
DLP Reports Results From Its Initial Metallurgical Study on Its Aurora Property, Peru

DLP Reports Results From Its Initial Metallurgical Study on Its Aurora Property, Peru

newsfile ·  08/29 18:00

High recoveries achieved (95.8% Cu, 86.4% Mo, 89.3% Ag) to saleable concentrates.


Cranbrook, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 29, 2024) - DLP Resources Inc. (TSXV: DLP) (OTCQB: DLPRF) ("DLP" or the "Company") is pleased to report results from the initial metallurgical scoping study on its Aurora Project in southern Peru. The Company commissioned C.H. Plenge & Cia S.A. ("Plenge") in Lima, Peru to complete test work programs on three composites taken from the partially leached (M-1), copper enriched/mixed (M-2) and primary Mo-rich (M-3) zones. The test work reported:

克蘭布魯克,不列顛哥倫比亞--(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年8月29日) - DLP Resources Inc.(TSXV:DLP)(OTCQB:DLPRF)("DLP"或"公司")高興地宣佈了其位於秘魯南部的阿羅拉項目的初步冶金草圖研究結果。 該公司委託秘魯利馬的C.H. Plenge & Cia S.A.(「Plenge」)完成了來自部分浸出(m-1)、富銅混合(m-2)和富鉬主要(m-3)區的三個組分的試驗工作方案。 試驗報告如下:

  1. Head Assays.
  2. Mineralogy.
  3. Recovery of copper, silver, and molybdenum by flotation.
  4. Copper-Molybdenum separation by flotation.
  1. 頭部分析。
  2. 礦物學。
  3. 通過浮選回收銅、銀和鉬。
  4. 通過浮選實現銅-鉬分離。

Highlights are listed below, and detailed results highlighted in Tables 1-11.


Ian Gendall, President & CEO, commented: "Aurora has simple metallurgy that returns high recoveries of critical minerals, copper and molybdenum from standard flotation processes into high-grade concentrates free of deleterious elements. This first phase of metallurgical test work has confirmed high recoveries of copper (95.8%), molybdenum (86.4%) and silver (89.3%) in the rougher concentrate from the composite of partially leached, enriched/mixed and primary mineralized zones. These excellent recoveries for copper, molybdenum and silver at a time when molybdenum prices are at $30/lb, copper at $4.20/lb and silver at $29/oz, bode well for the economics of the project moving forward."

Ian Gendall,總裁兼首席執行官,評論說:「阿羅拉具有簡單的冶金工藝,可以通過標準浮選工藝將關鍵礦物--銅和鉬的回收率提高,並得到不含有害元素的高品位濃縮物。冶金試驗的第一階段已確認部分浸出、富銅混合和主要礦化區的複合材料中銅(95.8%)、鉬(86.4%)和銀(89.3%)的浮選浮選粗精礦的回收率。在鉬價格爲30美元/磅、銅價格爲4.20美元/磅、銀價格爲29美元/盎司的時候,這些對於銅、鉬和銀的極好回收率,對項目經濟前景的發展大有裨益。」



  1. The major copper mineral is chalcopyrite followed by chalcocite while molybdenum is molybdenite. The main gangue is quartz followed by orthoclase and muscovite. Pyrite is the main sulphide gangue.
  2. High recoveries for copper ("Cu"), molybdenum ("Mo") and silver ("Ag") in the rougher concentrate from the composite created from the partially leached (M1), copper enriched (M2) and primary Mo-rich (M3) zones were 95.8%, 86.4% and 89.3%, respectively. The primary grind was 150 microns and concentrate regrind of 20 to 44 microns.
  3. The best conditions for maximum molybdenum, copper and silver recovery were determined and verified by Run 32-C with pH of 9.5, a primary grind of P80-133 microns using collectors consisting of - Xanthate SIBX (Z-14) 27 g/ t, A-208 11 g/ t, F. Oil 10g/ t, frother MIBC 17 g/t and a flotation time of 12 min. This gave recoveries of Ag-71.6%, Cu-97.4% and Mo-92.4%.
  4. Copper molybdenum separation was successfully tested on a copper molybdenum concentrate obtained from a large, locked test .
  5. A commercial grade molybdenum concentrate was floated for composite M-1 and assayed 52.6% molybdenum at 61% recovery. Similarly, for composite M-3 the concentrate assayed 49.7% molybdenum at 84% recovery from the feed. In both cases NaSH was used as depressant and the separation stages limited to four because of mass restrictions. Copper molybdenum separation was not tested for composite M-2. Additional testing for M-2 extending the cleaner flotation time to accommodate the slow floating molybdenum was recommended by Plenge
  6. The projected metallurgical balances from lock cycle testing ("LCT") for M-1 and M-2 were as follows:
    1. Composite M-1 (partial leached zone) gave a bulk concentrate assaying 153g/ t silver,17.7% copper and 3.8% molybdenum with recoveries of 53.3%, 81.8% and 62.4%, respectively.
    2. Composite M-3 (Primary Mo-rich) the bulk concentrate assayed 57.7 g/ t silver, 7.5 % copper and 28% molybdenum with recoveries of 61%, 85.6% and 89.8%, respectively. The low copper grade is due to the high molybdenum grade and recovery.
  7. The average recovery to the bulk concentrate from the composite consisting of all three test composites, M-1 (partial leached zone), M-2 (enriched/mixed copper zone) and M-3 (primary Mo-rich zone) for silver, copper and molybdenum were 60.8%, 83.2% and 67.6%, respectively. The concentrate grades range from 17.7% to 29.5% copper and molybdenum from 1.5% to 28.0%.
  8. For the master composite (M-1+M-2+M-3) roughly 70% of the value is represented by molybdenum, 27% by copper and 3% by silver therefore it may be considered a molybdenum ore.
  9. No significant penalty or deleterious elements were found for both copper and molybdenum concentrate.
  10. Further improvements in grade and recovery are foreseeable with further testing.
  1. 主要的銅礦石是黃銅礦,其次是輝銅礦,而鉬礦是鉬礦石。主要的脈石礦石是石英,其次是斜長石和白雲母。黃鐵礦是主要的硫化脈石。
  2. 混合礦石從部分浸出(M1),富銅(M2)和富鉬(M3)區域創建的粗精礦中,銅("Cu"),鉬("Mo")和銀("Ag")的回收率均爲95.8%,86.4%和89.3%。主要研磨粒度爲150微米,精礦再磨粒度爲20到44微米。
  3. 通過運行32-C確定了並驗證了銅,鉬和銀回收的最佳條件,pH爲9.5,主要研磨粒度爲P80-133微米,使用收集劑包括-黃藥SIBX(Z-14)27克/噸,A-208 11克/噸,芳烴油10克/噸,起泡劑MIBC 17克/噸,浮選時間爲12分鐘。這給出了銀-71.6%,銅-97.4%和鉬-92.4%的回收率。
  4. 銅鉬分離已在從大型封閉測試中獲得的銅鉬濃縮物上成功進行測試。
  5. 商業級鉬濃縮物通過對複合物m-1的浮選,檢測到鉬濃度爲52.6%,回收率爲61%。類似地,對於複合物m-3,濃縮物經過檢驗測得鉬濃度爲49.7%,回收率爲84%。兩種情況下均使用NaSH作爲抑制劑,並且由於質量限制,分離階段限制爲四個。未對複合物m-2進行過銅鉬分離測試。Plenge建議進一步對m-2進行測試,延長清潔浮選時間以適應鉬的慢浮選。
  6. 鎖定循環測試("LCT")的預計冶金平衡結果如下:
    1. 部分浸出區域(m-1)給出的批量濃縮物測試值爲153g/噸的銀、17.7%的銅和3.8%的鉬,回收率分別爲53.3%,81.8%和62.4%。
    2. 混合精礦(Mo豐富)的總體濃度爲57.7克/噸銀,7.5%銅和28%鉬,各自的回收率分別爲61%,85.6%和89.8%。低銅品位是由於高鉬品位和回收率。
  7. 由所有三個組合(部分浸出帶,富銅混合帶和Mo豐富帶的組合)組成的總體濃縮回收率對銀,銅和鉬分別爲60.8%,83.2%和67.6%。濃縮品位範圍從17.7%到29.5%的銅和從1.5%到28.0%的鉬。
  8. 對於總體組合(m-1+m-2+m-3),大約70%的價值由鉬代表,27%由銅代表,3%由銀代表,因此可以被視爲一種鉬礦石。
  9. 對於銅和鉬精礦,沒有發現任何重大的懲罰或有害元素。
  10. 經過進一步的測試,可以預見到品位和回收率的進一步改進。

Metallurgical Scoping Study Summary


The metallurgical test work program at C.H. Plenge & Cia S.A. ("Plenge") in Lima, Peru included studies on three composite samples sent to the Plenge Laboratory Lima offices by DLP on October 25, 2023. The three composite samples were taken from 1⁄4 diamond drill core and included, M-1 (~161kg), M-2 (~155kg) and M-3 (~149kg). These composite samples were taken from 7 drillholes totaling ~465kg and represented the following intervals:

秘魯利馬C.H. Plenge & Cia S.A. ("Plenge")進行的冶金試驗工作計劃包括對於三個由DLP於2023年10月25日寄往Plenge利馬辦事處的混合樣品進行研究。這三個混合樣品來自1/4鑽石鑽探岩心,包括萬.1(~161kg),萬.2(~155kg)和m-3(~149kg)。這些混合樣品來自7個鑽孔,總重約465kg,代表了以下間隔:

  1. M-1: Partial leached zone in mineralized porphyry from 24 to 121m,
  2. M-2: Cu enriched/mixed zone in mineralized porphyry between 111 and 363m and,
  3. M-3: Primary Mo-rich zone in mineralized porphyry from 478 to 988m.
  1. m-1: 部分浸出帶,礦化斑岩中的24至12100萬。
  2. 礦化斑岩中Cu富集/混合區域在111和36300萬之間,
  3. 礦化斑岩中的主要富Mo區域從478到98800萬。

The samples were selected from the Aurora porphyry copper-molybdenum-silver deposit to represent the mineralization, metal grades and lithology type for the initial metallurgical test work.


The test works main objective, was to obtain the following information on the three composite samples M-1, M-2 and M-3 and the master composite of all three.


1. Head Assays.

1. 表頭化驗。

2. Mineralogy.

2. 礦物學。

3. Recovery of Copper, Silver, and Molybdenum by flotation.

3. 通過浮選法回收銅、銀和鉬。

4. Copper Molybdenum Separation by flotation.

4. 通過浮選法分離銅和鉬。

Sample Selection


The metallurgical samples were taken from seven of the thirteen drill holes drilled in 2013 and are listed in Tables 1 and 2 below. The samples were selected to represent the mineralization, metal grades and lithology type for the initial metallurgical test work.


Table 1. Sample intervals for composites M-1 (Partially leached mineralized porphyry) and M-2 (enriched/mixed mineralized porphyry).

表1. 組合m-1(部分淋濾礦化斑岩)和m-2(富集/混合礦化斑岩)的樣本間隔。

M-1 - Partially Leached
(Mineralized Porphyry)
M-2 - Enriched/Mixed
(Mineralized Porphyry)
Hole ID From
Hole ID From
Y330866 A23-004 28.00 30.00 2.00 Y330909 A23-004 110.90 113.00 2.10
Y330869 A23-004 34.00 36.00 2.00 Y330912 A23-004 115.00 117.50 2.50
Y330870 A23-004 36.00 38.00 2.00 Y330924 A23-004 140.00 142.00 2.00
Y330873 A23-004 40.00 42.00 2.00 Y330927 A23-004 146.00 148.00 2.00
Y330875 A23-004 44.00 46.00 2.00 Y330933 A23-004 156.00 158.00 2.00
Y330877 A23-004 48.00 50.00 2.00 Y330934 A23-004 158.00 160.00 2.00
Y330878 A23-004 50.00 52.00 2.00 Y330936 A23-004 162.00 164.00 2.00
Y330879 A23-004 52.00 54.00 2.00 Y330937 A23-004 164.00 166.00 2.00
Y330880 A23-004 54.00 56.00 2.00 Y330961 A23-004 210.00 212.00 2.00
Y330884 A23-004 62.00 64.00 2.00 Y330967 A23-004 222.00 224.00 2.00
Y330887 A23-004 68.00 70.00 2.00 Y330969 A23-004 226.00 228.00 2.00
Y330889 A23-004 72.00 74.00 2.00 Y330973 A23-004 232.00 234.00 2.00
Y330892 A23-004 76.00 78.00 2.00 Y330974 A23-004 234.00 236.00 2.00
Y330896 A23-004 84.00 86.00 2.00 Y330978 A23-004 242.00 244.00 2.00
Y330900 A23-004 92.00 94.00 2.00 Y330979 A23-004 244.00 246.00 2.00
Y330907 A23-004 106.00 108.50 2.50 Y330980 A23-004 246.00 248.00 2.00
Y331230 A23-005 24.00 26.00 2.00 Y330981 A23-004 248.00 250.00 2.00
Y331232 A23-005 28.00 30.00 2.00 Y330985 A23-004 256.00 258.00 2.00
Y331234 A23-005 32.00 34.00 2.00 Y330986 A23-004 258.00 260.00 2.00
Y331235 A23-005 34.00 36.00 2.00 Y330987 A23-004 260.00 262.00 2.00
Y331238 A23-005 38.00 40.00 2.00 Y331294 A23-005 146.00 148.00 2.00
Y331239 A23-005 40.00 42.00 2.00 Y331295 A23-005 148.00 150.00 2.00
Y331243 A23-005 48.00 50.00 2.00 Y331296 A23-005 150.00 152.00 2.00
Y331250 A23-005 62.00 64.00 2.00 Y331301 A23-005 158.00 160.00 2.00
Table 1 cont. M-1 - Partially Leached
(Mineralized Porphyry)
Table 1 cont. M-2 - Enriched/Mixed
(Mineralized Porphyry)
Hole ID From
Hole ID From
Y331251 A23-005 64.00 66.00 2.00 Y331302 A23-005 160.00 162.00 2.00
Y331252 A23-005 66.00 68.00 2.00 Y331303 A23-005 162.00 164.00 2.00
Y331269 A23-005 98.00 100.00 2.00 Y331304 A23-005 164.00 166.00 2.00
Y331270 A23-005 100.00 102.00 2.00 Y331313 A23-005 182.00 184.00 2.00
Y331274 A23-005 108.00 110.00 2.00 Y331618 A23-006 91.00 93.00 2.00
Y331593 A23-006 38.00 40.00 2.00 Y331623 A23-006 99.00 101.00 2.00
Y331595 A23-006 42.00 45.00 3.00 Y331636 A23-006 125.00 127.00 2.00
Y331596 A23-006 45.00 47.00 2.00 Y331639 A23-006 131.00 133.00 2.00
Y331597 A23-006 47.00 49.00 2.00 Y331671 A23-006 191.00 193.00 2.00
Y331598 A23-006 49.00 51.00 2.00 Y331675 A23-006 199.00 201.00 2.00
Y331603 A23-006 58.00 60.00 2.00 Y331693 A23-006 231.00 233.00 2.00
Y331607 A23-006 69.00 71.00 2.00 Y332488 A23-008 343.00 345.00 2.00
Y331610 A23-006 75.00 77.00 2.00 Y332492 A23-008 351.00 353.00 2.00
Y331611 A23-006 77.00 79.00 2.00 Y332846 A23-009 325.00 327.00 2.00
Y331621 A23-006 95.00 97.00 2.00
Y331633 A23-006 119.00 121.00 2.00
Total Metres 81.50 Total Metres 76.60
m-1 - 部分淋濾
m-2 - 富集/混合
孔ID 起點

孔ID 起點

A23-004 A23-004 28.00 30.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 110.90 113.00 2.10
A23-004 A23-004 34.00 36.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 115.00 117.50 2.50
A23-004 A23-004 36.00 38.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 140.00 142.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 40.00 42.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 146.00 148.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 44.00 46元 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 156.00 158.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 48.00 50.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 158.00 160.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 50.00 52.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 162.00 164.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 52.00 54.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 164.00 166元 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 54.00 56.00 2.00 A23-004 68.00 210.00 212.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 62.00 64.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 222.00 224.00。 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 68.00 70.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 226.00 228.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 72.00 74.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 232.00 234.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 76.00 78.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 234.00 236.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 84.00 86.00 2.00 A23-004 A23-004 242.00 244.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 92.00 94.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-004 244.00 246.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-004 106.00 108.50 2.50 A23-005 A23-004 246.00 2.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-005 24.00 26.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-004 34.00 250.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-005 28.00 30.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-004 256.00 258.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-005 32.00 34.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-004 258.00 260.00 2.00
A23-005 A23-005 34.00 36.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-004 260.00 262.00 2.00
A23-005 A23-005 38.00 40.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-005 146.00 148.00 2.00
A23-005 A23-005 40.00 42.00 2.00 A23-005 A23-005 148.00 150.00 2.00
A23-005 A23-005 48.00 50.00 2.00 (礦化斑岩) A23-005 150.00 152元 2.00
Hole ID A23-005 62.00 64.00 2.00 (m) A23-005 (m) 160.00 2.00
孔ID 起點

孔ID 起點

2.00 A23-005 64.00 66.00 2.00 2.00 A23-005 160.00 162.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 66.00 68.00 2.00 2.00 A23-005 162.00 164.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 98元 $1,006.875 2.00 2.00 A23-005 164.00 166元 2.00
2.00 A23-005 $1,006.875 $1,006.875 2.00 2.00 A23-005 182.00 184.00 2.00
3.00 A23-005 108.00 $1,006.875 2.00 2.00 A23-006 91.00 93.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 38.00 40.00 2.00 2.00 A23-006 99.00 101.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 42.00 45.00 3.00 2.00 A23-006 125.00 127.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 45.00 47.00 2.00 2.00 A23-006 131.00 58.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 47.00 49.00 2.00 2.00 A23-006 191.00 193.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 49.00 51.00 2.00 2.00 A23-006 199.00 201元 2.00
2.00 A23-006 58.00 60.00 2.00 2.00 A23-006 231.00 233.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 69.00 71.00 2.00 2.00 A23-008 343.00 345.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 75.00 77.00 2.00 2.00 A23-008 351.00 353.00 2.00
M3 - 主要/低成分 A23-006 77.00 79.00 2.00 (m) A23-009 325.00 327.00 2.00
A23-006 95.00 97.00 2.00
Y331112 A23-006 119.00 121.00 2.00
Y331117 A23-004 76.60

Table 2. Sample intervals for composite M3 (primary - hypogene mineralized porphyry).


M3 - Primary/Hypogene
(Mineralized Porphyry)
Y331111 A23-004 497.00 499.00 2.00
Y331112 A23-004 499.00 502.00 3.00
Y331117 A23-004 510.00 512.00 2.00
Y331118 A23-004 512.00 514.00 2.00
Y331123 A23-004 520.00 522.00 2.00
Y331468 A23-005 478.00 480.00 2.00
Y331469 A23-005 480.00 482.00 2.00
Y331470 A23-005 482.00 484.00 2.00
Y331477 A23-005 496.00 498.00 2.00
Y331478 A23-005 498.00 500.00 2.00
Y331830 A23-006 500.00 502.00 2.00
Y331833 A23-006 506.00 508.00 2.00
Y331836 A23-006 512.00 514.00 2.00
Y331848 A23-006 534.00 536.00 2.00
Table 2 cont. M3 - Primary/Hypogene
(Mineralized Porphyry)
Y331849 A23-006 536.00 538.00 2.00
Y332559 A23-008 480.00 482.00 2.00
Y332561 A23-008 482.00 484.00 2.00
Y332609 A23-008 574.00 576.00 2.00
Y332612 A23-008 580.00 582.00 2.00
Y332636 A23-008 626.00 628.00 2.00
Y332649 A23-008 650.00 652.00 2.00
Y332672 A23-008 694.00 696.00 2.00
Y333505 A23-010 789.00 791.00 2.00
Y333506 A23-010 791.00 793.00 2.00
Y333508 A23-010 795.00 797.00 2.00
Y333509 A23-010 797.00 799.00 2.00
Y333513 A23-010 803.00 805.00 2.00
Y333514 A23-010 805.00 807.00 2.00
Y333515 A23-010 807.00 809.00 2.00
Y333517 A23-010 811.00 813.00 2.00
Y333520 A23-010 817.00 819.00 2.00
Y333524 A23-010 825.00 827.50 2.50
Y333528 A23-010 835.00 837.50 2.50
Y333596 A23-010 964.00 966.00 2.00
Y333597 A23-010 966.00 968.00 2.00
Y333602 A23-010 976.00 978.00 2.00
Y333605 A23-010 982.00 984.00 2.00
Y333607 A23-010 986.00 988.00 2.00
Y333994 A23-011 726.00 728.00 2.00
Y334008 A23-011 752.00 754.00 2.00
Y334017 A23-011 768.00 770.00 2.00
Y334025 A23-011 784.00 786.00 2.00
Y334035 A23-011 804.00 806.00 2.00
Y334048 A23-011 828.00 830.00 2.00
Y334072 A23-011 874.00 876.00 2.00
Y334102 A23-011 930.00 932.00 2.00
Y334114 A23-011 954.00 956.00 2.00
Total Metres 102.00
A23-004 孔ID 起點

2.00 A23-004 A23-005 499.00 2.00
2.00 A23-004 499.00 502.00 3.00
2.00 A23-004 510.00 482.00 2.00
2.00 A23-004 A23-005 514.00 2.00
2.00 A23-004 520.00 522.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 A23-006 480.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 480.00 506.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 A23-006 484.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 A23-006 498.00 2.00
2.00 A23-005 498.00 500.00 2.00
From A23-006 500.00 502.00 2.00
(m) A23-006 A23-006 536.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 A23-008 514.00 2.00
2.00 A23-006 A23-008 482.00 2.00
A23-008 孔ID 起點

2.00 A23-006 A23-008 538.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 480.00 650.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 A23-008 484.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 574.00 個交易日之前,公司向認股證持有人發送通知。 2.00
2.00 A23-008 A23-010 791.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 A23-010 795.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 650.00 797.00 2.00
2.00 A23-008 A23-010 696.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 805.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 793.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 797.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 797.00 817.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 803.00 825.00 2.00
2.50 A23-010 A23-010 835.00 2.00
2.50 A23-010 A23-010 809.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 811.00 966.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 976.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 982.00 2.50
2.00 A23-010 A23-010 986.00 2.50
2.00 A23-010 A23-011 726.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-011 752.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-011 978.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 A23-011 784.00 2.00
2.00 A23-010 986.00 988.00 2.00
2.00 A23-011 A23-011 828.00 2.00
2.00 A23-011 A23-011 874.00 2.00
2.00 A23-011 A23-011 930.00 2.00
2.00 A23-011 A23-011 954.00 2.00
2.00 A23-011 102.00 表3:初步冶金測試使用的金剛石鑽孔。 2.00
Easting A23-011 Elevation 830.00 2.00
A23-004 A23-011 874.00 2638 2.00
140 A23-011 930.00 189,740 2.00
2628 A23-011 140 -70 2.00
189,612 $1,006.875

Table 3: Diamond drill holes used for the Initial Metallurgical Test Work.


Hole Easting Northing Elevation Length Azimuth Inclination
ID m m m m Degrees Degrees
A23-004 189,793 8,566,268 2638 700.90 140 -70
A23-005 189,740 8,566,258 2628 693.4 140 -70
A23-006 189,612 8,566,230 2628 708.55 140 -70
A23-008 189,631 8,566,045 2722 703.65 120 -70
A23-009 190,135 8,565,722 2966 790.55 340 -70
A23-010 190,079 8,565,708 2965 1002.55 340 -70
A23-011 189,970 8,565,440 2760 1081.70 025 -70
504 北緯(m) 海拔高度(masl) 長度 方位角(度) 傾角
ID m m
A23-004 340 -70 2638 700.90 140 -70
A23-005 340 -70 2628 693.4 140 -70
A23-006 025 -70 2628 708.55 140 -70
A23-008 189,631 這三種複合材料代表平均含銀3.5g/t,含銅0.30%和含鉬0.10%的銅鉬礦石。 表5. ICP-OE多元素(4酸部分消解)在M1、M2、M3和總複合樣品上進行測試。 703.65 120 -70
A23-009 進行了七個浮選動力學試驗來探索粗選試劑的收集和投藥。試驗在細磨時運行,P80=106μ,以減少礦物解離影響。所有試驗在pH=9.5下使用10g/t燃油作爲鉬收集劑進行。 進行了一組31個浮選粗選試驗,使用設計實驗(D.O.E)進行優化。 粗選浮選的最佳條件是測試32C: 790.55 340 -70
A23-010 190,079 起泡劑MIBC 17 g/t 浮選時間爲12分鐘 1002.55 340 -70
A23-011 189,970 . 2760 1081.70 025 -70

Notes to Table 3: The coordinates are in WGS84 and 19S Datum.


Figure 1. DLP Project areas in Peru with Aurora Project Shown.


Figure 2. Metallurgical drill holes shown with grey circle with red outline.

研磨P80 = 150微米

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:


The head grades for each composite M1, M2 and M3 and the combined master composite are shown in Table 4 below.


Table 4. Head Grade of Composites M-1-Partially leached, M-2-Enriched/Mixed and M-3-Primary Mo-rich and Master Composite.

試劑再磨PAX 8克/噸

The three composites represent copper molybdenum ore whose average head grade is silver 3.5 g/t, copper 0.30% and molybdenum 0.10%.

SIBX 12克/噸

Table 5. ICP-OE Multielement (4-acid partial digestion) on Composite Samples M1, M2, M3 and Master Composite

AP 208 11克/噸

For the master composite, roughly 70% of the value is represented by molybdenum, 27% by copper and 3% by silver therefore it may be considered a molybdenum ore.

F.O. 10克/噸

Rougher Flotation Testing

pH Rougher 9.5

Master Composite (M.C)

Cleaners 10.5

A Master Composite, M.C. , was prepared by blending equal parts of each of the three composites, M-1, M-2, and M-3.

Flotation Time Rougher 8分鐘

Rougher reagent collection and dosage was explored by seven flotation kinetics tests. The tests were run at fine grind of P80=106 μ to reduce mineral liberation effects. All tests were run at pH=9.5 using 10 g/ t Fuel Oil as molybdenum collector.

1st Clean 6分鐘

A set of 31 kinetic flotation rougher tests were per formed to optimize rougher flotation using design of experiments (D.O.E).

Clean Scavenger 4分鐘

Best conditions for rougher flotation were test 32C at:


  • pH=9.5
  • Primary Grind P80= 133 μm
  • 第三次清潔4分鐘
  • 從鎖定循環測試中得到的複合物m-1(部分浸出帶)的冶金平衡預測給出一個批量濃縮物,銀含量爲153克/噸,銅含量爲17.7%,鉬含量爲3.8%,回收率分別爲53.3%,81.8%和62.4%。

Collectors Xanthate SIBX (Z-14) 27 g/ t


A-208 11 g/ t


F. Oi l 10g/ t

表8. 綜合冶金平衡m-2

Frother MIBC 17 g/ t


Flotation Time of 12 min


Table 6. Design of Experiment (DOE) Optimized Rougher Conditions


The average rougher concentrate recovery for silver, copper and molybdenum were 89.3%, 95.8% and 86.4%, respectively (Table 7). The average mass pull was 6.3%. The flotation circuit and reagents used is typically encountered in the copper molybdenum mining industry. The primary grind was 150 microns and concentrate regrind of 20 to 44 microns.

中礦2、3 + 清潔浮選器精礦:中礦2和3以及清潔浮選器精礦

Note: - Mass Pull = flowrate of solids reporting to the concentrate.

清洗器廢料:清洗器廢料 粗尾礦:粗尾礦.

Copper molybdenum separation was successfully tested on a copper molybdenum concentrate obtained from a large, locked test . The copper bulk concentrate and recoveries are slightly different due to the lower bulk concentrate grade.


Table 7. Rougher Concentrate Metallurgical Balance Locked Cycle Test (LCT)


Notes to Tables 6 and 7

表9. 銅鉬分離開路試驗結果。

- Recoveries=Distribution (%), percentage of metal reporting to each concentrate relative to the metal content of the feed to the concentrator.

注意: 收率=分配 (%),即每種濃縮物中金屬含量佔給料到濃縮機的金屬含量的百分比。

Locked Cycle Test (LCT) Flotation Tests Concentrate


LCT Conditions

表10. 濃縮物中有害元素/罰金元素的濃度

  • Grind P80 = 150 μm
  • Regrind P80 = 44 μm
  • %Solids 33%
  • Reagent Rgh. PAX 8 g/ t
  • SIBX 12 g/ t
  • AP 208 11 g/ t
  • F.O. 10 g/ t
  • pH Rougher 9.5
  • Cleaners 10.5
  • Flotation Time Rougher 8 min
  • 1st Clean 6 min
  • Clean Scavenger 4 min
  • 2nd Clean 4 min
  • 3rd Clean 4 min.
  • 礦物學
  • 通過Paul Miranda博士和XRD量化礦物學的AMICS技術,礦石的主要礦物相是石英、正長石和白雲母。主要的銅礦物是黃銅礦和硫化銅,少量的黝銅礦(M1和M2)、輝銅礦(m-2)和翡翠石(m-3)。確定了黃銅礦的礦物聯合。根據數據,萬.1與黝銅礦、正長石、硫化銅和石英有關。對於m-2,黃銅礦與黝銅礦、石英和硫化銅有關。對於m-3,正長石、石英和白雲母是主要的關聯礦物,有少量的黃鐵礦關聯。鉬精礦的礦物聯合已確定。
  • 根據數據,萬.100萬.2和m-3與正長石和石英有關,有少量的白雲母。
  • 表11. 銅礦物摘要
  • Quality Control and Quality Assurance
  • DLP Resources Peru S.A.C,DLP Resources Inc.的子公司,負責監督HTW、NTW和BTW核心的鑽探和取樣工作。測井和取樣工作在項目現場的一處安全公司設施中完成。樣品間隔通常爲100萬到300萬。冶金試驗的鑽孔巖芯使用旋轉金剛石鋸進行分割,並在運輸到利馬的C. H. Plenge&CIA S.A.(「Plenge」)之前在現場密封。
  • 利馬秘魯的Plenge實驗室是一家獨立的冶金測試實驗室,並制定了一個QA/QC程序以確保測試工作的質量得到認證。鎖閉粗精礦尾砂提交給SGS del Peru SAC重新測定。兩個測試設施的測定結果一致。優化浮選試驗使用設計實驗包括至少四次重複試驗以獲得對缺乏擬合和純誤差的估計。計算頭品位和測定頭品位之間有良好的對比。SGS擁有國際OHSAS 18001、ISO 14001和ISO 9001認證;此外,SGS實驗室還獲得INACAL的NTP ISO/IEC 17025:2017認可。
  • 在Plenge進行了使用部分四酸消化和ICP-OES方法對複合樣品M1、M2和M3進行了24種元素的分析。
  • DLP Resources不知道會有任何可能對發送給Plenge進行冶金試驗的三種複合樣品所報告的間隔的準確性或可靠性產生重大影響的鑽孔、取樣、回收或其他因素。
  • Aurora Project
  • Aurora Project is an advanced stage porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project in the Province of Calca, SE Peru (Figure 1). The Aurora Project was previously permitted for drilling in 2015 but was never executed. Thirteen historical drillholes, drilled in 2001 and 2005 totaling 390000萬 were drilled over an area of approximately 100000萬 by 80000萬, cut significant intervals of copper and molybdenum mineralization. From logging of the only three remaining holes DDA-01, DDA-3A and DDA-3 and data now available, it appears that only three of the thirteen holes tested the enriched copper zone and only one hole drilled deep enough to test the primary copper and molybdenum zone (see DLP Resources Inc. news release of May 18, 2021).
  • 這些前瞻性陳述涉及許多風險和不確定性,實際結果可能與任何前瞻性陳述中所暗示的結果有實質性差異。這些風險和不確定性包括秘魯奧羅拉項目的鑽探結果和冶金結果。
  • Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.

The projected metallurgical balances from lock cycle testing for Composite M-1 (partially leached zone) gave a bulk concentrate assaying 153 g/ t silver, 17.7% copper and 3.8% molybdenum with recoveries of 53.3%, 81.8% and 62.4%, respectively.

For Composite M-3 the bulk concentrate assayed 57.7 g/ t silver, 7.5 % copper and 28% molybdenum with recoveries of 61%, 85.6% and 89.8%, respectively. The low copper grade is due to the high molybdenum grade and recovery.

The LCT for composite M-2 stabilized for copper however not for molybdenum therefore the projected metallurgical balance is not posted. The values reported are based on a six-cycle lock flotation test but assume that all intermediate products reported to tails and are therefore on the conservative side with some loss of copper recovery. The bulk concentrate assayed 234.2 g/t silver, 29.5% copper and 1.52% molybdenum with recoveries of 68%, 82.1% and 50.5%, respectively. The concentrate mass pull was 1.74% (Table 8).

Table 8. Combined Metallurgical Balance M-2

Notes: Copper reached stability, however molybdenum did not, building up in the cleaner circuit. It is possible that the cleaner flotation times were too short for the slow floating molybdenum preventing it from reaching stability. No molybdenum separation was per formed for M-2 because the locked test didn't reach stability.

Recoveries=Distribution (%), percentage of metal reporting to each concentrate relative to the metal content of the feed to the concentrator.

  • Conc Cu-Mo : Cu-Mo concentrate
  • Midl 2, 3 + Cl Scv Conc : Middlings 2 and 3 plus cleaner scavenger concentrate
  • Cl Scv Tail : Cleaner scavenger tail
  • Rgh Conc : Rougher concentrate
  • Rgh Tails : Rougher Tails

The average recovery to the bulk concentrate for silver, copper and molybdenum were 60.8%, 83.2% and 67.6%, respectively. The concentrate grades range from 17.7% to 29.5% copper and molybdenum from 1.5% to 28.0%. The average concentrate mass pull is 1.11%, equivalent to a Recovery of 90.09%.

Copper Molybdenum Separation Open Circuit

A commercial grade molybdenum concentrate was floated for composite M-1 and assayed 52.6% molybdenum at 61% recovery. Similarly, for composite M-3 the concentrate assayed 49.7% molybdenum at 84% recovery from the feed. In both cases NaSH was used as depressant and the separation stages limited to four because of mass restrictions. Copper molybdenum separation was not tested for composite M-2.

Table 9. Copper Molybdenum Separation Open Circuit Test Results.

Note: Recoveries=Distribution (%), percentage of metal reporting to each concentrate relative to the metal content of the feed to the concentrator.

No penalty elements were found for both copper and molybdenum concentrate and further improvements in grade and recovery are foreseeable with further testing.

Table 10. Concentrations of Deleterious Elements / Penalty Elements in Concentrate


Quantitative mineralogy using AMICS by Dr . Paul Miranda and XRD bulk mineralogy indicates that the ore major phases are quartz, orthoclase, and muscovite. The major copper minerals are chalcopyrite and chalcocite with minor quantities of bornite (M1 and M2), enargite (M-2) and chrysocolla (M-3). Chalcopyrite mineral association was determined. According to the data, M-1 is associated with bornite, orthoclase, chalcocite, and quartz. For M-2, chalcopyrite is associated with bornite, quartz, and chalcocite. For M-3, orthoclase, quartz, and muscovite are the main associated minerals with minor pyrite association. Molybdenite mineral association was determined.

According to the data, M-1, M-2, and M-3 are associated with orthoclase and quartz with minor amounts of muscovite.

Table 11. Summary of Copper Minerals

Quality Control and Quality Assurance


DLP Resources Peru S.A.C, a subsidiary of DLP Resources Inc., supervises drilling and carries out sampling of HTW, NTW and BTW core. Logging and sampling are completed at a secured Company facility situated on the project site. Sample intervals are nominally 1m to 3m in length. Drill core for the metallurgical test work was quartered using a rotary diamond blade saw and samples were sealed on site before transportation to C. H. Plenge & CIA S.A. ("Plenge") in Lima by secure courier.

Plenge Laboratories in Lima Peru is an independent metallurgical test laboratory and had a program of QA/QC in place to ensure the quality of the test work was certified. The lock cycle rougher tails were submitted for re-assay at SGS del Peru SAC. Assay results between the two testing facilities were consistent. Flotation optimization tests using design of experiment included no less than four duplicate tests to obtain lack of fit and pure error estimates. A good reconciliation was found between the calculated head grades and the assay head grades. SGS have international OHSAS certifications 18001, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001; in addition, SGS laboratories are accredited by INACAL under NTP ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

Composite samples M1, M2 and M3 were analyzed for 24 elements using a partial four-acid digestion and ICP-OES finish at Plenge.

DLP Resources is not aware of any drilling, sampling, recovery or other factors that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of intervals reported for the three composites sent to Plenge for the metallurgical test work.

Aurora Project


Aurora Project is an advanced stage porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project in the Province of Calca, SE Peru (Figure 1). The Aurora Project was previously permitted for drilling in 2015 but was never executed. Thirteen historical drillholes, drilled in 2001 and 2005 totaling 3,900m were drilled over an area of approximately 1000m by 800m, cut significant intervals of copper and molybdenum mineralization. From logging of the only three remaining holes DDA-01, DDA-3A and DDA-3 and data now available, it appears that only three of the thirteen holes tested the enriched copper zone and only one hole drilled deep enough to test the primary copper and molybdenum zone (see DLP Resources Inc. news release of May 18, 2021).

Aurora項目是秘魯東南部Calca省一個處於先進階段的斑岩銅鉬礦勘探項目,(圖1)。Aurora項目先前已被許可進行2015年的鑽探,但從未執行。在大約100000萬 x 80000萬的區域內鑽探了13個歷史鑽孔,它們於2001年和2005年鑽探,共計390000。這些鑽孔在銅和鉬的礦化中切割了顯著的間隔。從對僅剩的三個孔DDA-01、DDA-3A和DDA-3進行的記錄和現有數據顯示,在13個孔中只有三個孔測試了富集銅區,只有一個孔鑽得足夠深以測試主要的銅和鉬礦區(請參閱DLP Resources Inc.2021年5月18日新聞發佈)。

Salient historic drillhole data of the Aurora Project are:


  • 190m @ 0.57% Cu, 0.008% Mo in DDA-1 with a high-grade intercept of 20m @ 1.01% Cu related to a supergene enrichment zone of secondary chalcocite;
  • 142m @ 0.5% Cu, 0.004% Mo in DDA-3;
  • 71.7m @ 0.7% Cu, 0.007% Mo in DDA-3A (see historical Focus Ventures Ltd. news release July 11, 2012); and
  • One of the historical holes ABC-6 drilled on the edge of the system intersected 78m @ 0.45% Cu and 0.107% Mo (Figure 2).
  • DDA-1中19000萬 @ 0.57% Cu,0.008% Mo,其中高品位截獲2000萬 @ 1.01% Cu相關的超級富集區二次硫化銅;
  • DDA-3中14200萬 @ 0.5% Cu,0.004% Mo;
  • DDA-3A中7170萬 @ 0.7% Cu,0.007% Mo(參見歷史Focus Ventures Ltd.新聞發佈,2012年7月11日)。
  • 歷史孔ABC-6鑽在該系統的邊緣,與7800萬 @ 0.45% Cu和0.107% Mo相交(圖2)。

A review of the historical drilling indicates that the majority of the thirteen holes were drilled in the leached and partially leached zones of the porphyry system. Ten of the thirteen holes never fully tested the oxide and secondary enrichment zone and/or the primary copper zone at depth encountered in DDA-01. Copper-molybdenum mineralization is hosted by quartz-feldspar porphyries intruded into slates-hornfels and pelitic sandstones belonging to the Ordovician (439 - 463 ma) Sandia Formation.


Qualified Person


David L. Pighin, consulting geologist and co-founder of DLP Resources, is the qualified person of the Company as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Pighin has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release.

David L. Pighin是DLP Resources的諮詢地質學家和聯合創始人,是根據43-101號國家儀器定義的公司的合格人員。Pighin先生已經審核並批准了本新聞稿的技術內容。

About DLP Resources Inc.

關於DLP Resources公司。

DLP Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company operating in Southeastern British Columbia and Peru, exploring for Base Metals and Cobalt. DLP is listed on the TSX-V, trading symbol DLP and on the OTCQB, trading symbol DLPRF. Please refer to our web site for additional information.

DLP Resources Inc.是一家在不列顛哥倫比亞東南部和秘魯開展基礎金屬和鈷礦勘探的礦產勘探公司。DLP在TSX-V上市,交易代碼爲DLP,在OTCQb上市,交易代碼爲DLPRF。請參閱我們的網站以獲取更多信息。



Ian Gendall, CEO & President
Jim Stypula, Executive Chairman
Robin Sudo, Corporate Secretary and Land Manager
Maxwell Reinhart, Investor Relations
Telephone: 250-426-7808

Ian Gendall,首席執行官兼總裁。
Jim Stypula,執行主席。
Robin Sudo,公司秘書和土地經理
Maxwell Reinhart,投資者關係。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". This information and these statements, referred to herein as "forward‐looking statements", are not historical facts, are made as of the date of this news release and include without limitation, statements regarding discussions of future plans, estimates and forecasts and statements as to management's expectations and intentions with respect to drilling on the Aurora Project in Peru.


These forward‐looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things drill results and metallurgical results expected from the Aurora Project in Peru.

Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws. We seek safe harbor.


