
Hagerty Drivers Foundation Adds Authentic Life-Sized Hot Wheels Cars to Prestigious National Historic Vehicle Register in Washington, D.C.

Hagerty Drivers Foundation Adds Authentic Life-Sized Hot Wheels Cars to Prestigious National Historic Vehicle Register in Washington, D.C.

Hagerty駕駛員基金會在華盛頓特區的著名國家歷史車輛登記處添加了真實大小的Hot Wheels汽車。
PR Newswire ·  08/27 21:00

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Hagerty Drivers Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to preserving automotive culture and history, is hosting its annual "Cars at the Capital" exhibition on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., from September 19-24, 2024. Displayed in an eye-catching brilliantly lit glass enclosure will be the 35th and 36th vehicles to be added to the National Historic Vehicle Register.

密歇根特拉弗斯城,2024年8月27日 / PRNewswire / - Hagerty司機基金會,一家致力於保護汽車文化和歷史的501(c)(3)非營利機構,將於2024年9月19日至24日在華盛頓特區的國家廣場舉辦其年度「首都汽車展」。在一個引人注目的明亮玻璃罩內展示的將是加入國家歷史車輛登記處的第35和36輛車。

Hagerty Drivers Foundation adds 35th and 36th vehicles to the National Historic Vehicle Register
  • The 35th vehicle is the Beatnik Bandit released in 1961 by Ed "Big Daddy" Roth. The vehicle was built on an early fifties shortened Oldsmobile chassis with an entirely custom one-off body. Roth's fiberglass bubble top car creations and irreverent art defined the 1960s custom car craze. The Beatnik Bandit is among his most well remembered cars as it became a best-selling model kit for the Revell company and later a micro-sized Hot Wheels car.
    Current Owner: National Automobile Museum, Reno, Nevada.
  • 第35輛車是1961年由Ed「大老爺們」羅斯發佈的Beatnik Bandit。該車建於早期五十年代縮短的奧斯莫比爾底盤上,擁有完全定製的獨特車身。羅斯的玻璃纖維泡泡車創作和不敬的藝術定義了1960年代的定製汽車熱潮。Beatnik Bandit是他最值得銘記的車之一,因爲它成爲Revell公司最暢銷的模型套件,後來還成爲微型Hot Wheels車的一種。
  • The 36th vehicle is a Dodge A100 pickup truck that was heavily customized by Mike and Larry Alexander for the 1967 Detroit Autorama custom car show. In 1964, Harry Bentley Bradley was commissioned to design the Deora for the Alexander brothers. Named the Deora by a participant in a competition hosted by model kit company, AMT, the DIY scale version helped propel the one-off pickup truck to legendary status. Bradley led the design of Mattel's first 16 Hot Wheels in 1968 that included scale versions of both the Beatnik Bandit and Deora – cementing the two customs' places in history and inspiring generations of car enthusiasts.
    Current owner: Tom Abrams Collection, Detroit, Michigan.
  • 第36輛車是一輛Dodge A100卡車,由Mike和Larry Alexander爲1967年底特律汽車展會進行了大量定製。1964年,哈利·本特利·布拉德利受託爲亞歷山大兄弟設計Deora。由模型套件公司AMt主辦的比賽中參與者命名了Deora,DIY比例版本幫助推動了這款獨特卡車進入傳奇狀態。布拉德利帶領設計了Mattel在1968年推出的第一批16款Hot Wheels,其中包括Beatnik Bandit和Deora的比例版本——鞏固了這兩款定製汽車在歷史上的地位,激勵了一代又一代的汽車愛好者。

The vehicles have been added to the National Historic Vehicle Register in recognition of their significance in American automotive history and culture. The exhibit and documentation of the vehicles are part of the Hagerty Drivers Foundation's partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior's, Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) that is permanently archived in the Library of Congress.


"These two custom cars captured the national imagination when they were first introduced, epitomizing a period of customization from the great independent car designers and craftsmen," said McKeel Hagerty, CEO of Hagerty. "The cars memorialized by Mattel's Hot Wheels models set the toy market on fire in 1968 and continue to capture the hearts of enthusiasts and help expand car culture."

「這兩輛定製汽車在首次推出時引起了全國觀衆的想象,成爲了偉大獨立汽車設計師和工匠時期定製的典範,」Hagerty的CEO McKeel Hagerty說。「Mattel的Hot Wheels模型永遠銘記着這些汽車在1968年激發了玩具市場,並繼續吸引着車迷的心,並推動汽車文化的發展。」

"Each generation has a touchpoint to car culture; toys and scale model cars have been a major gateway for so many into the world of automobiles. Celebrating two of the most iconic cars to be miniaturized and make their way to the toy boxes of children around the world is an exciting opportunity," said Casey Maxon, Senior Manager of Heritage, Hagerty Drivers Foundation.

「每一代人對汽車文化都有一個紐帶;玩具和比例模型汽車對許多人來說都是進入汽車世界的重要途徑。慶祝兩輛被縮小並送到世界各地兒童玩具箱裏的最具標誌性汽車之一是一個令人興奮的機會,」Hagerty Drivers Foundation的資深經理Casey Maxon說。

Each vehicle will be exhibited in the Hagerty Drivers Foundation's illuminated glass display case on the walkway in the middle of the National Mall between the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and the United States Department of Agriculture. The exhibit is free to the public. The display schedule is as follows:

每輛車都將展示在Hagerty Drivers Foundation位於美國國家歷史博物館和美國農業部之間的國家廣場中央走道上的照明玻璃陳列櫃中。展覽對公衆免費開放。展覽安排如下:

September 19 through 22 – Beatnik Bandit

9月19日至22日 – Beatnik Bandit

September 22 through 24 – Dodge Deora

9月22日至24日 – Dodge Deora

September 22 – "Cars at the Capital Family Festival Day"- both cars on display

9月22日 – 「國會大廈汽車家庭節日」- 兩輛汽車展出

Cars at the Capital Website


Link to Beatnik Bandit:

Beatnik Bandit鏈接:

Link to Dodge Deora:

鏈接至Dodge Deora:

Link to Photos: HDF Photos of 2024 Register Inductees


About Hagerty Drivers Foundation

關於Hagerty Drivers Foundation

The Hagerty Drivers Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit launched in 2021 by Hagerty. With the purpose of shaping the future of car culture while celebrating our automotive past, the Hagerty Drivers Foundation provides scholarships for students in the automotive field of education, as well as students seeking formal driver education training. In addition, the Foundation continues to build a federally recognized program – the National Historic Vehicle Register – that documents and records the important history of our shared automotive past, please visit https:///

Hagerty Drivers Foundation是Hagerty於2021年成立的501(c)(3)非營利組織。旨在塑造汽車文化的未來,同時慶祝我們的汽車歷史。Hagerty Drivers Foundation爲汽車領域的學生提供獎學金,以及尋求正式駕駛員培訓的學生。此外,該基金會繼續建立一個備受聯邦認可的項目——國家歷史車輛登記冊,以記錄我們共同的汽車歷史,詳情請訪問https:///。

Media Contacts:
Steve Keyes
[email protected], (248) 952-7022

Steve Keyes
電子郵件:[email protected],電話:(248) 952-7022

Andrew Heller
[email protected], (231) 632-1583

Andrew Heller
[email protected],(231) 632-1583

SOURCE Hagerty Drivers Foundation

Hagerty Drivers Foundation來源

