
2 Rock-Solid Stocks for an Up-and-Down Market

2 Rock-Solid Stocks for an Up-and-Down Market

The Motley Fool ·  08/31 21:15

Ups and downs are an inherent part of the stock market and a natural element of its appeal because, without this movement, there would be little opportunity for investors. However, this also comes with risks that only some are comfortable with.


This is why many conservative investors who tend to prioritize safety and preservation of the capital over higher returns tend to stick to reliable, blue-chip stocks that offer consistent performance and dividends. However, there are at least two blue-chips that are both resilient and rewarding enough for not just conservative investors but risk-takers as well. These stocks can also serve as safety anchors in shaky markets.

這就是爲什麼許多保守型投資者傾向於將安全和資本保值放在高收益之上的原因,他們更願意投資可靠的、 藍籌股 能夠提供穩定表現和分紅的股票。然而,至少有兩家藍籌股不僅對保守型投資者而言是具有抗風險性和回報性的,對於冒險家來說也有足夠的回報。這些股票還可以在動盪的市場中擔當安全錨點的角色。

A utility company


While almost all utility companies are generally considered safe investments, Fortis (TSX:FTS) is arguably in a league of its own. This Canadian utility giant operates in multiple countries and two different regions.

雖然幾乎所有的公用事業公司通常被認爲是安全投資,但Fortis (TSX:FTS)可以說是獨一無二的。這家加拿大的公用事業巨頭在多個國家和兩個不同的地區運營。

This comprehensive geographic profile dilutes risks associated with concentration and gives the company access to various growth opportunities. The customer portfolio is quite sizable at 3.5 million (electricity and natural gas).


The bulk of its portfolio is regulated, with just 1% of assets classified as unregulated. This leads to highly reliable revenues, which has been an important catalyst behind its impressive dividend history—49 years of consecutive dividend growth. Fortis is the second oldest Aristocrat in the country and is just one year away from becoming Canada's second Dividend King.

其大部分資產組合均受到監管,僅有1%的資產被歸類爲非監管。這導致其收入非常可靠,這在其令人印象深刻的分紅歷史——連續49年的分紅增長——中扮演了重要角色。Fortis是該國第二古老的Aristocrat,並且距離成爲加拿大第二個Dividend King僅有一年的時間。

The resilience that makes it a fantastic pick for a shaky market stems primarily from its business model and rock-solid financials. But that's not the only reason for choosing this company. In addition to its reliable dividends at a decent yield (4% at the time of writing this), it also offers modest growth potential, especially if you hold the stock for the long term.


A food and medicine retailer

A food and medicine retailer

Metro (TSX:MRU) is one of the largest Canadian grocery/food and pharmacy chains. This Quebec-based company has a local footprint, and all of its 975 food stores and 645 drugstores are in these two provinces, under various names.

Metro (TSX:MRU) is one of the largest Canadian grocery/food and pharmacy chains. This Quebec-based company has a local footprint, and all of its 975 food stores and 645 drugstores are in these two provinces, under various names.

Since food and medicine are necessities that people cannot avoid, regardless of the economic conditions, Metro's business model is quite resilient. A compelling example is the 2020 crash when the stock barely dipped and fully recovered within the year.

Since food and medicine are necessities that people cannot avoid, regardless of the economic conditions, Metro's business model is quite resilient. A compelling example is the 2020 crash when the stock barely dipped and fully recovered within the year.

Being a low-volatility stock is just part of its overall appeal. It's also a Dividend Aristocrat that has grown its payouts for 28 consecutive years. The yield (at the time of writing this) is 1.5%. A more impressive characteristic is its capital appreciation potential. The stock rose by about 50% in the last five years, and it's on track to double its investors' capital in one decade.

Being a 低波動股票 這隻股票不僅是其整體吸引力的一部分。它還是一隻分紅冠軍,連續28年增加了分紅派息。收益率(在寫作時)爲1.5%。更令人印象深刻的特徵是其資本增值潛力。該股票在過去五年上漲了約50%,並有望在十年內使投資者的資本翻番。

Foolish takeaway


The two stocks are ideal in weak and unpredictable markets. Their business models are tied to core necessities that people can't stop paying for, regardless of the current economic and market conditions, allowing them to generate stable revenues even during economic downturns. This is also reflected in their minimal dips and quick recoveries in market crashes.


