
Timely On The Proposed Deposit For Home Buyers Initiative

Timely On The Proposed Deposit For Home Buyers Initiative

Business Today ·  09/04 09:33

The proposed MADANI deposit initiative by the Housing and Local Government Ministry (KPKT) is a timely and commendable effort to address the affordability challenges faced by homebuyers in Malaysia, according to Kenneth Soh, Country Manager of PropertyGuru and iProperty Malaysia.

根據PropertyGuru和iProperty Malaysia的馬來西亞國家經理Kenneth Soh的說法,住房和地方政府部(KPKT)提出的MADANI存入資金計劃是解決馬來西亞購房者面臨的支付能力挑戰的一個及時且值得稱讚的努力。

Soh highlighted that a significant portion of potential homeowners, particularly renters, struggle with the financial hurdles of saving for a down payment.


"Our H1 2024 Consumer Sentiment Study highlights that 74% of existing renters who considered extending their tenure for up to two more years before buying a home, cited insufficient savings for property acquisition.


"By reducing the upfront financial burden, this initiative directly addresses the affordability gap, making homeownership a more attainable goal for many Malaysians," Soh said.

「通過減輕前期的經濟負擔,這項計劃直接應對了支付能力差距,使房屋所有權對許多馬來西亞人來說更加可實現的目標,」 Soh說。

Soh added, "Meanwhile, 36% cited the inability to save for a downpayment. The MADANI initiative not only provides immediate relief by easing the upfront cost but also encourages more Malaysians, especially the younger population, to take that crucial first step towards homeownership.


The initiative, therefore, provides much-needed relief and a viable pathway to homeownership."


Additionally, Soh highlighted the importance of affordability that cannot be overstated. "When the barrier of an initial deposit is lowered, it opens the door to homeownership for a broader segment of the population, particularly those in the middle and lower-income brackets."


This inclusivity, according to Soh is vital for fostering a fair and equitable property market where more Malaysians have the opportunity to own their homes, regardless of their financial starting point.


The initiative is seen as a positive step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable property market, aligning with the needs of the younger population and first-time homebuyers.


