
JOYBA Bubble Tea Hits the Road With Alex Cooper's Unwell Tour

JOYBA Bubble Tea Hits the Road With Alex Cooper's Unwell Tour

PR Newswire ·  09/04 20:57

The brand celebrates its national expansion with new product varieties, a multi-city event activation with Unwell and through continuing its support of Born This Way Foundation

該品牌爲其國家擴張慶祝活動提供新產品品種,與Unwell合作舉辦多城市活動,並繼續支持Born This Way Foundation的活動。

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- JOYBA Bubble Tea, the first nationally available ready-to-drink bubble tea, is proud to serve as a category sponsor for Alex Cooper's Unwell Tour, which will hit seven venues around the U.S. this fall. JOYBA Bubble Tea is a line of refreshing beverages made from tea with vibrant fruit flavors and popping boba. With eight delicious flavors in retail stores nationwide, including a line of caffeine-free botanicals and two reduced-sugar varieties introduced this year, JOYBA conveniently brings the boba shop experience to bubble tea lovers anytime, anywhere.

加利福尼亞州核桃溪,2024年9月4日/PRNewswire/-- JOYBA JOYBA泡泡茶是首個全國範圍內可供應的即飲泡茶,自豪地擔任Alex Cooper的Unwell Tour的一個贊助商,該巡迴演出將在今年秋季在美國七個場館舉行。JOYBA泡泡茶是一系列以茶爲基料、口感鮮美的飲料,擁有豐富的水果口味和爆珠。在全國各零售店有八種美味口味可供選擇,包括今年推出的兩種低糖品種和一系列無咖啡因的植物茶,JOYBA方便地將泡泡茶店的體驗帶給泡泡茶愛好者,無論何時何地。

JOYBA Bubble Tea

The global bubble tea market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.9% through 2030, driven largely by Gen Z, with 94% of 20-somethings having purchased boba tea in the last few months. JOYBA's popularity among Gen Z along with its ongoing commitment to bringing joy to everyday life make it the perfect fit for Cooper's Unwell Network, which elevates the voices and stories of Gen Z. Each tour stop will feature live conversations led by Cooper – host and co-creator of Call Her Daddy podcast, which amasses millions of listeners per episode and is the number one podcast for women on Spotify globally.

全球泡泡茶市場預計在2030年以8.9%的複合年增長率增長,這主要得益於千禧一代的推動,在過去幾個月中,94%的二十多歲的人購買了泡泡茶。JOYBA在千禧一代中的受歡迎程度以及其持續致力於爲日常生活帶來快樂,使其成爲Cooper的Unwell Network的完美匹配,該網絡提升了千禧一代的聲音和故事。每站巡迴演出將由Cooper主持-Call Her Daddy播客的主持人和聯合創始人,該播客每集擁有數百萬聽衆,是Spotify全球女性播客排名第一。

"We are so excited for JOYBA to join the Unwell Tour this year and look forward to helping thousands of Gen Z attendees find connection and enjoy the bubble tea experience together," said Maggie Streng, brand manager of JOYBA. "We remain committed to helping young people find a pop of joy in small everyday moments."

"我們非常期待JOYBA今年加入Unwell Tour,並期待幫助成千上萬的千禧一代觀衆找到聯繫並一起享受泡泡茶體驗,"JOYBA品牌經理Maggie Streng說。"我們致力於幫助年輕人在小小的日常時刻中找到快樂。"

The tour will take place between September 25th and October 10th, stopping in Denver, Austin, Dallas, Phoenix, San Diego, Oakland, and Los Angeles. JOYBA will be on-site at each stop, offering product sampling, merch and fun photo opportunities for attendees.


JOYBA Bubble Tea is a breakthrough category innovation, perfect for drinking on-the-go with a telescoping straw included in the cup. Since launching in test markets in 2021, JOYBA has expanded its offerings to include a caffeine-free botanicals line and most recently a reduced-sugar line, which contains 40% less sugar than the original flavors, with the same multi-textural experience that has made JOYBA one of the top selling ready-to-drink teas in the country. All JOYBA products contain no artificial sweeteners, are gluten-free, non-BPA and non-GMO.


Beyond the Unwell Tour, this upcoming school year, JOYBA Bubble Tea is launching a national college ambassador program across college and university campuses to drive trial and awareness with Gen Z. Each ambassador will host sampling events for their peers and generate social media content across Instagram and TikTok.


Additionally, JOYBA is proud to continue its commitment to encouraging and normalizing conversations about mental health, especially for youth, with its own "Real Tea, Real Talk" campaign, as well as continuing its second-year support of Born This Way Foundation with multiple initiatives. With rising rates of loneliness and anxiety among young people, JOYBA believes that having mental health support to access everyday joy is a critical part of total wellness.

此外,JOYBA自豪地繼續致力於鼓勵和常態化關於心理健康的對話,尤其是針對青年人,通過自己的"真茶,真談"活動,並繼續支持"Born This Way Foundation"的第二年活動。隨着年輕人中孤獨感和焦慮症的上升,JOYBA認爲日常快樂心理健康支持是整體健康的重要組成部分。 JOYBA很高興支持Be There Certificate的推廣,該證書由Jack.org和Born This Way Foundation聯合開發。 Born This Way Foundation 因患 全部 JOYBA 產品均不含人工甜味劑,無麩質、無 BPA 和無轉基因

JOYBA is happy to support the promotion of the Be There Certificate, which was developed by and Born This Way Foundation. The Be There Certificate is a free online mental health course that teaches people how to recognize when someone might be struggling, understand their role in supporting that person, and learn how to connect them to the help they need and deserve.

《在那裏能證明》 是一門免費的在線心理健康課程,教人們如何識別出有人可能在困擾中,了解他們在支持這個人方面的角色,並學習如何將他們聯繫到他們需要和應得到的幫助中。

To learn more about JOYBA products, the "Real Tea, Real Talk" campaign and how you can earn your Be There Certificate, visit . You can also purchase Unwell Tour tickets or learn more about the Unwell Network at

要了解更多關於JOYBA產品、《真實的茶,真實的交談》活動及如何獲得「在那裏能證明」的信息,請訪問 。您還可以購買Unwell Tour門票或了解有關Unwell Network的更多信息,請訪問

About JOYBA Bubble Tea
JOYBA Bubble Tea is a brand of fruit-forward brewed tea with the perfect amount of playful popping boba. JOYBA is about celebrating joy in everyday life through real conversations and social connections shared over real tasty beverages and is now available in eight refreshing flavors at retail stores nationwide – making it easy to enjoy bubble tea even if there's not a boba shop nearby. For more information on JOYBA Bubble Tea, please visit JOYBA is a registered trademark of Del Monte Foods, Inc.

JOYBA珍珠奶茶是一種水果爲主的沖泡茶品牌,搭配恰到好處的有趣爆漿波霸。JOYBA致力於通過真誠對話和社交連接,在美味飲品中分享歡樂,現已在全國各地的零售店推出八種清新口味,即使附近沒有珍珠奶茶店,也可以輕鬆享受。有關JOYBA珍珠奶茶的更多信息,請訪問。JOYBA是Del Monte Foods,Inc.的註冊商標。

About Del Monte Foods
For more than 135 years, Del Monte Foods, Inc. has been driven by our mission to nourish families with earth's goodness. As the original plant-based food company, we're always innovating to make nutritious and delicious foods more accessible to consumers across our portfolio of beloved brands, including Del Monte, Contadina, College Inn, Kitchen Basics, JOYBA, Take Root Organics and S&W. We believe that everyone deserves great tasting food they can feel good about, which is why we grow and produce our products using sustainable and earth-friendly practices for a healthier tomorrow.

關於Del Monte Foods
超過135年來,Del Monte Foods,Inc.一直秉承我們的使命,用地球的恩賜滋養家庭。作爲最初的植物爲基礎的食品公司,我們始終在創新,使營養美味的食品更容易接觸到我們所鍾愛品牌組合的消費者,其中包括Del Monte,Contadina,College Inn,Kitchen Basics,JOYBA,Take Root Organics和S&W。我們相信每個人都應該享受美味的食物,並能感到自豪,這就是爲什麼我們以可持續和環保的方式種植和生產我們的產品,爲更健康的明天。

Del Monte Foods, Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of Del Monte Pacific Limited (Bloomberg: DELM SP, DELM PM) and is not affiliated with certain other Del Monte companies around the world, including Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., Del Monte Canada, Del Monte Asia Pte. Ltd., Conagra/Productos Del Monte, or Del Monte Panamerican. For more information about Del Monte Foods and our products, please visit or .

Del Monte Foods,Inc.是Del Monte Pacific Limited(彭博:DELm SP,DELm PM)的美國子公司,與世界各地的其他Del Monte公司(包括Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.,Del Monte Canada,Del Monte Asia Pte. Ltd.,Conagra/Productos Del Monte或Del Monte Panamerican)無關。有關Del Monte Foods和我們的產品的更多信息,請訪問 或。.

About The Unwell Network
The Unwell Network, co-founded by Alex Cooper and business partner and husband, Matt Kaplan – is a platform for this generation's unique voices that embrace social challenges and personal insecurities through honest conversation. The Unwell Network produces experiences for the most sought-after creators and talent across pop culture, beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and more.

關於The Unwell Network
The Unwell Network由Alex Cooper和他的商業搭檔兼丈夫Matt Kaplan共同創立,是一個爲這一代獨特的聲音提供平台的社交媒體,通過誠實的交流來接納社會挑戰和個人不安。The Unwell Network爲最受追捧的社交文化、美容、時尚、生活方式等領域的創作者和人才提供體驗。

Media Contact:
Jane Chung
[email protected]

Jane Chung
[email protected]


