
EBay Open 2024 Gold Sponsor Showcasing Global Shipping & Returns

EBay Open 2024 Gold Sponsor Showcasing Global Shipping & Returns

ebay 2024年開放黃金贊助商,展示全球貨幣運輸和退貨
PR Newswire ·  09/05 00:48

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Asendia USA is excited to announce its third year as a Gold Sponsor of eBay Open at their 2024 event, highlighting its strong relationship with eBay and dedication to helping sellers expand their reach globally. This premier event, tailored for eBay sellers, offers in-person and virtual opportunities for networking, gaining insights from keynote speakers, and exploring innovative partnerships. By way of the eBay Open Virtual Event, Asendia USA will share what's new with its expanded Canada network, e-PAQ Returns solution for global e-commerce returns, and more.

Asendia USA很高興宣佈作爲ebay 2024活動的黃金贊助商,這是他們第三年。這凸顯了Asendia USA與ebay之間的緊密關係,以及幫助賣家在全球擴大業務的承諾。這個爲ebay賣家量身定製的重要活動提供了現場和虛擬的交流機會,包括與主題演講嘉賓的互動和探索創新夥伴關係。通過ebay Open虛擬活動,Asendia USA將分享其擴展後的加拿大網絡、用於全球電子商務退貨的e-PAQ退貨解決方案等最新信息。

The virtual portion of this year's event will take place on September 25-26, running from 8 AM to 2 PM PT each day. The eBay Open Virtual Event allows sellers from around the world to participate and engage, even if they cannot attend in person, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the valuable insights and networking opportunities provided.

今年活動的虛擬部分將於9月25日至26日舉行,每天從上午8點至下午2點進行。eBay Open虛擬活動使全球賣家可以參與和互動,即使他們無法親自參加也能從提供的有價值的見解和交流機會中受益。

"Asendia USA is committed to empowering eBay sellers with reliable global shipping solutions that enhance their ability to reach international customers," says Douglas Longobardi, Executive Vice President, Sales, Asendia USA. "We're honored to be involved with eBay Open 2024 and will continue to showcase our dedication to supporting eBay sellers in expanding their businesses across borders."

Asendia USA的銷售執行副總裁Douglas Longobardi表示:「Asendia USA致力於爲ebay賣家提供可靠的全球運輸解決方案,增強他們與國際客戶交流的能力。」他還說:「我們很榮幸能參與ebay Open 2024,並將繼續展示我們支持ebay賣家在跨境業務拓展方面的承諾。」

"We're thrilled to once again be a sponsor for eBay Open 2024," adds Mark Feinstein, Sr. Vice President, Business Development for Asendia USA. "This event is a premier gathering of retailers and eBay sellers, and we're excited to support the growth of the e-Commerce community by showcasing our commitment to world class logistics solutions."

Asendia USA的業務拓展高級副總裁Mark Feinstein補充道:「我們非常高興能再次成爲ebay Open 2024的贊助商。這個活動是零售商和ebay賣家的首要聚會,我們很激動能通過展示我們世界一流的物流解決方案來支持電子商務社區的發展。」

Asendia USA is eager to participate in eBay Open 2024 and happy to be in the lineup as a Gold Sponsor again, reaffirming its commitment to helping e-commerce sellers grow their businesses on a global scale. Attendees can look forward to engaging discussions, meaningful networking opportunities, and a deeper understanding of Asendia USA's reliable shipping solutions.

Asendia USA非常期待參加ebay Open 2024,並很高興再次擔任黃金贊助商,以此確認了他們幫助電子商務賣家在全球範圍內發展業務的承諾。與會者可以期待進行的討論、有意義的交流機會,以及對Asendia USA可靠運輸解決方案更深入的了解。

For more information on eBay Open 2024, visit eBay Open.

有關ebay Open 2024的更多信息,請訪問ebay Open網站。

SOURCE Asendia USA, Inc

Asendia USA, Inc的消息來源

