛力的幾個重要標誌。 "喬瑟夫·穆林,純能源礦物首席執行官說:「我們期待與Ameriwest合作,在RRV物業的勘探中並繼續在電池金屬領域努力。」

About Pure Energy Minerals Ltd.


Pure Energy is a lithium resource company that has consolidated a preeminent land position at its Clayton Valley Project (the "Project") in the Clayton Valley of central Nevada for the exploration and development of lithium resources. The property comprises 950 mineral claims over 23,600 acres (9,450 hectares) representing the largest land holdings in the valley.


About Ameriwest Lithium Inc.

關於Ameriwest Lithium Inc.。

Ameriwest is a Canadian-based exploration company focused on identifying strategic lithium mineral projects for exploration and resource development. The Company is currently focused on exploring its Thompson Valley lithium clay property in Arizona. The property consists of 17 mineral exploration permits with the Arizona State Department of Lands and 33 mineral claims totaling with the Bureau of Land Management totaling about 9,500 acres (3,800 hectares). A NI 43-101 Technical Report entitled Thompson Valley Lithium Project Exploration Target, Yavapai County, Arizona, with release date January 31, 2023, and effective date January 17, 2023, can be found under Ameriwest's corporate filings on .

Ameriwest是一家加拿大勘探公司,專注於尋找戰略性鋰礦物項目進行勘探和資源開發。該公司目前專注於在亞利桑那州勘探其湯普森谷鋰黏土物業。該物業由17個與亞利桑那州國土部門合作的礦產勘探許可證和33個與國土管理局合作的礦權組成,總面積約9500英畝(3800公頃)。可以在Ameriwest的公司文件中找到一份名爲「湯普森谷鋰項目勘探目標,亞瓦派縣,亞利桑那州」的NI 43-101技術報告,發佈日期爲2023年1月31日,生效日期爲2023年1月17日。

The information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mary L. Little, MMSA QP#01503, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Ms. Little is a director of the Company and therefore is not considered to be independent.

本新聞稿中的信息已由MMSA QP#01503瑪麗·L·利特審查並獲得批准,她是根據國家法規43-101定義的合格人員。利特女士是該公司的董事,因此不被視爲獨立人士。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Joseph Mullin"
CEO, Pure Energy Minerals Ltd.




Pure Energy Minerals Limited ()
Telephone - +1 604 608 6611

電話-+1 604 608 6611

Cautionary Statements and Forward-Looking Information


The information in this news release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in our forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences include changes in world commodity markets, equity markets, costs and supply of materials relevant to the mining industry, change in government and changes to regulations affecting the mining industry. Forward-looking statements in this release may include future exploration and development of the Clayton Valley and Railroad Valley Projects. Although we believe the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, results may vary, and we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements.


The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except as required by applicable laws.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


