
How Zoom Continues to Enhance Employee Experience in Today's Multi-Generational Workplace

How Zoom Continues to Enhance Employee Experience in Today's Multi-Generational Workplace

Business Today ·  08/28 20:11

According to Ricky Kapur, Head of Asia Pacific (APAC) at Zoom (pic), the present is the first time that businesses have a truly multi-generational workforce, representing 5 generations from "baby boomers" all the way to "Gen Z", and as companies navigate changes in workplace culture, technology will remain at the forefront, ensuring that happiness and productivity become a very important fixture.

根據Zoom亞太區(APAC)負責人Ricky Kapur的說法,現在企業擁有真正的跨代工作人員,代表了從"嬰兒潮時代"到"Z一代"的5代人,因此,隨着公司在工作場所文化的變革中航行,技術將始終走在前列,確保幸福和生產力成爲非常重要的主題。

"With a multi-generation workforce, the need for employee engagement and collaboration has never been greater. Older employees prefer formal communication methods, whereas younger employees prefer more dynamic and immersive communication formats. Yet companies still struggle with providing communications and collaboration platforms that appeal across generations, and bringing the right platforms to this multi-generation workforce is how you create happy and productive employees," he explained.


"Embracing the right tech-driven solutions supports a dynamic, diverse, and resilient workforce capable of thriving in the digital age. Happy, connected teams can do their best work wherever they are, and this will pay massive dividends in the long run, by fostering a strong company culture, happier customers, and a more resilient organisation."


Kapur said this during his keynote address at the recent inaugural virtual Zoom Employee Experience Summit in APAC and which was attended by Business Today. Featuring 2 separate tracks for enterprises and small businesses respectively, the event explored how modern tools and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are reshaping the future of work, and, more importantly, how to create a culture of digital collaboration rooted in trust.


"In business, happiness matters. Happy employees are more likely to stay with your company, put forth their best efforts, and also attract other talented individuals. Productive employees in turn enhance your output and profitability. Together, employee satisfaction and productivity are key to building a strong business ready for growth," he noted.


Kapur unveiled that many organisational goals such as increasing revenue, trimming costs, embracing new ways of working, meeting customer needs, and standing out in a crowded market, can be achieved with the Zoom Workplace platform launched this year.

Kapur透露,許多組織目標,如增加營收、削減成本、擁抱新的工作方式、滿足客戶需求以及在競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,都可以通過今年推出的Zoom Workplace平台實現。

"Zoom Workplace streamlines the way you communicate and collaborate by integrating video, phone, meetings, chat, whiteboard, and far more capabilities into a single cost-effective platform. We've recently also announced Zoom Docs, an AI-powered workspace to help you become more productive and collaborate far more than a simple document could ever do. Whether quickly sharing information over Zoom Team Chat or making important calls with Zoom Phone, Zoom Workplace provides the flexibility employees crave, while supporting the efficiency leaders need. Zoom Workplace unlocks your company's full potential and elevates it with generative AI."

"Zoom Workplace通過將視頻、電話、會議、聊天、白板等多種功能集成到一個成本效益高的平台中,簡化了您的溝通和協作方式。我們最近還宣佈了Zoom Docs,一個由人工智能驅動的工作空間,幫助您更高效地協作,遠遠超出普通文檔的能力。無論是通過Zoom Team Chat快速共享信息,還是通過Zoom Phone進行重要電話,Zoom Workplace提供了員工渴望的靈活性,同時支持領導所需的效率。Zoom Workplace可以釋放公司的全部潛力,並結合生成式人工智能,將其提升到新的高度。"

Zoom, which labels itself as a specialist in unified communications as a service (UCaaS), changed its tagline from 'Meet Happy' to 'Work Happy' in recognition of the fact that as a platform company, Zoom concentrates on how it can help businesses work better, making sure it stays true to its roots of being frictionless and open, says Nathan Guy, APAC UCaaS Strategy Lead at Zoom.

Zoom自稱爲統一通信服務(UCaaS)的專家,將自己的標語從「Meet Happy」更改爲「Work Happy」,以承認作爲一個平台公司,Zoom專注於如何幫助企業更好地工作,確保保持其摩擦力小、開放的初心,亞太地區UCaaS戰略負責人Nathan Guy說。

"We're moving at 'zoom' speed, taking fast action on what we hear from SMEs globally so you can reimagine teamwork with AI Companion to streamline communications, improve productivity, increase revenues, and optimise flexibility with an open collaboration platform. We're focused on these foundational pillars with the goal of making Zoom Workplace an AI-first open platform for everyone where you can do your best work," he explains.

"我們以『縮放』的速度前進,根據全球中小企業的反饋迅速採取行動,讓您可以通過AI Companion重新想象團隊合作,以簡化通信、提高生產力、增加營收,並通過開放的協作平台優化靈活性。我們專注於這些基本支柱,旨在使Zoom Workplace成爲每個人首選最佳工作的AI優先開放平台。"他解釋道。

Guy points out that with over 2,600 applications and integrations, the Zoom App marketplace is designed to support businesses' unique work types so they can integrate various products across their different teams whether CRM, productivity tools, or industry-specific solutions. Integrations include with Microsoft Teams and 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, and others.

Guy指出,Zoom App市場擁有2600多種應用和集成,旨在支持企業獨特的工作類型,使它們可以在不同團隊之間整合各種產品,無論是CRm、生產力工具或行業特定解決方案。整合包括與Microsoft Teams和365、Google Workspace、Salesforce等的合作。

"For SMEs, we recognise that integration isn't the only area you have unique needs. Our platform can drive increased sales conversions, and use detailed analytics from Zoom Revenue Accelerator. Use Zoom to protect personal data with customer-managed keys, and our compliance solutions manage localised data requirements. The flexible architecture ensures that you can leverage existing hardware investments where possible, such as reusing IP handsets or room systems. Do not forget our out-of-the-box CRM and application integrations, which allow your team to get to business straightaway, keeping the calls coming in, and your customers happy."


At the heart of Zoom Workspace's employee engagement solution is Workvivo, which Zoom acquired in early 2023. Workvivo bills itself as an EXP (Employee eXperience Platform), and helps companies easily reach and engage their people, and bring company culture to life.

Zoom Workspace員工參與解決方案的核心是Workvivo,Zoom在2023年初收購了Workvivo。 Workvivo自稱爲EXP(員工體驗平台),幫助公司輕鬆接觸和吸引員工,並將公司文化栩栩如生。

"Our customers coined the term the digital heart of the company; the one place where everything happens, where all the positive things happening in the organization come to life. The one place where companies can easily reach meaningfully connect their people working everywhere," says Gideon Pridor, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Storyteller at Workvivo, during his keynote at the Summit.

「我們的客戶創造了公司的數字心臟這個詞;這是所有事情發生的地方,在這裏組織中所有積極的事情都得以實現。這是公司可以輕鬆接觸並有深刻聯繫到世界各地工作的員工的唯一場所,」 Workvivo的首席營銷官兼首席故事講述者Gideon Pridor在峯會上說。

Workvivo has been named as the sole official migration tool for Meta's employee engagement platform Workplace from Meta, which is exiting the market in 2026. "We've been very busy building the official migration tool with the engineering team on the Meta side, and we've already been busy migrating some of the largest accounts in the world from Workplace from Meta to Workvivo by Zoom," Pridor adds.

Workvivo已被命名爲Meta員工參與平台Workplace from Meta的唯一官方遷移工具,該平台將在2026年退出市場。「我們一直在與Meta工程團隊繁忙地構建官方遷移工具,並且我們已經忙於將一些世界上最大的帳戶從Meta的Workplace遷移到Zoom的Workvivo,」 Pridor補充道。

Workvivo is also in use by companies across the globe, including Amazon, Lululemon, Netgear, and the Virgin Group. A prime example which Pridor highlights in his keynote was the Motherson Group, the India-based automotive parts manufacturing conglomerate.


"At almost 200,000 employees, Motherson is one of the largest automotive manufacturers on the planet. The company has hundreds of sites all over the world, and acquired 43 companies over the past few years, inheriting a lot of technology and intranets. Motherson unveiled Motherson One, based on Workvivo. One platform, one app for every Motherston employee everywhere from the CEO to everyone on the assembly line in different countries. This replaced one central custom-built intranet that had very low adoption, as well as 27 other intranets inherited from different acquisitions. A huge consolidation, giving a big ROI right out of the gate, not to mention the improvement in engagement, leading in turn to much better employee retention, lower absenteeism, and higher productivity."

「作爲全球最大的汽車製造商之一,Motherson擁有近20萬名員工。該公司在世界各地擁有數百個工廠,並在過去幾年裏收購了43家公司,繼承了大量的技術和企業內網。Motherson發佈了基於Workvivo的Motherson One。作爲Motherston員工的一個平台,從CEO到不同國家裝配線上的每位員工,都可以使用一個應用程序。這取代了一個自定義的企業內網,採用率非常低,以及27個其他不同收購所繼承的企業內網。這是一個巨大的整合,一開始就帶來了巨大的回報,更不用說提高了員工參與度,進而帶來了更好的員工保留率、降低的曠工率和更高的生產力。」

Another happy Workvivo customer is Essar Power, one of India's first private power companies, as Krishnakumar CS, Senior Vice President and Chief HR Officer describes.

Essar Power是印度第一傢俬有電力公司之一,作爲高級副總裁兼首席人力資源官的Krishnakumar CS描述,他們是工作活力的另一個滿意的客戶。

"Expectations are always changing. It may not always be feasible to catch up with the change in expectations of an employee, but there can be a middle part wherein the employers also respond to the changes which are happening. So we are traditional, yet modern in terms of adopting things that are new and current, because we have an organisation that has people who are with 35 years of experience and somebody who has been here 6-18 months as well. The challenge is to cater to each and every segment. We are trying to, and I think we have been successful in doing this over a period of time," he expands.


Krishnakumar explains that while there was no focused communique within Essar Power that the company would be moving to Workvivo, there was a company email notifying employees of the change in the employee engagement platform.

Krishnakumar解釋說,在Essar Power內部沒有專門的溝通通知公司即將轉向Workvivo,但公司通過電子郵件通知員工改變了員工參與平台。

"We did that around 11am-12pm sometime in April, and within 3 hours we had 40% [engagement] of employees, and over 85% adoption in the first 30 days. It has changed the way we communicate; take the people in West Bengal, for instance, there are stories of young engineers who are able to showcase how their journeys have been. All of this is coming through lots of stories, which was not the case earlier. I think this is exactly what we wanted, if somebody sitting 1,000-2,000 km away has achieved something, we've been able to communicate that, and I'm able to consume that."


During the summit, Zoom also released its latest survey, titled "Navigating the Future of Work: Global Perspectives on Hybrid Models and Technology", which showcased the region's views on different workplace models, productivity levels across models, the impact of generative AI on work, and other topics related to the future of work.  The report findings are aligned with key learnings from the EX Summit, revealing that while hybrid work models dominate, employee engagement remains the biggest challenge for APAC leaders, with nearly 60% reporting declining employee engagement with current hybrid work models.


