
USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Celebrates Entrepreneurs in Today's Business World

USANA Executive Chairman Kevin Guest Celebrates Entrepreneurs in Today's Business World

PR Newswire ·  09/03 19:47

SALT LAKE CITY, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Entrepreneurs play a critical role in driving innovation, economic growth, and stability, according to Kevin Guest, executive chairman at USANA Health Sciences, a global leader in health and wellness products.

鹽湖城,2024年9月3日 /美通社/ -- 企業家在推動創新、經濟增長和穩定方面發揮着關鍵作用,優莎娜健康科學的執行主席凱文·格斯特表示。優莎娜是全球健康和健康產品領域的領導者。

"Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of today's economy," said Guest. "Their courage to take risks, ability to innovate, and unwavering determination are what drive progress and create opportunities across industries."


All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, by USANA CEO and chairman Kevin Guest (PRNewsfoto/USANA)

In his bestseller, All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, Guest shares qualities that bring harmony and success to entrepreneurs.


"Achieving success is not always an easy road. Years ago, my business partner and I gambled our future on a business pitch in Texas to a major U.S. retailer," he said. "We faced a crushing rejection by their top executives, but that very setback became the springboard for our thriving video production company going forward."


Guest discovered that persistent determination is the hallmark of leaders.


"The winning entrepreneur turns setbacks into stepping stones, using every failure as fuel for success," he said. "They hone their skills and adapt to new challenges. They cultivate resilience and maintain an unwavering focus in the face of rejection."


According to Guest, three key traits of successful entrepreneurs include:


  1. Innovative Thinking: "Entrepreneurs must think outside the box and constantly seek new ways to solve problems," he said. "This creative approach is essential in developing unique products or services that stand out in a competitive market."
  2. Resilience: The path of entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges. "Successful entrepreneurs demonstrate resilience by bouncing back from setbacks and learning from failures," Guest said. "By staying determined, that very trait moves you forward to success despite obstacles."
  3. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for entrepreneurs. It helps them build relationships and gain customer trust. "When you master communications, you can convey your vision to investors and stakeholders. You inspire others," said Guest. "I've learned that clear communication is a trademark of successful business leadership."
  1. 創新思維:"創業者必須打破思維定式,不斷尋求解決問題的新方法,"他說。"這種創造性的方法在開發在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出的獨特產品或服務中至關重要。"
  2. 韌性:創業之路充滿挑戰。"成功的創業者通過從挫折中反彈,並從失敗中吸取教訓來展現出韌性,"訪客說。"堅持不懈,這個特質會讓你儘管面臨障礙也能走向成功。"
  3. 強大的溝通技巧:有效溝通對於創業者至關重要。它幫助他們建立人際關係,贏得客戶的信任。"當你掌握了溝通,你就能向投資者和利益相關者傳達你的願景。你會激勵其他人,"訪客說。"我學會了清晰溝通是成功商業領導的標誌。"

Inspiring examples of entrepreneurship and individual success are shared throughout All the Right Reasons. All proceeds for All the Right Reasons go to feeding hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals. For more information, visit .

在《所有正確的理由》中分享了創業和個人成功的激勵案例。所有正確理由的收益都用於救濟飢餓的兒童,每購買一本書都提供40頓飯。更多信息,請訪問 .

USANA (NYSE: USNA) Health Sciences, a global leader in health and wellness products, has long recognized the importance of social wellness in building a successful business. From its founding in 1992, USANA has focused on clear and concise communication to build trust with its customers and distributors in 25 countries. For more information about USANA Health Sciences and its dedication to promoting health, wellness, and entrepreneurial success, visit

全球領先的健康和健康產品公司USANA(紐交所:USNA)長期以來一直意識到在建立成功業務中社會健康的重要性。自1992年成立以來,USANA一直專注於通過清晰簡潔的溝通與25個國家的客戶和分銷商建立信任。欲了解有關USANA Health Sciences以及其致力於促進健康、健康和創業成功的更多信息,請訪問。

Tim Brown, Candid Communications
[email protected]

Tim Brown,Candid Communications
[email protected]



