
Metro Bank Colleagues Breathe New Life Into Cemetery Park Lodge

Metro Bank Colleagues Breathe New Life Into Cemetery Park Lodge

Metropolitan Bank ·  08/28 12:00

The UK's community bank, Metro Bank, gives every colleague a Day to Amaze – essentially a paid day off to support a local charity or good cause. Colleagues from Metro Bank's product team recently took a grave departure from their usual work, trading spreadsheets for spades to volunteer at Cemetery Park Lodge to help maintain this historic cemetery at the heart of its local community.

英國的社區銀行Metro Bank爲每個同事提供了一個「驚豔之日」 - 基本上是一天有薪假期,用於支持當地慈善機構或公益事業。Metro Bank的產品團隊最近離開了他們通常的工作,用鍬代替電子表格,在Cemetery Park Lodge做志願者,幫助維護這個歷史悠久的公墓,它是當地社區的核心所在。

The Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park is an independent charity that looks after Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, a unique and vital nature reserve and heritage site in East London. This woodland cemetery is a place for remembrance, a sanctuary for humans as well as nature, a place for volunteering, field studies and summer fairs. With their sleeves rolled up, the colleagues tackled overgrown brambles and cleared ivy from around the monuments. Their mission? To help preserve the cemetery's rich history while ensuring the heritage trails remain trailblazing for visitors.

Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park的朋友是一個獨立的慈善機構,負責管理Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park,這是倫敦東部一個獨特而重要的自然保護區和歷史遺址。這個森林公墓是一個紀念的場所,也是人類和自然的避難所,也是志願者、實地研究和夏季遊園的地方。同事們捲起袖子,清理了過度生長的荊棘,並清除了紀念碑周圍的常春藤。他們的使命?幫助保護公墓豐富的歷史,同時確保遺址保持對遊客來說仍然是引領先鋒的。

Branching out from their usual roles, the team unearthed a wealth of knowledge about nature conservation techniques. As they worked to maintain the site, the team learned not only about the conservation methods, but also about the lives of those who rest beneath the stones they were uncovering.


"This wasn't just any day, it was a groundbreaking experience in more ways than one," said Metro Bank's Director of Bank Account, Payments and Deposits, Ian Jackson. "It was amazing to see how much history we could unearth – literally – and the important role conservation plays in keeping these stories alive."

Metro Bank的銀行帳戶、支付和存款董事Ian Jackson表示:「這不僅僅是一天,而是一種開創性的體驗。」 看到我們能夠挖掘多少歷史 - 從字面上來說 - 以及保護工作在保持這些故事活着方面的重要角色,這真是令人驚訝的。

