
OSI Systems, Inc. (OSIS) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

OSI Systems, Inc. (OSIS) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

OSI Systems, Inc.(OSIS)2024年第4季度業績會議通話摘要
富途資訊 ·  08/23 02:58  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the OSI Systems, Inc. (OSIS) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是osi systems公司(OSIS)2024財年第四季度業績會議記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • OSI Systems reported a Q4 revenue of $481 million, a 17% increase year-over-year, driven by outstanding performance in the Security division.

  • Q4 non-GAAP adjusted earnings per share were at a record $2.84.

  • Full fiscal year 2024 revenues reached a record $1.54 billion, marking a 20% increase from the previous year, with non-GAAP adjusted EPS at $8.13 for the year, up 31%.

  • The company concluded the year with a strong backlog of approximately $1.7 billion, providing visibility for fiscal year 2025.

  • osi systems報告第四季度營業收入爲48100萬美元,同比增長17%,主要由安防-半導體業績突出推動。

  • 第四季度非GAAP調整後每股收益創下2.84美元的記錄。

  • 2024財政年全年營業收入達到創紀錄的154億美元,較上年增長20%,財年財政非GAAP調整後每股收益爲8.13美元,同比增長31%。

  • 公司以約17億美元的強勁積壓訂單結束了財年,爲2025財年提供了可見性。

Business Progress:


  • Security division showed remarkable growth with Q4 revenues up 27% year-over-year, primarily driven by significant programs including a major program with Mexico's SEDENA and a $200 million international contract.

  • Opto Electronics Manufacturing division achieved record revenues of $102 million in Q4, focusing on strategic near-shoring to reduce dependency on Chinese supply chains.

  • Healthcare division showed robust performance despite challenges, securing a $6 million award from a U.S. hospital.

  • 安防-半導體業務表現強勁,第四季度營業收入同比增長27%,主要受到包括與墨西哥SEDENA的大型項目和2億美元國際合同在內的重大項目的推動。

  • 光電子製造業務在第四季度實現了10200萬美元的營業收入,重點關注戰略性近岸外包以減少對中國供應鏈的依賴。

  • 儘管面臨挑戰,醫療保健部門表現強勁,獲得了來自美國醫院的600萬美元的獎勵。



  • Continued focus on expanding service revenues which carry higher margins compared to product revenues.

  • Strong backlog and robust pipeline of opportunities across security, opto electronics, and healthcare divisions predicting favorable growth in fiscal year 2025.

  • 繼續專注於拓展較高利潤率的服務收入,相比產品收入更具競爭優勢。

  • 安防、光電子和醫療保健部門積壓訂單強勁,機會管道充實,預計2025財年有利的增長。



  • The company anticipates fluctuations in gross margin influenced by revenue mix and varying operational costs.

  • Possible impacts from ongoing adjustments in supply chain and inventory levels affecting near-term financial outcomes.

  • 公司預計毛利率會受到營收結構和不同的運營成本的影響而波動。

  • 持續調整供應鏈和庫存水平可能對近期的財務狀況產生影響。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


