
Boardwalktech Software Corp. (BWLKF) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Boardwalktech Software Corp. (BWLKF) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Boardwalktech Software corp.(BWLKF)2025年第一季度業績會議電話記錄摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/28 09:13  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Boardwalktech Software Corp. (BWLKF) Q1 2025 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Boardwalktech Software Corp. (BWLKF) 2025年第一季度業績電話會議摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Boardwalktech reported a revenue decline to $1.25 million in Q1 2025, a 20% decrease year-over-year.

  • Gross margin for Q1 2025 was 87.9%, demonstrating a slight decrease from the previous year.

  • Net loss improved to $800,000 in Q1 2025, a 14% improvement from the previous year.

  • Annualized recurring revenue (ARR) as of June 30, 2024, was $4.8 million.

  • Boardwalktech報告2025年第一季度營業收入下降至125萬美元,同比減少20%。

  • 2025年第一季度的毛利率爲87.9%,略微低於去年。

  • 2025年第一季度淨損失改善至80萬美元,比去年提高了14%。

  • 截至2024年6月30日的年化重複收入(ARR)爲480萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • Boardwalktech has enhanced its sales strategy by shifting focus to partner and teaming sales channels.

  • New teaming agreements with global IT firms, including Tata Consulting Services, aim to improve deal closure times and reduce costs.

  • The company is expanding its pipeline with new opportunities in various sectors such as banking, aerospace, and healthcare.

  • Added new key roles including a Chief Marketing Officer to strengthen market outreach and a transformation expert to focus on financial services.

  • Boardwalktech通過轉變銷售策略,將重點放在合作伙伴和團隊銷售渠道上。

  • 與全球IT公司達成了新的合作協議,包括塔塔諮詢服務,旨在提高交易關閉時間並降低成本。

  • 公司正在拓展其業務範圍,與銀行、航空航天和醫療保健等各個領域的新機會。

  • 新增了包括首席營銷官在內的關鍵職位,以加強市場推廣,並增加了一名轉型專家,專注於金融服務。



  • Teaming agreements are expected to generate significant revenue through professional services as the company continues to penetrate global large firms.

  • Broadening the customer base to include sectors outside of the traditional financial services area, potentially increasing market share and revenue sources.

  • 作爲公司不斷滲透全球大型企業,合作協議預計通過專業服務帶來可觀的營業收入。

  • 將客戶基礎擴展至傳統金融服務領域之外的行業,可能增加市場份額和營收來源。



  • Delays in deal implementation and revenue recognition as experienced with the rollout in a large bank may affect projected timelines for profitability.

  • 在一個大型銀行的推出中遇到的交易實施延遲和營業收入確認問題可能影響盈利能力的預期時間表。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


