
Diana Shipping Announces Time Charter Contract For M/v G. P. Zafirakis With NYK Line; The Gross Charter Rate Is $26,800 Per Day; Employment Of "G. P. Zafirakis" Is Anticipated To Generate ~$18.49M Of Gross Revenue For The Minimum Scheduled Period Of...

Diana Shipping Announces Time Charter Contract For M/v G. P. Zafirakis With NYK Line; The Gross Charter Rate Is $26,800 Per Day; Employment Of "G. P. Zafirakis" Is Anticipated To Generate ~$18.49M Of Gross Revenue For The Minimum Scheduled Period Of...

黛安娜船舶宣佈與NYK航運簽訂了G. P. Zafirakis號的定期租船合同,租金爲每天26,800美元;計劃的最低租期內,"G. P. Zafirakis"的運營預計將產生約1,849萬美元的營業收入。
Benzinga ·  08/26 21:39

Diana Shipping Announces Time Charter Contract For M/v G. P. Zafirakis With NYK Line; The Gross Charter Rate Is $26,800 Per Day; Employment Of "G. P. Zafirakis" Is Anticipated To Generate ~$18.49M Of Gross Revenue For The Minimum Scheduled Period Of The Time Charter

黛安娜船舶宣佈與NYK Line簽訂M/v G. P. Zafirakis的定期租約合同;毛租金率爲每天$26,800;"G. P. Zafirakis"的使用預計在定期租船期內將產生約$1849萬的毛收入

Diana Shipping Inc. (NYSE:DSX), (the "Company"), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership and bareboat charter-in of dry bulk vessels, today announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it has entered into a time charter contract with Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo, for one of its Capesize dry bulk vessels, the m/v G. P. Zafirakis. The gross charter rate is US$26,800 per day, minus a 5.00% commission paid to third parties, for a period of minimum twenty-three (23) months to maximum twenty-six (26) months. The charter is expected to commence on September 9, 2024. The m/v G. P. Zafirakis was chartered, as previously announced, to Solebay Shipping Cape Company Limited, Hong Kong, at a gross charter rate of US$17,000 per day, minus a 5.00% commission paid to third parties.

全球貨幣黛安娜船舶股份有限公司(紐交所:DSX),一家專門從事幹散貨船舶所有權和租賃的全球航運公司,今天宣佈,通過其另一個全資子公司,已與日本郵船株式會社簽訂了一份關於其一艘Capesize幹散貨船舶m/v G. P. Zafirakis的定期租船合同。毛租金率爲每天26,800美元,減去支付給第三方的5.00%佣金,租期爲最少23個月至最多26個月。租約預計將於2024年9月9日開始。m/v G. P. Zafirakis此前已經宣佈與香港Solebay船舶有限公司以每天17,000美元的毛租金率,減去支付給第三方的5.00%佣金簽訂租約。

The "G. P. Zafirakis" is an 179,492 dwt Capesize dry bulk vessel built in 2014.

"G. P. Zafirakis"是一艘於2014年建造的179,492噸Capesize幹散貨船。

The employment of "G. P. Zafirakis" is anticipated to generate approximately US$18.49 million of gross revenue for the minimum scheduled period of the time charter.

"G. P. Zafirakis"的使用預計在定期租船期內將產生約1849萬美元的毛收入。

