
Arcutis Announces Positive Long-Term Results of Roflumilast Cream 0.05% Show Durable and Improved Efficacy Over Time and Favorable Safety Profile in Treatment of Children Aged 2 to 5 With Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis

Arcutis Announces Positive Long-Term Results of Roflumilast Cream 0.05% Show Durable and Improved Efficacy Over Time and Favorable Safety Profile in Treatment of Children Aged 2 to 5 With Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis

Arcutis宣佈Roflumilast Cream 0.05%的長期正面結果顯示,該藥膏在2至5歲兒童輕度至中度特應性皮炎的治療中具有持久且改善的療效,並且具有良好的安全性。
GlobeNewswire ·  08/28 20:00
  • Long-term safety and tolerability profile consistent with pivotal data in atopic dermatitis (AD), with no new safety signals observed during 56 weeks of treatment
  • Results from open-label extension study highlight that 71.9% of patients who rolled over from the roflumilast cream treatment arm in INTEGUMENT-PED achieved EASI-75 at Week 56
  • Arcutis intends to submit a supplemental New Drug Application (sNDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the first quarter of 2025 for roflumilast cream 0.05%
  • 長期安全性與關鍵數據一致,在56周的治療中未觀察到新的安全信號
  • 開放標籤延長研究結果表明,71.9%轉入INTEGUMENt-PED的患者在第56周達到了EASI-75
  • Arcutis計劃在2025年第一季度向美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)提交關於Roflumilast Cream 0.05%的補充新藥申請(sNDA)

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARQT), a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing meaningful innovations in immuno-dermatology, today announced results from the INTEGUMENT-OLE long-term open-label study of once-daily roflumilast cream 0.05% demonstrating the durable efficacy and favorable safety profile of roflumilast cream 0.05% in the treatment of mild to moderate AD in children 2 to 5 years old. In the study, roflumilast cream was well-tolerated, with no new safety signals observed during treatment of up to 56 weeks in duration. Efficacy was not only maintained but improved over time, with 71.9% of participants who rolled over from the roflumilast cream 0.05% treatment arm in INTEGUMENT-PED achieving 75% improvement from baseline in Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI-75) after 56 weeks.

加州WESTLAKE VILLAGE,2024年8月28日(全球新聞通訊社)——Arcutis Biotherapeutics,Inc.(納斯達克: ARQT)是一家專注於開發免疫-皮膚病領域有意義創新的商業階段生物製藥公司,今天宣佈了INTEGUMENt-OLE長期開放標籤研究的結果,該研究展示了Roflumilast Cream 0.05%對2至5歲兒童中輕度至中度AD的持久療效和良好的安全性。在這項研究中,Roflumilast Cream的耐受性良好,在達到56周的治療期間未觀察到新的安全信號。療效不僅得到維持,而且隨着時間的推移而改善,轉入INTEGUMENt-PED的Roflumilast Cream 0.05%治療組中,71.9%的參與者在56周後的基線溼疹面積和嚴重性指數(EASI-75)相對改善達到了75%。

"When choosing a therapy for very young children, health care providers and caregivers are looking for treatments that provide both rapid relief and are well-tolerated and suitable for long-term use," said Adelaide Hebert, MD, professor of dermatology and pediatrics at UTHealth Houston, and INTEGUMENT trial investigator. "These results build upon the findings from the Phase 3 trial of roflumilast cream 0.05% that demonstrated rapid efficacy within the first 4 weeks of treatment, and further showed long-term durable efficacy and tolerability of investigational roflumilast cream, with continued improvement over the course of the long-term study."

「在爲幼兒選擇治療方案時,醫療保健提供者和照顧者正在尋找既提供快速緩解又耐受並適合長期使用的治療方法,」德克薩斯大學健康科學中心休斯頓分校皮膚病學和兒科教授Adelaide Hebert博士說。「這些結果進一步證實了Roflumilast Cream 0.05%第3期試驗的發現,即在治療的前4周內顯示出了快速療效,並進一步展示了探索性Roflumilast Cream的長期持久療效和耐受性,在長期研究過程中不斷改善。」

In the study, 53.8% of participants who rolled over from the roflumilast cream treatment arm in INTEGUMENT-PED achieved a validated Investigator Global Assessment-Atopic Dermatitis (vIGA-AD) success, defined as vIGA-AD value of 0 or 1 plus a 2-grade improvement from baseline, at 56 weeks.


The long-term study results reinforce the safety and tolerability profile of roflumilast cream 0.05% already seen in the 4-week pivotal INTEGUMENT-PED clinical trial, with no new safety signals observed up to 56 weeks. Overall incidence of adverse events was low, with most being mild to moderate in nature. The most frequently reported adverse events (≥3%) included: upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, pyrexia, influenza, COVID-19, and otitis media. Overall, only 3.0% of trial participants discontinued the study due to adverse events.

長期研究結果強化了roflumilast乳劑0.05%在4周關鍵INTEGUMENt-PED臨床試驗中已經觀察到的安全性和耐受性特徵,未觀察到新的安全信號,長達56周。總體不良事件的發生率很低,大多數爲輕度到中度。最常見的不良事件(≥ 3%)包括:上呼吸道感染、鼻咽炎、發燒、流感、COVID-19和中耳炎。總體而言,只有3.0%的試驗參與者因不良事件而退出研究。

"Roflumilast cream is uniquely formulated with the AD patient in mind, to deliver treatment without sensitizing excipients and irritants, which can often disrupt the skin barrier. We are excited by these results, which reinforce the strength of our ZORYVE product portfolio and specifically demonstrate the long-term efficacy, safety and tolerability profile of our once-daily roflumilast cream for the treatment of pediatric AD," said Patrick Burnett, MD, PhD, FAAD, chief medical officer at Arcutis. "Based on these positive results, we are convinced that, if approved, roflumilast cream 0.05% can help provide immediate as well as long-term management of this burdensome skin condition, expanding the treatment population to children down to age 2."

「Roflumilast乳劑以特應性皮炎患者爲目標獨特配製,以提供治療而不引起致敏助劑和刺激物,這些常常破壞皮膚屏障。我們對這些結果感到興奮,這些結果加強了我們ZORYVE產品組合的強大性能,特別是展示了我們每日一次的roflumilast乳劑在兒童特應性皮炎治療中的長期療效、安全性和耐受性特徵,」Arcutis的首席醫務官Patrick Burnett,MD,PhD,FAAD說。「基於這些積極的結果,我們確信,如果獲得批准,roflumilast乳劑0.05%可以幫助立即和長期管理這種繁重的皮膚狀況,將治療人群擴大到2歲以下的兒童。」

Arcutis intends to submit an sNDA to the FDA in the first quarter of 2025 for roflumilast cream 0.05% for the treatment of AD in individuals ages 2-5 years. ZORYVE (roflumilast) cream 0.15% is approved for the topical treatment of mild to moderate AD in adults and pediatric patients down to age 6.

Arcutis計劃在2025年一季度向FDA提交關於roflumilast乳劑0.05%治療2-5歲AD患者的sNDA申請。 ZORYVE(roflumilast)乳霜0.15%已獲批用於治療輕度到中度成人和6歲以下兒童的特應性皮炎的局部治療。

The "INterventional Trial EvaluatinG roflUMilast cream for the treatmENt of aTopic dermatitis Open Label Extension (INTEGUMENT-OLE) was a Phase 3, multicenter, open-label extension study of the long-term safety of roflumilast cream 0.15% in adults and children ages 6 years and older with AD and roflumilast cream 0.05% in children ages 2 to 5 years. A total of 562 individuals enrolled in the study after completing the INTEGUMENT-PED Phase 3 trial.

交換要約的"有效期"預計在過期日期之後迅速到來。假設最終結算日期未延期且交換要約的所有條件已得到滿足或在適用情況下已被我們豁免,我們預計最終結算日期將在過期日期之後的一個日期迅速到來。所在terventional Trial E估值G ilast皮膚霜用於治療英文一個Topic皮炎開放標籤延伸(INTEGUMENt-OLE)是一項3期、多中心、開放標籤延伸研究,旨在評估成人和6歲及以上患有AD的兒童長期使用羅氟米拉司特乳膏0.15%的安全性,以及2至5歲兒童使用羅氟米拉司特乳膏0.05%的安全性。共有562人在完成INTEGUMENt-PED第3期試驗後參與了該研究。

The study evaluated monotherapy with roflumilast cream 0.05% with no rescue treatment permitted. Beginning at Week 4 of INTEGUMENT-OLE, any participant who achieved vIGA-AD of '0-Clear' switched to twice weekly maintenance treatment. Participants were able to continue twice weekly maintenance dosing, as long as vIGA-AD remained either '0‐Clear' or '1-Almost Clear'. Participants resumed once-daily dosing if vIGA-AD reached ≥2-Mild, and could also resume once-daily dosing if signs/symptoms of AD were not adequately controlled with maintenance therapy.


The primary objective of the study was to assess the long-term safety of roflumilast cream. Secondary endpoints included vIGA-AD score of 0 or 1 at each assessment, vIGA-AD success defined as vIGA-AD value of 0 or 1 plus a 2-grade improvement from baseline, and Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) score over time. The assessment of vIGA-AD Success and EASI-75 response, as reported here, references baseline of INTEGUMENT-PED.


About Atopic Dermatitis
AD is the most common type of eczema, affecting approximately 9.6 million children and 16.5 million adults in the United States. AD is characterized by a defect in the skin barrier, which allows allergens and other irritants to enter the skin, leading to an immune reaction and inflammation. This reaction produces a red, itchy rash, most frequently occurring on the face, arms, and legs. The rash can cover significant areas of the body, in some cases half of the body or more. AD typically begins in early childhood and is chronic. It persists into adolescence and even adulthood in some individuals. The rash causes significant pruritus (itching), which can lead to skin damage caused by scratching or rubbing. Since a large percentage of AD patients are very young children, safety is a particularly important consideration in treatment selection.


About Roflumilast Cream
Roflumilast cream is a next generation topical phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitor. PDE4 – an established target in dermatology – is an intracellular enzyme that increases the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and decreases production of anti-inflammatory mediators. Roflumilast cream 0.3% (ZORYVE) is approved by the FDA for the topical treatment of plaque psoriasis, including intertriginous areas, in patients 6 years of age and older. Roflumilast cream 0.15% (ZORYVE) is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the topical treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, in patients 6 years of age and older. A lower dose, roflumilast cream 0.05%, was evaluated for children aged 2 to 5 years.


ZORYVE cream, 0.3%, is indicated for topical treatment of plaque psoriasis, including intertriginous areas, in adult and pediatric patients 6 years of age and older.

ZORYVE乳膏0.3%適用於6歲及以上的 plaque psoriasis 的外用治療,包括皮膚摩擦部位。

ZORYVE cream, 0.15%, is indicated for topical treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adult and pediatric patients 6 years of age and older.


ZORYVE is contraindicated in patients with moderate to severe liver impairment (Child-Pugh B or C).

患有中度至重度肝功能不良(Child-Pugh B或C)的患者禁用ZORYVE。

The most common adverse reactions (≥1%) for ZORYVE cream 0.3% include diarrhea (3.1%), headache (2.4%), insomnia (1.4%), nausea (1.2%), application site pain (1.0%), upper respiratory tract infection (1.0%), and urinary tract infection (1.0%).


The most common adverse reactions (≥1%) for ZORYVE cream 0.15% for atopic dermatitis include headache (2.9%), nausea (1.9%), application site pain (1.5%), diarrhea (1.5%), and vomiting (1.5%).


Please see full Prescribing Information.


About Arcutis
Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARQT) is a commercial-stage medical dermatology company that champions meaningful innovation to address the urgent needs of individuals living with immune-mediated dermatological diseases and conditions. With a commitment to solving the most persistent patient challenges in dermatology, Arcutis has a growing portfolio including three FDA approved products that harness our unique dermatology development platform coupled with our dermatology expertise to build differentiated therapies against biologically validated targets. Arcutis' dermatology development platform includes a robust pipeline with multiple clinical programs for a range of inflammatory dermatological conditions including scalp and body psoriasis, AD. and alopecia areata. For more information, visit or follow Arcutis on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc.(納斯達克:ARQT)是一家商業化階段的醫療皮膚病公司,致力於通過有意義的創新來解決免疫介導的皮膚疾病和疾病的緊迫需求。憑藉我們獨特的皮膚病發展平台和皮膚病專業知識,Arcutis致力於解決皮膚科患者最頑固的挑戰,擁有包括三種FDA批准的產品在內的不斷增長的產品組合,針對生物學驗證目標開發差異化療法。Arcutis的皮膚病發展平台包括一個龐大的產品管線,針對一系列炎症性皮膚病症,包括頭皮和全身銀屑病,AD和斑禿等多個臨床項目。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 或關注Arcutis的LinkedIn、Facebook、Instagram和X。

Forward-Looking Statements
Arcutis cautions you that statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the Company's current beliefs and expectations. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the potential and timing for roflumilast cream to be approved by the FDA for the treatment of children ages 2 to 5 with AD, the potential to use roflumilast cream in those ages over a long period of time, or chronically, the potential to use roflumilast cream anywhere on the body, and the potential for roflumilast cream to advance the standard of care in AD and other inflammatory dermatological conditions. These statements are subject to substantial known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results to differ include risks inherent in our business, reimbursement and access to our products, and the impact of competition and other important factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of our Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 27, 2024, as well as any subsequent filings with the SEC. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements in this press release. We undertake no obligation to revise or update information herein to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, which is made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Arcutis告誡您,本新聞稿中涉及的並非歷史事實的事項均屬前瞻性聲明。這些聲明基於公司目前的信念和期望。此類前瞻性聲明包括但不限於,關於roflumilast cream有望獲得FDA批准用於2至5歲AD患兒治療的潛力和時間,使用roflumilast cream在較長時期內或長期內使用的潛力,以及使用roflumilast cream在全身任何部位的潛力,以及roflumilast cream對AD和其他炎症性皮膚病症推進醫療標準的潛力。這些聲明受大量已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素的影響,這可能導致我們的實際結果、活動水平、表現或成就與這些前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的信息有實質性差異。可能導致我們的實際結果有所不同的風險和不確定性包括我們業務的固有風險、產品的報銷和獲取,以及競爭的影響和其他重要因素,請參閱我們於2024年2月27日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交的10-k表格的「風險因素」部分,以及隨後向SEC提交的任何文件。您不應過分依賴本新聞稿中的任何前瞻性聲明。即使有新信息可供使用,我們也不承擔修訂或更新此處信息以反映將來事件或情況的義務。所有前瞻性聲明均受到此警示聲明的全面限制,該聲明是根據1995年《1995年私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港規定發佈的。

Amanda Sheldon, Head of Corporate Communications


Latha Vairavan, Vice President, Finance and Corporate Controller

Latha Vairavan,財務和公司控制副總裁

