
Cambium Networks Collaborates With QUILT and NODE Networks to Bridge the Digital Divide in Chicago

Cambium Networks Collaborates With QUILT and NODE Networks to Bridge the Digital Divide in Chicago

cambium networks與QUILt和NODE Networks合作,在芝加哥解決數字鴻溝問題
PR Newswire ·  08/29 19:00

Collaboration Aims to Increase Access to Affordable High-Speed Broadband in Underserved Communities Benefitting Over 440,000 Households


HOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill., Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cambium Networks (NASDAQ: CMBM), a leading global provider of wireless and wired networking solutions, today announced a strategic collaboration with QUILT, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, NODE Networks, TMA Technology Solutions, and ComEd to enhance digital equity in underserved communities across Chicago as part of QUILT's Broadband Access for Brighter Futures Program. The program will deploy a 401-mile fiber network across Cook County and the South Side and West Side of Chicago, incorporating 30 strategic interconnection points and additional fiber capacity construction.

伊利諾伊州霍夫曼莊園,2024年8月29日 /新華社PRNewswire/ -- 全球領先的無線和有線網絡解決方案提供商Cambium Networks (納斯達克代碼:CMBM) 與非營利性組織QUILt、NODE網絡、TMA科技方案和ComEd宣佈展開戰略合作,作爲QUILT「互聯網覆蓋,寬帶接入爲更光明未來計劃」的一部分,旨在加強芝加哥低收入社區的數字平等。該計劃將在庫克郡以及芝加哥南部和西部地區部署一條401英里的光纖網絡,涵蓋30個戰略互聯點和額外的光纖容量建設。

ComEd will provide access to its extensive middle-mile infrastructure benefiting 24 communities and over 440,000 households. NODE Networks will utilize this infrastructure to deliver last-mile connectivity, leveraging Cambium Networks' cnWave 60 GHz, Enterprise Wi-Fi, cnMatrix Ethernet Switches and XGS PON to create a hybrid-fiber solution. This approach aims to reduce deployment costs, expedite implementation, and significantly close the digital divide.

ComEd將開放其廣泛的中間路基礎設施,惠及24個社區和超過440,000個家庭。NODE Networks將利用該基礎設施通過Cambium Networks的cnWave 60GHz、企業級Wi-Fi、cnMatrix以太網交換機和XGS PON提供最後一英里連接,以創建混合光纖解決方案。這種方法旨在降低部署成本、加快實施,並大幅縮小數字鴻溝。

This team effort highlights the transformative power of strategic partnerships in addressing critical infrastructure needs and promoting digital inclusion. By leveraging the combined strengths of Cambium Networks, ComEd, QUILT, and NODE Networks, this project is set to make a lasting impact on Chicago's digital landscape.

這個團隊努力突顯了戰略合作伙伴關係在解決關鍵基礎設施需求和促進數字包容方面的變革性力量。通過整合Cambium Networks、ComEd、QUILt和NODE Networks的優勢,該項目將對芝加哥的數字景觀產生持久影響。

"This initiative is a testament to our core corporate values and commitment to ensuring every community has access to reliable, high-speed internet," said Morgan Kurk, President and CEO of Cambium Networks. "By partnering with QUILT, NODE Networks, and leveraging ComEd's infrastructure, we are poised to deliver cutting-edge connectivity solutions that will drive economic growth and improve the quality of life for thousands of families."

"這項舉措證明了我們的核心企業價值觀和確保每個社區都能獲得可靠、高速的互聯網的承諾,"Cambium Networks總裁兼首席執行官摩根·柯克表示。 "通過與QUILt、NODE網絡合作並利用ComEd的基礎設施,我們將爲數千個家庭提供尖端的連接解決方案,推動經濟增長,提高生活質量。

"Digital equity is not just about access to the internet; it's about access to opportunities. This initiative is a crucial step towards leveling the playing field for underserved communities in Chicago," said Dwayne Douglas, CEO of QUILT. "By working together with Cambium Networks, NODE Networks, and leveraging ComEd's infrastructure, we are laying the groundwork for a future where every resident has the tools they need to thrive in a digital world."

"數字平等不僅僅是獲取互聯網的機會,它也關乎獲得機會的平等。這項舉措對於芝加哥的低收入社區來說是邁向實現平等的重要一步,"QUILt首席執行官德維恩·道格拉斯表示。 "通過與Cambium Networks、NODE Networks合作並利用ComEd的基礎設施,我們正在爲未來奠定基礎,在數字世界中爲每位居民提供所需的工具。

More Information
The project will leverage 401 miles of fiber, covering key regions in Chicago and Cook County. This network will include 30 interconnection points, facilitating robust and scalable broadband services. ComEd's infrastructure enables affordable middle-mile connectivity, while NODE Networks' expertise in last-mile solutions, powered by Cambium Networks' supports fast and efficient deployment.

該項目將利用401英里的光纖,覆蓋芝加哥和庫克縣的重要地區。該網絡將包括30個互連點,促進強大且可擴展的寬帶服務。科米德的基礎設施可以提供平價中遠程連接,而NODE網絡在最後一英里解決方案上的專業知識,由Cambium Networks提供支持,以快速高效地部署。

Cambium Networks' technology will provide a cost-effective hybrid-fiber solution that enhances network performance and reliability. This technology is designed to support high-speed broadband, making it possible to deliver seamless digital experiences in previously underserved areas.

Cambium Networks的技術將提供一種經濟實惠的混合光纖解決方案,以增強網絡性能和可靠性。這項技術旨在支持高速寬帶,使在以前服務不到的地區實現無縫的數字體驗。

With Cambium's ONE Network solution, all network elements are deployed and managed from a single platform. cnMaestro Network Management offers a cohesive and efficient management experience for Cambium's ONE Network and includes multi-tenancy to enable managed service providers to scale across many customers.

藉助Cambium的ONE Network解決方案,所有網絡元素都可以在一個平台上部署和管理。cnMaestro網絡管理爲Cambium的ONE Network提供了一種協調和高效的管理體驗,包括多租戶功能,使託管服務提供商能夠跨多個客戶進行規模化。

About Broadband Access for Brighter Futures
Broadband Access for Brighter Futures is a community-driven initiative aimed at closing the digital divide in Chicago's most underserved neighborhoods. By leveraging strategic partnerships and innovative technology solutions, the initiative focuses on delivering affordable, high-speed broadband access to over 440,000 households across 24 communities. The project not only enhances connectivity but also integrates digital literacy and workforce development programs, empowering residents to thrive in a digital world. Broadband Access for Brighter Futures represents a comprehensive approach to digital equity, combining infrastructure development with education and community engagement to create sustainable, long-term benefits.


About Cambium Networks
Cambium Networks enables service providers, enterprises, industrial organizations, and governments to deliver exceptional digital experiences and device connectivity with compelling economics. Our ONE Network platform simplifies management of Cambium's wired and wireless broadband and network edge technologies, allowing customers to focus more on managing their business rather than the network. We make connectivity that just works.

關於Cambium Networks
cambium networks使服務提供商、企業、工業組織和政府能夠通過卓越的數字體驗和設備連接以極具吸引力的經濟效益提供服務。我們的one網絡平台簡化了cambium的有線和無線寬帶和網絡邊緣技術的管理,使客戶能夠更專注於管理業務而不是網絡。我們創造那些連通性的just works。

QUILT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to closing the digital divide in underserved communities. Through innovative programs, strategic partnerships, and community engagement, QUILT works to provide equitable access to technology, broadband connectivity, digital literacy, and workforce development training. QUILT's mission is to empower individuals and families by enhancing their access to educational, economic, and social opportunities in the digital age.


About NODE Networks
NODE Networks provides communications infrastructure services, including fiber and bandwidth connectivity, colocation, and cloud infrastructure. Focused on underserved communities, NODE Networks offers scalable broadband solutions to help close the digital divide. The company's expertise in last-mile connectivity and innovative technologies ensures reliable, affordable internet access, supporting digital inclusion and community empowerment.

關於NODE Networks
NODE Networks提供通信基礎設施服務,包括光纖和帶寬連接、機房託管和雲基礎建設。NODE Networks專注於貧困社區,提供可擴展的寬帶解決方案,以幫助消除數字鴻溝。公司在最後一英里連接和創新技術方面的專業知識確保可靠、價格合理的互聯網接入,支持數字包容和社區賦權。

About TMA Technology Solutions
TMA Technology Solutions is a provider of cutting-edge business technology solutions and services. We encompass more than 30 years of experience in the industry offering reliable, dependable and scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. TMA serves clients at every level of their organization, in a multitude of capacities where we can be most useful, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach for front line employees. For every engagement, we assemble a team with the most appropriate experience and expertise.

關於TMA Technology Solutions
TMA Technology Solutions是一家提供尖端業務技術解決方案和服務的供應商。我們的行業經驗超過30年,爲所有規模的企業提供可靠、可信賴和可擴展的解決方案。TMA爲客戶的每個層次和角色提供服務,無論是作爲高層管理的值得信賴的顧問,還是作爲一線員工的實際輔導者。對於每個項目,我們都會組建具有最恰當經驗和專長的團隊。

About ComEd
ComEd is a unit of Chicago-based Exelon Corporation (NASDAQ: EXC), a Fortune 200 energy company with approximately 10 million electricity and natural gas customers – the largest number of customers in the U.S. ComEd powers the lives of more than 4 million customers across northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state's population.

關於ComEd ComEd是位於芝加哥的愛克斯龍公司(NASDAQ:EXC)的一個單位,擁有大約1000萬電力和天然氣客戶 – 是美國擁有最多客戶的能源公司。ComEd爲伊利諾伊州北部超過4百萬人口,即該州人口的70%提供電力。有關更多信息,請訪問,並關注公司。
ComEd是總部位於芝加哥的Exelon Corporation(NASDAQ: EXC)的子公司,Exelon Corporation是一家財富200強能源公司,擁有約1000萬電力和天然氣客戶,是美國擁有最多客戶的公司。ComEd爲伊利諾伊州北部超過400萬客戶,即該州70%人口提供電力服務。

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SOURCE Cambium Networks

