
Stericycle and Arbor Day Foundation Celebrate Third Year of Partnership

Stericycle and Arbor Day Foundation Celebrate Third Year of Partnership

PR Newswire ·  08/26 20:00

Tree Planting Boosts Environmental Restoration and Preservation Efforts Across North America


BANNOCKBURN, Ill., Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stericycle, Inc. (Nasdaq: SRCL), a leading provider of regulated medical waste management and secure information destruction solutions, is partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation for a third consecutive year to plant approximately 45,000 additional trees across the United States and Canada. In celebration of Stericycle's 35-year anniversary, 307 additional trees are being offered through the Arbor Day Foundation's Canopy Project to honor 307 Stericycle employees with more than 25 years of service. This program is designed to give individuals the opportunity to plant trees on their own properties to take an active role in the growth and development of urban forestry in local communities.

伊利諾伊邦納克伯恩,2024年8月26日 /美通社/ Stericycle,Inc. (納斯達克:SRCL)是醫療廢物管理和保密信息銷燬解決方案的領先提供商,連續三年與植樹節基金會合作,在美國和加拿大其他地方種植約45,000棵額外的樹木。爲了慶祝消毒循環35週年,額外的307棵樹木通過植樹節基金會的樹冠項目,以表彰307名服務超過25年的消毒循環員工。此項目旨在爲個人提供在自己的財產上種植樹木的機會,積極參與當地社區的城市林業的增長和發展。

"For 35 years, Stericycle has been dedicated to supporting the communities it serves by creating a more sustainable future," commented Cindy J. Miller, president and chief executive officer at Stericycle. "Trees play a critical role in creating healthier, safer and more vibrant environments. Our collaboration with the Arbor Day Foundation enables us to further our commitment to protect what matters."


In 2024, Stericycle will support planting efforts across multiple locations in North America. In Michigan, efforts will help restore forest ecosystems on a large scale by replanting stands of native jack pines and red pines in state and national forests. Efforts in Kentucky and West Virginia will focus on helping the landscape heal after years of coal mining. A mix of tree planting efforts will improve water quality, provide an enriched habitat for specific bat species, and return land to its natural state. In Indiana, efforts will go toward repairing wetlands around the Patoka River. This includes 20 acres of former agricultural lands with a plan to return the river back to native riparian forest cover. In Delaware County near Warren, Ohio, a newly established forest will serve as a source of adventure and refuge for residents. Stericycle is also supporting planting efforts around Goethe State Forest near Apopka, Florida, by planting conifers to aid in erosion prevention by reinforcing the soil and to provide a habitat for a variety of wildlife species. Lastly, in Canada, Stericycle will support planting efforts to add native jack pine and black spruce trees back to the landscape in the boreal forest located in Manitoba surrounding Devil's Lake.


"For the past three years, Stericycle has helped support a variety of strategic reforestation projects," said Katie Loos, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. "Not only is it critical to plant the right trees at the right time, but it's also imperative for us to plant them in the ecosystems that need them most. This is why we are so appreciative to partner with an organization like Stericycle, which is dedicated to improving and restoring the diverse forests that so many depend on."

「在過去的三年中,消毒循環一直支持各種戰略性植樹項目,」 Arbor Day Foundation 的總裁凱蒂·盧斯表示。「不僅在正確的時間種植正確的樹木至關重要,還在需要它們最多的生態系統中種植它們也是至關重要的。這就是爲什麼我們非常感激能與諸如消毒循環這樣致力於改善和恢復許多人所依賴的多樣化森林的組織合作。」

During the three-year partnership, Stericycle has committed to planting over 165,000 trees, actively sequestering CO2, preserving water sources, and filtering out air pollutants. Estimates from the Arbor Day Foundation show that Stericycle's restoration efforts in 2023 specifically, will result in the following positive impacts to the environment over the next 40 years:

在這三年的合作期間,消毒循環承諾種植超過165,000棵樹木,積極隔離二氧化碳,保護水源,過濾空氣污染物。從 Arbor Day Foundation 的估計數據顯示,消毒循環在2023年的恢復努力將在接下來的40年中對環境產生以下積極影響:

  • Sequestering 18,451 metric tons of CO2 (equivalent to 4,011 fewer cars on the road for one year)*
  • Avoiding 1,594,541 gallons of water runoff (equivalent to enough water for 19,445 people for one day)*
  • Removing 81 tons of air pollutants (equivalent to enough oxygen for 180,000 people for one day)*
  • 隔離18,451公噸二氧化碳(相當於減少4,011輛汽車一年的尾氣排放量)*
  • 避免1,594,541加侖的水徑流(相當於足夠19,445人一天的用水量)*
  • 清除81噸空氣污染物(相當於足夠18萬人一天呼吸的氧氣)*

*Estimates calculated using iTree, peer-reviewed software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban and rural forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools.


To learn more about the Arbor Day Foundation, visit . To learn more about Stericycle's environmental efforts, visit .

了解更多關於 Arbor Day Foundation,請訪問 . 了解更多關於消毒循環的環保努力,請訪問 .

About Stericycle
Stericycle, Inc., is a U.S. based business-to-business services company that is celebrating 35 years of protecting what matters. As a leading provider of compliance-based solutions, the company protects people and brands, promotes health and well-being and safeguards the environment. Stericycle serves customers in North America and Europe with solutions for regulated waste and compliance services and secure information destruction. For more information about Stericycle, please visit .

Stericycle, Inc.是一家總部位於美國的商業服務公司,慶祝成立35年。作爲合規性解決方案的領先提供商,該公司保護人民和品牌,促進健康和福祉,並保護環境。Stericycle爲北美和歐洲的客戶提供合規性廢物和合規性服務以及安全的信息銷燬解決方案。欲了解更多關於Stericycle的信息,請訪問。

About the Arbor Day Foundation
Founded in 1972, the Arbor Day Foundation is the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees. Together with our partners, we have helped plant more than 500 million trees in neighborhoods, communities, cities and forests throughout the world. Our vision is to lead toward a world where trees are used to solve issues critical to survival. Through our members, partners and programs, the Arbor Day Foundation inspires people across the globe to plant, nurture and celebrate trees. More information is available at

關於Arbor Day Foundation
Arbor Day Foundation創立於1972年,是全球最大的非營利會員組織,致力於植樹造林。與合作伙伴一起,我們已經在世界各地的社區、城市和森林中種植了超過5000萬棵樹。我們的願景是引領向一個利用樹木解決生存關鍵問題的世界。通過我們的會員、合作伙伴和項目,Arbor Day Foundation激勵全球各地的人們種植、培育和慶祝樹木。更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact:
Media Relations
Stericycle, Inc.
[email protected]

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SOURCE Stericycle

來源 消毒循環

