
EXCLUSIVE: NeuroSense Therapeutics In Advanced Talks With Several Multi-Billion-Dollar Pharma Companies To Partner Its Lead Drug

EXCLUSIVE: NeuroSense Therapeutics In Advanced Talks With Several Multi-Billion-Dollar Pharma Companies To Partner Its Lead Drug

獨家報道:NeuroSense Therapeutics正在與多家市值數十億美元的製藥公司進行高級談判,以與其領導性藥物展開合作。
Benzinga ·  08/28 19:00

NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd. (NASDAQ:NRSN) on Wednesday said it is currently in advanced discussions with several multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies regarding a potential strategic partnership to develop and commercialize its lead drug candidate, PrimeC, for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

NeuroSense Therapeutics Ltd.(納斯達克股票代碼:NRSN)週三表示,目前正在與幾家千億級藥品公司進行高級討論,就開發和商業化其領先藥物候選PrimeC用於肌萎縮側索硬化(ALS)的潛在戰略合作伙伴關係進行討論。

These discussions, based on non-binding terms, indicate the potential for substantial financial benefits to NeuroSense, including upfront payments, milestone payments, and royalty payments as part of an agreement.


NeuroSense anticipates receiving terms from these discussions in the fourth quarter of 2024; however, there can be no assurance that terms will be finalized with any of the pharmaceutical companies, the timing, what the final terms would be, if any, or that a definitive agreement will be reached.


In August, NeuroSense Therapeutics released 12-month iron biomarker data from its PARADIGM Phase 2b study for PrimeC in ALS patients.

在8月,NeuroSense Therapeutics發佈了PARADIGm第20億期PrimeC在ALS患者中的12個月鐵生物標誌物數據。

The results demonstrated the target engagement of PrimeC in iron regulation, which is linked to disease mitigation and improved survival.


These changes in iron metabolism align with improved clinical outcomes. Patients on PrimeC maintained better functionality and survival rates than those on placebo.


In July, 12-month data of the PARADIGM Phase 2b study showed a significant improvement in the rate of decline of ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised scores and survival rates for subjects who received PrimeC from the start of the trial compared to those who started on placebo.


Specifically, the intent to treat analysis at 12 months revealed a difference of 6.5 points in the ALSFRS-R, representing a 36% improvement and a statistically significant P value of 0.009.


In addition, at 12 months, participants on PrimeC demonstrated 43% better survival than those initially on placebo.


Additional results from the PARADIGM Phase 2b study showed a complication-free survival revealed a 57% difference in favor of PrimeC over placebo after 12 months of treatment in the Intent to Treat population and demonstrated an outcome of 73% (p=0.02) difference in favor of PrimeC over placebo after 12 months of treatment in the pre-defined Per Protocol Population.

PARADIGm Phase 20億研究的附加結果顯示,在意向治療人群中,PrimeC與安慰劑相比,在治療12個月後,無併發症的生存率有57%的差異,而在預先確定的嚴格執行人群中,PrimeC與安慰劑相比,在治療12個月後的結果達到73%的差異(p=0.02)。

Price Action: NRSN stock closed at $0.74 on Tuesday.

股票價格: NRSN股票週二收盤價爲0.74美元。

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