
Want Fast-Growing Passive Income? Here Are 3 Long-Term Dividend Stocks

Want Fast-Growing Passive Income? Here Are 3 Long-Term Dividend Stocks

The Motley Fool ·  08/26 22:00

For younger investors looking to build a steady stream of passive income in retirement, dividend stocks are an excellent option to consider. Indeed, for those who are older and looking to create similar passive-income streams for spending, such stocks can be even more important to think about.

對於年輕投資者來說,在養老期間建立穩定的 passsive 收入流的話,股息股票是一個值得考慮的選擇。事實上,對於那些年紀較大的人來說,他們想要創造類似的 passsive 收入流以供支出,這些股票可能更加重要。

Fortunately, the Canadian stock market is chock full of top companies that generate growing dividends over time. The three companies on this list each have provided meaningful dividend income to investors for a very long time. Importantly, these companies have also shown the ability and willingness to raise dividends over time.


Let's dive into why these long-term dividend stocks may be worth considering right now.




Fortis (TSX:FTS) operates and owns 10 utility transmission and distribution assets in Canada and the United States. The company serves more than 3.4 million customers in the area and owns smaller stakes in multiple Caribbean utilities. Fortis offers essential services to its customers, for which it is compensated with a very powerful recurring revenue stream. Importantly, it has an excellent track record for dividend growth, increasing its dividend for more than five decades consecutively.


Over the last three years, Fortis has managed to grow its earnings per share by 4.7% per year. This showcases the strength of the company's underlying business and suggests the utility giant is well-positioned for future dividend hikes. One of the most important metrics to consider is the company's earnings before interest and taxes, which increased to 28% from 26% a year prior. So long as this fundamental growth continues, this top utility stock with a 4% dividend yield is one worth considering.


Toronto-Dominion Bank


Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX:TD) is one of Canada's top banks and operates under four business segments: Canadian personal and commercial banking, U.S. retail banking, wealth management and insurance, and wholesale banking. The company offers an excellent dividend yield of more than 5% and has provided regular and stable dividends to shareholders every quarter over the past two decades.


The bank recently published its financial results for the second quarter of 2024, highlighting diluted earnings of $1.35 per share and adjusted diluted earnings per share of $2.04. As the second-largest bank in Canada regarding deposits, investing in the Toronto-Dominion Bank is an ideal option. The bank holds a strong position and dominates the North American banking sector. It enables the bank to attract new customers and retain the existing ones by offering customized and better services. For investors seeking safety and strong passive income in retirement, this is a great option to consider, in my view.

銀行最近公佈了其2024年第二季度的財務業績,突出每股1.35美元的攤薄收益和每股調整後攤薄收益2.04美元。作爲加拿大第二大銀行,投資多倫多道明銀行是一個理想的選擇。該銀行在加拿大存款方面排名第二,佔據了強勢地位,並主導了北美銀行業板塊。它使銀行能夠通過提供定製和更好的服務來吸引新客戶並保留現有客戶。對於尋求養老時安全和穩定 passiv 收入的投資者而言,在我看來,這是一個值得考慮的絕佳選擇。

Dream Industrial REIT

夢工業地產投資信託(Dream Industrial REIT)

Dream Industrial REIT (TSX:DIR.UN) is an unincorporated and open-ended real estate investment trust (REIT) based in Canada. The company's portfolio consists of industrial properties located in the key regions of Canada and the United States. Its primary objective is to build and grow its portfolio and offer stable cash distribution to unitholders.

Dream Industrial股權房地產投資信託(TSX:DIR.UN)是一家位於加拿大的非法人和無限制的股權房地產投資信託(REIT)。該公司的投資組合包括位於加拿大和美國關鍵地區的工業物業。其主要目標是建立和發展其投資組合,並向受益人提供穩定的現金分配。

In the second quarter of 2024, Dream Industrial reported net rental income of $87.7 million, a rise of 5.6% year over year. The net income for the period came in at $61.6 million, while total assets stood at $8 billion. Dream Industrial has a strong rent mark-to-market potential with a high occupancy level of approximately 96%. Moreover, it focuses on building prime assets in core markets and accessing excess density on existing sites to generate higher returns.

在2024年第二季度,Dream Industrial報告的淨租金收入爲8770萬美元,同比增長5.6%。該時段的淨利潤爲6160萬美元,而總資產達到80億美元。Dream Industrial具有較強的租金標記對市場潛力,佔據了約96%的高出租率位置。此外,它專注於在覈心市場建立主要資產,並利用現有場地的過剩密度,以產生更高的回報。

For those looking to benefit from strong long-term appreciation trends in the world of real estate, Dream Industrial remains a top option. With a dividend yield of 5.3% at the time of wiring, this is the highest-yielding option on the list and one of the more attractive long-term plays in my book.

對於那些希望從房地產界強勁的長期增值趨勢中受益的人來說,Dream Industrial仍然是一個頂級選擇。在轉賬時的股息率爲5.3%,這是列表中收益率最高的選項之一,也是我認爲更具吸引力的長期投資之一。

