
99 Speed Mart's 1H PAT Up 41% To RM258 Million With Revenue Of RM4.8 Billion

99 Speed Mart's 1H PAT Up 41% To RM258 Million With Revenue Of RM4.8 Billion

99 Speed Mart上半年營業利潤增加41%,達到2.58億令吉,營業收入達到48億令吉。
Business Today ·  09/02 18:19

99 Speed Mart Retail Holdings Berhad which is set for the biggest IPO on Bursa thiss year announced its second quarter results for the financial year ending 31 December 2024 with a revenue of RM2.4 billion, reflecting a RM183.3 million or 8.2% year-on-year increase compared to the second quarter of the financial year ended 2023.

99 Speed Mart Retail Holdings有限公司將於今年在證券交易所進行最大規模的首次公開募股,公佈了截至2024年12月31日的財政年度的第二季度業績,收入爲24令吉,與截至2023財年的第二季度相比,同比增長了18330萬令吉,同比增長8.2%。

The company said the increase a mainly attributed to higher sales led by the contribution from new outlets and positive impact from the bulk sales e-commerce platform. Correspondingly, 99 said its total sales transactions also rose by 12.9% to 113.8 million transactions y-o-y, partially offset by a lower average basket size, which reduced by 4.2% to RM21.30.


Gross profit grew by RM44.5 million or 23.5% to RM234.0 million in line with the increase in revenue while GP margin improved by 1.2% primarily due to higher promotional discounts and prompt payment discounts for the goods purchased.


Additionally, profit before tax recorded a significant y-o-y surge of RM66.8 million or 65.0% to RM169.5 million while profit after tax rose by RM50.0 million or 66.3% to RM125.5 million mainly due to the reasons stated above and the upward adjustment of the DC fee rates charged to the suppliers for the handling of products starting from the first quarter of the financial year ending 31 December 2024.


For the 6-months period ended 30 June 2024, 99 Holdings' revenue rose by 8.6% y-o-y, registering a cumulative revenue of RM4.8 billion while PBT increased by 41.5% to RM347.9 million and PAT grew by 41.6% to RM258.7 million.


99 Holdings' Founder and Chief Executive Officer Lee Thiam Wah said, "With the listing, we are excited about the new opportunities it will unlock, enabling us to accelerate our growth trajectory. The proceeds from the listing will be strategically utilised to expand our market presence and solidify our market-leading position in the mini-market industry in Malaysia," he added.

99 Holdings的創始人兼首席執行官Lee Thiam Wah表示:「隨着上市,我們對它將釋放的新機遇感到興奮,這使我們能夠加快增長軌跡。他補充說,上市的收益將戰略性地用於擴大我們的市場佔有率,鞏固我們在馬來西亞小型市場行業的市場領先地位。」

99 Holdings is scheduled to be listed on the Main Market of Bursa Securities on 9 September 2024 with a market capitalisation of approximately RM13.9 billion based on the final retail price of RM1.65 and its enlarged share capital of 8.4 billion shares upon listing.

99 Holdings計劃於2024年9月9日在布爾薩證券主市場上市,根據最終零售價1.65令吉及其上市後擴大的84股股本計算,市值約爲139令吉。

