
OPSWAT and F5 Survey Reveals Widespread Unpreparedness for Escalating Application Security Threats

OPSWAT and F5 Survey Reveals Widespread Unpreparedness for Escalating Application Security Threats

PR Newswire ·  09/04 20:37

83% of companies have not fully implemented defense-in-depth strategies, leaving them vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks


TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OPSWAT, a leader in critical infrastructure protection (CIP), has teamed with F5, the leading multicloud application security and delivery company, on a new survey with Dark Reading, highlighting significant industry concerns among IT and corporate leadership regarding their organization's preparedness to face escalating cyber threats. Many enterprises are challenged with the complexities of web application security, compliance issues, and the perceived lack of support from organizational leadership.

2024年9月4日,佛羅里達坦帕市/美通社——OPSWAT,一家關鍵基礎設施保護(CIP)領先公司,與F5,一家領先的多雲應用安全與交付公司,聯合《Dark Reading》進行了一項新調查,突顯了IT和企業領導層對他們組織應對日益升級的網絡威脅的準備不足的顯著行業擔憂。許多企業面臨着Web應用安全的複雜性、合規問題以及組織領導層支持的缺乏。

OPSWAT and F5 Survey Reveals Widespread Unpreparedness for Escalating Application Security Threats

The survey, which included responses from IT and corporate leadership, reveals a worrying trend: Over the past year, 35% of respondents reported suffering a malware breach, 28% experienced credential theft or unauthorized account access, and 24% faced a security compromise involving a vendor, contractor, or other third party.


Other key findings from the survey include:


Challenges in Compliance with Various Regulatory Requirements: Many organizations struggle to maintain compliance with regulatory standards, with only 27% of respondents regularly referencing OWASP for web application security best practices. This contrasts with 53% referencing NIST and 37% referring to CISA guidelines.


Perceived Lack of Support from Leadership: IT leaders report feeling under-resourced, with the top concerns preventing them from feeling adequately prepared for security threats being budget shortages, inadequacies in staff training and technical partnerships, disparate security ecosystems and vendors, and a general lack of attention from top management.


Complexity of Web Application Security: The migration and deployment of cloud-hosted web applications have added significant complexity to web application security. For example, compliance remains challenging, particularly in adhering to OWASP requirements before and during production.


Lack of Preparedness for Escalating Attacks: A mere 25% of respondents feel their organizations are fully prepared to handle DDoS attacks, which have been on the rise globally. Preparedness for other threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), botnets, API security issues, and zero-day malware is even lower.


Despite awareness of the necessary strategies, the report highlights a significant gap in implementation. While CISA recommends a defense-in-depth approach—utilizing multiple countermeasures in a layered manner, such as sandboxing, Content Disarm and Reconstruction (CDR), behavior analysis, vulnerability scanning, and security testing—only 17% of organizations have fully implemented these strategies. This leaves 83% of companies vulnerable, lacking the comprehensive, multi-layered security needed to defend against today's sophisticated threats.


"This report is a reminder that the industry is constantly engaged in a catch-up game with threat actors, with cycles of attacks and countermeasures," said George Prichici, VP of Products at OPSWAT. "As cyber threats evolve in complexity and scale, organizations must prioritize a multi-layered security approach. OPSWAT urges organizations to invest in advanced, prevention-based security technologies and ensure their teams are well-trained. In today's dynamic threat landscape, a comprehensive, layered approach to web application security is essential to protect critical infrastructure and safeguard sensitive data."

「這份報告提醒我們,行業與威脅行爲者之間不斷進行趕超遊戲,攻擊和反制循環不已,」 OPSWAt產品副總裁George Prichici說。「隨着網絡威脅複雜性和規模不斷髮展,組織必須優先考慮多層次的安全方法。OPSWAt敦促組織投資於先進的、基於預防的安全技術,並確保他們的團隊接受了充分的培訓。在當今動態的威脅環境中,對Web應用程序安全採取全面、分層的方法對於保護關鍵基礎設施和保障敏感數據至關重要。」

Download the full survey findings and learn how OPSWAT and F5 can assist in enhancing your organization's application security:




For the last 20 years OPSWAT, a global leader in IT, OT, and ICS critical infrastructure cybersecurity, has continuously evolved an end-to-end solutions platform that gives public and private sector organizations and enterprises the critical advantage needed to protect their complex networks and ensure compliance. Empowered by a "Trust no file. Trust no device." philosophy, OPSWAT solves customers' challenges around the world with zero-trust solutions and patented technologies across every level of their infrastructure, securing their networks, data, and devices, and preventing known and unknown threats, zero-day attacks, and malware. Discover how OPSWAT protects the world's critical infrastructure and helps secure our way of life; visit .

過去20年,OPSWAt是全球領先的IT、OT和ICS關鍵基礎設施網絡安全公司,不斷髮展全方位的解決方案平台,爲公共和私營部門組織和企業提供必要的優勢,以保護其複雜網絡並確保合規性。OPSWAt以「不信任任何文件。不信任任何設備。」的理念爲驅動力,通過在基礎設施的每個層次上使用零信任解決方案和專利技術來解決全球各地客戶的挑戰,保護其網絡、數據和設備,防止已知和未知的威脅、零日攻擊和惡意軟件。了解OPSWAt如何保護世界的關鍵基礎設施並幫助確保我們的生活方式;請訪問 。

F5 is a trademark, service mark, or tradename of F5, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. The use of the words "partner," "partnership," or "joint" does not imply a legal partnership relationship between F5 and any other company.


Media Contact
Kat Lewis, VP of Global Marketing and Communications
[email protected]

Kat Lewis,全球營銷和通信副總裁
[email protected]



