
Titan Machinery Inc. (TITN) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Titan Machinery Inc. (TITN) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/30 12:19  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Titan Machinery Inc. (TITN) Q2 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Titan Machinery Inc. (TITN) 2025年第二季度業績會議呼叫摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Titan Machinery reported Q2 2025 total revenue of $633.7 million, a decrease of 1.4% year-over-year.

  • Gross profit margin contracted to 17.7%, largely due to proactive inventory management and aggressive pricing strategies, specifically in used equipment to align with market demand.

  • Net loss for Q2 2025 was $4.3 million, or $0.19 loss per diluted share, which includes significant noncash charges.

  • Titan Machinery報告2025年第二季度總營業收入爲6337萬美元,同比下降1.4%。

  • 毛利潤率收縮至17.7%,主要是由於積極的庫存管理和積極的定價策略,特別是在二手設備上,以與市場需求保持一致。

  • 2025年第二季度淨損失爲430萬美元,每股稀釋後虧損0.19美元,其中包括重大的非現金費用。

Business Progress:


  • Titan Machinery is actively managing inventory, particularly in used equipment, aiming to reduce it by $100 million in the second half of the fiscal year.

  • The company is enhancing its parts and service areas, expected to continue high single-digit growth, leveraging the customer care strategy to fuel this segment.

  • Titan Machinery正在積極管理庫存,特別是二手設備,旨在在本財政年度下半年將其減少10億美元。

  • 公司正在提升其零部件和服務領域,預計將繼續保持高位個位數增長,利用客戶關懷戰略來推動該業務。



  • Opportunities in precision agriculture solutions are helping drive equipment investment, despite the broader challenging market conditions.

  • Stable revenue outlook for the Construction segment supported by equipment availability and new product introductions despite broader economic challenges.

  • 精準農業解決方案的機遇正在推動設備投資增長,儘管整體市場條件具有挑戰性。

  • 儘管整體經濟面臨挑戰,建築業領域穩定的營收前景得到設備供應的支持和新產品推出。



  • The agriculture segment experienced softened demand due to lower commodity prices and high interest rates, impacting equipment purchase volumes and margins.

  • Current economic uncertainties and higher financing costs are expected to continue affecting market dynamics and demand levels across segments.

  • 農業業務由於商品價格下跌和高利率期貨的影響,需求疲軟,對設備採購量和利潤率產生影響。

  • 預計當前經濟不確定性和較高融資成本將繼續影響市場動態和各業務領域的需求水平。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


