
Golden Spike Comments on Recent Promotional Activity Pursuant to OTC Markets' Request

Golden Spike Comments on Recent Promotional Activity Pursuant to OTC Markets' Request

Golden Spike對場外交易市場的要求進行了最近的促銷活動評論
newsfile ·  2024/08/23 22:29

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 23, 2024) - Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y) (the "Company" or "Golden Spike") has been requested by OTC Markets Group Inc. ("OTC Markets") to issue this statement about promotional activity concerning its common shares traded on the OTCQB market (operated by OTC Markets).

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州--(新聞發佈公司 - 2024年8月23日)- 黃金尖峯資源公司(CSE:GLDS)(OTCQB:GSPRF)(FSE:L5Y)(以下簡稱「公司」或「黃金尖峯」)已被OTC Markets Group Inc.(以下簡稱「OTC Markets」)要求就其在OTCQb市場(由OTC Markets運營)交易的普通股的促銷活動發佈本聲明。

On August 19, 2024, OTC Markets informed the Company that it became aware of certain promotional activities concerning the Company and its common shares traded on the OTCQB market, including the distribution of a promotional newsletter email published by Spartan Trading Inc. discussing the Company, its investors, management team and exploration and development strategies. OTC Markets provided a copy of the promotional material for reference.

2024年8月19日,OTC Markets通知公司,其獲悉了有關公司及其在OTCQb市場交易的普通股的某些促銷活動,包括由Spartan Trading Inc.發佈的一份促銷通訊郵件,討論了公司、其投資者、管理團隊以及勘探和開發策略。OTC Markets提供了促銷材料的副本供參考。

The promotional material was derived from a third-party marketing and advertising firm. On August 6, 2024, the Company entered into an advisory agreement (the "VHLA Agreement") with Black Swan Solutions Inc. doing business as VHLA Media Inc. ("VHLA"), whereby VHLA agreed to provide marketing services to the Company. VHLA is permitted to further hire third parties. The agreement entered into with VHLA is valid until February 6, 2025, if not earlier terminated by mutual consent.

該促銷材料來源於第三方市場營銷和廣告公司。2024年8月6日,公司與以VHLA Media Inc.(以下簡稱「VHLA」)經營的Black Swan Solutions Inc.達成了顧問協議(以下簡稱「VHLA協議」),VHLA同意爲公司提供營銷服務。VHLA有權進一步聘請第三方。與VHLA達成的協議有效期至2025年2月6日,除非雙方同意提前終止。

After an inquiry of management, the directors and control persons, the Company was aware of the distribution of the newsletter on August 19, 2024 after it was distributed. The Company paid for its distribution pursuant to the agreement with VHLA. However, none of the Company's directors, officers, or controlling shareholders were involved, directly, with the creation of the materials nor was management informed of the specific release date and time. The Company provided the service providers publicly available sources of information for the newsletters and did not have editorial control over the materials, except that the Company reviewed information specific to the Company for factual accuracy prior to its dissemination. The newsletter presented factual statements regarding the Company's mineral properties, exploration and business strategies and investors.


The Company does not believe the statements in the newsletter were false or misleading, but wishes to caution readers that such statements are speculative in nature. The Company has been advised by OTC Markets that OTC Markets takes the position that the newsletter touts the Company and encourages investors to purchase its shares. For more complete and specific information regarding the Company, its prospects, and the risks associated with those prospects, readers should consult the Company's public filings on SEDAR+, its website, and other reliable sources. The Company encourages investors to contact their investment advisors prior to making any investment.


Further, the Company understands this promotional activity may have coincided with increased trading activity in the common shares beginning on August 19, 2024. The Company believes the increased trading activity resulted from a combination of factors including the following: (i) certain promotional materials in respect of the Company were prepared by VHLA pursuant to the VHLA Agreement and released to the public on or about August 19, 2024; and (ii) the Company issued a news release on August 19, 2024, announcing that it had completed its Phase 1 exploration program at its Gregory River copper-gold property in western Newfoundland.

此外,公司了解到這種推廣活動可能與2024年8月19日開始的普通股交易活動增加有關。公司認爲交易活動增加是由以下因素的組合引起的:(i)VHLA根據VHLA協議準備的某些宣傳材料於2024年8月19日左右向公衆發佈;(ii)公司於2024年8月19日發表了一份新聞稿,宣佈其在紐芬蘭西部的Gregory River銅金礦產項目完成了第一階段勘探計劃。

After an inquiry of management and the directors, none of the officers and directors of the Company sold or purchased securities of the Company within the past 90 days except as disclosed below:


  • On August 19, 2024 prior to opening of the markets, a director of the Company sold an aggregate of 200,000 common shares at a price of $0.21 per common share.
  • 2024年8月19日股市開盤前,公司的一位董事以每股0.21美元的價格出售了共20萬股普通股。

After an inquiry of control persons, to the extent of management's knowledge, none of the controlling shareholders have sold or purchased the Company's securities within the past 90 days. Additionally, after an inquiry of third-party service providers, management is not aware of any third-party service providers who have sold or purchased the Company's securities within the past 90 days.


OTC Markets has further requested that the Company state whether, at any point, it has issued any shares or convertible instruments allowing conversion to equity securities at prices constituting a discount to the current market rate at the time of the issuance. The Company confirms that it has issued shares and convertible securities at a discount to market at the time of issuance as is industry practice for Canadian Securities Exchange listed companies. Details are provided in the Company's public filings on SEDAR+.

OTC Markets公司要求公司聲明,是否在任何時候發行過任何股票或可轉換工具,其轉換爲股票的價格低於發行時的市場價。公司確認,作爲加拿大證券交易所上市公司的行業慣例,公司已經以低於市場價格發行股票和可轉換證券。詳細信息已在SEDAR+的公司公開文件中提供。

In the past 12 months, the Company has entered into an agreement with VHLA, as previously described above, to provide marketing services. The Company has also entered into an advisory agreement with Altitude Capital Consultants Inc. ("Altitude") dated August 15, 2024, pursuant to which Altitude agreed to provide marketing advice, services related to market analysis strategy and market maintenance and financial advisory support. The agreement entered into with Altitude is valid until August 12, 2025, if not earlier terminated by mutual consent.

在過去的12個月中,公司與VHLA達成了一項協議,如上所述,提供營銷服務。公司還與Altitude Capital Consultants Inc.(以下簡稱"Altitude")於2024年8月15日簽訂了一項顧問協議,根據該協議,Altitude同意提供市場分析策略和市場維護的市場諮詢和財務諮詢支持。與Altitude簽訂的協議有效期至2025年8月12日,除非雙方共同同意提前終止。

About Golden Spike

關於Golden Spike

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE:GLDS), (OTCQB: GSPRF), (FSE: L5Y) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring and unlocking value in mineral opportunities in Canada and other low-risk jurisdictions. The Company currently holds 100% interest in the 5,050-hectare Gregory River Property in Newfoundland, strategically centered over an approximate 11-kilometer-long stretch of the Gregory River VMS-belt, a north-northeast trending corridor of very prospective ground with potential to host Cyprus-type polymetallic VMS deposits. In addition, the Property hosts a cluster of historically explored, high-grade, copper ±gold vein structures.

Golden Spike Resources Corp.(CSE:GLDS),(OTCQB:GSPRF),(FSE:L5Y)是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於在加拿大和其他低風險司法管轄區識別、收購和開發礦產機會的價值。該公司目前擁有位於紐芬蘭的5050公頃的Gregory River Property的100%權益,該地理位置位於Gregory River VMS礦帶的一段長約11公里的北東走向走廊上,是一片具有潛力容納塞浦路斯類型多金屬VMS礦牀的有利地塊。此外,該物業還擁有一簇歷史上勘探過的高品位銅±黃金脈石結構。



Keith Anderson

Keith Anderson

Golden Spike Resources Corp.
830 - 1100 Melville St.,
Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774

Golden Spike資源股份有限公司。
830-1100 Melville St.,
溫哥華BC,V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774


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