
McLaren Completes Sale of the Augdome Gold Property in Timmins, Ontario to Newmont

McLaren Completes Sale of the Augdome Gold Property in Timmins, Ontario to Newmont

newsfile ·  08/28 05:33

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 27, 2024) - McLaren Resources Inc. (CSE: MCL) (FSE: 3ML) ("McLaren" / the "Company") announces the completion of the sale of the Augdome gold property for $572,889 and a 1.0 % net smelter returns royalty on any gold produced from the property pursuant to a four-year option agreement with Goldcorp Canada Ltd., a subsidiary of Newmont Corporation. The option agreement was originally announced by McLaren on May 14, 2020.

多倫多,安大略省 - (資訊稿訊 - 2024年8月27日) - McLaren Resources公司(CSE:MCL)(FSE:3ML)("McLaren" / 公司")宣佈已完成將Augdome黃金物業以572,889美元的價格出售,並根據與紐曼礦業旗下的Goldcorp Canada Ltd.簽訂的四年期期權協議獲得了1.0%的淨熔爐收益皇家資料庫在任何從該物業生產的黃金。期權協議最初是由McLaren於2020年5月14日宣佈的。

McLaren held its interest in the Augdome property through a subsidiary. The Augdome property consists of 22 patented mineral claims covering approximately 414 hectares ("ha") located on the eastern side of the Dome Mine open pit in Timmins, Ontario.


Mineral Exploration Properties


McLaren currently holds a 100 percent interest in the Blue Quartz, McCool and Kerrs gold exploration properties located east of Timmins, Ontario.

McLaren目前持有位於安大略省蒂明斯市東部的Blue Quartz,McCool和Kerrs黃金勘探物業的100%權益。

The Blue Quartz property is located in Beatty Township 73 km east of Timmins and neighbors the Fox Mine, the Fenn-Gib project and the former producing Ross Mine. The property hosts the former producing Blue Quartz Gold Mine and consists of patented claims and staked claims covering an area of 640 ha. The property abuts immediately to the south of the Goldarm Gold Property owned by GFG Resources Inc. ("GFG") where GFG recently announced extremely encouraging gold results with abundant visible gold from drilling on their Aljo Target, including 13.94 grams per tonne gold ("g/t Au") over 7.1 m (see GFG news release issued on August 19, 2024).

Blue Quartz物業位於蒂明斯東部的比蒂鎮(Beatty Township)東部73公里處,毗鄰Fox礦(Fox Mine),Fenn-Gib項目和已廢棄的Ross礦(Ross Mine)。該物業擁有前生產的Blue Quartz黃金礦,由專利申請和原始權利申請覆蓋,佔地面積640公頃。該物業與GFG Resources公司("GFG")擁有的Goldarm黃金物業南鄰,GFG最近宣佈了在其Aljo Target鑽孔中極具鼓舞的黃金結果,包括每噸13.94克的可見黃金("g / t Au")超過710萬(請參閱GFG於2024年8月19日發佈的新聞稿)。

Selected drill results from diamond drilling on the Blue Quartz property by McLaren include 14.0 g/t Au over 2.0m, 12.8 g/t Au over 1.5m, 13.3 g/t Au over 1.0m and 11.9 g/t Au over 2.2m (see McLaren news release issued on February 14, 2019).

McLaren在Blue Quartz物業上的鑽探結果包括每200萬14.0克黃金,每150萬12.8克黃金,每100萬13.3克黃金和每220萬11.9克黃金(請參閱2019年2月14日McLaren發佈的新聞稿)。

The McCool property is located in McCool Township 85 km east of Timmins and neighbors the Tower Gold project, the Fenn-Gib project and the Holt Mine Complex. The property is on the north side of the Destor Porcupine Fault and covers 5 km of the Centre Hill Fault. The property consists of a mining lease and claim cells with an area of 1,770 ha.

McCool物業位於蒂明斯東部85公里的McCool鎮,毗鄰Tower黃金項目,Fenn-Gib項目和Holt礦石複合體。該物業位於Destor Porcupine斷層的北側,覆蓋中心山斷層5公里。該物業包括採礦租約和權利單元,面積爲1,770公頃。

Selected drill results from diamond drilling on the McCool property by McLaren include 16.5 g/t Au over 6.0m, 10.8 g/t Au over 9.0m, 7.9 g/t Au over 4.5 m and 58.4 g/t Au over 1.5 m (see McLaren news release issued on January 24, 2023).


The Kerrs property is located in Kerrs Township approximately 15 km north of the McCool property and consists of mining leases covering an area of 771 ha. Previous historical work on the property during the mid-1980s included 10,279 m of diamond drilling in 55 holes. The drilling was focused on an exploration target area that is an extension of a gold mineralized trend from the adjacent property to the east, known as the KBX Zone which is owned by Sheltered Oak Resources Inc.

Kerrs物業位於Kerrs鄉約15公里北部的McCool物業,佔地面積771公頃。該物業在上世紀80年代中期的前期歷史工作中進行了1027900萬的鑽井,共計55口鑽孔。鑽探工作重點是探索目標區域,這一區域是從東側相鄰物業延伸而來的黃金礦化趨勢的一部分,該物業被稱爲KBX區,由Sheltered Oak Resources Inc.所有。

McLaren intends to continue exploration work, including diamond drilling, on its portfolio of prospective gold properties in the coming months.


For more information, please contact:


Radovan Danilovsky, President,
Phone: 416-203-6784,,

Radovan Danilovsky,總裁,

30 Duncan Street, Suite 606
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2C3

安大略省多倫多市M5V 2C3

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