
Viomi Technology Co., Ltd (VIOT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Viomi Technology Co., Ltd (VIOT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  08/26 22:55  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Viomi Technology Co., Ltd (VIOT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Viomi reported a net income of RMB5.6 million and a non-GAAP net income of RMB16.1 million for the first half of 2024.

  • Net revenues were RMB1,040.2 million, showing a decrease primarily due to a strategic shift focusing on home water solutions.

  • Gross margin improved to 24.8% from 22% in the previous year, driven by expanded revenue contribution from higher-margin core product categories.

  • 雲米報告2024年上半年淨利潤爲人民幣560萬元,非通用會計淨利潤爲人民幣1610萬元。

  • 淨營業收入爲人民幣104020萬元,主要因戰略轉型專注家用水處理方案而出現下降。

  • 毛利率從上年的22%提升至24.8%,主要受益於高利潤核心產品類別的營收貢獻擴大。

Business Progress:


  • Viomi is undergoing a major business reorganization to focus on the high-margin home water solutions market, divesting certain underperforming IoT-related businesses.

  • They introduced the Viomi Kunlun Mineral AI Water Purifier with innovative mineralizing filter technology.

  • Viomi operates a world-leading Water Purifier Gigafactory with an annual production capacity of 5 million water purifiers and 30 million filters.

  • 雲米正在進行重大業務重新組織,專注於高利潤的家用水處理市場,剝離某些表現不佳的物聯網相關業務。

  • 他們推出了具有創新礦化濾芯技術的雲米崑崙礦物人工智能淨水器。

  • 雲米運營着一個擁有年產能500萬台水淨化器和3000萬個濾芯的全球領先的水淨化器超級工廠。



  • Viomi has refocused on its home water solution products to drive profitability and long-term growth.

  • The company aims to expand globally, specifically targeting key overseas markets like North America and Southeast Asia.

  • 爲了提高盈利能力和長期增長,雲米已經將重點放在了家用水解決方案產品上。

  • 該公司旨在全球範圍內擴張,特別是針對北美和東南亞等關鍵境外市場。



  • The recent strategic shift and focus on the home water solutions sector could lead to a temporary reduction in business scale.

  • 最近的戰略轉變和對家居水處理解決方案板塊的關注可能會導致業務規模暫時下降。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


