
AEP Recognized as a Top Utility in Economic Development

AEP Recognized as a Top Utility in Economic Development

PR Newswire ·  09/03 23:23

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- American Electric Power (Nasdaq: AEP) was named one of the nation's Top Utilities in Economic Development by Site Selection magazine.

美國電力(納斯達克: AEP)被《Site Selection》雜誌評爲全國頂級經濟發展公用事業之一。

Site Selection annually evaluates utilities' involvement and support of corporate project investment and job creation on a cumulative and per-capita basis. AEP has earned a place on the list 12 of the last 13 years.

《Site Selection》每年根據累計和人均基礎評估公用事業在企業項目投資和就業創造方面的參與和支持。AEP在過去13年中有12次入選名單。

"2023 was a record year for economic development at AEP, and it's an honor to be recognized by Site Selection for our team's efforts to bring growth to the communities we serve," said Tim Wells, vice president, Sales, Economic and Business Development. "AEP supported and helped drive 92 new economic development projects across our service territory last year. This sort of success doesn't happen overnight, and it requires collaboration and teamwork with numerous internal AEP teams, along with our customers and partners at the federal, state and local levels."

美國電力銷售、經濟和業務發展副總裁Tim Wells表示:「2023年是AEP經濟發展的一個創紀錄年份,能夠獲得《Site Selection》的認可是對我們團隊將增長帶給所服務社區的努力的褒獎。去年,AEP在所轄區域支持並推動了92個新的經濟發展項目。這樣的成功並非一蹴而就,需要與AEP內部多個團隊以及聯邦、州和地方的客戶和合作夥伴的協作與團隊合作。」

In 2023, AEP's economic and business development efforts helped attract projects that will eventually result in more than $35 billion in capital investment and the creation of over 10,400 new direct jobs in the company's service territory. Some of AEP's economic and business development highlights of 2023 include:

2023年,AEP的經濟和業務發展工作有助於吸引項目,最終將帶來超過35億美元的資本投資,並在該公司服務領域創造超過10,400個新的直接就業機會。AEP 2023年的一些經濟和業務發展亮點包括:

  • Nucor's $2.7 billion investment to build a state-of-the-art sheet steel manufacturing facility in Mason County, West Virginia is in progress. Appalachian Power will provide service to Nucor by 2025, making Nucor the largest single customer for Appalachian Power. More than 800 jobs will be created at the site.
  • SLB plans to convert 1 million square feet of the former General Motors Assembly Plant in Shreveport, Louisiana into its Shreveport Technology Center to build data center racks. SLB's $18.5 million investment is projected to bring in nearly 600 new jobs.
  • TekniPlex is building a $45 million facility in Van Wert, Ohio to make egg cartons. The site was selected due to the need for electricity, and it being certified for food and beverage production. The project will create 100 jobs in AEP Ohio's service territory.
  • More than 250 individuals benefited from a self-paced e-learning course, "Energizing Economic Development," designed to help community leaders learn how to successfully drive community economic development.
  • 紐科(Nucor)正在西弗吉尼亞州梅森縣建造一座先進的鋼板製造廠,投資27億美元。阿巴拉契亞電力將在2025年爲紐科提供服務,紐科將成爲阿巴拉契亞電力最大的單一客戶。該項目預計將在該地點創造800多個就業機會。
  • SLb計劃將路易斯安那州什裏夫波特的原通用汽車裝配廠的100萬平方英尺轉爲其什裏夫波特技術中心,用於建造數據中心機櫃。SLb的1850萬美元投資預計將帶來近600個新的就業機會。
  • TekniPlex正在俄亥俄州範沃特建設一座4500萬美元的設施,用於生產蛋盒。該地點被選定是因爲需要電力,並且已獲得食品和飲料生產的認證。該項目將在AEP Ohio的服務領域創造100個就業機會。
  • 有250多名個人受益於一個自主學習的電子學習課程「激發經濟發展」,旨在幫助社區領導學習如何成功推動社區經濟發展。

About AEP


At American Electric Power, based in Columbus, Ohio, we understand that our customers and communities depend on safe, reliable and affordable power. Our nearly 16,000 employees operate and maintain more than 40,000 miles of transmission lines, the nation's largest electric transmission system, and more than 225,000 miles of distribution lines to deliver power to 5.6 million customers in 11 states. AEP also is one of the nation's largest electricity producers with nearly 29,000 megawatts of diverse generating capacity, including approximately 6,000 megawatts of renewable energy. AEP is investing $43 billion over the next five years to make the electric grid cleaner and more reliable. We are on track to reach an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from 2005 levels by 2030 and have a goal to achieve net zero by 2045. AEP is recognized consistently for its focus on sustainability, community engagement and inclusion. AEP's family of companies includes utilities AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power, Kentucky Power, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and Southwestern Electric Power Company (in Arkansas, Louisiana, east Texas and the Texas Panhandle). AEP also owns AEP Energy, which provides innovative competitive energy solutions nationwide. For more information, visit

美國電力位於俄亥俄州哥倫布市,我們明白我們的客戶和社區依賴於安全、可靠和實惠的電力。我們的近16,000名員工負責運營和維護超過40,000英里的輸電線路——美國最大的電力輸電系統,以及超過225,000英里的配電線路,向11個州的560萬客戶供電。美國電力也是美國最大的電力生產商之一,擁有近29,000兆瓦的多種發電能力,包括大約6,000兆瓦的可再生能源。美國電力將在未來五年內投資430億美元,使電網更加清潔和可靠。我們正在達成從2005年水平減少80%的二氧化碳排放量的目標,並有望在2045年實現零排放。美國電力始終專注於可持續性、社區參與和包容性,並因此獲得廣泛認可。美國電力旗下的公司包括AEP Ohio、AEP Texas、Appalachian Power(弗吉尼亞和西弗吉尼亞州)、AEP Appalachian Power(田納西州)、Indiana Michigan Power、Kentucky Power、Public Service Company of Oklahoma和Southwestern Electric Power Company(阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、德克薩斯州東部和得克薩斯州波克斯)。 美國電力還擁有AEP Energy,爲全國提供創新的競爭性能源解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE American Electric Power


