


PR Newswire ·  08/28 03:13

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Luca Mining Corp. ("Luca" or the "Company") (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) wishes to clarify a Form 62-103F1 Early Warning Report (the "EWR") issued today by Trafigura Beheer B.V. ("Trafigura").

盧卡礦業公司(簡稱「盧卡」或「公司」)(TSXV: LUCA)(OTCQX: LUCMF)(Frankfurt: Z68)希望澄清Trafigura Beheer b.V.(「Trafigura」)今日發佈的62-103F1提前預警報告(「EWR」)

The EWR relates to a debt restructuring agreement entered into between Luca and Trafigura on December 11, 2023. The debt restructuring related to the conversion of an outstanding loan in the amount of US$5,800,000 (the "Principal Amount") into a non-interest-bearing three-year term convertible debenture (the "Convertible Debenture"). The transaction was announced by the Company through news releases dated December 6, 2023 and January 19, 2024.


As Trafigura wished for the Convertible Debenture to be held by its subsidiary Urion Holdings (Malta) Limited ("Urion") and the Convertible Debenture was to be secured, the Convertible Debenture was conditionally issued into escrow, subject to being formally executed and released once Trafigura and the Company were able to amend existing security agreements to insert Urion into same (the "Condition Precedent"). That process has taken several months and was finally completed in Mexico last week, such that the Condition Precedent was met, and Convertible Debenture could be formally perfected and released from escrow.

由於Trafigura希望將可轉換債券由其子公司Urion Holdings(Malta)Limited(「Urion」)持有並且可轉換債券是有擔保的,因此可轉換債券在條件履行前已經被有條件地發行進入托管,待Trafigura和公司能夠修改現有安全協議將Urion納入其中(「先決條件」)時,可轉換債券將正式得以簽署和解除託管。這個過程歷經數月並於上週在墨西哥完成,從而滿足了先決條件,可轉換債券得以正式落實並從託管中解除。

The Convertible Debenture matures on January 11, 2027 and should Urion choose to convert same, then based on a US$ conversion price to CAD$ of 1.30602 as of August 22, 2024, the conversion of the Convertible Debenture would result in Urion acquiring approximately 22,540,457 common shares in the capital of Luca (the "Luca Shares"), representing approximately 11.65% of the Luca Shares (after giving effect to the conversion of the full amount of the Convertible Debenture). Should that event occur, then Trafigura would own indirectly through Urion 24,365,457 Luca Shares, representing approximately 12.48% of the issued and outstanding Luca Shares, based on 170,862,081 Luca Shares being currently outstanding. Even though the Convertible Debenture was issued into escrow in January this year, since Trafigura, indirectly through Urion has just perfected the right to acquire the above shareholding in Luca, it was required to issue the EWR upon the Convertible Debenture finally being signed and released from escrow.


At the time the time the debt restructuring was agreed, Luca's shares were trading at CAD$0.29. The Convertible Debenture has not been converted and neither Trafigura nor Urion have given Luca any indication whether they intend to convert same. In the meantime, the Company receives the benefit of a non-interest-bearing loan facility.


The Company continues to enjoy an excellent working relationship with Trafigura, which has offtake agreements in place for both the Campo Morado and Tahuehueto mines.

公司繼續與Trafigura保持良好的工作關係,Trafigura已經爲Campo Morado和Tahuehueto礦山簽訂了購銷協議。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


(signed) "Ramon Perez"

(簽名)「Ramon Perez」

Ramon Perez, President

Ramon Perez,總裁

About Luca Mining Corp.
關於 Luca Mining Corp.,Luca Mining(TSX-V: LUCA,OTCQX: LUCMF,Frankfurt: Z68)是一家多元化的加拿大礦業公司,在墨西哥擁有兩個100%持有的生產礦山。該公司從這些礦山產出金屬、銅、鋅、白銀和鉛,均具有相當的開發和資源潛力。其中,Campo Morado 礦是墨西哥顯示的採礦地點,是一個地下作業,它以金屬銅、鉛和鋅的精礦爲主,並且有貴金屬信貸。目前,該礦正在進行優化,已經產生了回收率、品位、效率和現金流方面的顯着提高。該公司預計,其業務將在2024年開始產生正現金流。Luca Mining 着眼於增長,以最大化股東的回報。

Luca Mining (TSXV: LUCA) (OTCQX: LUCMF) (Frankfurt: Z68) is a diversified Canadian mining company with two 100%-owned producing mines in Mexico. The Company produces gold, copper, zinc, silver and lead from these mines that each have considerable development and resource upside.

Luca Mining (LUCA:TSXV) (LUCMF:OTCQX)(Z68:法蘭克福)是一家多元化的加拿大礦業公司,在墨西哥擁有兩座100%擁有的生產礦山。該公司從這些礦山生產金、銅、鋅、銀和鉛,每個礦山都有相當大的開發和資源潛力。

The Campo Morado mine, is an underground operation located in Guerrero State, a prolific mining region in Mexico. It produces copper/lead and zinc concentrates with precious metals credits. It is currently undergoing an optimisation program which is already generating significant improvements in recoveries and grades, efficiencies, and cashflows.

Campo Morado 礦是位於墨西哥一片豐富的採礦區內的一個地下作業,它以含有貴金屬信用的銅、鉛和鋅精礦爲主。目前該礦正在進行優化方案的實施,這方面已經產生了重大改變,包括提高了回收率和品位、提高了效率和現金流。

The Tahuehueto Gold, Silver Mine is a new underground operation in Durango State, Mexico, within the Sierra Madre Mineral Belt which hosts numerous producing and historic mines along its trend. The Company is commissioning its mill capacity to 1,000 tonnes per day, and key test work and production ramp-up is underway, to increase production by 2H 2024.

Tahuehueto Gold,Silver Mine是位於墨西哥杜蘭戈州的新地下作業,位於Sierra Madre Mineral Belt內,沿着其方向擁有衆多生產和歷史悠久的礦山。該公司正在委託其磨機產能達到每天1,000噸,並正在進行關鍵測試工作和生產逐步升級,以在2024年下半年增加產量。

The Company expects its operations to start generating positive cash flows in 2024. Luca Mining is focused on growth with the aim of maximizing shareholder returns.

該公司預計其業務將從2024年開始產生正現金流,Luca Mining 正專注於增長,旨在最大化股東回報。

For more information, please visit:


Cautionary Note Regarding Production Decisions and Forward-Looking Statements

It should be noted that Luca declared commercial production at Campo Morado prior to completing a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability. Accordingly, readers should be cautioned that Luca's production decision has been made without a comprehensive feasibility study of established reserves such that there is greater risk and uncertainty as to future economic results from the Campo Morado mine and a higher technical risk of failure than would be the case if a feasibility study were completed and relied upon to make a production decision. Luca has completed a preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") mining study on the Campo Morado mine that provides a conceptual life of mine plan and a preliminary economic analysis based on the previously identified mineral resources (see news releases dated November 8, 2017, and April 4, 2018).

應注意的是,Luca在完成礦區儲量的經濟和技術可行性證明之前即宣佈Campo Morado開始商業生產。因此,讀者應當注意,Luca的生產決策是在沒有全面的儲量可行性研究的情況下做出的,因此,與完成並依賴於完整的可行性研究進行生產決策相比,未來Campo Morado礦產的經濟結果存在更高的風險和不確定性以及更高的技術風險。Luca已對Campo Morado礦進行了初步經濟評估(PEA)採礦研究,該研究基於先前確定的礦物資源進行概念性終身規劃和初步經濟分析(詳見2017年11月8日和2018年4月4日的新聞稿)。

Furthermore, Luca intends to declare commercial production at the Tahuehueto gold, silver mine prior to completing a feasibility study of mineral reserves demonstrating economic and technical viability. Accordingly, readers should be cautioned that Luca's production decision has been made without a comprehensive feasibility study of established reserves such that there is greater risk and uncertainty as to future economic results from the Tahuehueto gold, silver mine and a higher technical risk of failure than would be the case if a feasibility study were completed and relied upon to make a production decision. Luca has completed a prefeasibility study on the Tahuehueto gold, silver mine (see news releases dated April 26, 2022).


Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "Forward-Looking Information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward Looking Information includes, but is not limited to, possible events, conditions or financial performance that are based on assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action; the timing and costs of future activities on the Company's properties In certain cases, Forward-Looking Information can be identified using words and phrases such as "plans," "expects," "scheduled," "estimates," "forecasts," "intends," "anticipates" or variations of such words and phrases. There can be no assurance that Forward-Looking Information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on Forward-Looking Information. Except as required by law, the Company does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to Forward-Looking Information contained in this news release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

對於 Luca 的全文,《今晚財經》對之前的報道有些更新, Luca 指本公司打算在完成 Tahuehueto 黃金、白銀礦山的經濟可行性和技術可行性的可行性研究之前宣佈採運商業生產。本報特此更正。此外,Luca 的操作數字應當按數字順序排列,且 "." 號應該改爲 "," 號。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX tsx Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

SOURCE Luca Mining Corp.

來源:Luca Mining Corp。

