
Pasofino Provides Update on Strategic Review Process

Pasofino Provides Update on Strategic Review Process

newsfile ·  08/27 02:16

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 26, 2024) - Pasofino Gold Limited (TSXV: VEIN) (OTCQB: EFRGF) (FSE: N07A) ("Pasofino" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the strategic review process first announced in its February 13, 2023 press release (the "Strategic Review Press Release").

多倫多,安大略省--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年8月26日) - Pasofino Gold Limited(TSXV: VEIN)(OTCQB: EFRGF)(FSE: N07A)("Pasofino"或"公司")很高興地提供了戰略審查過程的更新,該過程首次在其2023年2月13日的新聞稿("戰略審查新聞稿")中宣佈。

As noted in the Strategic Review Press Release, Pasofino's intention is to disclose developments with respect to the strategic review when the board of directors has approved a specific transaction or course of action or otherwise determines that disclosure is necessary or appropriate. Pasofino is issuing this cleansing press release to disclose material information related to the strategic review process in order to allow Pasofino to undertake a financing to secure funds necessary to advance the Dugbe Gold Project's (the "Project") Feasibility Study initiatives that commenced earlier this year which should enhance project economics in this positive gold environment (the "Interim Financing"). Insiders of Pasofino will be participating in the Interim Financing, the terms of which will be announced no earlier than 1 full trading day after the date of this press release. The Interim Financing will be subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

正如戰略審查新聞稿中所述,Pasofino的意圖是在董事會批准特定交易或行動方案或以其他方式確定披露是必要或適當的情況下,披露與戰略審查相關的進展。 Pasofino發佈這份澄清新聞稿,以披露與戰略審查過程相關的重要信息,以便Pasofino能夠進行融資,以獲得推進Dugbe Gold Project("項目")可行性研究計劃的必要資金,這將增強在這一積極的黃金環境中的項目經濟("臨時融資")。 Pasofino的內部人士將參與臨時融資,有關其條款的公告將不會早於本新聞發佈日的全交易日後的1天。 臨時融資將需獲得TSX Venture Exchange的批准。

To realise value for Pasofino's shareholders the company (in light of current gold prices, the Project's NAV and recent M&A transactions for similar gold projects in Africa), Pasofino has been engaged with multiple parties, and to date two parties have provided Pasofino offer letters to acquire Pasofino and a site visit has occurred. Pasofino confirms that it has not signed any of the offer letters received and is engaged with the parties with respect to the terms of the offer letters.

爲了爲Pasofino的股東實現價值(考慮到當前金價、項目的淨現值和最近在非洲進行的類似金礦項目的併購交易),Pasofino已與多方進行接觸,並且迄今爲止,有兩家公司向Pasofino提供了收購Pasofino的要約函,並已進行現場考察。 Pasofino確認尚未簽署任何收到的要約函,並正在就要約函的條款與相關方進行溝通。

In addition, Pasofino continues to engage with interested parties in the completion of their confirmatory due diligence and structuring in order to enable Pasofino and the third party to enter into a letter of intent/exclusivity agreement by September 30, 2024 and thereafter the intention is to enter into a definitive acquisition agreement in Q4 2024.


Pasofino cautions that there are no assurances or guarantees as to the timeline for the strategic review process, that the strategic review will result in a transaction or, if a transaction is undertaken, the terms or timing of such transaction.




The 2,078 km2 Dugbe Gold Project is in southern Liberia and situated within the southwestern corner of the Birimian Supergroup which is host to most West African gold deposits. To date, two deposits have been identified on the Project; Dugbe F and Tuzon discovered by Hummingbird in 2009 and 2011 respectively. The deposits are located within 4 km of the Dugbe Shear Zone which is thought to have played a role in large scale gold mineralization in the area.

2078平方公里的Dugbe黃金項目位於利比里亞南部,位於比裏米安超群的西南角,這裏是大多數西非黃金礦牀的所在地。到目前爲止,項目上已經確定了兩處礦牀;Dugbe F和Tuzon分別由Hummingbird於2009年和2011年發現。這些礦牀距離Dugbe斷裂帶不到4公里,據信在該地區的大規模黃金礦化中起了作用。

A significant amount of exploration in the area was conducted by Hummingbird up until 2012 including 74,497 m of diamond coring. Pasofino drilled an additional 14,584 m at Tuzon and Dugbe during 2021. These deposits have a combined Mineral Resource Estimates dated 17 November 2021 with total Measured and Indicated of 3.3 Moz with an average grade of 1.37 g/t Au, and 0.6 Moz in Inferred. Following the completion of the Definitive Feasibility Study in June 2022 a Mineral Reserve Estimate was declared, based on the open-pit mining of both deposits over a 14-year Life of Mine. A technical report for the Dugbe Gold Project was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and filed on SEDAR at and on the Company's website.

Hummingbird在2012年之前對該地區進行了大量勘探,包括7449700萬的金剛石鑽孔。 Pasofino在2021年在Tuzon和Dugbe額外鑽探了1458400萬。 這些礦牀的資源量估算日期爲2021年11月17日,總計有330萬盎司的測量和指示資源,平均品位爲1.37克/噸Au,推斷資源爲60萬盎司。2022年6月完成了決定性可行性研究後,宣佈了礦產儲量估算,基於開放式採礦法在礦的14年生命週期內採礦。 Dugbe黃金項目的技術報告依照《加拿大證券管理局43-101號規定》編制,並在Sedar和公司網站上提交。

In addition to the existing deposits there are many gold prospects within the Project including the Bukon Jedeh area and the DSZ target on the Tuzon-Sackor trend where Pasofino has discovered a broad zone of surface gold mineralisation in trench and outcrop along strike from Tuzon. At this and several of the other prospects no drilling has been carried out to date.

除了現有的礦牀,項目內還有許多黃金前景,包括Bukon Jedeh區域和Tuzon-Sackor趨勢上的DSZ靶點,Pasofino在這些地方發現了一片寬大的地表金礦化帶,位於Tuzon的進風向,在這裏經過暗溝和露頭的露點都有發現。到目前爲止,在這裏和其他幾處前景都尚未進行鑽探。

In 2019, Hummingbird signed a 25-year Mineral Development Agreement ("MDA") with the Government of Liberia providing the necessary long-term framework and stabilization of taxes and duties. Under the terms of the MDA, the royalty rate on gold production is 3%, the income tax rate payable is 25% (with credit given for historic exploration expenditures), the fuel duty is reduced by 50%, and the Government of Liberia is granted a free carried interest of 10% in the Project.

2019年,Hummingbird與利比里亞政府簽署了爲期25年的礦產開發協議("MDA"),爲稅收和關稅提供了必要的長期框架和穩定。 根據MDA的條款,黃金生產的紅利稅率爲3%,應付所得稅率爲25%(對歷史勘探支出給予抵免),燃料稅減少了50%,利比里亞政府在項目中獲得10%的免費持股。


Pasofino Gold Ltd.是一家總部位於加拿大的礦業勘探公司,股票在TSX-V(VEIN)上交易。

Pasofino Gold Ltd. is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX-V (VEIN).

Pasofino Gold Ltd. 是一家在 TSX-V(VEIN)上市的加拿大基於礦產勘探公司。

Pasofino, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, owns 100% of the Dugbe Gold Project (prior to the issuance of the Government of Liberia's 10% carried interest).


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

For further information, please visit or contact:
Lincoln Greenidge, CFO
T: 416 451 0049

電話:416 451 0049



Scientific or technical information in this disclosure was prepared and approved by Mr. Andrew Pedley. Mr. Pedley is a consultant of Pasoíno Gold Ltd.'s wholly-owned subsidiary ARX Resources Limited. He is a member in good standing with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) and is as a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

本披露中的科學或技術信息由Andrew Pedley先生準備並批准。Pedley先生是Pasoíno Gold Ltd.的全資子公司ARX Resources Limited的顧問。他是南非自然科學專業委員會(SACNASP)的會員,並且是《43-101國家儀器》下的合格人員。



This news release contains "forward-looking statements" that are based on expectations, estimates, projections and interpretations as at the date of this news release. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterised by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "seek", "potential, "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "suggest", "expression of interest", "indicate", "indicative", "proposed" and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur, and include, without limitation, statements regarding the interest of third parties in potentially acquiring Pasofino, the indicative terms provided by such third parties with respect to such potential acquisition, the date any definitive agreement in respect of any acquisition transaction is expected to be entered into, the ability to raise the funds to finance its ongoing business activities including the acquisition of mineral projects and the exploration and development of its projects. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks and other factors may include, but are not limited to, completion of satisfactory due diligence by a potential acquiror, negotiation and finalization of a definitive agreement and the satisfaction of all closing conditions to complete any potential transaction, including a condition that the parties obtaining all required approvals, including TSXV approval, the ability to successfully complete the strategic review process, the results of business operation, the results of exploration activities; the ability of the Company to complete further exploration activities; timing and availability of external financing on acceptable terms and those risk factors outlined in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis as filed on SEDAR. There is no assurance that any transaction or financing will be completed at all or on terms previously disclosed. Readers therefore should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information except in accordance with applicable securities laws.




