
STORZ & BICKEL Debuts Inaugural "Smokeless September Challenge" to Educate Consumers on the Advantages of Vaporization

STORZ & BICKEL Debuts Inaugural "Smokeless September Challenge" to Educate Consumers on the Advantages of Vaporization

PR Newswire ·  08/29 22:38

Switch to Vaporizing and Try the VENTY


TUTTLINGEN, Germany, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - STORZ & BICKEL GmbH ("STORZ & BICKEL"), a world-leading manufacturer of high-end and medically certified vaporizers and a subsidiary of Canopy Growth Corporation ("Canopy Growth") (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC), today announced the launch of a new inaugural campaign, the Smokeless September Challenge. This initiative invites consumers to take a break from combustion throughout September and experience the advantages of vaporizing with STORZ & BICKEL's latest device, the VENTY.

2024年8月29日,德國圖特林根/ PRNewswire- STORZ & BICKEL GmbH("STORZ & BICKEL"),高端和經過醫學認證的蒸汽器的世界領先製造商,Canopy Growth Corporation("Canopy Growth")的子公司(TSX: WEED)(納斯達克:CGC)今天宣佈推出新的首屆活動,煙霧無煙九月挑戰賽。該倡議邀請消費者在整個九月份休戰燃燒,體驗STORZ & BICKEL最新設備的優勢, VENTY.

"As more adults are turning to natural remedies to alleviate stress, STORZ & BICKEL felt this was the perfect opportunity to debut our Smokeless September challenge," said Jürgen Bickel, Founder and Managing Director of STORZ & BICKEL. "As a leading manufacturer of medically approved and internationally available vaporizers, we are eager to educate consumers on the various benefits of vaporization and provide a healthier alternative to smoking."

"更多成年人轉向天然療法以緩解壓力,STORZ & BICKEL認爲這是首秀Smokeless September挑戰的絕佳機會," Jürgen Bickel說,STORZ & BICKEL的創始人和董事總經理。"作爲醫學認可和國際銷售的領先蒸汽器製造商,我們熱衷於向消費者介紹蒸發的各種好處,並提供更健康的吸菸替代品。"

The VENTY provides the same exceptional experience as the iconic VOLCANO Hybrid in a portable, hand-held format. With superior airflow of up to 20 liters per minute, the VENTY exudes billowing clouds of vapor.

VENTY提供與標誌性的相同出色體驗 VOLCANO Hybrid 在一個便攜、手持的格式中。VENTY的風量高達每分鐘20升,散發出滾滾的蒸汽雲。

Join the Smokeless September Challenge!


STORZ & BICKEL is calling all dry herb consumers to partake in the "Smokeless September Challenge" by giving up smoking for a month and switching exclusively to vaporizing with the VENTY.

STORZ & BICKEL呼籲所有乾草消費者參與「無煙九月挑戰」,在一個月的時間裏戒菸,專門轉向使用VENTY進行蒸發。

Join the challenge by visiting to sign up and receive an exclusive discount code to purchase your device. Once your VENTY arrives, all participants are encouraged to document any changes in their health or habits and share their journey on social media using the #SmokelessSeptember.

訪問網站 註冊並獲得獨家折扣代碼購買設備。一旦收到VENTY,鼓勵所有參與者記錄他們的健康或習慣的任何變化,並在社交媒體上分享他們的旅程,使用#無煙九月。

Potential Changes May Include:


  • Improved aroma and taste
  • Increased efficiency of inhalation
  • Precise temperature control
  • Combustion-free
  • Less coughing
  • 改善香氣和口感
  • 吸入效率提高
  • 精確溫度控制
  • 無燃燒
  • 減少咳嗽

"As a physician and harm reduction advocate, my goal is to help people consume in the safest way possible, and that's why I've joined forces with STORZ & BICKEL to spread the word about Smokeless September," said Princeton-based psychiatrist Dr. David Nathan. "Inhalation of dry herb flower allows for the fastest absorption of cannabinoids, enabling consumers to quickly and efficiently reach their optimal intake without overdoing it. That's why I believe high quality vaporizers like those offered by STORZ & BICKEL are valuable tools for patients and consumers."

作爲一名醫生和危害減少倡導者,我的目標是幫助人們以最安全的方式消費,這就是爲什麼我與STORZ&BICKEL合作,宣傳「無煙九月」活動,”普林斯頓的精神科醫生大衛·內森博士說。 「乾草花的吸入可實現大麻素最快吸收,使消費者能夠快速高效地達到最佳攝入量,避免過量攝入。這就是爲什麼我相信STORZ&BICKEL等高質量的霧化器對患者和消費者是寶貴的工具。」

For more information on STORZ & BICKEL and the Smokeless September Challenge, please visit and follow @storz.bickel on Instagram.

要了解更多STORZ&BICKEL和無煙九月挑戰的信息,請訪問 並關注@SpringWorksTx@storz.bickel 在Instagram上。



STORZ & BICKEL GmbH is the global leader in the manufacture of high-end and medically certified cannabis vaporizers. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and compliance, the company has consistently delivered exceptional products that meet the highest industry standards. Based in Tuttlingen, Germany, STORZ & BICKEL continues to drive the advancement of vaporization technology, providing a safe and efficient means of consuming cannabis for medical purposes.

STORZ & BICKEL GmbH是全球領先的高端和醫療認證大麻蒸發器製造商。公司致力於質量、創新和合規性,並始終按照最高行業標準提供優秀的產品。總部位於德國圖特林根的STORZ & BICKEL繼續推動蒸發技術的發展,爲醫療目的提供安全高效的大麻消費方式。

About Canopy Growth

關於Canopy Growth

Canopy Growth is a world leading cannabis company dedicated to unleashing the power of cannabis to improve lives. Through an unwavering commitment to our consumers, Canopy Growth delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel.

Canopy Growth是世界領先的大麻公司,致力於釋放大麻的力量以改善生活。Canopy Growth通過對消費者的堅定承諾,提供以優質和主流大麻品牌爲重點的創新產品,包括Doja、7ACRES、Tweed和Deep Space,此外還有由德國Storz & Bickel製造的界定類別的蒸發器技術。

Canopy Growth has also established a comprehensive ecosystem to realize the opportunities presented by the U.S. THC market through an unconsolidated, non-controlling interest in Canopy USA, LLC ("Canopy USA"). Canopy USA has closed the acquisitions of approximately 75% of the shares of Lemurian, Inc. ("Jetty") and two of three Wana entities that make up Wana Brands, being Wana Wellness, LLC and The CIMA Group, LLC, with the full acquisition of Wana expected by end of summer, subject to regulatory approval, once the acquisition of Mountain High Products, LLC is complete. Jetty owns and operates Jetty Extracts, a California-based producer of high- quality cannabis extracts and pioneer of clean vape technology, and Wana Brands is a leading North American edibles brand. Canopy USA has also exercised an option to acquire Acreage Holdings, Inc., a vertically integrated multi-state cannabis operator with principal operations in densely populated states across the Northeast and Midwest.

Canopy Growth還建立了一個全面的生態系統,通過不控制的非控股權利在美國THC市場實現機會,這是Canopy USA, LLC ("Canopy USA"),已收購了約75%的Lemurian,Inc. ("Jetty")和Wana Brands的三個實體之一,即Wana Wellness, LLC和The CIMA Group, LLC,並將在夏季結束前獲得Wana的全部股權。Jetty擁有並運營Jetty Extracts,這是一個位於加利福尼亞州高品質大麻提取物生產者和純淨蒸汽技術先鋒,Wana Brands是北美領先的食品品牌。Canopy USA還行使了收購Acreage Holdings, Inc.(一個在美國東北部和中西部人口稠密州擁有主要業務的垂直一體化多州大麻運營商)的選擇權。

Beyond its world-class products, Canopy Growth is leading the industry forward through a commitment to social equity, responsible use, and community reinvestment – pioneering a future where cannabis is understood and welcomed for its potential to help achieve greater well-being and life enhancement. For more information visit .

除了世界一流的產品,Canopy Growth通過致力於社會公平、負責任使用和社區投資來推動行業發展,開創了一個理解和歡迎大麻的未來,以實現更好的福祉和生活提升。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Storz & Bickel

SOURCE Storz & Bickel

