
LifeVantage Corporation (LFVN) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

LifeVantage Corporation (LFVN) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/29 09:24  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the LifeVantage Corporation (LFVN) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是LifeVantage Corporation (LFVN) Q4 2024業績會摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • LifeVantage reported Q4 revenue of $48.9 million, a decrease of 9.8% year-over-year.

  • Adjusted EBITDA was flat compared to last year in Q4 and totaled $4.8 million, showing consistent operational profitability even amid declining revenue.

  • Adjusted non-GAAP net income was $1.8 million, or $0.14 per fully diluted share, versus $2.2 million or $0.17 per share a year ago.

  • Total active accounts decreased by 7.8% impacting revenue, yet revenue per account saw an increase due to changes in product mix and strong sales of TrueScience Liquid Collagen.

  • LifeVantage報告Q4營業收入爲$4890萬,同比下降9.8%。

  • Q4調整後的EBITDA與去年持平,總計$480萬,表明即使在營業收入下降的情況下,運營利潤保持穩定。

  • 調整後的非GAAP淨利潤爲$180萬,每股完全攤薄後爲$0.14,而去年同期爲$220萬或每股$0.17。

  • 活躍帳戶總數下降7.8%,對營業收入產生影響,但由於產品組合的變化和TrueScience液體膠原蛋白的強勁銷售,每帳戶營收有所增加。

Business Progress:


  • Introduced a new GLP-1 based weight management system, set to launch in October, aimed at naturally activating hormone production for weight management.

  • Refreshed loyalty programs to increase consultant and consumer engagement and retention, integrating with LifeVantage's broader LV360 initiative.

  • Continued focus on shareholder value via $1.8 million in stock repurchases and issuing a quarterly dividend of $0.04 per share, alongside strong balance sheet maintenance.

  • 推出新的基於GLP-1的體重管理系統,計劃於十月份推出,旨在通過自然激活激素產生來進行體重管理。

  • 更新的忠誠計劃旨在提升顧問和消費者的參與度和留存率,並與lifevantage更廣泛的LV360計劃相結合。

  • 通過180萬美元的股票回購和發放每股0.04美元的季度股息,繼續專注於股東價值,同時保持穩健的資產負債表管理。



  • Anticipating growth from the new GLP-1 weight management product which differentiates by being 100% natural and designed for long-term use.

  • 預計從新GLP-1減重產品中實現增長,該產品與衆不同之處在於百分之百天然且專爲長期使用而設計。



  • Declining total active accounts put pressure on revenue growth, indicating potential market share challenges and operational risks. Currency fluctuations also pose a financial risk affecting international market sales.

  • 下降的總活躍帳戶對營業收入增長造成壓力,表明可能存在市場份額挑戰和運營風險。貨幣波動也構成影響國際市場銷售的財務風險。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


