
Onex Partners to Invest in Fischbach

Onex Partners to Invest in Fischbach

Onex Partners將投資Fischbach
GlobeNewswire ·  08/23 04:30

All amounts in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated


TORONTO, Aug. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Onex Corporation ("Onex") (TSX: ONEX) today announced that Onex Partners Opportunities Fund has agreed to make a majority investment in Fischbach KG ("Fischbach" or the "Company"), the world's largest provider of cartridge packaging solutions for sealants and adhesives used in building repair, renovation, & construction, aftermarket automotive, marine weather & water-sealing applications, and aerospace bonding applications. The investment has been made alongside the existing owner-management group, led by Managing Directors Thomas Langensiepen and Achim Helmenstein. Financial terms were not disclosed.

多倫多,2024年8月22日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Onex Corporation ("Onex") (TSX: ONEX)今天宣佈,Onex Partners Opportunities Fund已同意以多數投資方式參股Fischbach KG ("Fischbach"或"公司"),該公司是世界上最大的密封膠和粘接劑的卡帶包裝解決方案供應商,用於建築修復、翻新與施工,售後汽車、海洋天氣與水封裝應用和航空航天膠粘應用。此項投資已與現有的業主管理團隊共同完成,由Thomas Langensiepen和Achim Helmenstein等總經理領導。具體交易條款未披露。

Headquartered in Engelskirchen, Germany, Fischbach provides full system solutions including plastic cartridges, associated plungers and nozzles, as well as cartridge filling machines and ancillary equipment used in customer sealant and adhesive filling facilities. With a history stretching back to 1954, the Company invented the plastic caulking tube and has remained at the forefront of the industry through its best-in-class manufacturing technology, reliable supply of high-quality products, and differentiated R&D capabilities. The Company primarily operates out of seven production facilities in Germany, U.S., Belgium, UK, and Spain.


Chrisanth Gradischnig, a Senior Principal at Onex Partners, said "Fischbach's engineering excellence and track record as an innovation leader and reliable supplier of high-quality products has enabled the Company to build decades-long relationships with key customers. We have been consistently impressed by Fischbach's technology leadership, driving the industry forward through innovative product launches, and are excited to support further investment to pursue growth opportunities going forward."

Onex Partners的高級負責人Chrisanth Gradischnig表示:"Fischbach在工程卓越和作爲創新領導者和可靠高質量產品供應商的記錄使公司能夠與關鍵客戶建立數十年的合作關係。Fischbach在技術領導方面一直給我們留下深刻的印象,通過創新產品推出推動行業向前發展,並非常興奮地支持進一步投資以追求未來的增長機會"。

Nigel Wright, Co-Head of Onex Partners, added "Fischbach is an excellent business, with a global reputation for delivering leading-edge cartridge system solutions. We are proud to be the first institutional investors in the Company and that the owner-managers have chosen to partner with us. Such partnerships are a hallmark of Onex Partners and the investment aligns with our theme of investing in high quality businesses with controllable value creation levers. It builds on our rich heritage in the packaging sector, a core vertical for Onex Partners."

Onex Partners聯席負責人Nigel Wright表示:「Fischbach是一家很棒的業務,在全球享有卓越聲譽,以提供領先的彈夾系統解決方案而聞名。我們爲能成爲該公司首個機構投資者感到自豪,也爲業主經理選擇與我們合作感到驕傲。這樣的合作是Onex Partners的標誌,這項投資符合我們投資於可控價值創造槓桿的高品質企業的主題。它延續了我們在包裝板塊的豐富傳統,這是Onex Partners的核心垂直領域。」

Managing Directors Thomas Langensiepen and Achim Helmenstein said, "We are delighted to partner with Onex Partners in the next stage of our growth journey. Onex shares our values, our vision for growth, and our relentless focus on delivering best-in-class product to our customers. We have been impressed by Onex' lengthy track record in the packaging sector and are confident they are the right partners for Fischbach's next chapter."

董事Thomas Langensiepen和Achim Helmenstein表示:「能與Onex Partners合作邁向我們的增長征程的下一個階段,我們感到非常高興。Onex與我們分享價值觀,我們對增長的願景以及我們對爲客戶提供一流產品的不懈追求。我們對Onex在包裝板塊的悠久記錄印象深刻,並確信他們是Fischbach下一篇章的正確合作伙伴。」

The transaction is expected to close later this year, subject to customary closing conditions.


About Onex


Onex invests and manages capital on behalf of its shareholders and clients across the globe. Formed in 1984, we have a long track record of creating value for our clients and shareholders. Our investors include a broad range of global clients, including public and private pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, family offices and high-net-worth individuals. In total, Onex has $49 billion in assets under management, of which $8.5 billion is Onex' own investing capital. With offices in Toronto, New York, New Jersey and London, Onex and its experienced management teams are collectively the largest investors across Onex' platforms.


Onex is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ONEX. For more information on Onex, visit . Onex' security filings can also be accessed at .


About Fischbach KG

Fischbach KG is the world's largest provider of cartridge packaging solutions for sealants and adhesives used in building repair, renovation, & construction, aftermarket automotive, marine weather & water-sealing applications, and aerospace bonding applications. Headquartered in Engelskirchen, Germany, the Company provides full system solutions including plastic cartridges, associated plungers and nozzles, as well as cartridge filling machines and ancillary equipment used in customer sealant and adhesive filling facilities. Fischbach's geographic footprint primarily includes seven factories across Germany, US, Belgium, UK, and Spain.

Fischbach KG是全球最大的密封膠和粘合劑包裝解決方案提供商,用於建築維修、翻新、售後汽車、航天粘接應用等。總部位於德國Engelskirchen,公司提供包括塑料膠囊、相關柱塞和噴嘴、以及膠囊填充機和輔助設備在內的全套系統解決方案,用於客戶密封膠和粘合劑的填裝設施。Fischbach的地理覆蓋範圍主要包括德國、美國、比利時、英國和西班牙的七家工廠。

Forward Looking Statements


This press release may contain, without limitation, statements concerning possible or assumed future operations, performance or results preceded by, followed by or that include words such as "believes", "expects", "potential", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" and words of similar connotation, which would constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees. The reader should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and information because they involve significant and diverse risks and uncertainties that may cause actual operations, performance, or results to be materially different from those indicated in these forward-looking statements. Except as may be required by Canadian securities law, Onex is under no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained herein should material facts change due to new information, future events or other factors. These cautionary statements expressly qualify all forward-looking statements in this press release.


For Further Information:
Jill Homenuk
Managing Director – Shareholder
Relations and Communications
Tel: +1 416.362.7711
Zev Korman
Vice President, Shareholder
Relations and Communications
Tel: +1 416.362.7711
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