
Generac Encourages Early Planning for Power Outages During National Preparedness Month

Generac Encourages Early Planning for Power Outages During National Preparedness Month

PR Newswire ·  09/04 19:30

More frequent and destructive severe weather events drive need for power outage plans


WAUKESHA, Wis., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Generac Power Systems (NYSE: GNRC), a leading global designer, manufacturer and provider of energy technology solutions and other power products, is reminding people to observe National Preparedness Month by planning ahead for power outages.

美國威斯康星州沃考沙,2024年9月4日 / PRNewswire / -- Generac電力系統 (紐約證券交易所: GNRC),一家領先的全球設計師、製造商和能源技術解決方案以及其他電力產品的提供商,提醒人們要提前規劃停電時的應對措施,以響應國家防災月。

According to NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, extreme weather has caused more than one billion dollars of damage on 19 separate occasions in 2024. These events included 15 severe storms, a tropical cyclone, one wildfire, and two winter storms. In addition to the cost of property damage, severe weather can also damage critical power infrastructure, leaving many households without essential access to electricity.


"Between the impacts we've already seen from damaging storms, fires, and ice and a forecasted "extremely active" hurricane season this year, National Preparedness Month is an important reminder to proactively plan instead of simply reacting in an emergency," said Aaron Jagdfeld, president and chief executive officer at Generac. "Being prepared can make a considerable difference in the safety and comfort for you and your family during and after a storm."

"從我們已經看到的破壞性風暴、火災和冰雪事件,以及今年被預測爲"極活躍"的颶風季節來看,國家防災月是一個重要提醒,要主動規劃而非僅僅應對緊急情況。" generac的總裁兼首席執行官Aaron Jagdfeld說:"做好準備可以在風暴期間和之後,爲您和您的家人的安全和舒適帶來相當大的差異。" 今年的預測"非常活躍"的颶風季節 generac的總裁兼首席執行官Aaron Jagdfeld表示:"通過已經看到的破壞性風暴、火災、冰雹以及今年預測中的"極其活躍"的颶風季,國家防災月提醒我們要在緊急情況中做好預防準備而不是簡單地做出反應。做好準備可以在風暴期間和之後,爲您和您的家人的安全和舒適帶來相當大的差異。"

During National Preparedness Month, Generac encourages people to review their household power needs, identify the backup power solution that will best meet the demands of their home, and practice safely using their backup power source. Following are several important steps to take well ahead of a severe weather event to be prepared in the event of a power outage:


  • Identify the safest location in your home to wait out a storm and review emergency plans for evacuation based on your local government's recommendations.
  • Identify your nearest evacuation centers. Know when they open and, if applicable, which ones allow pets. As an alternative, create a list of options with friends or family who live outside of the forecasted storm area.
  • Create a communication plan and designate a primary location (as well as a backup location) to meet after the storm. Gather local area maps in case mobile devices lack service.
  • Build an emergency kit that includes essentials such as food and water, first aid, communication, lighting, and baby or pet care items. Generac's annual Hurricane Preparedness Guide contains a comprehensive list of emergency kit essentials.
  • 確定家中等待暴風雨過境的最安全位置,並根據當地政府的建議,審查疏散的緊急計劃。
  • 確定離家最近的疏散中心。了解它們開放的時間,如果適用,哪些中心允許攜帶寵物。或者,與住在預測暴風雨區域之外的朋友或家人創建備選選擇名單。
  • 創建一個溝通計劃,並指定一個主要地點(以及備用地點)在暴風雨過後見面。收集當地區域地圖,以防移動設備無法服務。
  • 組建一個緊急救援包,其中包括食物和水、急救用品、通訊設備、照明以及嬰兒或寵物護理用品。Generac的年度《颶風應急指南》包含了緊急救援包必備的全面清單。 颶風應急指南 包含了緊急救援包必備的全面清單。

From portable generators and home standby generators to solar energy storage systems, Generac offers a variety of energy solutions for every family and every home. To learn more about Generac's complete line of home backup power solutions, contact your local dealer or visit .

版權所有©2022 Business Wire。保留所有權利。 便攜式發電機和頁面。家庭備用發電機太陽能儲能系統發電機爲每個家庭和每個家庭提供了多種能源解決方案。要了解更多關於generac的完整家庭備份電源方案,請聯繫 當地的經銷商 或者訪問 .

About Generac
Generac Power Systems (NYSE: GNRC) is a leading energy technology company that provides backup and prime power products and energy storage systems for home and business applications, as well as energy monitoring and management devices and services, along with other power products. Founded in 1959, Generac introduced the first affordable backup generator and later created the automatic home standby generator category. The Company has continued to expand its energy technology offerings in its mission to lead the evolution to more resilient, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions.

關於Generac Generac Power Systems (NYSE: GNRC)是一家領先的能源技術公司,爲家庭和商業應用提供備用和主要電源產品、能源儲存系統以及能源監控和管理設備和服務,以及其他電力產品。自1959年創立以來,Generac推出了第一個經濟實惠的備用發電機,並創建了自動家庭備用發電機類別。公司繼續在其使命中擴展其能源技術方案,以引導能源解決方案更具復原力、高效和可持續。
Generac Power Systems(紐交所:GNRC)是一家領先的能源技術公司,爲家庭和商業應用提供備用和主力電源產品以及儲能系統,以及能源監測和管理設備和服務,以及其他電力產品。成立於1959年,Generac推出了第一個價格合理的備用發電機,並創建了自動家用備用發電機類別。公司在其使命中繼續擴大其能源技術產品和服務,領導着更具彈性、高效和可持續性的能源解決方案的演變。

Media Contact: Jonathan Stern
[email protected] | (312) 402-7167

媒體聯繫:Jonathan Stern

SOURCE Generac Power Systems, Inc.

來源: Generac Power Systems, Inc.

