
Lode Gold Signs $3.5 Million Strategic Alliance; Creating One of the Largest Prospective Land Packages in New Brunswick

Lode Gold Signs $3.5 Million Strategic Alliance; Creating One of the Largest Prospective Land Packages in New Brunswick

Lode Gold簽署了一項價值350萬美元的戰略聯盟;在新不倫瑞克創造了一個最大的潛在土地包。
newsfile ·  08/27 19:30

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 27, 2024) - Lode Gold Resources Inc. (TSXV: LOD) (OTCQB: SBMIF) ("Lode Gold " or the "Company") is pleased to announce it has entered into a definitive agreement with Fancamp Exploration Ltd. ("Fancamp") which will result in a $3.5 million investment (the "Investment Agreement") into the Company, and into the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Gold Orogen. As part of the Investment Agreement, the Company will transfer its interests in the McIntyre Brook Property (111 km2) and Fancamp will transfer its interests in the Riley Brook Property (309 km2), both located in New Brunswick, into a 50/50 joint venture between Gold Orogen and Fancamp. As a result of this agreement, Fancamp will become a key shareholder of Lode Gold and a 19.9% shareholder of Gold Orogen.

安大略多倫多-(Newsfile Corp.-2024年8月27日)-Lode Gold Resources Inc.(TSXV:LOD)(OTCQB:SBMIF) ("Lode Gold"或"公司")很高興宣佈,該公司已與Fancamp Exploration Ltd.("Fancamp")達成了一項最終協議,根據該協議,Lode Gold將進行350萬美元的投資("投資協議")並投資於其全資子公司Gold Orogen。作爲投資協議的一部分,公司將轉讓其對McIntyre Brook Property(111平方公里)的權益,並轉讓Fancamp其對Riley Brook Property(309平方公里)的權益,這兩個物業位於新不倫瑞克省,在Gold Orogen和Fancamp之間建立起一個50/50的合資企業。根據該協議,Fancamp將成爲Lode Gold的重要股東,併成爲Gold Orogen的19.9%股東。

As per the May 15, 2024 news release, the Company has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary consisting of the Canadian exploration assets, Gold Orogen, and intends to conduct a tax efficient spin-out transaction (the "Spin Out") and list the shares of Spin Co on a Canadian securities exchange. Upon completion of the Spin Out, Lode Gold shareholders will be entitled to shares of Gold Orogen.

根據2024年5月15日的新聞發佈,公司已設立了一個全資子公司,名爲Gold Orogen,其中包括加拿大勘探資產,公司打算進行一項稅務高效的分拆交易("分拆交易")並在加拿大證券交易所上市。完成分拆交易後,Lode Gold的股東將有權獲得Gold Orogen的股票。

The Investment Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby are subject to TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") acceptance.

投資協議及其相關交易需要經TSX Venture Exchange("交易所")批准。

Key Highlights:

亮點: 1.肺炎的全球發病率估計在每1000人年之間變化1.5至14例之間。 2.肺炎的患病率最高爲小兒人群(6.8%),其次爲老年人群(3.75%),在非大都市城市(人口在100萬以下)中最顯著。 3.美國的肺炎年發病率爲每10000名成年人24.8例。 4.在需要住院的重症肺炎患者中,報告的死亡率爲4%至37%,並隨着年齡的增長而上升。 5.肺炎是全球兒童死亡的最常見感染性死因。根據世衛組織的數據,該疾病造成5歲以下兒童死亡總數的14%。

  • The Investment Agreement forms the basis for the creation of one of the largest mineral claims holdings in New Brunswick, with mineral rights spanning 420 km2 across a highly prospective belt that has seen many exciting discoveries: Dalradian, New Found Gold and Calibre Mining, among others.
  • Gold Orogen (the "Spin Co") will have strategic interests in four key exploration assets in two emerging orogenic gold camps in North America: Yukon and New Brunswick.
  • Fancamp will become an additional strategic investor of Lode Gold, and a 19.9% shareholder of Gold Orogen.
  • Subject to approval, Lode Gold shareholders will receive shares of Gold Orogen, on a tax efficient basis, in addition to retaining shares of Lode Gold which will retain the Fremont property in California (NI 43-101 Resource - Indicated: 1.16 MOz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 MT ; Inferred: 2.02 MOz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 MT Inferred. A sensitivity to the March 31, 2023 PEA: USD $370M After-Tax NPV (5%), 31% IRR, 11-year LOM at USD $2,000/oz Au).
  • 投資協議爲新不倫瑞克省的最大礦權持有形成了基礎,礦權跨越420平方公里,涵蓋了一個高度有前景的礦帶,該礦帶已經發現了許多令人興奮的礦產:Dalradian,New Found Gold和Calibre Mining等等。
  • Gold Orogen("Spin Co")將在北美洲的兩個新興增生性金礦區擁有四個重要勘探資產的戰略利益:育空和新不倫瑞克省。
  • Fancamp將成爲Lode Gold的另一位戰略投資者,同時也是Gold Orogen的19.9%股東。
  • 在批准後,Lode Gold股東將以高效稅務的方式獲得Gold Orogen的股票,並保留Lode Gold的股份,Lode Gold將繼續持有加利福尼亞州的Fremont property(NI 43-101 Resource - Indicated: 1.16 MOz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 Mt;Inferred: 2.02 MOz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 Mt Inferred;根據2023年3月31日的經濟預算敏感性:美元3700萬稅後NPV(5%),31% IRR,11年壽命,黃金價格爲每盎司2000美元)。

Fancamp's investment will be allocated accordingly with $0.5 million into Lode Gold and $3.0 million into Gold Orogen, of which $2 million is designated as flow-through eligible spend in Yukon and New Brunswick. Fancamp and Gold Orogen will also form a 50-50 joint venture on the New Brunswick assets consisting of Fancamp's Riley Brook and Gold Orogen's McIntyre Brook. Lode Gold will provide management and technical leadership, while Fancamp will be the operator of the joint venture and provide seasoned project management leadership, exploration and operational expertise. Drilling is planned for both properties in the upcoming months.

Fancamp的投資將分配到Lode Gold和Gold Orogen,其中50萬美元用於Lode Gold,300萬美元用於Gold Orogen,其中200萬美元被指定爲在育空和新不倫瑞克省的通過流透支出。Fancamp和Gold Orogen還將在新不倫瑞克省的資產上組建一個50-50的合資企業,由Fancamp的Riley Brook和Gold Orogen的McIntyre Brook組成。Lode Gold將提供管理和技術領導,而Fancamp將成爲合資企業的運營方,並提供經驗豐富的項目管理領導、勘探和運營專業知識。未來幾個月計劃對這兩個屬性進行鑽探。

Wendy T. Chan, CEO and Director of Lode Gold comments, "This partnership is a milestone development for Lode Gold and Gold Orogen. Each of our assets in New Brunswick and Yukon could individually be considered as cornerstone assets in their own standalone companies, importantly with the addition of 309 km2 of Fancamp's Riley Brook property by way of joint venture, we are now adding considerable exploration and discovery leverage to our portfolio of assets. This is a synergistic, strength on strength merger. Furthermore, we now have 4 (instead of 3) strong shareholders that are well-funded, engaged and aligned with our vision and plans and together they own over 60% of our company."

Lode Gold的CEO兼董事Wendy t. Chan表示:「這一合作是Lode Gold和Gold Orogen的一個里程碑式發展。我們在新不倫瑞克省和育空省的每一個資產都可以單獨被看作是獨立公司的基石資產,尤其是通過合資企業方式獲得Fancamp的Riley Brook屬性的309平方公里後,我們現在在資產組合中增加了可觀的勘探和發現潛力。這是一次協同、以強勢對強勢的合併。此外,我們現在有4位(而不是3位)強大的股東,他們資金充裕,積極參與,並與我們的願景和計劃保持一致,他們共同擁有我們公司超過60%的股份。」

Rajesh Sharma, President, CEO, and Director of Fancamp stated, "We have been watching the development of Lode Gold from afar since the management changeover in December last year and we have been impressed by the milestones achieved in the short period of time. We believe this partnership with Lode Gold to create a joint venture that is a pure play exploration company with one of the largest land holdings in New Brunswick is a significant milestone for Fancamp. This, potentially, can be a district play."

Fancamp的總裁兼CEO兼董事Rajesh Sharma表示:「自去年12月管理更迭以來,我們一直在遠處關注Lode Gold的發展,我們對這個公司在短時間內取得的里程碑印象深刻。我們相信與Lode Gold合作創建一個純粹的勘探公司,在新不倫瑞克省擁有最大土地持有量之一的合資企業是Fancamp的一個重要里程碑。這有潛力成爲一個區域整體的勘探活動。」

Buddy Doyle, VP of Exploration, Lode Gold, comments, "Examining our McIntyre Brook project and the data on neighboring properties, such as Puma's, reveals a pattern of mineralization with shared characteristics:

Lode Gold的勘探副總裁Buddy Doyle評論道:“檢查我們的McIntyre Brook項目以及附近的Puma等公司的數據,顯示出一種具有共同特徵的成礦模式:

  1. Strong structural control

  2. Lithological control of structure - Mineralization is focused along the hanging wall of contrasting rock types, mainly with felsic rocks on the hanging wall, with meta-sediments in the footwall.

  3. Gold mineralization occurs along with other minerals - The presence of iron-carbonates, iron oxides, along with sulphides are noted at most occurrences.

  4. Similar Formation Age - A constrained time-period of mineralization centered around 420 million years (BP), +/- 10my, concurrent with the closure of the Iapetus Ocean in the Devonian and the associated tectonics.

  5. Hosted in the Wapske Formation - This Devonian aged formation stands out as it hosts the felsic rock types that seem to provide the lithological control to localize gold mineralization.

    Trading symbols (TSXV: LOD)(OTCQB: SBMIF)

  1. 結構強度高

  2. 巖性控制結構-礦化主要集中在對比巖性的頂板上,主要是頂板上的火成岩與底板上的變質沉積岩。

  3. 黃金礦化伴生其他礦物- 大多數出現的地方都有鐵碳酸鹽、鐵氧化物和硫化物。

  4. 形成時代相似- 礦化的時間段約爲42000萬年(BP),誤差約爲10百萬年,與泥盆紀雅普特海洋關閉及相關構造同時期。

  5. 寄主爲Wapske組- 該泥盆紀巖性主導的地層因寄主石英閃長巖類,成爲了定位黃金礦化的巖性控制。


The Company's McIntyre Brook holdings comprise a 111 km2 land package, in an area with excellent infrastructure, near Highway 180. The McIntyre Brook holdings are situated at the core of the Appalachian/Iapetus Gold belt, known for several recent gold discoveries such as Galway, Puma Exploration, and New Found Gold. Notably, Puma, adjacent to Lode Gold's McIntyre Brook, had exploration success at Lynx which trends onto our grounds. These trends will receive high-priority exploration focus." The Company cautions readers that resources or reserves on adjacent or nearby properties may not be indicative of what may be found at Company's properties.

公司的麥金泰爾布魯克項目佔地111平方公里,位於交通便利、基礎設施優越的地區,靠近180號高速公路。麥金泰爾布魯克項目位於阿巴拉契亞/雅普特黃金腰帶的核心地帶,該地區近年來發現了幾處金礦,如Galway、Puma Exploration和New Found Gold等。值得注意的是,毗鄰Lode Gold的麥金泰爾布魯克的Puma公司,成功地在Lynx處進行了勘探,該區域連通至我們的地塊。這些連通區域將成爲重點勘探的目標。公司提醒讀者,相鄰地區或附近地產中的資源和儲量可能不代表公司的地產。

In 2019 the Company successfully completed 2 exploration holes, totaling 290m, that intersected 20m @ 1.2g/t Au (with 2m @ 5.73 g/t Au from 68m) from 57m in the first hole and 16m @ 0.85g/t Au (with 1m @ 5.08 g/t Au from 73m) in the second hole, which was 50m from the first hole. True widths are yet unknown. The holes tested the centre of a 400m long trench that had semi-continuous grab and chip rock samples that carried gold. This prospect is considered our highest priority target. There are numerous other prospects on the McIntyre Brook project including Moose Brook, Inlet Brook, Big Pit, Malachite/Ramsay Pitre and Tardiff Brook gold prospects. These prospects are mineralized with gold base metals and cobalt and deserve further investigation. High grade samples from these prospects are highlighted in Figure 1. Fancamp's Riley Brook property is a 309 km2 claims package covering a 25-km strike of the Wapske Formation, with its numerous felsic units.

2019年,公司成功完成了兩口探礦孔,總長29000萬,第一孔從5700萬處開始,取樣2000萬,品位1.2克/噸金(從第一孔的第68米處取樣200萬,品位5.73克/噸金),第二孔取樣1600萬,品位0.85克/噸金(從第一孔5000萬處開始取樣,品位100萬,含金量5.08克/噸金),第二孔距第一孔5000米。實際厚度尚不明確。這兩口探井的測試區域位於一個長達40000米的礦槽的中心,那裏的半連續取樣和芯樣都帶有金。該區域被認爲是我們最優先的探礦目標。麥金泰爾布魯克項目還有許多其他的探礦前景,包括Moose Brook、Inlet Brook、Big Pit、Malachite/Ramsay Pitre和Tardiff Brook金礦前景。這些前景含有金屬基地和鈷礦,值得進一步調查。這些前景的高品位樣品在圖1中得到了強調。Fancamp的Riley Brook物業是一個佔地309平方公里的權益包,涵蓋了Wapske組長達25公里的走向,含有許多火成岩單元。

Previous exploration efforts have focused solely on VMS-style mineralization hosted in the felsic intrusions, and mostly focused on base metals - the Company is the first to focus on and assay for gold. Much of the previous work mentions alteration in a similar geological setting where Puma and the Company are now discovering gold mineralization but did not realize the gold potential. Historic drill holes and rock assays report up to 1m @ 4.2 g/t Au, with numerous base metal and silver intercepts.


The combination of the McIntyre Brook and Riley Brook projects will make the JV Co a major mineral property holder in the Wapske Formation play, with 420 km2 of claims and many obvious synergies, starting with a planned V-TEM airborne geophysical survey to be flown over both properties.


The Gold Orogen and JV Co leadership, management and technical team will benefit from the expertise and experience of:


Wendy T. Chan, President, CEO & Director - Lode Gold/Gold Orogen


With over 20+ years of experience in developing and executing strategic plans for Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial ventures with global reach, Wendy has led many strategic assignments. She has extensive operational experience leading cross-functional teams and negotiating multi-million-dollar projects; having successfully managed businesses with full P&L responsibilities. She worked on key development initiatives including joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions in mining (Skeena Resources, Sunridge, Roxgold, Novo Resources, Vendetta, Cordova) and other industries (Johnson & Johnson, Ortho-McNeil, GSK-Glaxo SmithKline) across Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, and South America. Wendy has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of British Colombia, an MBA in Finance and Marketing from McGill University, and ICD.D designation, Rotman- University of Toronto.
Rajesh Sharma, President, CEO & Director - Fancamp Exploration

溫迪擁有超過20年的爲財富500強公司和全球創業企業制定和執行戰略計劃的經驗,在全球範圍內領導了許多戰略任務。她在領導跨職能團隊和談判涉及數百萬美元項目的運營經驗廣泛,曾成功管理過負有全面利潤責任的企業。她在亞洲、澳大利亞、非洲、北美和南美的採礦(Skeena Resources、Sunridge、Roxgold、Novo Resources、Vendetta、Cordova)以及其他行業(Johnson & Johnson、Ortho-McNeil、GSk-Glaxo SmithKline)的關鍵開發計劃中工作。溫迪擁有不列顛哥倫比亞大學的理學學士學位,麥吉爾大學的金融和市場營銷的MBA學位,以及加拿大多倫多大學羅特曼商學院頒發的ICD.D資質。

Rajesh holds global leadership experience across industries including mining, exploration, metals and international trade. He has led large-scale mining start-ups and exploration companies, concluded several investments and acquisition deals, forged mutually beneficial stakeholder partnerships and led international businesses. He has worked in Asia, Africa, North America and Europe, and has served on the boards of various public and private companies. Rajesh held several leadership roles with the Tata Group including as CEO and Board member of various exploration, mining and investment subsidiaries of Tata Steel in Canada and Africa. He also served as Executive in Residence at Investissement Quebec. He holds management and engineering (IIT, Roorkee) degrees and completed a scholarship program on Globalization and Leadership from the London School of Economics. He was granted the ICD.D designation by the Institute of Corporate Directors, Rotman- University of Toronto.

拉傑什在多個行業擁有全球領導經驗,包括採礦、勘探、金屬和國際貿易。他曾領導大規模採礦初創企業和勘探公司,完成了多項投資和收購交易,建立了互利共贏的利益相關者聯盟,並領導國際業務。他在亞洲、非洲、北美和歐洲工作,並擔任過多家上市和非上市公司董事會成員。拉傑什曾在Tata集團擔任多個領導職務,包括擔任在加拿大和非洲的Tata Steel各個勘探、採礦和投資子公司的首席執行官和董事。他還在魁北克省投資局擔任行政總裁駐地高管。他擁有管理和工程(IIt, Roorkee)學位,並完成了倫敦政治經濟學院的全球化和領導力獎學金計劃。他獲得加拿大多倫多大學羅特曼商學院頒發的ICD.D資質。

Buddy Doyle, VP Exploration - Lode Gold/Gold Orogen

Buddy Doyle,勘查副總裁 - 山脈黃金/金蛇紋金

Buddy brings 40 years of mineral exploration experience, including over 23 years at Rio Tinto, where he led the discovery and development of the multi-billion-dollar Diavik diamond mine. In 2004, he received the Hugo Dummitt Award for excellence in diamond exploration. He was instrumental in discovering, expanding, and delineating the Lihir Gold deposit, which now exceeds 50 Moz gold. From 2004 to 2017, as CEO and founder of Amarillo Gold he oversaw the delineation, permitting, and decision to mine process for the Mara Rosa Gold project in Brazil, which was sold to Hochschild for CND $184M and is now producing gold. He holds a BSc. in Applied Geology from the Queensland University of Technology and is a Fellow of the AUSSIM, a professional organization.

Buddy擁有40年的礦產勘探經驗,包括在力拓公司工作的23年,他在那裏負責發現和開發價值數十億美元的Diavik金剛石礦。2004年,他因其在鑽石勘查方面的卓越表現而獲得了Hugo Dummitt獎。他在Lihir黃金礦牀的發現、擴展和勾畫方面起到了重要作用,目前該礦牀的黃金儲量已超過50 Moz。從2004年到2017年,作爲Amarillo Gold的首席執行官和創始人,他負責規劃、許可和決策巴西Mara Rosa黃金項目的採礦過程,該項目已以1.84億加拿大元的價格出售給Hochschild,並且目前正在生產黃金。他擁有昆士蘭科技大學應用地質學學士學位,並且是AUSSIm(澳大利亞礦業學會)的會士。

Charles Tarnocai - Director and Technical Advisor - Fancamp Exploration

Charles Tarnocai - 董事和技術顧問 - Fancamp Exploration

Charles has a strong technical background and extensive international experience in mining and mineral exploration. He served on the board of directors of GT Gold Corp from January 2018 to May 2021, where he chaired the Technical Committee. From 2008 to 2015, he was Vice President of Corporate Development at Alamos Gold Inc., overseeing the identification, evaluation, and acquisition of mining projects at various stages. Prior to this, Charles was Chief Geologist at Oro Gold Resources Ltd. and a Research Geologist at Placer Dome Inc. He holds a BSc. in Geology from Brock University and a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from the University of Ottawa.

Charles在採礦和礦產勘探方面擁有豐富的國際經驗和堅實的技術背景。他在Gt Gold Corp的董事會任職期間負責技術委員會。從2008年到2015年,他擔任Alamos Gold Inc.的企業發展副總裁,負責在各階段識別、評估和收購採礦項目。在此之前,Charles是Oro Gold Resources Ltd.的首席地質師和Placer Dome Inc.的研究地質師。他擁有布魯克大學地質學學士學位和渥太華大學地質科學博士學位。

Francois Auclair - VP Exploration - Fancamp Exploration

Francois Auclair - 勘查副總裁 - Fancamp Exploration

Francois is a professional geologist with over 30 years of international experience, specializing in advancing exploration projects towards mining development. He has held numerous senior roles, including CEO and co-founder of Algold Resources, where he selected high-potential projects and secured financing for the startup. Under his leadership, Algold delineated significant resources of gold at the Tijirit Project in Mauritania. Before Algold, he was the CEO of Nimini Gold, where he led the development of the Komahum gold deposit in Sierra Leone. As General Manager of Tasiast SA, he contributed to developing the Tasiast Gold Mine in Mauritania with Rio Narcea. Francois holds an MSc. in Geology and Geochemistry from Université de Montréal, is fluent in French and English, and is a Qualified Person, being a member of l'Ordre des Géologues du Québec and a Fellow of the Geological Association of Canada.

Francois是一位擁有30多年國際經驗的專業地質學家,專注於推動勘探項目發展成礦山。他擔任過多個高級職位,包括Algold Resources的首席執行官和聯合創始人,在該職位上他選擇了具有很高潛力的項目併爲創業公司提供了融資。在他的領導下,Algold在毛里塔尼亞的Tijirit項目勾畫出了重要的黃金資源。在Algold之前,他擔任Nimini Gold的首席執行官,領導開發了塞拉利昂的Komahum金礦牀。作爲Tasiast SA的總經理,他參與了力拓開發毛里塔尼亞的Tasiast金礦項目。Francois擁有蒙特利爾大學的地質學和地球化學碩士學位,精通法語和英語,並且是加拿大地質協會的院士和魁北克地質師協會的資深會員(Qualified Person)。

Under the terms of the Investment Agreement, subject to Exchange approval, at closing, among other things:


Fancamp agreed to:


  • Purchase for $500,000 a total of 14,285,714 special warrants of Lode Gold at $0.035 per unit. Each special warrant, upon completion of the Spin Out, will convert to one common share of Lode Gold and one 5-year Lode Gold share purchase warrant with an exercise price of $0.05 per share. If fully exercised, the warrant subscription proceeds will total an additional $714,286;
  • Invest $2,500,000 into Spin Co in exchange for 19.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of Spin Co;
  • Incorporate a 50/50 JV Co with Spin Co where Fancamp will be the Operator;
  • Transfer its interests in the Riley Brook property (309 km2 package covering a 25-km strike of Wapske Formation) to JV Co.
  • 以每單位0.035美元的價格購買14,285,714股Lode Gold的特殊認股權,總價值爲500,000美元。每個特殊認股權在Spin Out完成後將轉換爲一股Lode Gold普通股和一張行權價格爲0.05美元的5年期Lode Gold認股權證。如果完全行使,認股權認購款項將額外達到714,286美元;
  • 以投資2,500,000美元的方式投資於Spin Co,以換取Spin Co已發行和流通股份的19.9%;
  • 與Spin Co成立一個50/50的合資公司,Fancamp將擔任運營商;
  • 將其在Riley Brook物業(佔地309平方公里,覆蓋Wapske Formation 25公里走向)中的利益轉移給JV Co。

Lode Gold agreed to:

Lode Gold同意:

  • Transfer and assign its interests in Golden Culvert (Confirmed gold endowment: Surface samples up to 320g/t; average 13 g/t; >4,500m drilled with economic intercepts at 50 gram meters) and WIN (with confirmed Reduced Intrusive Related Gold Systems (RIRGS) in Yukon (99.5 km2 package, 27-km strike on the Tombstone Belt) to Spin Co;
  • Transfer and assign its interest in McIntrye Brook (111 km2 package on the Iapetus Suture with confirmed gold endowment, 2 holes drilled intersecting 20m @ 1.2g/t Au (with 2m @ 5.73 g/t Au from 68m) from 57m in the first hole and 16m @ 0.85g/t Au (with 1m @ 5.08 g/t Au from 73m) in New Brunswick to JV Co;
  • In the case the Spin Out is not completed by March 31, 2025, the special warrants will automatically convert and Lode Gold will issue to Fancamp an additional 10% of the Lode Gold shares and Lode Gold warrants to be issued on conversion of the special warrants;
  • Complete the Spin Out and list in a Canadian stock exchange and raise an aggregate of $1,500,000 by March 31, 2025;
  • Issue additional shares or cash to Fancamp if Gold Orogen is unable to raise in part or whole the aggregate of $1,500,000 and/or Spin Out is not completed by March 31, 2025.
  • 轉讓並轉讓其在Golden Culvert的利益(已確認金端元:地表樣品高達320g/t;平均13g/t;打鑽超過450,000萬,具有經濟截獲在50克米)和WIN的利益(在育空的已確認Redued Intrusive Related Gold Systems (RIRGS)中(99.5平方公里包裹,在Tombstone Belt 27公里走向))給Spin Co;
  • 將McIntrye Brook(Iapetus縫合線上的111平方公里套餐,確認含金礦牀,鑽探出兩個孔,交叉2000萬 @ 1.2g/t Au(其中第一個孔從5700萬處開始,第二個孔從68米處交叉到200萬 @ 5.73 g/t Au),以及1600萬 @ 0.85g/t Au(其中從73米處交叉到100萬 @ 5.08 g/t Au)在新不倫瑞克州)轉讓給合資公司;
  • 如果在2025年3月31日之前未完成分拆交易,則特別認股權將自動轉換,Lode Gold將額外發行10%的Lode Gold股份和轉換特別認股權時發行的Lode Gold認股權給Fancamp;
  • 完成分拆交易並在加拿大證券交易所上市,並在2025年3月31日之前籌集150萬加元;
  • 如果Gold Orogen無法部分或全部籌集150萬加元和/或在2025年3月31日之前未完成分拆交易,則向Fancamp發行額外的股份或現金。

Immediately after completion of the Spin Out, Fancamp will hold 19.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of Spin Co (before taking into consideration any financings completed by Spin Co in excess of the $1,500,000). For so long as Spin Co holds at least 10% of the issued and outstanding shares of Spin Co, Fancamp will have the right to: (i) nominate a Director for election to the Board of Spin Co; and (ii) participate in any further financings of Spin Co to allow it to maintain its interest in Spin Co.

在分拆交易完成後,Fancamp將持有Spin Co已發行和流通股份的19.9%(未考慮Spin Co超過150萬加元的任何融資)。只要Spin Co持有已發行和流通股份的至少10%,Fancamp將有權利:(i)提名一名董事參加Spin Co的董事會選舉;和(ii)參與Spin Co的任何後續融資,以使其保持對Spin Co的利益。

A copy of the Investment Agreement will be filed later on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ ().


Share Consolidation


Following feedback and support from shareholders, Lode Gold intends to consolidate all of its issued and outstanding Shares on the basis of one (1) post-consolidated Share for every ten (10) pre-consolidated Shares held (the "Consolidation"), subject to approval of the Exchange. The Consolidation was approved by the Company's shareholders at the annual and special meeting held on July 6, 2023. A Consolidation of shares materially reduces the share count while making the underlying shares more investable to international shareholders.

根據股東的反饋和支持,Lode Gold打算按比例整合其已發行和流通股份,即每十(10)股合併爲一(1)股("整合"),需要交易所的批准。整合已獲得公司股東在2023年7月6日召開的年度和特別股東大會上的批准。股份整合顯著減少了股份數量,同時使底層股份對國際股東更具投資吸引力。

The effective date of the Consolidation will be announced in a separate news release following approval from the Exchange. As a result of the Consolidation, it is expected that the 380,329,440 shares which are currently issued and outstanding will be reduced to approximately 38,032,944 shares, subject to rounding. No fractional Shares will be issued as a result of the Consolidation. Any fractional share interest of 0.5 or higher arising from the Consolidation will be rounded up to one whole Share, and any fractional share interest of less than 0.5 will be cancelled. The Company's name and stock symbols will remain unchanged following the Consolidation.
Shareholders who hold their Shares through a securities broker or other intermediary and do not have Shares registered in their name will not be required to take any measures with respect to the Consolidation. Letters of transmittal with respect to the Consolidation will be mailed to all registered shareholders of the Company. All registered shareholders who submit a duly completed letter of transmittal along with their respective share certificate(s) representing the pre-consolidated Shares to the Company's transfer agent, Odyssey Trust Company, will receive a certificate representing the post-consolidated Shares.

通過證券經紀人或其他中介持有股份且股份未在其名下注冊的股東不必採取任何措施來應對整合。關於整合的委託書將郵寄給公司所有股份的註冊股東。所有註冊股東將其填寫完成的委託書連同其代表老股的股份證書交給公司的過戶代理Odyssey Trust Company,即可獲得代表新股的股份證書。

The Company believes that the Consolidation may have the effect of, among other things: increasing the interest of the financial community in the Company; improving trading liquidity; and improving the Company's position to obtain financing and pursue new opportunities.


About Lode Gold

關於Lode Gold

Lode Gold (TSXV: LOD) is an exploration and development company with projects in highly prospective and safe mining jurisdictions in Canada and the United States.

Lode Gold(TSXV:LOD)是一家在加拿大和美國具有高度潛力和安全採礦區的勘探和開發公司。

Its Golden Culvert and WIN Projects, Yukon, covering 99.5 km2 across a 27-km strike length, are situated in a district-scale, high-grade-gold-mineralized trend within the southern portion of the Tombstone Gold Belt. Gold deposits and occurrences within the Belt include Fort Knox, Pogo, Brewery Creek and Dublin Gulch, and Snowline Gold. A NI 43-101 technical report entitled "Technical Report on the WIN-Golden Culvert Property for Lode Gold" with an effective date of May 15, 2024 summarizing the work to date on these properties is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ () and on the Company's website ().

其位於育空省的Golden Culvert和WIN項目,佔地99.5平方公里,沿着27公里的斷層線,位於Tombstone Gold Belt南部區域的一個區域規模的高品位金礦化趨勢中。Belt內的金礦牀和發現包括Fort Knox、Pogo、Brewery Creek、Dublin Gulch和Snowline Gold。一份名爲"Technical Report on the WIN-Golden Culvert Property for Lode Gold"的NI 43-101技術報告,其有效日期爲2024年5月15日,對這些項目的工作進行了總結,可在公司的SEDAR+()資料庫和公司網站()上找到。

Its McIntyre Brook Project, New Brunswick, covering 111 km2 and a 17-km strike length in the emerging Appalachian/Iapetus Gold Belt, is surrounded by Puma Exploration's Williams Brook Project (5.55 g/t Au over 50m)1 and is hosted by orogenic rocks of similar age and structure as New Found Gold's Queensway Project.

在新不倫瑞克省的麥金太爾布魯克項目,面積爲111平方公里,露頭長17公里,位於新興的阿帕拉契/早古生代金礦帶,被Puma Exploration的威廉姆斯布魯克項目(50米內金品位爲5.55克/噸)所包圍,並以破碎巖爲主的岩石爲宿主,具有與New Found Gold的Queensway項目相似的年齡和構造。

The Company is also advancing its Fremont Gold development project in the historic Mother Lode Gold Belt of California where 50,000,000 oz of gold has been produced. Fremont, located 500km north of Equinox Gold's Castle Mountain and Mesquite mines, has a Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") with an after-tax NPV (5%) of USD $217M, a 21% IRR, 11-year LOM, averaging 118,000 Oz per annum at USD $1,750 gold. A sensitivity to the March 31, 2023 PEA at USD $2,000/oz gold gives an after-tax NPV (5%) of USD $370M and a 31% IRR over an 11-year LOM. The project hosts an NI 43-101 resource of 1.16 MOz at 1.90 g/t Au within 19.0 MT Indicated and 2.02 MOz at 2.22 g/t Au within 28.3 MT Inferred. The MRE evaluates only 1.4 km of the 4 km strike length of the Fremont property which features five gold-mineralized zones. Significantly, three step-out holes at depth hit the mineralized structure, typical of orogenic deposits that often occur at depth. Fremont is located on 3,351 acres of 100% owned private land in Mariposa, the original gold rush county, and is 1.5 hours from Fresno, California. The property has year-round road access and is close to airports and rail.

公司還在加利福尼亞州歷史悠久的Mother Lode金礦帶推進其Fremont Gold開發項目,該地區已開採出5000萬盎司的黃金。Fremont位於Equinox Gold的Castle Mountain礦山和Mesquite礦山以北500公里處,具有初步經濟評估(PEA),稅後淨現值(5%)爲2.17億美元,內部收益率爲21%,11年預計開採壽命,年均產量爲11.8萬盎司,金價爲1750美元/盎司。根據2023年3月31日的PEA,金價爲2000美元/盎司,稅後淨現值(5%)爲3.7億美元,內部收益率爲31%,開採壽命爲11年。該項目中有一項NI 43-101資源估計,包括19.0萬噸指明資源,金品位爲1.90克/噸,總計有1.16百萬盎司黃金,以及28.3萬噸推斷資源,金品位爲2.22克/噸,總計有2.02百萬盎司黃金。該礦區僅評估了Fremont產權的4公里中的1.4公里,該地區擁有五個金礦化帶。值得注意的是,三個深度延伸鑽孔都擊中了礦化構造,這是典型的大規模金礦牀,通常在深處出現。 Fremont位於梅里波薩郡的3351英畝私有土地上,該郡是最早的淘金熱縣,距離加利福尼亞州弗雷斯諾市1.5小時車程。該物業全年可通行,靠近機場和鐵路。

Please refer to the Fremont Gold project NI 43-101 PEA technical report dated March 31, 2023, which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ () and on the Company's website (). The PEA technical report has been reviewed and approved by independent "Qualified Persons" Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, and Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng. both of P&E, and Travis Manning, P.E. of KCA.

請參閱Fremont Gold項目的NI 43-101 PEA技術報告,報告日期爲2023年3月31日,在公司的SEDAR+()個人資料和公司網站()上可獲得。PEA技術報告已由獨立的「合格人員」Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CEt和Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng.都是P&E的成員以及KCA的Travis Manning, P.E.進行了審查並批准。

About Fancamp

關於Fancamp Fancamp是一家不斷髮展的加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於通過戰略利益在高潛力礦業項目、黃金產權組合和礦業物業方面創造價值。該公司專注於具有增長潛力和選擇性變現的高級資產,並在加拿大的安大略省、魁北克省和新不倫瑞克省擁有礦權,包括銅、黃金、鋅、鈦、鉻和戰略稀土金屬等。公司繼續尋找近期產生現金流的機會,並同時推進其在戰略礦業物業方面的投資。Fancamp在魁北克-拉布拉多線地區擁有一處現有鐵礦石開採業務,在稀土元素公司NeoTerrex Minerals Inc.、銅金勘探公司Platinex Inc.以及即將產生現金流的鋅礦EDm Resources Inc.在新斯科舍省均有投資。該公司還在位於安大略省北部的炙手可熱的火環地帶的Koper Lake項目中擁有未來的變現機會。Fancamp正在開發一項能源減少和鈦廢料回收技術,以實施其先進的鈦提取策略。該公司由一支專注的領導團隊管理,擁有數十年的礦業、勘探和互補技術經驗。

Fancamp is a growing Canadian mineral exploration company focused on creating value through medium-term growth and monetization opportunities with its strategic interests in high-potential mineral projects, royalty portfolio and mineral properties. The company is focused on an advanced asset play poised for growth and selective monetization with a portfolio of mineral claims across Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick, Canada, including copper, gold, zinc, titanium, chromium, strategic rare-earth metals and others. The company continues to identify near-term cash-flow-generating opportunities and in parallel aims to advance its investments in strategic mineral properties. Fancamp has investments in an existing iron ore operation in the Quebec-Labrador Trough, a rare earth elements company, NeoTerrex Minerals Inc., a copper-gold exploration company, Platinex Inc., in addition to an investment in a near term cash flow generating zinc mine, EDM Resources Inc. in Nova Scotia. The Company has future monetization opportunities from its Koper Lake transaction in the highly sought-after Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario. Fancamp is developing an energy reduction and titanium waste recycling technology with its advanced titanium extraction strategy. The company is managed by a focused leadership team with decades of mining, exploration and complementary technology experience.

Fancamp是一家不斷髮展的加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於通過中期增長和變現機會以及其在高潛力礦業項目、黃金產權組合和礦地的戰略利益創造價值。該公司專注於具有增長潛力的高級資產並進行選擇性變現,其在加拿大安大略省、魁北克省和新不倫瑞克省擁有礦權,包括銅、黃金、鋅、鈦、鉻、戰略稀土金屬等。該公司不斷尋找近期產生現金流的機會,並同時推進其在戰略礦地的投資。Fancamp在魁北克-拉布拉多地槽擁有一項現有的鐵礦石開採業務,NeoTerrex Minerals Inc.稀土元素公司和Platinex Inc.銅金勘探公司等投資項目。此外,還有一項投資於即將產生現金流的鋅礦EDm Resources Inc.在新斯科舍省。該公司通過加拿大北部的火環地帶的Koper Lake交易獲得了未來的變現機會。Fancamp正在開發一項能源減少和廢鈦回收技術,以推進其先進的鈦提取策略。該公司由一支專注的領導團隊管理,擅長礦業、勘探和互補技術領域,正致力於爲股東創造價值。

QA/QC, Assay descriptions for the drill holes reported

報告的鑽孔的QA / QC和金屬分析說明

The drill hole results from Lode Gold's 2019 drill program were obtained by sampling sawn drill, at 1m intervals, with one-half secured in plastic bags sealed with cable wrap ties, the other half of the core is now stored in the government core facility in Madran. The plastic bags were delivered to the Actlabs preparation facility in Fredericton, New Brunswick where they were crushed to 80% passed a 2mm sieve. A 250g split was pulverized until better than 95% passed a 105-micron screen. Gold was analyzed on a 30-gram sub-sample by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) and with a four-acid digestion followed by ICP finish at the Ancaster, Ontario lab facility. In addition to the quality assurance and quality control program performed by Actlabs, Lode Gold personnel insert internationally certified standards and blanks into the sample stream at the rate of one QA/QC sample for every 15 samples and maintain a program of duplicate sampling on pulp rejects.

Lode Gold 2019年的鑽探工程的鑽孔結果是通過對鋸過的鑽孔進行採樣獲得的,間隔爲100萬,一半被裝在用電纜束紮帶封口的塑料袋中,另一半的巖芯現在存放在馬德藍的政府巖芯設施中。塑料袋被運送到新不倫瑞克省弗雷德裏克頓的Actlabs製備設施,被粉碎至80%通過2mm篩網。250克分割品被粉碎,至少95%通過105微米篩網。黃金採用儀器中子活化分析(INAA)進行30克亞樣品分析,並在安卡斯特,安大略實驗室進行了四酸消化,然後採用ICP完成。除了Actlabs執行的質量保證和質量控制程序外,Lode Gold人員還將國際認證的標準品和空白品插入每15個樣品的樣品流中,並保持重複採樣程序。



The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Jonathan Victor Hill, Director, BSc (Hons) (Economic Geology - UCT), FAusIMM, and who is a "qualified person" as defined by NI-43-101.

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由Jonathan Victor Hill(董事,理學學士(經濟地質學-UCT),FAusIMm)進行了審查並獲得了批准,他是根據NI-43-101的定義的「有資格人員」。



Wendy T. Chan, CEO & Director

Wendy t. Chan, CEO & Director

Information Contact


Winfield Ding

Winfield Ding

Kevin Shum
Investor Relations
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Kevin Shum
+1 (647) 725-3888 ext. 702

Cautionary Note Related to this News Release and Figures


This news release contains information about adjacent properties on which the Company has no right to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture交易所和其監管服務提供商(如該交易所的政策中所定義的)均不接受此新聞稿的充分性或準確性的責任。

All statements, trend analysis and other information contained in this press release about anticipated future events or results constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "seek", "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect" and "intend" and statements that an event or result "may", "will", "should", "could" or "might" occur or be achieved and other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including, without limitation, statements regarding the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement, including, without limitation, the special warrant financing, Fancamp's investment into Spin Co, the formation of JV Co, the transfers of properties to JV Co and the Spin Co private placement, the Spin Out, statements regarding the future mineral rights of Gold Orogen, statements regarding exploration plans at Yukon and New Brunswick assets and statements regarding proposed benefits of the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement for Lode Gold shareholders, are forward-looking statements. Although Lode Gold believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and/or information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements since Lode Gold can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and other factors identified in Lode Gold's periodic filings with Canadian securities regulators, and assumptions made with regard to: the ability of Lode Gold and Fancamp (the "Companies") to complete the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement; the Companies' ability to secure the necessary shareholder, securityholder, legal and regulatory approvals required to complete the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement; the Companies' ability to achieve the synergies expected as a result of the Investment Agreement; and the ability of the Company to continue with its stated business objectives and its ability to obtain required approvals and raise additional capital to proceed. Forward-looking statements are subject to business and economic risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results of operations to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from Blackwolf's expectations include risks associated with the business of the Companies; risks related to the satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions to the closing of the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement; non-completion of the transactions contemplated by the Investment Agreement; risks related to reliance on technical information provided by the Companies; risks related to exploration and potential development of the Companies' projects; business and economic conditions in the mining industry generally; fluctuations in commodity prices and currency exchange rates; uncertainties relating to interpretation of drill results and the geology, continuity and grade of mineral deposits; the need for cooperation of government agencies and native groups in the exploration and development of properties and the issuance of required permits; the need to obtain additional financing to develop properties and uncertainty as to the availability and terms of future financing; the possibility of delay in exploration or development programs and uncertainty of meeting anticipated program milestones; uncertainty as to timely availability of permits and other governmental approvals; and other risk factors as detailed from time to time and additional risks identified in the Companies' filings with Canadian securities regulators on SEDAR+ in Canada (available at ). Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the date the statements are made. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿中包含的所有聲明、趨勢分析和其他有關預期未來事件或結果的信息都構成前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明通常通過使用諸如"尋求"、"預期"、"相信"、"計劃"、"估計"、"期望"和"打算"等詞語以及表示事件或結果"可能"、"將會"、"應該"、"可能"或"能夠"發生或實現的陳述方式來識別,並且包含其他類似的表達方式。除了歷史事實陳述之外,包括但不限於關於投資協議所涉及的交易的聲明,包括但不限於特別許可證融資、Fancamp對Spin Co的投資、JV Co的組建、物業轉讓給JV Co以及Spin Co的定向增發,以及有關Gold Orogen未來礦權、Yukon和New Brunswick資產的勘探計劃以及投資協議所涉及的交易對Lode Gold股東的提議利益的聲明,都是前瞻性聲明。儘管Lode Gold認爲此類前瞻性聲明和/或信息所反映的期望是合理的,但不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明,因爲Lode Gold無法保證這些期望將被證明正確。這些陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致實際結果或事件與前瞻性聲明中預期的結果或事件存在重大差異,包括在Lode Gold的定期文件中所提及的在加拿大證券監管機構的文件中,以及就以下方面的假設:Lode Gold和Fancamp("公司")完成投資協議所設想的交易的能力;公司能否獲得完成投資協議所設想的交易所需的股東、債權人、法律和監管部門的批准;公司能否實現投資協議作爲結果預期的協同效應;公司能否繼續履行其規定的業務目標並獲得所需的批准和籌集額外資金以繼續進行。前瞻性聲明受到業務和經濟風險和不確定性以及可能導致其運營實際結果與前瞻性聲明中所含結果發生差異的其他因素的影響。導致實際結果與Blackwolf的預期不符的重要因素包括與公司業務相關的風險;與滿足投資協議所設想的交易完成的某些條件的滿足或豁免相關的風險;未完成投資協議所設想的交易的風險;與依賴公司提供的技術信息相關的風險;與公司項目的勘探和潛在開發相關的風險;礦業行業的商業和經濟條件的波動;商品價格和貨幣匯率的波動;與鑽探結果的解釋以及礦牀的地質特徵、連續性和品位的不確定性相關的風險;在開發物業和發放所需許可證方面,需要政府機構和原住民團體的合作及發放所需許可證的不確定程度;需要獲得額外融資來開發物業以及在融資方面可用性和條款的不確定性;可能導致勘探或開發計劃延遲以及不確定是否能按時實現預期的計劃里程碑的不確定性;許可證和其他政府批准及時提供的不確定性;以及根據管理層的估計和意見所制定的其他從業風險和不確定性以及會從時間到時間詳細列出的其他風險和在加拿大證券監管機構的SEDAR + (在加拿大可獲得)的計劃的文件中確定的風險。前瞻性聲明是根據管理層在聲明之日所作的估計和意見。除了適用的證券法律規定外,本公司不承擔任何更新前瞻性聲明的義務。投資者不應過度依賴前瞻性聲明。



1 See Puma Exploration Inc.'s news release dated September 15, 2021.

1. 請查看Puma Exploration Inc.於2021年9月15日發佈的新聞。

