
California Water Service Opens 2024 Firefighter Grant Program

California Water Service Opens 2024 Firefighter Grant Program

California Water Service開放2024年消防員撥款計劃
GlobeNewswire ·  09/04 04:15

Fire Departments in Cal Water's Local Service Areas Can Apply for Funding for Life-Saving Equipment, Projects

Cal Water服務區的消防部門可以申請用於救生設備和項目的資金。

SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- California Water Service (Cal Water) opened its sixth annual Firefighter Grant Program today to fire departments in its districts, as part of its ongoing commitment to—and partnership with—local first responders. Cal Water encourages professional and volunteer fire departments that serve any part of Cal Water's service areas to apply for funding that will offset costs for fire protection efforts, equipment, training, and education.

2024年9月3日,加利福尼亞水務(Cal Water)在其區域內的消防部門開放了第六屆年度消防員資助計劃,作爲對當地第一響應者的持續承諾和合作的一部分。Cal Water鼓勵爲Cal Water服務區的任何部分提供專業和志願消防部門申請資金,以抵消消防保護工作、設備、培訓和教育的成本。

Cal Water's Firefighter Grant Program has provided more than $854,000 in grants to local fire departments since the program started in 2019. Grants last year ranged from $5,400 to $36,900 to fund equipment such as ballistic helmets and vests, bleeding control supplies, new hoses and nozzles, thermal imaging cameras, medical emergency training equipment, and water-tight batteries that power Jaws of Life rescue equipment.

自2019年該項目啓動以來,Cal Water的消防員資助計劃已向當地消防部門提供了超過85.4萬美元的資助。去年的資助金額從5,400美元到36,900美元不等,用於購買彈頭盔和防彈衣、止血用品、新的軟管和噴嘴、熱像儀、醫療應急培訓設備以及給力型救援設備所用的水密封電池。

"As a trusted water provider and community partner, we strive to go beyond providing the water supply and pressure our fire departments count on during an emergency," said Martin A. Kropelnicki, Cal Water Chairman and CEO. "With so many fire departments' budgets stretched thin and lacking the dollars needed to purchase newer, safer, or more advanced personal protective equipment and supplies, we're pleased to be able to help our first responders as they help save lives and property."

「作爲一家值得信賴的水務提供商和社區夥伴,我們努力超越在緊急情況下提供消防部門所依賴的水源和水壓,」Cal Water董事長兼首席執行官Martin A. Kropelnicki表示。「由於許多消防部門的預算緊張,缺乏購買更新、更安全或更先進的個人防護裝備和用品所需的資金,我們很高興能幫助我們的第一響應者在拯救生命和財產時提供幫助。」

For more information about the Firefighter Grant Program or to apply, applicants can visit or email The application period for this year's cycle will be open through the end of September. Cal Water plans to notify grant recipients in late fall.

有關消防員資助計劃的更多信息或申請,請訪問或發送電子郵件至。今年的申請週期將持續到九月底。Cal Water計劃在秋季末通知獲獎者。

The grants are part of California Water Service Group's stockholder-funded philanthropic giving program and do not affect customers' rates.

這些撥款是California Water Service Group基於股東資金設立的慈善捐贈計劃的一部分,不會影響客戶的費率。

About California Water Service
California Water Service provides high-quality, reliable water utility services to more than 2 million people statewide through 497,700 service connections. Cal Water's purpose is to enhance the quality of life for customers and communities. To do so, it invests responsibly in water and wastewater infrastructure, sustainability initiatives, and community well-being. The company's 1,100+ employees live by a set of strong core values and share a commitment to protecting the planet, caring for people, and operating with the utmost integrity. The utility has been named one of "America's Most Responsible Companies" and the "World's Most Trustworthy Companies" by Newsweek, a Top Workplace, and a Great Place to Work. More information is available at .

加利福尼亞水務公司通過497,700個服務連接爲全州200萬人提供高質量、可靠的水務服務。Cal Water的目標是提升客戶和社區的生活質量。爲了實現這個目標,公司會負責任地投資水和污水基礎設施、可持續發展項目和社區福祉。公司的1,100多名員工堅持一系列強大的核心價值觀,並致力於保護地球,關愛人民並以最高的誠信運營。該水務公司還被《新聞週刊》評選爲「美國最負責任的公司」和「世界上最值得信賴的公司」,是一個傑出的工作場所。更多信息請訪問官方網站。

Contact: Yvonne Kingman, 310-257-1434

聯繫人:Yvonne Kingman,310-257-1434

