
Trip.Biz Debuts New Product Matrix To Transform Business Travel From Start To End

Trip.Biz Debuts New Product Matrix To Transform Business Travel From Start To End

PR Newswire ·  09/04 12:05

SINGAPORE, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Group's corporate travel management brand, Trip.Biz, held its annual conference 'Trip.Biz Transform 2024' in Singapore. The event brought together over 200 corporate clients, partners, and industry leaders across the Asia-Pacific region. A highlight of the conference was the unveiling of the 'Trip.Biz Product Matrix', a suite of innovative solutions designed to optimise every aspect of corporate travel management.

2024年9月4日/新加坡/新華網/攜程集團的企業差旅管理品牌Trip.Biz 在新加坡舉辦年會'Trip.Biz Transform 2024'。本次活動彙集了亞太地區的200多名企業客戶,合作伙伴和行業領導者。大會的亮點之一是推出的'Trip.Biz 產品矩陣',這是一套旨在優化企業差旅管理的創新解決方案。

Jim Chung (left), General Manager of Global Key Accounts and Southeast Asia at Trip.Biz, and Eugene Tan (right), Head of International Transport & Global Partnerships at Trip.Biz, on the main stage
Jim Chung(左),Trip.Biz 全球大客戶與東南亞區總經理和 Eugene Tan(右),Trip.Biz國際交通和全球合作伙伴關係負責人,出現在主舞臺上。
Dr Tao Song delivered the keynote speech: "Decoding the Matrix: The Cornerstone of Human-Centric Technology"

Jim Chung, General Manager of Global Key Accounts and Southeast Asia at Trip.Biz, emphasised that while technology is transformative, it is intended to empower people rather than replace them. The conference featured keynote speeches emphasising Trip.Biz's commitment to reshaping the future of business travel through human-centric technology and All-in-One Digital solutions.

Jim Chung,Trip.Biz 全球大客戶與東南亞區總經理,強調科技是變革性的,但其目的是賦予人們力量而不是取代人類。本次大會突出了關鍵演講,強調了Trip.Biz通過以人爲中心的技術和全方位數字解決方案來重塑商務旅行未來的承諾。

Introducing the New Trip.Biz Product Matrix: All-in-One Solutions for Business Travel


Powered by Group, Trip.Biz is committed to leveraging human-centric technology to deliver All-in-One Digital solutions tailored to the evolving needs of modern global business travel. The updated product matrix includes six core products: Trip.Biz OBT & App, Trip.Biz Reporting, Trip.Biz Payment, Trip.Biz Desk, Trip.Biz ESG, and Trip.Biz Care.

作爲攜程集團旗下品牌,Trip.Biz 致力於利用以人爲中心的技術,爲不斷變化的全球商務旅行需求提供全方位數字解決方案。更新的產品矩陣包括六個核心產品:Trip.Biz 全球在線預訂工具(OBt)和應用、Trip.Biz 報告、Trip.Biz 支付、Trip.Biz 辦公桌、Trip.Biz 企業社會責任、Trip.Biz 關懷。

  1. Trip.Biz OBT & App: The online booking tool (OBT) and app are designed to provide a consistent global experience, offering features tailored to the needs of various markets. Covering over 10,000 cities worldwide, the platform consolidates content from multiple suppliers, including New Distribution Capability (NDC), and Low-Cost Carriers (LCC), reducing the need to switch between different service providers.
  2. Trip.Biz Payment: This solution offers a range of payment options, including mixed payments, corporate settlement, and multi-currency support, accommodating diverse payment requirements.
  3. Trip.Biz Reporting: With real-time analytics, live tracking, and AI-enhanced reporting, this tool empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. The AI reporting feature, powered by the Trip.Biz Large Language Model, enables travel managers to generate custom travel insight reports in minutes, simplifying the process.
  4. Trip.Biz Care: Focusing on comprehensive support before, during, and after trips, this service integrates human-centric technology to enhance traveller experiences, offering exclusive travel benefits and rewards. For instance, travellers can enjoy 24/7 support and exclusive travel benefits during their trips, such as priority check-in and complimentary room upgrades, enhancing their travel experience and making it more comfortable and enjoyable.
  5. Trip.Biz ESG: In alignment with Group's sustainability strategy, Trip.Biz is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The ESG solution includes features such as carbon emissions display, footprint tracking, ESG reporting, and carbon management, helping companies meet their sustainability goals. Through this, Trip.Biz also achieved recognition by securing the EcoVadis Sustainability Silver rating.
  6. Trip.Biz Desk: This specialised booking tool for local partners enables the delivery of localised services and a consistent client experience across different regions. At the conference, Mr Eugene Tan, Head of International Transport & Global Partnerships at Trip.Biz, launched the Trip.Biz Desk alongside strategic partners from Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Mainland China.
  1. Trip.Biz 全球在線預訂工具(OBt)和應用:該在線預訂工具和應用旨在提供一致的全球體驗,提供專爲各個市場需求量身定製的功能。平台覆蓋全球10000多個城市,整合來自多個供應商的內容,包括新一代分銷能力(NDC)和低成本航空公司(LCC),減少了在不同服務提供商之間切換的需要。
  2. Trip.Biz 支付:該解決方案提供多種付款方式,包括混合支付、企業結算和多幣種支持,適應不同的支付需求。
  3. Trip.Biz報告:憑藉實時分析、實時跟蹤和AI增強報告功能,此工具賦予企業進行數據驅動決策的能力。由Trip.Biz大型語言模型提供支持的AI報告功能,使旅行經理能夠在幾分鐘內生成定製旅行洞察報告,簡化流程。
  4. Trip.Biz關懷:專注於旅行前、旅途中和旅行後的全面支持,該服務整合了以人爲本的科技,以提升旅行者的體驗,提供獨家旅行福利和獎勵。例如,旅行者可以在旅行期間享受24/7支持和獨家旅行福利,如優先辦理登機手續和免費客房升級,提升其旅行體驗,使其更加舒適和愉悅。
  5. Trip.Biz ESG:與攜程網集團的可持續發展戰略一致,Trip.Biz致力於在2050年實現碳中和。ESG解決方案包括碳排放顯示、足跡追蹤、ESG報告和碳管理,幫助企業實現可持續發展目標。通過此舉,Trip.Biz還通過獲得EcoVadis可持續性銀牌評級而獲得認可。
  6. Trip.Biz桌面:這是專門爲本地合作伙伴設計的預訂工具,可以在不同地區提供本地化服務和一致的客戶體驗。在會議上,攜程網國際交通與全球合作伙伴關係負責人陳劭翔先生與日本、越南、泰國和中國大陸的戰略合作伙伴一起推出了Trip.Biz桌面。

Trip.Biz has seen remarkable growth, serving over one million SMEs and more than 15,000 large corporations, and facilitating the travel needs of over 55 million business travellers. With a strong presence in key APAC markets and a global partner network across six continents, Trip.Biz offers extensive travel options and support. The company's collaboration with supply chain and ecosystem partners further enhances service delivery capabilities.


Balancing Technology and Human-Centric Solutions


Dr Tao Song, Chief Technology Officer of Trip.Biz, highlighted the pivotal role of human-centric technology in the use of multi-cloud infrastructure, comprehensive content sourcing, and a robust partner network to ensure high availability and security. He said, "By harnessing the power of AI, we can take efficiency to new heights in business travel, going from good to great."


The enhanced Trip.Biz Product Matrix underscores Trip.Biz's commitment to human-centric innovation, offering All-In-One Digital Solutions that unlock the full potential of corporate travel management and deliver unparalleled value to clients and partners.


About Trip.Biz


Trip.Biz, a digital TMC powered by Group and headquartered in Singapore, has been elevating business travel management since 2006 with human-centric technology, rich inventory, and sustainable solutions—all on one platform.


Trusted by over 15,000 large-scale corporations and more than 1,000,000 small to medium-sized enterprises globally, Trip.Biz continues to expand its reach, offering round-the-clock global customer service to cater to clients across different time zones.




