
TruLife Partners With Aaron Reed, Bodybuilder and Actor Who Plays Marvel's Juggernaut

TruLife Partners With Aaron Reed, Bodybuilder and Actor Who Plays Marvel's Juggernaut

PR Newswire ·  09/04 20:32

The Marketing and Distribution Agency Will Be Promoting the Fitness Icon and Marvel Actor's Brand The SuperNatural Lifestyle

營銷和分銷機構將推廣健身界與漫威演員的品牌The SuperNatural Lifestyle

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. , Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TruLife Distribution is proud to announce that it will be representing bodybuilder and health and fitness influencer Aaron Reed's brand, The SuperNatural Lifestyle, as it seeks to increase placement with retailers across the United States. The new partnership will focus on educating the American public on Aaron's uniquely effective approach to fitness and facilitating the promotion and distribution of his wide range of nutraceutical supplements.

佛羅里達州勞德代爾堡,2024年9月4日 /美通社/ -- TruLife Distribution自豪地宣佈將代表健美運動員兼健康健身影響者Aaron Reed的品牌The SuperNatural Lifestyle,努力增加其在美國各零售商處的位置。新合作伙伴關係將專注於教育美國公衆關於Aaron獨特有效的健身方法,並推動他廣泛的營養補充劑的推廣和分銷。

TruLife Partners With Aaron Reed, Bodybuilder and Actor Who Plays Marvel's Juggernaut

"We were excited when Aaron reached out to us with a proposal to work together," says TruLife CEO and decades-long veteran of the health and wellness industry Brian Gould. "Aaron's brand has proven itself both through his own impressive career and the testimony of countless others. We look forward to bringing his fitness regimen and workout supplements to a wider public in the years to come."

「當Aaron找到我們並提出合作建議時,我們感到非常興奮,」 TruLife首席執行官,長達數十年的健康和健康行業資深人士Brian Gould表示。「Aaron的品牌既通過他自己令人印象深刻的事業,也通過無數其他人的證詞證明了自身價值。我們期待未來幾年將他的健身計劃和鍛鍊補充劑帶給更廣泛的公衆。」

TruLife Distribution is a marketing and distribution agency that specializes in the health and wellness sector. The company offers a variety of domestic and international services, including FDA compliance, logistics and warehousing, brand and reputation management, public relations, and digital marketing. It has represented hundreds of brands from the U.S. and around the world, helping them build brand awareness and gain market share in the crowded North American health and wellness industry.

TruLife Distribution是一家專門從事健康和健身領域的營銷和分銷機構。該公司提供各種國內和國際服務,包括FDA合規性、物流和倉儲、品牌和聲譽管理、公共關係和數字營銷。其代表了來自美國和世界各地的數百個品牌,幫助它們在擁擠的北美健康和健身行業中構建品牌知名度並獲得市場份額。 多種國內和國際服務,包括FDA合規性、物流和倉儲、品牌和聲譽管理、公共關係和數字營銷。

Aaron Reed is an extremely accomplished bodybuilder known for his impressive physique and 6'7" height. He has received countless accolades, including World's Tallest Bodybuilder. He has also successfully transitioned his bodybuilding reputation into the film industry, with his most recent appearance as the actor who plays the mighty Juggernaut in the Marvel Studios film "Deadpool and Wolverine."

Aaron Reed是一位非常成功的健美運動員,以其令人印象深刻的體格和6'7"的身高而聞名。他已經獲得了無數的榮譽,包括世界上最高的健美運動員。他還成功地將他的健美運動聲譽轉化爲電影行業,最近在漫威影業的電影《死侍和金剛狼》中扮演強大的滑翔者。

Over the years, Aaron has taken the lessons he's learned during his personal fitness journey and turned them into a successful workout program called The Supernatural Lifestyle. The brand includes a number of targeted training programs, supplements, and other merchandise, which TruLife will help promote to its national network of sales channels and retailers.

多年來,Aaron運用他在個人健身之旅中學到的經驗,將它們轉化爲一個成功的訓練計劃,名爲The Supernatural Lifestyle。該品牌包括多個有針對性的訓練計劃、補充劑和其他商品,TruLife將幫助推廣給其國家級網絡的銷售渠道和零售商。 「世界上很少有人像Aaron一樣努力工作去實現自己的夢想,」Gould說。「我們很榮幸能夠與他並肩工作,利用我們的資源和經驗,幫助他的產品脫穎而出,獲得應得的所有關注。」.

"There are few people in the world who work as hard as Aaron does to achieve their dreams," says Gould. "We are honored to work alongside him, using our resources and experience to help his offerings stand out and gain all of the attention that this high-quality of a brand deserves."

關於TruLife Distribution TruLife Distribution是Brian Gould的創意,他的廣泛行業知識來自個人經驗和三代製造和零售分銷專業人員的家族專業知識。他的公司擁有強大的實體店分銷網絡,由一組經驗豐富的專業人員運營,並提供包括銷售、市場營銷和分銷在內的全方位服務體驗。了解更多關於TruLife Distribution的信息,請訪問。

About TruLife Distribution

TruLife Distribution是Brian Gould的創意,他的廣泛行業知識來自個人經驗和三代製造和零售分銷專業人員的家族專業知識。他的公司擁有強大的實體店分銷網絡,由一組經驗豐富的專業人員運營,並提供包括銷售、市場營銷和分銷在內的全方位服務體驗。了解更多關於TruLife Distribution的信息,請訪問。

TruLife Distribution is the brainchild of Brian Gould, whose extensive industry knowledge comes from both personal experience and familial expertise stemming from three previous generations of manufacturing and retail distribution professionals. His company has a robust brick-and-mortar distribution network, is run by a team of veteran professionals, and offers a full-service experience that includes sales, marketing, and distribution. Learn more about TruLife Distribution at

TruLife Distribution是Brian Gould的創意,他的廣泛行業知識來自個人經驗和三代製造和零售分銷專業人員的家族專業知識。他的公司擁有強大的實體店分銷網絡,由一組經驗豐富的專業人員運營,並提供包括銷售、市場營銷和分銷在內的全方位服務體驗。了解更多關於TruLife Distribution的信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
TruLife Distribution
(954) 414-0380
[email protected]

(954) 414-0380
[email protected]

SOURCE TruLife Distribution

SOURCE TruLife分銷

