
Perricone MD Announces Jennie Garth as Brand Ambassador

Perricone MD Announces Jennie Garth as Brand Ambassador

Perricone MD宣佈Jennie Garth爲品牌大使
PR Newswire ·  08/29 21:00

The partnership with acclaimed actress, entrepreneur and advocate for healthy aging celebrates beauty from the inside-out and outside-in


SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Perricone MD, the pioneer in beauty from the inside-out and outside-in, begins a new chapter with acclaimed actress, entrepreneur, and advocate for healthy aging, Jennie Garth, as its Brand Ambassador. Jennie Garth's personal focus on wellness for over thirty years perfectly aligns with Perricone MD's core values, including its Three-Tier Philosophy consisting of a healthy, balanced anti-inflammatory diet, nutritional supplements, and advanced clinical skincare solutions. This collaboration leverages Jennie's long-standing affinity towards the brand and its founder, Dr. Nicholas Perricone.

舊金山,2024年8月29日 / PRNewswire / —— Perricone MD,內外美的先驅,與備受讚譽的女演員、企業家兼健康老齡化倡導者Jennie Garth展開新篇章。Jennie Garth在健康福祉方面的個人關注超過30年,與Perricone MD的核心價值觀完美匹配,包括健康、平衡的抗炎飲食、營養補充劑和先進的臨床護膚解決方案。這次合作充分利用了Jennie對該品牌及其創始人Dr. Nicholas Perricone的長期熱愛。

Perricone MD Introduces Jennie Garth as Brand Ambassador
Perricone MD將Jennie Garth引入爲品牌大使

"We are honored to welcome Jennie Garth as Perricone MD's strategic brand ambassador," said Robert Koerner, President of Perricone MD. "Jennie's lifestyle and interests perfectly embody the Perricone MD holistic, Three-Tier Philosophy for healthy aging. She has been an active consumer of the brand for the past twenty years, making her the perfect partner to help us communicate our core belief that true beauty is radiant health. And Jennie has not only the trust from her community, who turn to her for authentic product recommendations and advice, she has a natural connection with our core 50+ consumer target."

「我們榮幸地歡迎Jennie Garth擔任Perricone MD的戰略品牌大使,」Perricone MD的總裁Robert Koerner表示。「Jennie的生活方式和興趣完美地體現了Perricone MD綜合性、三層次健康老齡化理念。她在過去二十年中一直是該品牌的忠實消費者,這使她成爲我們的完美合作伙伴,將幫助我們傳達我們的核心信仰,即真正的美是光彩照人的健康。而且Jennie不僅受到她的社區的信任,他們向她尋求真實的產品推薦和建議,她還與我們的核心50歲以上的消費者目標人群有着天然的聯繫。」

"Since discovering Dr. Perricone in the '90s as a pioneer in healthy aging, I've counted on Perricone MD throughout my skincare journey. As a strong advocate for healthy aging and self-care, Perricone MD's approach to celebrating women being comfortable in their skin deeply resonates with me. I choose Perricone MD because they invest in powerful ingredients, cutting-edge research, and extensive efficacy testing to ensure exceptional results, which I have personally experienced. I'm eager to see where this partnership takes us and to share all the exciting developments that are on the horizon." – Jennie Garth

「自從上世界90年代我發現Perricone醫生是健康老齡化的先驅以來,我一直依靠Perricone MD沿着護膚旅程。作爲健康老齡化和自我護理的積極倡導者,Perricone MD慶祝女性對自己的皮膚感到舒適的方法深深地觸動了我。我選擇Perricone MD,因爲他們投資於強大的成分、前沿研究和廣泛的有效性測試,以確保出色的結果,這是我個人親身經歷過的。我期待看到這次合作將帶給我們什麼,以及分享即將到來的所有令人興奮的發展。」 - Jennie Garth

Perricone MD and Jennie Garth are united in their mission to changing the narrative around aging with this partnership and future collaborations. Starting in September, Jennie Garth will be representing the brand on QVC for key moments, bringing her notoriety and love for Perricone MD skincare to this core audience. Together, they are dedicated to transforming the way people approach skincare and self-care, advocating for a vision of aging that celebrates confidence at every stage of life.

Perricone MD和Jennie Garth聯合起來,致力於改變關於衰老的敘事,並在未來進行合作。從9月開始,Jennie Garth將代表品牌在QVC上出現重要時刻,將她的知名度和對Perricone MD護膚品的熱愛帶給這個核心觀衆。他們共同致力於改變人們對護膚和自我關愛的方式,倡導在人生的每個階段都慶祝自信的衰老願景。

About Perricone MD

關於Perricone MD

For nearly 30 years, Perricone MD has been a holistic, three-tier skincare and wellness system. This consists of diet, essential dietary supplements and potent topical skincare solutions backed by powerful ingredients, cutting-edge research and extensive clinical and consumer studies.

近30年來,Perricone MD一直是一個全面的、三層次的護膚和健康系統。它包括飲食、基本膳食補充品和由強大成分支持、前沿研究和廣泛的臨床和消費者研究的強效局部護膚解決方案。

Perricone MD was created by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, world-renowned author of New York Times bestseller, The Wrinkle Cure. Dr. Perricone's seminal work challenged the prevailing norms of the skincare industry with its visionary approach to aging and introduction to the advantages of a healthy lifestyle.

Perricone MD是由尼古拉斯·庇裏康尼博士創建的,他是《紐約時報》暢銷書《皺紋療法》的世界知名作者。庇裏康尼博士的創舉挑戰了皮膚護理行業的流行規範,以其對衰老的開創性方法和健康生活方式的優勢的介紹。

Perricone MD is driven by the pursuit of fearless innovation and a stubbornly uncompromising spirit of excellence. Good enough has never been good enough—a belief that drives our commitment to consistently deliver targeted results. We continuously seek the truth in unlocking the powerful science behind healthy-looking skin, from the inside-out and outside-in.

Perricone MD秉承着對無畏創新的追求和對卓越的頑固妥協精神的驅動。足夠好從來不夠好,這種信念推動着我們始終如一地提供有針對性的結果。我們不斷尋求解鎖健康肌膚的強大科學的真相,從內到外和外到內。

About Jennie Garth

關於Jennie Garth

Jennie Garth is an acclaimed actress, advocate, designer, and podcast host. She is widely recognized for her iconic role as 'Kelly Taylor' on Fox's groundbreaking series "Beverly Hills, 90210," which captivated audiences for ten seasons, and has since starred in numerous hit television series, including "What I Like About You" on The WB and "Mystery Girls" on ABC Family, as well as the 2019 Fox meta-reboot "BH90210," which she also co-created and executive produced. Garth has also appeared in more than nineteen television movies and authored her memoir, "Deep Thoughts from a Hollywood Blonde," in 2014. She currently hosts two popular iHeart Podcasts: "I Choose Me," where she explores meaningful conversations surrounding self-care and self-love, and "9021OMG!," her "BH90210" rewatch podcast with friend and former co-star, Tori Spelling. As a passionate entrepreneur and designer, Jennie recently launched her new clothing line, "Me by Jennie Garth", exclusively for QVC, designed to empower women of all ages and body types. She also showcased her unique style and affinity for interior design on her home renovation series, "The Jennie Garth Project" for HGTV and through her QVC home decor line, The BFF Collection, launched in 2023. Garth's commitment to leading a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle has only grown stronger since turning fifty, and she passionately champions the importance of prioritizing both physical fitness and mental wellbeing. She is a dedicated advocate for women's empowerment and continues to raise awareness for causes close to her heart, serving as the national spokesperson for the American Heart Association's 'Go Red for Women' campaign and in her ongoing support of philanthropic organizations including The Heart Foundation, Kids Vision for Life, Stand Up to Cancer, Water 4 All, and Feeding America.

Jennie Garth是一位備受讚譽的演員、倡導者、設計師和播客主持人。她因在Fox的劃時代系列《比佛利山莊青春歲月》中飾演的「凱利·泰勒」而廣受認可,該劇連續十季吸引了觀衆,此後她還主演了許多熱門電視系列,包括The Wb的《我喜歡你的樣子》和ABC Family的《神祕女孩》,以及2019年的Fox元柳劇《BH90210》,她還擔任該劇的聯合創作人和執行製片人。加思還出演了十九部電視電影,並於2014年出版了她的回憶錄《淺談一個好萊塢金髮女郎》。她目前主持兩檔廣受歡迎的iHeart播客節目:「我選擇我」,在這個節目中,她探討了圍繞自我關懷和自愛的有意義的對話,以及「9021OMG!」,她與朋友和前劇中搭檔Tori Spelling合作主持的《BH90210》重溫播客。作爲一位充滿熱情的企業家和設計師,Jennie最近爲QVC推出了她的新服裝系列「Jennie Garth之我」,專門爲各個年齡段和體型的女性賦能。她還通過她的家庭翻新系列《The Jennie Garth Project》爲HGTV展示了她獨特的風格和對室內設計的喜愛,並通過她在2023年推出的QVC家居裝飾系列「The BFF Collection」展示了她對室內裝飾的獨特品味。加思對領導健康、平衡的生活方式的承諾在五十歲以後只變得更加堅定,她對優先考慮身體健康和心理健康的重要性充滿激情。她是女性賦權的忠實倡導者,並繼續爲她心愛的事業提高意識,擔任美國心臟協會'Go Red for Women'活動的全國發言人,並在她對慈善組織包括The Heart Foundation、Kids Vision for Life、Stand Up to Cancer、Water 4 All和Feeding America的持續支持中提高意識。

SOURCE Perricone MD

SOURCE Perricone MD

