
REGENXBIO Announces Positive Data From Pivotal Dose Level of RGX-121 Demonstrating Long-Term Systemic Effect

REGENXBIO Announces Positive Data From Pivotal Dose Level of RGX-121 Demonstrating Long-Term Systemic Effect

PR Newswire ·  09/03 20:04

- Data from pivotal dose level demonstrates long-term, sustained reductions in CSF levels of HS D2S6, a key biomarker of brain disease in MPS II
- 80% of patients who received the pivotal dose discontinued intravenous enzyme replacement therapy or remained treatment-naïve
- Submission of a rolling BLA using the accelerated approval pathway on track for Q3 2024

- 關鍵劑量水平的數據顯示HS D2S6的腦疾病關鍵生物標誌物在長期持續的降低中央腦脊液水平。
- 收到關鍵劑量的患者中,有80%停用靜脈酶替代治療,或保持未接受治療的狀態。
- 將通過加速批准路徑提交滾動BLA申請,計劃在2024年第三季度完成。

ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- REGENXBIO Inc. (Nasdaq: RGNX) today announced positive results from the Phase I/II/III CAMPSIITE trial of RGX-121 for the treatment of patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II (MPS II), also known as Hunter syndrome. The results were presented at the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM) Annual Symposium 2024.

馬里蘭州洛克維爾,2024年9月3日/PRNewswire海淀--REGENXBIO,Inc.(納斯達克:RGNX)今天宣佈了RGX-121用於治療粘多糖病Ⅱ型(MPS II),即亨特綜合徵患者的I/II/III相CAMPSIITE試驗的積極結果。這些結果在2024年先天代謝錯誤研究學會(SSIEM)年會上宣佈。

The totality of evidence from the CAMPSIITE trial continues to support RGX-121 as the potential first gene therapy and one-time treatment for MPS II. In the United States, RGX-121 is also on track to be the first treatment that addresses the neurocognitive decline associated with MPS II, with the potential to be the first-line treatment for patients with neuronopathic disease.

來自CAMPSIITE試驗的證據綜合支持RGX-121作爲MPS II的潛在首個基因療法和一次性治療。在美國,RGX-121也有望成爲首個解決與MPS II相關的神經認知衰退問題的治療方法,有望成爲神經發育病患者的一線治療。

"As we quickly approach the BLA filing for RGX-121, we are very pleased with the data presented at SSIEM demonstrating encouraging evidence of systemic activity and long-term reductions of CSF D2S6," said Steve Pakola, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of REGENXBIO. "The data continue to support that by restoring the gene missing in boys with Hunter syndrome, RGX-121 changes the course of disease and has the potential to significantly improve both vital brain function and the systemic manifestations of this devastating disease."

REGENXBIO的首席醫務官Steve Pakola萬.D.表示:「隨着我們迅速接近RGX-121的BLA提交,我們對在SSIEm上展示的數據非常滿意,這些數據顯示了系統活性和長期的CSF D2S6水平的降低,這是令人鼓舞的證據。」 疾病的悲慘表現。”

Data Summary
In new, long-term data from the Phase I/II/III CAMPSIITE trial, patients receiving RGX-121 at the pivotal dose level demonstrated an 85% median reduction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of heparan sulfate (HS) D2S6, a key biomarker of brain disease activity, approaching normal levels and sustained for up to two years. Topline results presented earlier this year from the CAMPSIITE trial demonstrated that the pivotal phase of the trial met its primary endpoint with statistical significance. Pivotal results were consistent with data from the dose-finding phase of CAMPSIITE, in which the majority of patients were shown to be exceeding expectations in neurodevelopmental function compared to natural history data up to four years.

在來自I/II/III相CAMPSIITE試驗的新的長期數據中,接受關鍵劑量RGX-121的患者顯示出85%的HS D2S6的腦疾病活動關鍵生物標誌物腦脊液(CSF)水平的中位數降低,接近正常水平,並持續兩年。今年早些時候公佈的試驗的第一期的研究結果顯示,關鍵階段達到了統計學上的顯著性,而這些關鍵結果與CAMPSIITE試驗劑量確定階段的數據一致,其中大多數患者在神經發育功能方面超出了自然歷史數據,超過了四年。

In the dose-finding part of the trial, investigators chose to discontinue standard-of-care intravenous enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) or to remain ERT-naïve for a majority of patients. At the pivotal dose level (dose level 3), 80% of patients were ERT-free at last time point, up to more than 18 months post-dosing. At dose level 2, 71% of patients were ERT-free at last time point, up to almost three years.


As of January 5, 2024, RGX-121 continues to be well tolerated in 25 patients dosed across all phases of the CAMPSIITE trial.


"A potential one-time treatment that can allow these boys to exceed the natural history of this disease in their neurocognitive development, as well as the ability to remain off enzyme replacement therapy for multiple years represents a meaningful option for patients and their families," said Roberto Giugliani, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Genetics, UFRGS, Medical Genetics Service, HCPA, Porto Alegre, Brazil. "I continue to be very encouraged by the data supporting RGX-121 and look forward to the seeing this program advance towards potential approval for this community."

"一種可能的一次性治療,能夠使這些男孩超越該疾病自然歷史在神經認知發展方面,並且能夠在多年內不需要酶替代治療,這對患者及其家人來說是一個意義重大的選擇,"Roberto Giugliani 萬. D.,博士,遺傳學系教授,UFRGS,醫學遺傳學服務,HCPA,巴西阿雷格里港。"關於支持RGX-121的數據,我繼續對此感到非常鼓舞,並期待着該項目向該社區的潛在批准前進。"

REGENXBIO is on track to initiate a rolling Biologics License Application (BLA) submission using the accelerated approval pathway in the third quarter of 2024 using CSF D2S6 as a surrogate endpoint reasonable likely to predict clinical benefit. Approval of the planned BLA could result in receipt of a Priority Review Voucher in 2025.

REGENXBIO正計劃在2024年第三季度使用CSF D2S6作爲合理預測臨床獲益的臨時終點,以加速批准途徑啓動滾動式生物製品許可申請(BLA)申請。批准計劃中的BLA可能導致2025年獲得優先審查券。

Data presented is available on the "Publications" section of the REGENXBIO website at WWW.REGENXBIO.COM.


About the CAMPSIITE Trial
CAMPSIITE is a Phase I/II/III multicenter, open-label trial for boys aged four months up to five years with neuronopathic MPS II. The primary endpoint of the trial is measurement of CSF GAGs. Accurate and sensitive measurements of CSF GAGs, such as HS D2S6, have the potential to be considered a surrogate endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit in MPS II disease under the accelerated approval pathway, as buildup of GAGs in the CSF of MPS II patients correlates with clinical manifestations including neurodevelopmental deficits.

CAMPSIITE是針對年齡在四個月至五歲之間的神經病性MPS II男孩的一項I/II/III期多中心、開放式試驗。試驗的主要終點是測量CSF GAGs。對CSF GAGs的準確敏感的測量,比如HS D2S6,有可能被認爲是合理預測MPS II疾病臨床獲益的臨時終點,在加速批准途徑下,在MPS II患者的CSF中GAGs的積累與臨床表現,包括神經發育缺陷有相關性。

The pivotal program is using commercial-scale cGMP material from REGENXBIO's proprietary, high-yielding suspension-based manufacturing process, named NAVXpress. In addition to measuring GAGs in the CSF, the trial will continue to collect neurodevelopmental data and caregiver-reported outcomes.


About RGX-121
RGX-121 is a potential one-time AAV therapeutic for the treatment of boys with MPS II. RGX-121 expressed protein is structurally identical to normal I2S. RGX-21 Delivery of the IDS gene within cells in the CNS could provide a permanent source of secreted I2S beyond the blood-brain barrier, allowing for long-term cross correction of cells throughout the CNS.

RGX-121是一種潛在的一次性AAV基因療法,用於治療MPS II的男孩。RGX-121表達的蛋白質與正常的I2S結構完全相同。RGX-21將IDS基因傳遞到中樞神經系統的細胞內,可以提供一個超越血腦屏障的長期分泌I2S的永久源,從而實現中樞神經系統的細胞長期交叉校正。

RGX-121 has received Orphan Drug Product, Rare Pediatric Disease, Fast Track and Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy designations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP) classification from the European Medicines Agency.


About Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II (MPS II)
MPS II, or Hunter Syndrome, is a rare, X-linked recessive disease caused by a deficiency in the lysosomal enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (I2S) leading to an accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including heparan sulfate (HS) in tissues which ultimately results in cell, tissue, and organ dysfunction, including in the central nervous system (CNS). MPS II is estimated to occur in 1 in 100,000 to 170,000 births. In severe forms of the disease, early developmental milestones may be met, but developmental delay is readily apparent by 18 to 24 months. Specific treatment to address the neurological manifestations of MPS II remains a significant unmet medical need. Key biomarkers of I2S enzymatic activity in MPS II patients include its substrate HS D2S6, which has been shown to correlate with neurocognitive manifestations of the disorder.

關於黏多糖沉積症II型(MPS II)
MPS II,又稱亨特綜合徵,是一種罕見的X連鎖隱性遺傳病,由於溶酶體酶異硫酸酯酶(I2S)缺乏,導致組織中的半乳糖胺聚糖(GAGs),包括硫酸肝素(HS)的積累,最終導致細胞、組織和器官功能障礙,包括中樞神經系統(CNS)。MPS II估計發生在10萬至17萬次新生中的1例。在疾病的嚴重形式中,早期的發育里程碑可能已達到,但在18至24個月時,發育遲緩很明顯。針對MPS II的神經表現的特定治療仍然是一個重大的未滿足醫療需求。MPS II患者I2S酶活性的關鍵生物標誌物包括其底物HS D2S6,已經表明與該疾病的神經認知表現相關。

REGENXBIO is a leading clinical-stage biotechnology company seeking to improve lives through the curative potential of gene therapy. Since its founding in 2009, REGENXBIO has pioneered the development of AAV Therapeutics, an innovative class of gene therapy medicines. REGENXBIO is advancing a pipeline of AAV Therapeutics for retinal and rare diseases, including ABBV-RGX-314 for the treatment of wet AMD and diabetic retinopathy, being developed in collaboration with AbbVie, RGX-202 for the treatment of Duchenne and RGX-121 for the treatment of MPS II. Thousands of patients have been treated with REGENXBIO's AAV Therapeutic platform, including Novartis' ZOLGENSMA for children with spinal muscular atrophy. Designed to be one-time treatments, AAV Therapeutics have the potential to change the way healthcare is delivered for millions of people. For more information, please visit .

REGENXBIO是一家領先的臨床階段生物技術公司,旨在通過基因療法的治癒潛力改善人類生活。自2009年成立以來,REGENXBIO開創了AAV Therapeutics的發展,這是一種創新的基因療法藥物類別。REGENXBIO正在推進一系列用於視網膜和罕見疾病的AAV治療,包括ABBV-RGX-314用於治療激素性黃斑變性和糖尿病性視網膜病變,正在與AbbVie合作開發,RGX-202用於Duchenne的治療和RGX-121用於MPS II的治療。REGENXBIO的AAV Therapeutic平台已經治療了成千上萬的患者,包括諾華的ZOLGENSMA,用於治療脊髓性肌萎縮症的兒童。作爲一次性治療,AAV Therapeutic具有改變數百萬人的健康保健方式的潛力。有關更多信息,請訪問 。

This press release includes "forward-looking statements," within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements express a belief, expectation or intention and are generally accompanied by words that convey projected future events or outcomes such as "believe," "may," "will," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "assume," "design," "intend," "expect," "could," "plan," "potential," "predict," "seek," "should," "would" or by variations of such words or by similar expressions. The forward-looking statements include statements relating to, among other things, REGENXBIO's future operations and clinical trials. REGENXBIO has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations and assumptions and analyses made by REGENXBIO in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors REGENXBIO believes are appropriate under the circumstances. However, whether actual results and developments will conform with REGENXBIO's expectations and predictions is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including the timing of enrollment, commencement and completion and the success of clinical trials conducted by REGENXBIO, its licensees and its partners, the timing of commencement and completion and the success of preclinical studies conducted by REGENXBIO and its development partners, the timely development and launch of new products, the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of product candidates, the ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for product candidates and technology, trends and challenges in the business and markets in which REGENXBIO operates, the size and growth of potential markets for product candidates and the ability to serve those markets, the rate and degree of acceptance of product candidates, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of REGENXBIO. Refer to the "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" sections of REGENXBIO's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and comparable "risk factors" sections of REGENXBIO's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other filings, which have been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are available on the SEC's website at WWW.SEC.GOV. All of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are expressly qualified by the cautionary statements contained or referred to herein. The actual results or developments anticipated may not be realized or, even if substantially realized, they may not have the expected consequences to or effects on REGENXBIO or its businesses or operations. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned not to rely too heavily on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release. Except as required by law, REGENXBIO does not undertake any obligation, and specifically declines any obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿包括根據1933年修訂後的《證券法》第27A條以及1934年修訂後的《證券交易法》第21E條作出的「前瞻性聲明」。這些聲明表達了信念、期望或意圖,通常伴隨着傳達預期未來事件或結果的詞語,如「相信」、「可能」、「將」、「估計」、「繼續」、「預計」、「假設」、「設計」、「打算」、「期望」、「可能」、「計劃」、「潛在」、「預測」、「尋求」、「應該」、「願意」或類似表達。這些前瞻性聲明包括與REGENXBIO未來運營和臨床試驗相關的聲明。REGENXBIO基於其當前的期望、假設和REGENXBIO根據其經驗、對歷史趨勢、當前情況和預期未來發展的看法進行的分析作出了這些前瞻性聲明,以及REGENXBIO認爲在該情況下合適的其他因素。然而,REGENXBIO實際結果和發展是否與REGENXBIO的期望和預測一致,還取決於許多風險和不確定性,包括REGENXBIO、其許可方和合作夥伴進行的臨床試驗的招募、開始、完成和成功的時間,REGENXBIO及其發展夥伴進行的臨床前研究的開始、完成和成功的時間,新產品的及時開發和推出,獲取和保持產品候選人的監管批准的能力,爲產品候選人和技術獲取和保持知識產權保護的能力,REGENXBIO所經營的業務和市場的趨勢和挑戰,潛在市場的規模和增長以及爲這些市場提供服務的能力,產品候選人的接受速度和程度,以及許多超出REGENXBIO控制範圍的其他因素。請參閱REGENXBIO的截至2023年12月31日的年度報告第10-k的「風險因素」和「管理對財務狀況和業務成果的討論與分析」部分,以及REGENXBIO的季度報告第10-Q的類似「風險因素」部分和其他文件,這些文件已提交給美國證券交易委員會(SEC)並可在SEC網站上獲取。 WWW.SEC.GOV本新聞稿中所有關於未來的聲明都受到此處所包含或引用的謹慎聲明的明確限制。預期的實際結果或發展可能無法實現或即使實現,也可能沒有預期的對REGENXBIO或其業務或運營的影響或後果。此類聲明並不是未來業績的保證,實際結果或發展可能與預期的在前瞻性聲明中預計的有所不同。讀者應謹慎對待本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性聲明。這些前瞻性聲明僅在本新聞稿發佈之日發表。REGENXBIO除法律另有規定外不承擔任何更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明的義務,並明確拒絕承擔任何義務。

Zolgensma is a registered trademark of Novartis Gene Therapies. All other trademarks referenced herein are registered trademarks of REGENXBIO.

Zolgensma爲Novartis Gene Therapies的註冊商標。此處提及的所有其他商標均爲REGENXBIO的註冊商標。

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