
EnWave Reports 2024 Third Quarter Consolidated Interim Financial Results

EnWave Reports 2024 Third Quarter Consolidated Interim Financial Results

GlobeNewswire ·  08/23 21:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EnWave Corporation (TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U) ("EnWave", or the "Company") today reported the Company's consolidated interim financial results for the third quarter ended June 30th, 2024, demonstrating strong improvement over the first and second quarters this fiscal year.

2024年8月23日,加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年6月30日截止的第三季度結束,EnWave公司(TSX-V:ENW | FSE:E4U)("EnWave"或"公司")今天報告了公司的第三季度財務狀況,顯示出財年第一和第二季度的顯著改善。

All values in thousands and denoted in CAD unless otherwise stated.


  • Reported revenue for Q3 2024 of $2,622 compared to $2,486 for Q3 2023, representing an increase of $136. The increase was related to a large-scale machine resale with a higher margin and increased small scale machines sales for the period.
  • Reported royalty revenues of $425, representing an increase of $31 relative to the comparable period in the prior year due to increased sales and production from current royalty partners.
  • Reported an Adjusted EBITDA(1) (refer to NON-IFRS Financial Measures section below) profit of $85 for Q3 2024, compared to an Adjusted EBITDA(1) loss of $192 in the same period in the prior year due to the resale of a high margin large-scale machine and increased royalty revenues.
  • Gross margin for the three months ended Q3 2024 was 44% compared to 29% for the three months ended Q3 2023. The increase in margin was a result of the resale of the large-scale machine with a higher margin and increased royalties.
  • Reported Selling, General & Administrative ("SG&A") costs (including Research & Development ("R&D")) of $1,364 which increased by $178 from the comparable period in the prior year due to increased personnel costs, legal fees and increased sales efforts, including higher attendance at trade shows.
  • 2024年第三季度的報告營業收入爲2,622萬美元,而2013年第三季度爲2,486萬美元,增加了136萬美元。增長是由於一次大規模機器的轉售與更高的毛利率,以及本期小規模機器銷售的增加。
  • 報告的版稅收入爲425萬美元,與上年同期相比增加了31萬美元,這是由於現有版稅合作伙伴的銷售和生產增加所致。
  • 2024年第三季度調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(參見下文的非IFRS財務指標部分)爲85萬美元,而去年同期爲虧損192萬美元,這是由於大規模機器的高毛利轉售和版稅收入的增加所致。
  • 截至2024年第三季度的毛利率爲44%,而截至2013年第三季度爲29%。毛利率的增加是由於高毛利率的大規模機器轉售和版稅的增加所致。
  • 報告的銷售、總務("SG&A")成本(包括研發("R&D"))爲1,364美元,比去年同期增加了178美元,原因是人員成本增加、法律費用增加以及銷售力度增加,包括參加貿易展會的人數增加。

Consolidated Financial Performance:


($ '000s) Three months ended June 30,
Nine months ended June 30,
Change Change
2024 2023 % 2024 2023 %
Revenues 2,622 2,486 5 % 4,547 9,906 (54%)
Direct costs (1,471) (1,767) (17%) (3,330) (5,894) (44%)
Gross margin 1,151 719 60 % 1,217 4,012 (70%)
Operating expenses
General and administration 664 501 33 % 1,740 1,753 (1%)
Sales and marketing 358 277 29 % 1,149 1,167 (2%)
Research and development 342 408 (16%) 1,127 1,220 (8%)
1,364 1,186 15 % 4,016 4,140 (3%)
Net loss - continuous operations (235) (918) 74 % (2,938) (974) 206 %
Net loss - discontinued operations (32) (1,031) 97 % (35) (5,703) 99 %
Adjusted EBITDA(1) income (loss) 85 (192) 144 % (1,939) 703 (376%)
Loss per share:
Continuous operations – basic and diluted $ 0.00 $ (0.01) $ (0.02) $ (0.01)
Discontinued operations – basic and diluted $ 0.00 $ (0.01) $ 0.00 $ (0.05)
Basic and diluted $ 0.00 $ (0.02) $ (0.02) $ (0.06)
(千美元) 截止到6月30日的三個月
變更 變更
2024 2023 % 2024 2023 %
收入 開空期租賃成本 2,486 5 % 4,547 9,906 (54%)
直接成本 (1,471) (1,767) (17%) (3,330) (5,894) (44%)
毛利率 1,151 719 60 % 1,217 4,012 (70%)
管理費用 664 501 33 % 1,740 1,753 (1%)
銷售及營銷費用 358 277 29 % 1,149 1,167 (2%)
研發 342 408 (16%) 1,127 1,220 (8%)
1,364 1,186 15 % 4,016 4,140 (3%)
(235) (918) 74 % (2,938) (974) 206 %
(32) (1,031) 97 % (35) (5,703) 99 %
85 (192) 144 % (1,939) 703
$ 0.00 $ (0.01) $ (0.02) $ (0.01)
$ $ (0.01) $ $ (0.05)
基本和稀釋 $ $ (0.02) $ (0.02) $ (0.06)

(1) Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure. Refer to the Non-IFRS Financial Measures disclosure below for a reconciliation to the nearest IFRS equivalent.
EnWave's consolidated interim financial statements and MD&A are available on SEDAR+ at and on the Company's website


Key Financial Highlights for the Nine Months Ended Q3 2024 (expressed in 000's)

  • Royalties for the nine months ending June 30, 2024 were $1,319 compared to $1,085 for the same period ending June 30, 2023, an increase of $234 or 22%. Royalties grew due to increased partner product sales and production offset by a decrease in exclusivity fees.
  • Reported revenue for Q3 2024 of $4,547, representing a decrease of $5,349 relative to the comparable period in the prior year. The decrease was related to overall fewer machine sales and machines in fabrication compared to the prior period due to the inherent volatility in large-scale Radiant Energy Vacuum ("REV") machine orders.
  • SG&A costs for the nine months ending June 30, 2024 were $4,016 compared to $4,140 for the same period ending June 30, 2023, a decrease of $124, as a result of concerted efforts to maintain discretionary spending.
  • Adjusted EBITDA(1) loss for the nine months ended Q3 2024 of $1,939, compared to an Adjusted EBITDA(1) profit of $703 in the same period in the prior year due to fewer machine sales to absorb fixed overhead costs.

Significant Corporate Accomplishments in Q3 2024 and Subsequently:

  • Signed a Technology Evaluation and License Option Agreement with a North American food company led by a renowned chef with multiple Michelin Stars.
  • Signed an Equipment Purchase Agreement for a 120kW REV dehydration machine with an existing royalty partner.
  • Signed an Equipment Purchase Agreement with BranchOut Foods LLC, a current royalty partner, for a 100kW REV dehydration machine to provide additional drying capacity.
  • Signed a Commercial License Agreement with Bounty Specialty Foods to produce several product types in the Philippines and sold a 10kW REV dehydration machine for product development.
  • Signed a Commercial Licence Agreement with an existing royalty partner to produce several tropical fruit products in an unspecified Central American country. An annual six-figure royalty fee will be paid in exchange for the exclusive rights.
  • Subsequent to the quarter, repurchased a large-scale machine from a cannabis multi-state operator to expedite the completion of the 120kW REV Branchout Foods LLC Equipment Purchase Agreement.

Non-IFRS Financial Measures:

This news release refers to Adjusted EBITDA which is a non-IFRS financial measure. We define Adjusted EBITDA as earnings before deducting amortization and depreciation, stock-based compensation, foreign exchange gain or loss, finance expense or income, income tax expense or recovery and non-recurring impairment, restructuring and severance charges, and discontinued operations. This measure is not necessarily comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies and should not be construed as an alternative to net income or cash flow from operating activities as determined in accordance with IFRS. Please refer to the reconciliation between Adjusted EBITDA and the most comparable IFRS financial measure reported in the Company's consolidated interim financial statements.

Three months ended
June 30,

Nine months ended
June 30
($ '000s) 2024 2023 2024 2023
Net loss after income tax (267) (1,949) (2,973) (6,677)
Amortization and depreciation 299 276 862 841
Stock-based compensation 32 103 218 468
Foreign exchange (gain) loss (9) 54 (36) 86
Finance income (42) (53) (148) (132)
Finance expense 40 31 103 99
Non-recurring impairment expense - 315 - 315
Discontinued operations 32 1,031 35 5,703
Adjusted EBITDA 85 (192) (1,939) 703
2024 2023 2024 2023
扣除所得稅後的淨虧損 (267) (1,949) (2,973) (6,677)
攤銷和折舊 299 276 862 841
以股票爲基礎的報酬計劃 32 103 218 468
匯率期貨(獲利)損失 -9 54 (36) 86
財務收益 -42 (53) (148) (132)
財務費用 40 31 103 99
- 315 - 315
已停業的業務 32 1,031 35 5,703
調整後的EBITDA 85 (192) (1,939) 703

Non-IFRS financial measures should be considered together with other data prepared in accordance with IFRS to enable investors to evaluate the Company's operating results, underlying performance and prospects in a manner similar to EnWave's management. Accordingly, these non-IFRS financial measures are intended to provide additional information and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. For more information, please refer to the Non-IFRS Financial Measures section in the Company's MD&A available on SEDAR+ .

About EnWave
EnWave is a global leader in the innovation and application of vacuum microwave dehydration. From its headquarters in Delta, BC, EnWave has developed a robust intellectual property portfolio, perfected its Radiant Energy Vacuum (REV) technology, and transformed an innovative idea into a proven, consistent, and scalable drying solution for the food, pharmaceutical and cannabis industries that vastly outperforms traditional drying methods in efficiency, capacity, product quality, and cost.

EnWave是真空微波脫水技術創新和應用的全球領導者。總部位於英屬哥倫比亞省Delta市的EnWave已經開發了強大的知識產權組合,完善了其Radiant Energy Vacuum(REV)技術,並將創新的想法轉化爲一種經過驗證、一致、可擴展的乾燥解決方案,爲食品、製藥和大麻行業提供了比傳統乾燥方法在效率、產能、產品質量和成本方面都要更出色的解決方案。

With more than fifty royalty-generating partners spanning twenty-three countries and five continents, EnWave's licensed partners are creating profitable, never-before-seen snacks and ingredients, improving the quality and consistency of their existing offerings, running leaner and getting to market faster with the company's patented technology, licensed machinery, and expert guidance.


EnWave's strategy is to sign royalty-bearing commercial licenses with food producers who want to dry better, faster and more economical than freeze drying, rack drying and air drying, and enjoy the following benefits of producing exciting new products, reaching optimal moisture levels up to seven times faster, and improve product taste, texture, color and nutritional value.


Learn more at


EnWave Corporation
Mr. Brent Charleton, CFA
President and CEO

Mr. Brent Charleton, CFA

For further information:


Brent Charleton, CFA, President and CEO at +1 (778) 378-9616

Brent Charleton, CFA,總裁兼首席執行官,電話+1(778)378-9616

Dylan Murray, CPA, CA, CFO at +1 (778) 870-0729

Dylan Murray,CPA,CA,首席財務官+1(778)870-0729

Safe Harbour for Forward-Looking Information Statements: This press release may contain forward-looking information based on management's expectations, estimates and projections. All statements that address expectations or projections about the future, including statements about the Company's strategy for growth, product development, market position, expected expenditures, and the expected synergies following the closing are forward-looking statements. All third-party claims referred to in this release are not guaranteed to be accurate. All third-party references to market information in this release are not guaranteed to be accurate as the Company did not conduct the original primary research. These statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


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