
Clarivate Launches Generative AI-Powered Web of Science Research Assistant

Clarivate Launches Generative AI-Powered Web of Science Research Assistant

Clarivate推出基於生成式AI技術的Web of Science研究助手
PR Newswire ·  09/04 15:00

Developed in partnership with the research community to implement high-quality AI tools responsibly


LONDON, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a leading global provider of transformative intelligence, today released the Web of Science Research Assistant. The new generative AI-powered tool helps researchers find key papers faster, handle complex research tasks and visualize connections. The chat interface combined with the Web of Science knowledge graph allows researchers to get more out of their interactions with 120 years of trusted publication and citation data in the Web of Science Core Collection.

2024年9月4日,倫敦/PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc (紐交所:CLVT),一家全球領先的提供變革性智能的公司,今天發佈了Web of Science Research Assistant。這款新型的生成式人工智能工具可以幫助研究人員更快地找到關鍵論文,處理複雜的研究任務並可視化各種關係。聊天界面結合Web of Science知識圖譜,可以讓研究人員充分利用Web of Science核心收藏中120多年的可信出版物和引用數據。

Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President, Research and Analytics, Academia & Government at Clarivate, said: "The Web of Science Research Assistant goes beyond content discovery to enable a deeper, richer research experience. It enhances decision-making, supports skill-building and provides in-depth insights into the dynamics of research fields.

Clarivate的研究與分析部門高級副總裁,學術與政府領域的Emmanuel Thiveaud表示:「Web of Science Research Assistant不僅僅是內容發現,更能提供更深入,更豐富的研究體驗。它可以增強決策能力,支持技能培養,並提供對研究領域動態的深入洞察。」

"By partnering with the community and leveraging high-quality, reliable data and expertise, Clarivate is responsibly implementing cutting-edge technology in the Web of Science to improve research discovery and analytics that will transform our world."

「通過與社區合作,並利用高質量、可靠的數據和專業知識,Clarivate正在負責任地將尖端技術應用於Web of Science,以改善研究發現和分析,進而改變我們的世界。」

Li-Ling Ou, Assistant Administrator, Division of Knowledge Service at the National Cheng Kung University Library, a development partner, said: "We chose to engage with the Web of Science developer partner program due to the database's reputation for credibility and reliability. The high-quality articles available through the Web of Science, coupled with the opportunity to experience a trial period, provided us with a positive and valuable experience. We are eager to promote the Web of Science Research Assistant further among researchers at our institution."

國立成功大學圖書館知識服務部副主管歐力菱(Li-Ling Ou)表示:「我們選擇參與Web of Science的開發合作伙伴計劃,是因爲該數據庫享有可信度和可靠性的聲譽。通過Web of Science提供的高質量文章,再加上試用期的機會,我們獲得了積極和有價值的體驗。我們非常願意在我們的機構中進一步推廣Web of Science Research Assistant」。

The Web of Science Research Assistant features include:

Web of Science Research Assistant的功能包括:

  • Flexible search for documents – Users can conduct natural language searches in several languages. The tool delivers overviews that consider more than 120 years of research and reveals connections between concepts and papers in a field of study.
  • Guided prompts and tasks – The tool suggests ways users can enhance their research tasks, following context-specific prompts to expand or refine the scope of discovery. Guided tasks including 'Understand a topic', 'Literature review' or 'Find a journal' help researchers focus on exactly what they need.
  • Unique data visualizations – Users can explore trend graphs, topic maps and co-citation networks that show different angles on a topic and guide them deeper into their research.
  • 靈活的文檔搜索 - 用戶可以使用多種語言進行自然語言搜索。該工具提供了超過120年的研究概述,並揭示了一個研究領域中的概念和論文之間的關係。
  • 引導提示和任務-該工具建議用戶以不同方式增強其研究任務,根據特定上下文提示擴展或細化發現範圍。引導任務包括「了解主題」、「文獻綜述」或「查找期刊」,幫助研究人員專注於他們確切需要的內容。
  • 獨特的數據可視化-用戶可以探索趨勢圖、主題地圖和共引網絡,展示主題的不同角度,並引導他們深入研究。

The tool was developed in collaboration with librarians and researchers worldwide and entered beta testing in December 2023. Development partners help ensure that the generative AI-powered assistant meets rigorous standards for quality, accuracy and privacy. The Web of Science Research Assistant team will continue to work with the community to gather feedback and guidance for future enhancements.

該工具是與全球圖書館員和研究人員合作開發的,並於2023年12月進入公測階段。開發合作伙伴有助於確保這一生成式人工智能助手符合嚴格的質量、準確性和隱私標準。Web of Science研究助手團隊將繼續與社區合作,收集反饋意見和指導以用於未來的增強。

Notes to editors:


The Web of Science Research Assistant is powered by the Clarivate Academic AI Platform, a technology backbone enabling accelerated and consistent deployment of AI capabilities across our portfolio of solutions. All Clarivate AI tools have been responsibly developed in line with the Clarivate AI Principles.

Web of Science研究助手由Clarivate學術人工智能平台提供技術支持,這是一項技術基礎,可加速和一致地部署人工智能能力於我們的解決方案組合中。所有Clarivate人工智能工具均根據Clarivate人工智能原則負責任地開發。

This year Clarivate launched the AI Academic Advisory Council, a group committed to fostering a collaborative environment where diverse voices can contribute to the responsible advancement of AI in academia.


About Clarivate
Clarivate is a leading global provider of transformative intelligence. We offer enriched data, insights & analytics, workflow solutions and expert services in the areas of Academia & Government, Intellectual Property and Life Sciences & Healthcare. For more information, please visit


Media contact:
Rebecca Krahenbuhl, Senior Manager, External Communications
[email protected]

Rebecca Krahenbuhl,高級經理,外部通信
[email protected]

SOURCE Clarivate Plc

來源:Clarivate Plc

