
Grid Battery Expands Land Holdings by Adding a Copper Project in Northern Central British Columbia

Grid Battery Expands Land Holdings by Adding a Copper Project in Northern Central British Columbia

Accesswire ·  08/29 19:30

COQUITLAM, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / Grid Battery Metals Inc. (the "Company" or "Grid Battery") (TSXV:CELL)(OTCQB:EVKRF)(FRA:NMK2) is pleased to announce the expansion of our exploration land holdings with the inclusion of a new Copper Property, located in Northern British Columbia.

COQUITLAM, BC / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年8月29日 / Grid Battery Metals Inc.(以下簡稱「公司」或「Grid Battery」)(TSXV:CELL)(OTCQB:EVKRF)(FRA:NMK2)很高興宣佈,我們的勘探地塊面積擴大了,包括一個位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北部的新銅礦區。

The Company has entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement dated August 26, 2024 (the "Agreement"), with AC/DC Battery Metals Inc. ("AC/DC"), to a acquire a 100% interest in 17 mineral claims comprising 27,525.24 hectares located in North Central British Columbia. The region is host to numerous operating mines, good infrastructure including experienced exploration and supporting services (the "Transaction"). The Transaction is a "related party" transaction and is subject to TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange") approval.

該公司已於2024年8月26日簽署了一份《購買和銷售協議》(以下簡稱「協議」),與AC/DC Battery Metals Inc.(以下簡稱「AC/DC」)達成協議,以收購位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的17個礦權,總面積爲27,525.24公頃。該地區有衆多運營礦山,良好的基礎設施,包括經驗豐富的勘探和支持服務(以下簡稱「交易」)。該交易屬於「關聯方交易」,需獲得TSX Venture Exchange(以下簡稱「交易所」)的批准。

Terms of the Transaction:


The Company will purchase the Property as follows:


  1. making a cash payment to AC/DC in the amount of $48,172.15 for reimbursement of staking costs, upon Exchange Approval; and

  2. issuing to AC/DC 5,000,000 fully paid and non-assessable common shares at a deemed value of $0.05 per share in the capital of the Company upon Exchange approval of the Transaction.

  1. 在交易所獲得批准後,向AC/DC支付現金48,172.15美元以償還採礦成本;

  2. 在交易所批准交易後,向AC/DC發行飽和支付和不可請求的普通股5,000,000股,每股資本的估值爲0.05美元。

All securities issued in connection with the Transaction are subject to a four month and a day hold period in accordance with Canadian Securities Laws.


Pursuant to TSXV Policy 5.9 and Multilateral Instrument 61-101 -- Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions ("MI 61-101"), the Agreement constitutes a "related party transaction" due to the fact that there are common officers and directors of the Company and AC/DC. The Company relied on Section 5.5(a) of MI 61-101 for an exemption from the formal valuation requirement and Section 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101 for an exemption from the minority shareholder approval requirement of MI 61-101 as the fair market value of the transaction did not exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization. No new insiders will be created, nor will any change of control occur, as a result of the Transaction.

根據TSXV政策5.9和多邊合作制儀61-101——保護少數股東在特殊交易中的權益(以下簡稱「MI 61-101」),由於公司和AC/DC有共同的高管和董事,所以該協議構成了「關聯方交易」。公司依據MI 61-101第5.5(a)條規定,免除了正式估值要求,並依據MI 61-101第5.7(1)(a)條規定,因交易的公允市值未超過公司市值的25%,所以免除了MI 61-101的少數股東批准要求。該交易不會產生新的內幕人員,也不會導致實際控制權發生變更。

About the Copper Property
"We're excited to acquire approximately 275 km2 of tenures in such a favourable mining region within BC." commented the Tim Fernback, President and CEO. "This area of the Province has already generated several promising projects, and our land package is strategically situated to exploit the high copper-gold values of the region. NorthWest Copper Corp. (TSXV:NWST) on the nearby Kwanika project intercepted 400 metres of 1.01 Copper equivalent (News Release January 16, 2023 Northwest Copper Corp). BC is a mining-friendly jurisdiction with reasonable processes, good infrastructure and potential First Nation partners."

「我們很高興能在卑詩省這樣一個有利的礦業區域獲得約275平方公里的礦權。」蒂姆·費恩巴克(Tim Fernback)總裁兼首席執行官評論道。「該省份的這個地區已經產生了幾個有前景的項目,而我們的土地組合戰略地位於該地區具有高銅金價值。」NorthWest Copper Corp.(TSXV:NWST)在附近的Kwanika項目上截取了400米1.01銅當量(新聞發佈會2023年1月16日Northwest Copper Corp)。卑詩省是一個友好的採礦司法管轄區,擁有合理的流程、良好的基礎設施和潛在的原住民合作伙伴。

B.C. Minfile assessment report data indicates that most of the area covered by the Copper Property was at one time or another covered by staking during surges of exploration in B.C. dating from the 1940's to present day. Largely the claims appear to have been minimally explored with little follow-up. However, some work was recorded on several claims with results for stream sediment sampling showing anomalous to highly anomalous results for gold in a few areas. These areas were recommended for detailed follow-up, however due to a downturn no further work was recorded


Prominent among early discoveries in the Omineca region were the nearby Lustdust/Stardust property (a property developed by Lorraine Copper that was sold to Sun Metals Corp. which eventually merged with Serengeti Resources to become NorthWest Copper Corp.) covering a large, coherent integrated porphyry-skarn, epithermal system; the Kwanika property (a Serengeti/POSCO Daewoo property also became a NorthWest Copper Corp. property upon the merger with Serengeti Resources) a promising advanced stage copper-gold project; the Lorraine property (originally discovered by Lorraine Copper and now a NorthWest Copper Corp. property)an alkalic copper-gold porphyryr. The tenures are located between the Kemess North project being developed by Centerra Gold Inc. (TSX:CG)(NYSE:CGAU) and its operating Mt Milligan mine, which is reported to 1.8 million ounces of gold and 742 million pounds of copper (Technical Report on the Mount Milligan Mine, November 7, 2022, Borntrager. B, et al.)

Omineca地區早期發現的著名礦點包括附近的Lustdust/Stardust礦產(由Lorraine Copper開發並出售給Sun Metals Corp.,後來與Serengeti Resources合併成爲NorthWest Copper Corp.)覆蓋了一個大型、連貫的斑岩-矽卡巖、閃熱礦系統;Kwanika礦產(Serengeti/POSCO Daewoo礦產也成爲NorthWest Copper Corp.與Serengeti Resources合併後的礦產)一個前景很好的高級階段銅金項目;Lorraine礦產(最初由Lorraine Copper發現,現在是NorthWest Copper Corp.的礦產)一種鹼性銅金斑岩礦。這些經營權位於Centerra Gold Inc.(TSX:CG)(NYSE:CGAU)開發的Kemess North項目和其運營的Mt Milligan礦山之間,該礦山據報道擁有180萬盎司黃金和74200萬磅銅(Mount Milligan Mine技術報告,2022年11月7日,Borntrager. b等)

The Omineca Group claim areas are within the northern Quesnel Trough underlain by Cache Creek Terrane and lies close to the Pinchi Fault. The Quesnel Trough hosts numerous porphyry copper-gold deposits. The Pinchi Fault can be traced for 600 km through north-central B.C and separates Cache Creek rocks from the Jurassic Hogem Batholith and Triassic-Jurassic Takla rocks to the west. Rocks have a north-northwest strike trend typical of the entire Intermontane Belt in which the Cache Creek Terrane lies (Gabrielse and Yorath, 1992). A wide range of Jurassic to Tertiary intrusions cuts the Cache Creek Assemblage and many of these are emplaced along the prominent NW-trending structures and stratigraphic breaks. Numerous mercury occurrences are present along the length of the Pinchi fault (Albino, 1987) and a few gold and base metal occurrences are present near the Pinchi fault including the Lustdust, Lorraine, Indata and Axelgold properties. There are at least two alkalic gold-copper Porphyry systems in the immediate Lustdust (now known as Stardust) area: J49 and Axel Properties (Schiarrizza, 2000).

Omineca集團的申請區域位於北Quesnel槽,位於Cache Creek地塊下面,靠****chi斷層。Quesnel槽中有許多斑岩型銅金礦牀。Pinchi斷層可以追蹤到卑詩省中北部,全長600公里,將Cache Creek巖客與侏羅紀Hogem巖體和三疊紀-侏羅紀Takla岩石分割開來。這些岩石的走向具有典型的北西北走向,與Cache Creek地塊所在的整個Intermontane褶皺帶一致(Gabrielse and Yorath, 1992)。在Cache Creek混合巖群中,有多種侵入岩從事NW向主要構造和地層斷裂。沿Pinchi斷層的全長存在許多水銀賦存(Albino, 1987),在Pinchi斷層附近包括Lustdust、Lorraine、Indata和Axelgold等地還有一些金和基金屬賦存。在Lustdust (現稱爲Stardust) 鄰近地區至少有兩個弱鹼性金銅斑岩體系:J49和Axel Properties(Schiarrizza,2000)

Readers are cautioned that the information in this press release regarding the adjacent properties are not necessarily indicative of the mineralization on the property of interest.


Qualified Person
Jeremy Hanson, P.Geo., an independent qualified person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical content in this news release.

Jeremy Hanson,P.Geo.,獨立的合格人員,根據43-101法規對本新聞稿的技術內容進行了審查和批准。

About Grid Battery Metals Inc. .
Grid Battery Metals Inc. is a Canadian based exploration company whose primary listing is on the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company's maintains a focus on exploration for high value battery metals required for the electric vehicle (EV) market.

關於Grid Battery Metals公司。 .
Grid電池金屬公司是一家加拿大勘查公司,其主要上市地是TSX Venture Exchange。該公司專注於勘查用於電動汽車市場的高價值電池金屬。

About Texas Springs Property
The Company owns a 100% interest in the Texas Spring Property which consists of mineral lode claims located in Elko County, Nevada. The Property is in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada, about 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Nevada. The target is a lithium clay deposit in volcanic tuff and tuffaceous sediments of the Humbolt Formation. A Phase 1 exploration program at the Texas Springs Property (Fall 2023) yielded average lithium grades of 2010 ppm, applying a 1,000 ppm cut-off, and up to 5,610 ppm Lithium.

關於Clayton Valley鋰項目。
該公司擁有德克薩斯州斯普林礦產權100%,該礦產權由內華達州埃爾科縣的礦產礦權組成。該物業位於內華達州傑克波特東南的花崗岩區,距離內華達州威爾斯市以北北東73公里。目標是火山凝灰岩和凝灰岩石中的鋰粘土礦藏。在德克薩斯州斯普林物業(2023年秋季)進行的一項第一階段勘探計劃,應用1000 ppm的截止值,得出的平均鋰含量爲2010 ppm,最高達5610 ppm鋰。

The Texas Spring property adjoins the southern border of the Nevada North Lithium Project - owned by Surge Battery Metals Inc. ("Surge") (TSXV:NILI)(OTCQX:NILIF) and comprised of 725 mineral claims. Surge's first round of drilling identified strongly mineralized lithium bearing clays. The average lithium content within all near surface clay zones intersected in the 2022 drilling program, applying a 1000 ppm cut-off, was 3254 ppm. (Press release March 29, 2023). More recent results have shown higher grade lithium up to 8070 ppm on this property after initial drilling (Press release September 12, 2023). Our exploration results are on-trend with these results.

Texas Spring物業毗鄰Surge Battery Metals Inc.(「Surge」)(TSXV:NILI)(OTCQX:NILIF)所擁有的Nevada North鋰項目的南部邊界,該項目由725個礦權組成。Surge的第一輪鑽探發現了富含礦化鋰的黏土。根據2022年鑽探計劃在所有接近地表的黏土層中的平均鋰含量(採用1000 ppm截斷)爲3254 ppm(2023年3月29日新聞稿)。最近的結果顯示,經過最初的鑽探,該物業上的高品位鋰可達到8070 ppm(2023年9月12日新聞稿)。我們的勘探結果與這些結果一致。

About Clayton Valley Lithium Project
The Company owns a 100% interest in 113 lithium lode and placer claims covering over 640 hectares in Clayton Valley. Clayton Valley is a down-dropped closed basin formed by the Miocene age Great Basin extension and is still active due to movement along the Walker Lane structural zone. As a result, the basin has preserved multiple layers of lithium bearing volcanic ash, resulting from multiple eruptive events over the past 6 million years including eruptions from the 700,000-year-old Long Valley Caldera system and related events. These ash layers are thought to contribute to the lithium brines extracted by Albemarle and are also likely involved in the formation of the exposed lithium rich clay deposits on the east side of Clayton Valley.

該公司擁有在克萊頓谷(Clayton Valley)覆蓋640公頃以上的113個鋰礦脈和鎢礦脈權,克萊頓谷是一個由中新世大盆地擴展形成的下降性封閉盆地,並由Walker Lane結構帶沿着活動。因此,該盆地保留了多層含鋰火山灰,這些火山灰是過去600萬年裏多次噴發事件包括700,000年前的Long Valley Caldera體系和相關事件的結果。這些火山灰層被認爲對Albemarle所提取的鋰滷水產生貢獻,也可能涉及到克萊頓谷東側暴露的富含鋰的粘土礦牀的形成。

Volt Canyon Lithium Property
The Company owns a 100% interest in 80 placer claims covering approximately 635 hectares of alluvial sediments and clays located 122 km northeast of Tonopah, Nevada.

Volt Canyon鋰物業。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


"Tim Fernback"
Tim Fernback, President & CEO

"Tim Fernback"
董事長及首席執行官Tim Fernback

Contact Information:
Phone: 604- 428-5690


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SOURCE: Grid Battery Metals Inc.

資訊來源:Grid Battery Metals Inc.

