
Food Sector M&A Is Heating Up, Gabelli Fund Manager Says: Watch For BellRing Brands, Campbell Soup

Food Sector M&A Is Heating Up, Gabelli Fund Manager Says: Watch For BellRing Brands, Campbell Soup

食品板塊的併購活動正在加劇,Gabelli基金經理表示:關注bellring brands和金寶湯
Benzinga ·  08/27 04:27

The food industry is ripe for consolidation now that the Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates in September.


According to Kevin Dreyer, co-CIO of Value at Gabelli Funds, lower rates generally stimulate M&A activity.

根據Gabelli基金價值聯合首席投資官凱文·德雷爾(Kevin Dreyer)的說法,較低的利率通常會刺激併購活動。

"One thing to note is that, as rates come down, that tends to lead to an upswing in M&A activity," Dreyer told CNBC on Friday, Aug. 23. "Food stocks have had a tough year — the consumer stretch, inflation has been biting them — they've been struggling with volume growth, but snacking has been a good area within food."

「需要注意的一點是,隨着利率下降,這往往會導致併購活動的增長,」德雷爾在8月23日星期五告訴CNBC。「食品股票今年表現不佳 - 消費者局勢緊張,通脹一直在侵蝕他們的利潤 - 成交量增長一直很困難,但消費者的小食品方面表現不錯。」

See below.


Mars Inc.'s recent acquisition of Kellanova (NYSE:K) for $35.9 billion bodes well for the sector, Dreyer noted. The move reflects a strategic realignment, exemplifying how companies are looking to strengthen their positions in more profitable niches.

德雷爾指出,馬氏公司最近以359億美元收購了家樂氏(NYSE: K),這對該行業的發展良好。這一舉動體現了戰略重組,示範了公司如何尋求在更有利可圖的領域鞏固其地位。

In October 2023, Kellanova, which has the global snacking segment, completed its separation from WK Kellogg Co (NYSE:KLG).

2023年10月,擁有全球小食品市場的家樂氏(NYSE: KLG)與Wk Kellogg Co(NYSE: KLG)分道揚鑣。

Read Also: Confectionery Giant Mars To Acquire Cheez It Parent Kellanova In $35.9B Deal

閱讀更多:糖果巨頭馬氏將以359億美元收購Cheez It的母公司Kellanova

Campbell Soup Company (NASDAQ:CPB) has also been active, recently acquiring Sovos Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOVO), the maker of Rao's pasta sauce.

慕尼黑湯公司(納斯達克股票代碼:CPB)也一直活躍,最近收購了Rao's意大利麪醬製造商Sovos Brands, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:SOVO)。

Dreyer sees Campbell Soup as a company to watch, suggesting they could "end up following the 'Kellogg-Kellanova playbook'."


Campbell Soup's investor day is coming up in September. Expected the company to outline plans, which could further shape the landscape of the food sector.


As for which companies are attractive takeover targets, Dreyer cited his favorite mid-cap food stock: BellRing Brands Inc. (NYSE:BRBR), maker of Premier Protein shakes.

至於哪些公司是有吸引力的收購目標,德雷耶提到了他最喜歡的中型食品股票:BellRing Brands Inc.(紐交所代碼:BRBR),即Premier Protein奶昔的生產商。

"Premier Proteins is growing mid-teens right now in an industry that is struggling to grow at all. We think they will continue to do great on their own, but somebody else may want to buy them," Dreyer said, highlighting the potential for BellRing Brands to be an attractive M&A target.

德雷耶說:「Premier Protein目前的增長率在中青年股票中排名居前,而該行業的增長率則舉步維艱。我們認爲他們將繼續取得良好業績,但也許會有其他公司想要購買它們。」,他強調了BellRing Brands成爲有吸引力的併購目標的潛力。

As M&A activity gains momentum, investors are advised to keep a close eye on potential deals that could reshape the industry landscape, providing new opportunities for growth and investment.


  • Mars To Buy Kellanova For $36B: Deal Would Rank Snickers Maker Among 3 Largest Private Companies
  • Mars將以360億美元收購Kellanova:該交易將使Snickers的生產商成爲三家最大的私營公司之一。

